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St Marks BK – Affirmative – Djibouti

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St Marks BK – Affirmative – Djibouti


Lack of funding for developmental assistance undermines HOA and AFRICOM—a new focus is key

Berrigan 9/19 (Frida, senior program associate at the Arms and Security Project of the New America Foundation, 2007, "The New Military Frontier: Africa," /archive/2007/09/19/3948/)

Even as these discussions continue,.... strategic interests than African needs

Plan: The United States federal government should substantially expand Africa based public health infrastructure programs of the United States Combined Joint Task Force based in Djibouti.
Contention 1—Health—

Lack of health infrastructure in Africa spurs drug resistant strains–there's no diagnostic testing.

Cohen '7 (Gary, President of BD Medical, 1-5-07, /newsroom/pdfs/3_HC_Infrastruct ure.pdf)

A primary thrust of these interventions … the public and private sectors toward this goal.

Unchecked drug resistant pathogens cause extinction

South China Morning Post quoting Dr. Ben-Abraham, called "one of the 100 greatest minds in history" by Mensa, 1-4-1996 (Avi, "Leading the way to a cure for AIDS," P. Lexis)

Despite the importance of the discovery of the "facilitating" cell, … imperil the survival of the human race," he said.
And, the task force builds up public health infrastructure throughout the region to improve stability.

CENTCOM, 12-06 (Fact Sheet, U.S. Central Command: Combined Joint Task

Force-Horn Of Africa Mission; /resources/english/facts.asp#)

The Combined Joint Task Force–Horn of Africa is a unit of United States … a four-story building in Kenya in 2006 and the capsizing of a passenger ferry in Djibouti in 2006.

And strengthening infrastructure assists public health.

Pekka Puska ("WHO Director—General election: public health infrastructures" 10/27/06 Pg. 1401 Vol. 368 No. 9545 ISSN: 0140-6736 p. Lexis)

Without a concerted effort by WHO and others …and other functions-is vital to success, in both chronic and infectious diseases.
Contention 2—Leadership—

Military outreach operations are a unique issue that develops soft power and trains troops for state building.

CSM, 6-22-07 (Ginny Hill, "Military focuses on development in Africa: In Djibouti, US forces combat terrorism with civil affairs work. Will this be a model for a future US military command in Africa?" /0622/p07s02-woaf.html)

Stephen Morrison, director of the Africa program at the Center for Strategic and … can be very useful as part of a broader strategy."

And, integration of civilian and military operations changes the American security paradigm, increasing American soft power Howard '7 (Peter, Professor at American University, School of

International Service, PhD SIS, May 31,

http://duckofminerva.blogspot .com/2007/05/how-soft-can -power-be.html)

Second is the change in US bureaucratic politics:… the world, develops policy, and goes about its business as a national security state.

This new security paradigm is necessary to successfully combat terror and sustain hegemony

Richardson, '7 (Bill, Governor of New Mexico, Former US Congressman, Former US Secretary of Energy, Former US representative to the UN, "A New Realism," Summer, Harvard International Review, Cambridge, Vol. 29, Iss. 2; p. 26, Proquest)

An Unchanging Approach to a Changing Paradigm… US allies and for shared democratic values in order to coordinate international efforts for global problems.
Additionally, the HOA task force is the template that will spread throughout the military

Thomas P.M. Barnett, distinguished strategist at the Oak Ridge Center for Advanced Studies, Senior Strategic Researcher at the U.S. Naval War College, and Senior Managing Director of Enterra Solutions; 6-24-07 ("Africa command: How America organizes to win war and peace,"

Knox News, /2007/jun/24/barnett-africa -command-how-america-organizes -win-w)

For years now, I've argued for … this strategic backwater, forging the obvious solution.

Overcoming fear of militaristic US action through developmental assistance is critical to the long term success of AFRICOM

Morrison 8/1 (J. Stephen, Executive Director, HIV/AIDS Task Force and Director, Africa Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2007, "Africa: Testimony of Stephen Morrison - U.S. Senate Africom Hearing")

Most significant will be overcoming …in significant gains over existing U.S. security programs in Africa.
And, military medicine presents an alternative international strategy that is essential to maintain US leadership

Carroll '1 (Terry, Army Colonel, "Engagement or Marriage: The Case for an Expanded Military Medical Role in Africa," March,

We continue to grapple with the opposing forces … positive results from medical deployments enhance our value as an ally and partner.
Finally, the collapse of U.S. leadership will unleash conflicts – resulting great power wars

Thayer '6 [Bradley A., Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, The National Interest, November -December, "In Defense of Primacy", lexis]

A remarkable fact about international politics today…? They may have the desire, but they do not have the capabilities. Let's face it: for the time being, American primacy remains humanity's only practical hope of solving the world's ills.
Contention 3—Terrorism—

The current focus on hard line counter-terrorism fails. More resources are needed to address the root causes of terrorism.

Josh Meyer, LA Times Staff Writer, 3-18-7 (In Terrorism Fight, Diplomacy Gets Shortchanged,

http://www.thepeacealliance .org/content/view/307/1/)

President Bush, members of Congress … publicizing U. S. military actions.
And, current military policy makes terrorism inevitable—the Task Force must place greater reliance on development aid

Prof. Thomas P.M. Barnett, Senior Strategic Researcher at the U.S. Naval War College and Senior Managing Director of Enterra Solutions, 6-27-07 (Esquire, "The Americans Have Landed," /africacommand0707)

"We could have solved all of East Africa in less … or this road show will close faster than you can say "Black Hawk down."

And, African terror networks will gain access to nuclear weapons to use on the US.

Dempsey – Director of African Studies @ U.S. Army War College – 2006 (Thomas, Served as a strategic intelligence analyst for Africa at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and as Chief of Africa Branch for the Defense Intelligence Agency, Counterterrorism in African Failed States: Challenges and Potential Solutions, April, http://www.strategicstudiesinst .pdf)

The threat that terrorist hubs based in … state in which they are located to apprehend or destroy them will be a complex and difficult task.
Failure to prevent nuclear terrorism risks extinction and world war three.

Sid-Ahmed, Political Analyst, 2K4 (Mohamed, "Extinction!" Al-Ahram

Weekly On-Line, August 26 – September 1,


We have reached a point in human history where … war will be without winners and losers. When nuclear pollution infects the whole planet, we will all be losers.

The status quo counter-terror strategy will inevitably fail because it does not address the environment that produces terrorists

Princeton N. Lyman, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies at CFR, and J. Stephen Morrison, Director of CSIS Africa Program; Jan/Feb 04 (The Terrorist Threat in Africa., Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Vol. 83, Issue 1, Business Source Complete)

ON AUGUST 7, 1998, two massive bombs exploded … forever if U.S. security interests are to be advanced.

The plan does this by having the military build public health infrastructure. Other measures are impossible unless the military acts first

Robert I. Rotberg, president of the World Peace Foundation and director of the Program on Intrastate Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2005 (Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa, Rotberg (ed.), More quals: professor of political science and history at MIT; academic vice president at Tufts University; president of Lafayette College; Copyright: The World Peace Foundation and Brookings Institution, p.6-8)

The eradication both of existing terrorist cells and potential … to the region and each of its countries.
The Task Force must be expanded to ensure the development of public health infrastructure

Robert I. Rotberg, president of the World Peace Foundation and director of the Program on Intrastate Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2005

(Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa, Rotberg (ed.), More quals: professor of political science and history at MIT; academic vice president at Tufts University; president of Lafayette College;

Copyright: The World Peace Foundation and Brookings Institution, p.21-22)

The countries of the greater Horn of Africa … of this crucial and endangered region.
Placing a priority on humanitarianism overcomes the current flaws with the Task Force and is critical to win hearts and minds

Lischer '7 (Sarah, Wake PoliSci Prof, "Winning Hearts and Minds in the Horn of Africa," Harvard International Review, /print.php?article=1481)

An examination of the goals and actions …the lessons of the "do no harm" ethic may prove valuable to the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa.
Finally, the issue of public health is empirically uniquely important in winning hearts and minds.

Raymond A. Zilinskas, directs the Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Program and Tamara R. Chapman, Monterey Institute for International Studies, 1-24-7 (Security and Public Health: How and Why do Public Health Emergencies Affect the Security of a Country?, /e3_84.html)

In working to create a new framework of government in a … for nation-building becomes very difficult.

China Add-On
A. Djibouti serves as a template for other commands – PACOM would model

Shermerhornm 05 (Battling Terrorism in the Horn of Africa, "Djibouti: A special role in the War on Terrorism" p.48-9)

B. Changing PACOM diffuses Chinese misperception and avoids instability

Eland 06 (

"From a Chinese perspective…more than does the United States."
C. Impact is Strait Times
Bush Good 2AC
Bush's pol cap is seriously diminished—lame duck

Bergerson Nov 6th ("Dr. Politics: If Bush walks, talks like an out-going wartime president is he a lame-duck?")

"In 1910 following the congressional…of his presidency."
Bush's vetoes and the continuing budget battles are highly controversial

The Frontrunner 07 ("bush veto seen as a forerunner of major showdown over spending"

"Media reports this morning…and other vital areas."
These controversial battles are getting worse 07 ("Bush rejects domestic spending bill")

"By signing a military spending bill…programs at home."
Pol cap is irreleveant – its empirically fails and popularity of the issue is more important

Financial times 07 ("Bush gambles on immigarion for domestic legacy")

"For months, the White House…costly endeavour."
Turn Bipart—

A. African military assistance is popular with congress and the public

Independent task force report 6 ("More than humanitarianism: A strategic U.S. approach Toward Africa", Council on Foreign Relations)
B. Bipart key to agenda --- lobbies and senate

Ap 7 (1/2)

"Some lobbyists concede…Chamber of commerce."
Popularity determining factor

Boston Globe 12/3

"republicans said they would…January's agfenda."
Turn Gop—

A. GOP salivates over plan – it's seen as an opportunity to win black voters

Ridgeway '3 ("liberia: ripe for colonizing?"

"Finally, Bush's foray into…from the Democrats."

B. Base support key to agenda

Washing Post 07 ("Base to Bush: It's Over")

"So now the president has…looking forward to Jan. 20, 2009."
African Aid stays under the radar far from political controversy – Iraq and Afghanistan proves.

Fletcher 06 (Washington post staff writer, "Bush has quietly tripled aid to Africa")

"President Bush's legacy is sure…increase in U.S. aid to Africa."

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