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Angola Oil Add-On

More water shortages in Namibia will force the government to build hydro-electric dams and pipelines to exploit the Okavango Basin, blocking sediments.. This causes war with its neighbors—Angola and Botswana

Mbaiwa 3 (Joseph E. Mbaiwa University of Botswana, Harry Oppenheimer Okavango Research Centre. "Causes and possible solutions to potential water resource conflicts in the Okavango River Basin: The case of Angola, Namibia and Botswana."


The Okavango River… living along the basin.

Angola is key to Chinese energy security—it is its largest supplier of crude oil on the African Continent.

Horta, 06 [Lora, Asian security analyst based in Beijing, regular contributor to the Straits Times, Asia Times and the Jakarta Post, 23 June 2006 ''China and Angola Strengthen Bilateral Relationship'']
In 2004, Angola became China's…. policies has increased accordingly.

War in the delta causes oil market collapse—conflict creates battle for access to pipelines larger cuts from the petrodollar, and bunkering would sky-rocket oil prices.

Thompson, 07 (Christopher, reporter for the Black Agenda Report, a journal about African American political thought and action. The Scramble for Africa's Oil. June 20,
Within a decade…. send world oil prices sky-high.

Energy security is key to preventing war in the South china Sea—China will go to war for oil.

Lai, 07 (Hongyi Harry, Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, China's oil diplomacy: is it a global security threat?, Third World Quarterly, Volume 28, Issue 3 April 2007, pages 519 - 537, EBSCOhost)
In recent years international security.

The impact is extinction

Cirincione, 00[ Cirincione, director of the Non-Proliferation Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2000 Joseph, Foreign Policy, "The Asian Nuclear Reaction Chain," Lexis]
The blocks would… nuclear weapon since 1945.

Kenyan Water-Wars Add-On

Kenyan Wetlands destruction leads to a full out war killing 3 billion people
African Church Information Service, 01 (Highly qualified because they speak the word of God, March 5, 2001, AllAfrica)
Disagreements over water catchment….. control arable land - with water.

Egypt would be involved—they have heavy interest in the Nile that flows into Lake Victoria.

Mostly Africa, 07 (:"Kenya: ... will no longer honour Nile Treaty ... Egypt mad")
Kenya has decided it will no longer …. relationship to the river.

Africa-Egypt war will go nuclear

PINR 2k6 (Dario Cristiano, 10/4,
Cairo has produced… around the world.

Mercer Island CK – Negative

Hegemony Bad 

1) Hegemony is gone, Multipolarity is emerged. Even if they win a risk of deterring rivals, domestic issues mean primacy can’t be sustained.


Olive, 07 (David, the Toronto Star, “From Hyperpower to New World Disorder,” December 29) 

2) Refusing to allow the rise of new powers fails and ensures great power conflict – abandoning a strategy of hegemony would force smaller powers to take care of regional problems 

Schwarz and Layne, 02 (Benjamin and Christopher, Editor of the Atlantic and Research Fellow with the Center on Peace and Libberty at the Independent Institute “A New Grand Strategy” Atlantic Monthly, January 1st)

3) Even if they win they can prolong hegemony in the short term, they can’t sustain it—re-balancing of power, strategic overstretch, and financial burdens.


Layne, 06 (Christopher,Professor of Political Science at Texas A&MThe Peace of Illusions: American Grand Strategy from 1940 to Present, Cornell University Press (Ithica), p. 148)

4) Space

A) Hegemony causes a buildup of space weapons.


Michael E. O’Hanlon, Testimony before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces of the House Armed Services Committee, 2006

[“The State of Space: From Strategic Reconnaissance to Tactical Warfighting to Possible Weaponsization” ed. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution, June 21, p. 13]

B) Extinction


Washington Times, 05[“Nuclear War Threat Still Very Real”,] 

5) Proliferation

A) Hegemony causes proliferation and oil shocks

Weber et al, 07 (Steven, How Globalization Went Bad, Foreign Policy)

B) Escalatory nuclear war. 

Utgoff, 02 (Victor, Deputy Director for Strategy, Forces and Resources at the Institute for Defense Analyses, Survival, “Proliferation, Missile Defense and American Ambitions”, Volume 44, Number 2, Summer, p. 87-90) 

C. Economic Collapse and Extinction


Riddoch, 04 (Dr. Malcolm, Faculty of Communications and Creative Industries, Edith Cowan University, June 19,

US hegemony spawns a Russia-China alliance. The impact is extinction.


Roberts, 07 Former Senior Research Fellow @ the Hoover Institution, Former Distinguished Cato Fellow, Former William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy @ the CSIS, Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration (Paul Craig, 8/9,, “US Hegemony Spawns Russian-Chinese Military Alliance,”

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