Tournament of Champions 2k8 Comprehensive Caselist

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2AC Bio-Terror Add-On

1. Not only do counterfeit products directly compete with legitimate ones, they also harm companies by lowering consumer confidence

(Swiss cooperative that serves as a coordinating entity for a network of independent firms, “Managing the Risks of Counterfeiting
in the Information Technology Industry,” ELECTRONICS, SOFTWARE & SERVICES,
For the company whose … and distribution of counterfeits

2. Loss of pharma profits deters companies from using R&D to help solve bioterror

Bandow ‘3
(Doug, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, Policy Analysis no 475, “Demonizing Drugmakers: The Political Assault on the Pharmaceutical Industry, May 8,
Such highly visible … reasonable public stockpiles.
3. Biowarfare results in global extinction, which outweighs all else
Ochs ‘2
[Richard, MA Natural Resource Management at Rutgers University , Naturalist at Grand Teton National Park, June 9th, immediately,"" target="_blank">"Biological Weapons must be abolished >immediately,")
Of all the weapons …highest of all crimes.

2AC Terrorism Add-On

A. RFID allows us to prevent WMD terrorism by tracking shipments and monitoring cargo containers

Koprowski ‘04
(Gene J, covers telecommunications for UPI Science News, “Wireless World: RFID to thwart terrorism,” United Press International, NewsTrack – Science, 8-13-04)
An associate of Osama … significantly less expensive."
B. WMD terrorism leads to extinction
Al Ahram Weekly ‘4
(“Extinction!” August 26-September 1,
A nuclear attack … we will all be losers.

2AC Bee Add-On

A) Bee populations are on the decline because of Colony Collapse Disorder, CCD, risking crop failure and economic disaster

Shapley 07
(Honey Bee Collapse Recovery Plan Revealed USDA: Bee Crisis ‘Serious Problem Next Year And Beyond’ By Dan Shapley News Editor
The Department of Agriculture … and other crops.”

B) Bees are key to pollination—CCD causes global annihilation in four years

Watson 07
(“Earth Day Notes” Captain Paul Watson Founder and President of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (1977-) Co-Founder - The Greenpeace Foundation (1972) Co-Founder - Greenpeace International (1979) Director of the Sierra Club USA (2003-2006) Director - The Farley Mowat Institute Director - Submitted by Steve Kelly on 24 April 2007 - 8:42am., Montana green party website )
Albert Einstein once wrote… global ecological annihilation.

C) RFID solves Colony Collapse Disorder 07
RFID Entomology July 4th, 2007
An area that seems in its infancy … using RFID technology with insects[6].

Politics—Bush Good

Pharma likes RFID
Swedberg 06
(Claire, "Pfizer's RFID Pilot Is the Start of Something Big," RFID Journal, 10-2, google)

Pfizer, so far, … tagging, Staver said.

RFID gets terrorism spin
Baard 03
("Claim: RFID Will Stop Terrorists" Mark Baard Email 08.08.03 | 2:00 AM /security/news/2003/08/59624)
Facing increasing resistance … a terrorist attack.

Politics—Bush Bad

Plan Unpopular—Privacy
Hamblen 07
(Matt, Editor, "Privacy a hot topic as RFID tagging grows in use," Computer World, 9-21-07, .php/id;1033513715;fp;4;fpid ;1382389953)

Privacy concerns over … extensive, he said.

RFID jacks bipart
Lee 05
(Bryan, Prof. Peter Barton Hutt, Harvard Law School, Food and Drug Law, "Reimportation: A First Step or False Step Toward Transparency in the Prescription Drug Market," 4-15-05, google)
Prescription drug reimportation … in American lives.'"[8]

US Key Warrants

1. Jurisdiction:
A. US drugs are the ones getting ripped off, since they are the most vulnerable
Pharmaceutical Business Strategies ‘5
(“New defense against Rx drug counterfeiting gains traction,” .cfm?ID=153 February)
The advanced capabilities … help protect products."
B. Another country cannot put RFID’s on US drugs

2. Middleware:

A. US companies own the RFID middleware
O’ Connor ‘6
(Mary Catherine, Associate Professor; Director, Program in Applied Linguistics, Ph.D. Linguistics University of California, Berkeley, “GlaxoSmithKline Tests RFID on HIV Drug,” RFID Journal, 3-24, /article/articleview/2219/2/1 /definitions_off)
Once the label … in the future.
B. Middleware key to processing RFID data
Wiemer ‘5
(Graham, Associate Editor, “Food and Drug Packaging,” June, google)
In some cases… in its dust

Stratford CK – Negative

Doc-in-a-Box 1NC/2NC

Barnett, June 23, 2007 (Thomas, P.M., Phd., Senior Managing Partner Enterra Solutions, LLC, Strategic Planning for national security affairs
Garrett, 2006 (Laurie, Senior fellow for Global Health, Council on Foreign Relations, RedOrbit Breaking News, June 17
Council on Foreign Relations, 2006 (June 14, www,
Garrett, 2007 (Laurie, Senior Fellow for Global Health at the Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2007,

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