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Rowland Hall St Marks BL – Affirmative – MEDFLAGS

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Rowland Hall St Marks BL – Affirmative – MEDFLAGS

Note – in a lot of our rounds the econ advantage here has been replaced with one of two add-on advantages, both at the bottom.
Contention I Inherency
The US and China are fighting a political war for regional interests in Sub-Saharan Africa, and China is winning control of regional anchor states. Absent action by the US, our interests will be lost

Lovelace 07 (Douglas, Director of Strategic Studies Institute, Forward to “Political Warfare in Sub-Saharan Africa”, March)
Africa today has emerged as a continent…. And uses it seriously
We have political warfare capabilities – for example, air force MEDFLAG operations to give public health assistance

Chau 07 (Donovan, MOState Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, Expert in threats emerging from Africa for AMTI (an ex-special ops security group), “Political Warfare in Sub-Saharan Africa” March)
The U.S. Air Force also possesses…. Within its support units.
However, these programs don’t work – a lack of DOD interest in health operations keeps them under-sized

Carafano and Gardiner, 2003

(James Jay, Senior Research Fellow for National Security and Homeland Security in the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies, and Nile is Jay Kingham Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs in the Center for International Trade and Economics, at the Heritage Foundation, “US military Assistance for Africa: A better solution,”

U.S. military strategy is supposed…. EUCOM’s attention and resources.
The Department of Defense should establish yearly MEDFLAG exercises in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa.
Contention II is Hege
China is turned towards Africa as the key to it’s major foreign policy objective – the acquisition of global leadership and hegemony

Chau 07 (Donovan, MOState Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, Expert in threats emerging from Africa for AMTI (an ex-special ops security group), “Political Warfare in Sub-Saharan Africa” March)
Chairman Mao Tse-tung…. Achieve great power status.
And, China is winning the political war – they are currently succeeding in Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa, which are the key strategic states in Africa

Chau 07 (Donovan, MOState Department of Defense and Strategic Studies, Expert in threats emerging from Africa for AMTI (an ex-special ops security group), “Political Warfare in Sub-Saharan Africa” March)
Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and…. Technical and scientific fields.
These diplomatic exertions are tied to China’s military buildup and push for global leadership

Pan 06 (Esther, Council on Foreign Relations, May 18, “China’s Soft Power Initiative”)

China's much-noted economic progress…. It’s China wielding a club
That devastates US leadership; it’s a zero-sum tradeoff

O’Connell 06 (Meghan, UPI, “China Threatens to Rival American Power Status”, June 22,
China's rapid military expansion over recent…. Have a global impact.
Very bad

Thayer 06
Independently, Chinese hege collapses our ability to maintain trade deals and resource connections

Zweig and Jianhai 05 (David, director of the center on China’s Transnational Relations at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Bi, postdoctoral fellow at the same location, Foreign Affairs, “China’s Global Hunt for Energy”, September/October,
The United States has recently… a Chinese military.

Africa is the future of global oil supplies – trade connections are key to prevent shortages

Shinn 07 (David, CSIS Africa Policy writer, “Africa, China, the United States, and Oil” May 8,)
The 53 countries in Africa possess… that comes from the Middle East.
Supply shortages cause oil price hikes

Williams 05 (James, WTRG Economics, “History and Analysis – Crude Oil Prices”
Crude oil prices behave much… the late 1970s.
The Economist 04 (April 23)


China is already on the verge of overheating. But… frayed as in tatters

And that tanks the global economy

Stein 02 (Charles, Business Columnist for the Globe , Boston Globe , March 31, Lexis)


A coincidence? No way. More than any time …. Stop selling. And growing.

Impact is shootouts and extinction

Bearden 00 T.E., LTC U.S. Army (Retired), [“The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve It Quickly,”, June 24]

History bears out that desperate nations… for many decades.

Contention III is Solvency
Military medical operations are a cheap and effective method of engagement and establish us politically – we control empirics on this question

Carroll 01 (Terry, Colonel in US Army, “Engagement or Marriage: The Case for an Expanded Military Medical Role in Africa)
Just as the NSS provides grand… synchronize efforts worldwide.
MEDFLAG exercises are effective tools for political warfare and defense strategy – experts conclude they’re the single most important way for the US to access Africa

Fox 97 (William Jr, Army Lieutenant Colonel, Special Forces officer and flight surgeon, “Military Medical Operations in Sub-Saharan Africa” June 24)
But, if such an overarching long-term… most recent MEDFLAG missions.
Also, US military intervention in sub-Saharan Africa is inevitable; the only question is how we shape our policy

Schaefer 07, Heritage Foundation, 2.7. (Brett, “Creating an Africa Command,”
Africa is no longer a distant… in coming years.
And, Even they you win a world without hegemony is better, they still lose – getting there would mean massive transition wars across the globe

Posen and Ross 97

(Barry Posen, Professor of Political Science in the Defense and Arms Control Studies Program at MIT, Andrew Ross,

Professor of National Security Studies at the Naval War College, International Security, Winter 1997)

The United States can, more… for those not directly involved.

The impact to these wars is extinction

Nye 90, Former Dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Bound to Lead p. 17 1990

Perceptions of change… history as we know it may end.
Finally, underestminating China is the single greatest danger and is a legitimate threat to security; their alternative would uniquely increase the possibility of war.

Mearsheimer 05 (John, prof. of polisci at U of Chicago, November 18, The Australian, “The Rise of China Will Not Be Peaceful at All”, lexis)
THE question at hand is simple and profound: will… between Beijing and Washington


a. Causes Japanese rearmament

Roy ’94 (Denny,-Professor of Political Science at the National University of Singapore, “Hegemon on the horizon? China's threat to East Asian security,” International Security, Summer, Volume 19, Number 1)

For their part, the Japanese…. The previous cold war.

b. Immediate and escalatory global nuclear war

Khalilzad 95 (Zalmay, RAND Corporation, Losing The Moment? Washington Quarterly, Vol 18, No 2, p. 84)
Without U.S. protection, Japan… more catastrophic than the last
c. Asian arms races

Business Week ’03 (1-20, Lexis)
If Japan could get beyond the hurdles… ever more perilous future.
d. Impact is nuclear war

Cirincione 00 (Joseph, Dir – Non-Proliferation Project, CEIP, Foreign Policy, 3-22, Lexis)
The blocks would fall quickest… nuclear weapon since 1945

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