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Water Affirmative- Disease Add-on

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Water Affirmative- Disease Add-on

Providing sanitized water access will eradicate diseases throughout Sub-Saharan Africa – multiple ways


[Meg & Richard, et al. USAID Water Team, "Towards a Water Secure Future: USAID’s Obligations In Water Resources Management For FY 2000,"]

In this chapter, we focus on the health ……..drainage and sanitation conditions.

Epidemics will cause human extinction – they are fast and historically likely


[“Twenty Ways the World Could End” by Corey Powell in Discover Magazine, October 2000,]

If Earth doesn't do us in, ……….transport as they migrated into the New World.

Water Affirmative- A/T: Bush Bad

1. Winners –Lose – Bush’s past success prove

Jeremy Weidenhof, writer for the Lone Star Times, 2007
The economy is probably one ………….of evidence to the contrary.
2. It would take massive political capital to implement any large water initiative – multiple obstacles

Peterson, 6-21-07 (Erik Peterson, Senior Vice President , CSIS. “Below the Surface: U.S. International Water Policy.”,com_csis_progj/task,view/id,969/)

In a recent report to Congress mandated …………… political will to put a far-sighted strategy into place.

3. There is congressional opposition to increasing assistance for clean water and development

Citizens for Global Solutions, 5

("Foreign Aid, HIV/AIDS, Water, and Sanitation on Global Agenda for 109th Congress," 2-18-2005, , JMP)

In his most recent budget, President Bush ……………. to reduce overall spending in this budget.
4. Flip-Flop

A. The plan is a flip-flop – Bush has resisted expansion of African water programs

AP, 5-16-07 (“U.N. official tells U.S. Congress about worldwide water deficit.”
Rep. Donald Payne, a Democrat …………… the spirit of the legislation.
B. Flip flops kill agenda

Reuters, 6 / 10 / 0 7 (No writer given, “It’s the year of the flip-flop in U.S. politics”, June 10, 2007,

CONSISTENCY, RELIABILITY, PREDICTABILITY …………. playing gotcha has become much more prevalent," he said.

Water Affirmative- A/T: Bush Good

1. Plan is overwhelmingly popular – Water for the Poor Act of 2005 proves

GovTrack, 07 (, database of federal legislation, H.R. 1973 – 109th Congress (2005),, accessed July 24 2007)
H.R. 1973 [109th]: Senator Paul …………… A record of each representative's position was not kept.
2. Popular acts don’t cost political capital – they boost it- Congress men and women will vote with the public

ROBERTS 11 – 9 – 04 Political Science BA, University of New Mexico

[Dane, “Democrats need sharp vision,” Daily Lobo, via University Wire]
"Political capital" might be described as good ……….. will increase, not decrease, his political capital.
3. Bush proves winners will win.

FORTIER & ORNSTEIN 03 studies politics, the presidency, continuity of government, elections, the electoral college, election reform, and presidential succession disability & American Enterprise Institute

Fortier - Ornstein - American Enterprise Institute. 2003 (John C. & Norman J.)
George W. Bush has followed the motto ……………of his strong leadership began to suffer.
4. The plan has bipartisan support

Keating, 06 (Center for Strategic and International Studies, Laura Keating, Global Strategy Institute, March 22, 2006)

In late 2005, Congress ……………for the State Department and USAID.
5. Bipart key to the agenda – Clinton & Graham prove

Melton, 07 (Marissa Melton, VOA News, February 3 2007, “US Senators Stress Bipartisanship”,

U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton, a Democrat from ……………..Lindsey Grahams of the world can't work together, America's best days are over.

Milton BL – Affirmative – Methodology

Plan: The United States federal government should increase the amount of condoms given to topically specified regions

Contention 1 is the Status quo
The current political model for overpopulation is flawed. It uses a central sovereign decision maker which creates policies through abstract and technological ideologies. The impacts are exaggerated and often perceived as inevitable through this flawed dichotomy. To overcome the problems, we cannot disregard overpopulation but rather find another solution.

Spahn 97

[Elizabeth Spahn, Professor of Law, New England School of Law, Winter 1997, 27 Envtl. L. 1295, l/n]

The United States has exposed a foreign policy agenda that takes away choice from women by focusing on abortion based policy. The only way to solve is by overcoming its own values through discussion.

Ernst, Katzive, and Smock 04

[University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, April 6]
This international countercurrent has been …………interpretation of U.S. abortion policies.
The Advantage is Methodology
The Status quo’s use of silencing of womyn through policy issues leads to feelings of disempowerment.

Delfs 96

[Elizabeth A., Attorney @ Cambridge, 17 Women's Rights L. Rep. 309, l/n]
In a groundbreaking and analogous article on the ………… emotional distress and feelings of disempowerment
The government’s current population management is flawed because it uses a sense of control to manage which ignores the differences in gender of men and womyn.

Abrams 97

[Paula, Associate Professor of Law, Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College, 27 Envtl. L. 1111]
The population-environment problem derives …………… and greater spacing between children. n73
China’s ideology in the construction of dams is similar to the US population growth ideology. China thinks they should build the dam so millions of people don’t starve, US thinks we should lower birth rates before the whole planet becomes extinct. The ideology behind the US and Chinese model is flawed because it uses government control to prevent overpopulation.

Spahn 97

[Elizabeth Spahn, Professor of Law, New England School of Law, Winter 1997, 27 Envtl. L. 1295, l/n]
Perhaps the most pervasive piece of …………China's dam should be Number One. n29
The current policy not only fails but justifies the Holocaust because it is a game of dominance which aims to control female fertility. This allows for the controlled to be murdered or raped into extinction. We must be able to empower womyn rather than control them.

Spahn 97

[Elizabeth Spahn, Professor of Law, New England School of Law, Winter 1997, 27 Envtl. L. 1295, l/n]
My jaw dropped. I still can't quite fathom that ……….., and their families, flourish with fewer births.
Overcoming the control mindset is necessary to evaluate impacts because the negative’ use of either/or dichotomy is equivalent to the control mindset our affirmative critiques.

Spahn 97

[Elizabeth Spahn, Professor of Law, New England School of Law, Winter 1997, 27 Envtl. L. 1295, l/n]
There are four major factors which the ………….all around the world - Africa, the U.S. Midwest, Europe.
The current population control is doomed to failure because it ignores the environment womyn live in, In order to actually develop policy we must open up a forum of discussion and understand the culture of each women. Condom distribution allows for us to discuss how we can equally apply population management to men and women- ending the dichotomy of the controlled and controller.

Spahn 97

[Elizabeth Spahn, Professor of Law, New England School of Law, Winter 1997, 27 Envtl. L. 1295, l/n]

Population policies which narrowly focus on ……… approach the problem from a different ground. n78

Contention 3 is Role of the Ballot
There is a lack of focus on male fertility rates in the status quo and this creates a slippery slope view in which our view on policy impacts is flawed. The either/or dichotomy reinforces the idea of a controller and the controlled.

Spahn 97

[Elizabeth Spahn, Professor of Law, New England School of Law, Winter 1997, 27 Envtl. L. 1295, l/n]
The role of male sexuality is often virtually ……………statistical existence in male constructs of economic activity. n64 [*1317]
The Negative’s use of dire consequence with respect to the DA is what is flawed with the political system. We must shift our mindset before we can allow for a slippery slope technique.

Spahn 97

[Elizabeth Spahn, Professor of Law, New England School of Law, Winter 1997, 27 Envtl. L. 1295, l/n]
In the one child policy, we look through the ……………. China's dam should be bigger than Egypt's. China's dam should be Number One.
Voting Affirmative allows for you to end the control methodology that is prevalent in today’s population management. Society fails to recognize the manifestation of gender bias as a problem but rather a social norm. When we open up a discussion we are able to rid this norm.

Delfs 96

[Elizabeth A., Attorney @ Cambridge, 17 Women's Rights L. Rep. 309, l/n]
Many judges do agree that intervention …………….r society that they appear to be the acceptable norm." n186
Our Framework is best for a couple of reasons
1. Education- we are able to learn about the flaws in the current political system and what we have to do to fix them before we can weigh other policy options. Education is the most important- we get funded by our schools because we are an educational program.
2. Fairness/Err Aff- the neg has an easier chance to win because they have the neg block. That is why every team flips neg in an elimination round. Our framework levels the playing field and the negative must challenge the framework in the 1nc.
3. Counter- Interpretation- the negative can run CP’s and DA’s but we are just going to critique. They can get their Ks this solves back all of their education and fairness claims.

Heidegger K

By attempting to work through given conditions to solve their harms the affirmative engages in a calculative mode of thought that undermines our true relation to being and reduces all life to a standing reserve. Vote negative to engage in meditative thought, meditative thought is the only form of authentic doing and the only way to obtain a proper relationship to Being

Swazo 02

Norman k. swazo, Prof of philosophy and chair of department of philosophy and humanities at U Alaska, Fairbanks. 2002, crisis theory and world order heideggerian reflections ,72-73
In a memorial address delivered in 1955 in ………………… but more important, that (b) "the meaning that reigns in this change remains obscure."

The conception of life as a standing reserve is what enables all forms of violence

Zimmerman 90

[Michael, Professor of Philosophy at Tulane, Heidegger’s Confrontation With Modernity, Indiana University Press, 1990, p.43]

Nevertheless, in speaking of the Holocaust ……………….., created and destroyed, at will.

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