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St Marks BK – Negative


Japan’s effective public health assistance to Africa secures international credibility

Asahi ‘7 (5/23, leading Tokyo newspaper,

Africa is also home to 66 … public health improvements. 


China is a significant figure in African health assistance and has empirical success

Xinhua ‘6 (8/16, /200608/16/eng20060816_293576 .html)

China's growing role in Africa …relieve disease, hunger and poverty.

Ministry of Health has jurisdiction over public health

Chinese Government’s Official Website, ‘5 ( -10/09/content_75326.htm, JB)

The Ministry of Health of the … of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 


The American Relationship to Africa is defined by images. Saturated by representations of conflict, disease, and the permanent affliction of catastrophe and chaos. Policymakers can’t help but solidify the dehumanizing frame for intervention these images demand.

Wallace,5 (Jamie, PhD Student of Anthropology at Oxford, “AMERICAN PERCEPTIONS OF AFRICA BASED ON MEDIA REPRESENTATIONS”, /showArticle.php?artId=101 &catId=1)

When we think of Africa, images … power distribution in the world (Ebo 1992:17).

The attachment to images of African catastrophe castigates Africans to a permanent global underclass. Africans become the objects of a genocidal process of dehumanization that’s grounded history’s most extreme atrocities.

Sankore, ‘5 (Rotimi, editor – international federation of journalists – Africa and coordinator – freedom of expression and associated rights in Africa “The Pitfalls and Consequences of Development 'Pornography'”, r/2005/april05/opinion.htm)

Increasingly graphic depictions of … their people to freely define their future.

Our alternative is:

Reject the affirmative to short-circuit the cycle of pessimistic disaster imaging of Africa. Telling a new story of Africa, severed from the model of prejudicial portrayal, is crucial to disconnect American policymaking from the mechanisms of colonialism.

Mezzana, sociologist and researcher – cerfe group African research, ‘5 (Daniele, “a cancerous image”,

http://www.africansocieties .org/n4/eng/dossier.htm)

The literature reported in this field… better in-depth and qualified information on the African reality. 


The budget climate is tight and Congress will require zero-sum offsets of health and development spending

Sessions ‘6 (Myra, analyst at the Centre for Global Development, Blog – “The PMI Turns One - How Will We Measure Success?”, Global Health Policy Blog, 7/6, alth/2006/07/the_pmi_turns_o .php)

Evaluators should also look…successes and opportunities of the initiatives. 

Latin America gets cut

Sanchez ‘6 (Marcela, “Linking foreign aid and security”, San Diego Tribune, 1/28, /uniontrib/20060128/news _lz1e28sanchez.html

Secretary of State Condoleezza …it “a national security imperative.” 

Causes socialist expansion

Montaner ‘7 (Carlos, 8/8, __ _columbia_be_the_next_to_f .html)AS

Colombia must prepare to stand … who will promise people the moon. 

Causes terrorism, economic warfare, oil spikes, heg, and space mil

Mauro ‘5 (Ryan, renowned geopolitical analyst at Northeast Intelligence Network, guest on Al Franken and Dennis Prager shows, breaker of several important stories such as an interview with al-Tikriti, featured writer on MILNET, asked to speak about Iraq at the International Intelligence Summit, US Editor for the World Security Network, 3/7, __worldthreats.com__)AS

Bolivar still commands vastly more … in its own backyard before a fatal surprise collapses the set. 


Aid causes inflation, collapsing growth

Foster ‘7 (Mick and Tony Killick, Overseas Development Institute, “The Macroeconomics of Doubling Aid to Africa and the Centrality of the Supply Side,” Development Policy Review 25:2, March, Blackwell – Synergy, AS)

This reference to the danger of destabilizing the exchange rate brings us…fiscal deficits implicit in large aid inflows. 

Causes terrorism

Cilliers ‘3 (Jakkie, director, Institute for Security Studies, “Terrorism and Africa,” African Security Review 12:4,, AS)

Unrecognized by many its the extent…and facilitating environment for domestic and international terrorism alike. 

Sid Ahmed – extinction 

Peru Politics 

Peru FTA will pass by small margin

Eoin Callan, 11-7-07, Financial Times (London, England) Bush tells business to lobby for trade deals 

George W. bush yesterday urged….among elected officials. 

Foreign aid will cost capital

Lancaster ’00 [Carol, Former Deputy Administrator (USAID) “Transforming Foreign Aid: United sTates Assistance in the 21st Century” 

Chairs of the foreign….overall aid levels. 

Peru FTA key to check Chavez

Isabel Eiras, Senior Polciy Analyst for International Economics in the Center for International Trade and Economics


The U.S.-Peru TPA was approved…for personal loyalty 

Guilt Bad K 

The affirmative is just an attempt to alleviate our guilt about African problems.  The result is that the suffering of Africans is flattened and reduced to mere objects for our pity and compassion. This pity becomes a form of hatred because it becomes our definition and image of the other.

Thornton ‘7 (Bruce, professor of Classics, California State University, May 2, Suffering Mascots,, AG) 

The first point .. African suffering. 

A politics of guilt causes a death drive culminating in extinction

Pascal Bruckner ’86 (French philosopher and novelist, The Tears of the White Man, p. 146-7, JB) 

The foregoing teaches …the end of the world. 

Vote negative to reject the affirmatives attempt to alleviate suffering by . Good intention isn’t enough. You must examine the nature of reality before taking action.

Simmer, ‘2 (Judith Simmer-Brown, “Remedying Globalization and Consumerism: Joining the Inner and Outer Journeys in “Perfect Balance”, Jstor, JB) 

When a view of perfect balance is asserted, it … full lens of Buddhist teachings. 

1NC T-Disease 

Topical affirmatives are limited to disease

NSS 2k (White House National Security Strategy, “A National Security Strategy For A Global Age,”

Public health assistance … public health services. 

And, Increase refers to a process, not an outcome. Therefore the plan itself must deal with disease.

Higher Education Funding Council '4 ( n43) 

Although the word "… to be ever- increasing.

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