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France DA

France (links are the same as the EU just underlined differently to highlight france):


A French boost in troops for Afghanistan is coming because of good relations with the U.S.

Gulf News 3/7/08 l/n

French President Nicolas Sarkozy will attend the next Nato summit...being pointed out as a weak ally by the White House.


U.S.-French relations are key to prevent a French pullout in Afghanistan

New York Sun 5/17/07 "Sarkozy Accedes" l/n

At the moment French troops are bogged down...former socialist foreign minister, Hubert Vedrine.


French troop commitments key to overall NATO presence in Afghanistan

Captain's Quarters 2/14/08 "France to the Rescue?" l/n

As early as Thursday, Sarkozy's top brass...Germany and others to consider a shift as well.


The impact is full blown civil war that will draw in regional powers, lead to a Pakistani coup, and fuel global terrorism

International Herald Tribune 12/1/06 l/n

The abysmal failure of NATO countries...NATO countries are failing the world.


The Impact is global nuclear war

S. Frederick Starr 2001 (Chairman Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University; Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus, 13 December 2001;

However, this does not mean that US peace that the U.S. cannot ignore.

***At-Large Teams***

Brophy MM – Affirmative – South Africa Human Trafficking – At-Large Team

Contention One: The Status Quo… 

South Africa is one of the largest hubs for international trafficking, however, the South African government cannot adequately respond to the problem at hand

Inter Press Service 2005 (Human Rights, “South Africa, A Major Player in Human Trafficking,” Africa Growth and Opportunity Act Online, October 3, 2005)  

South Africa is …best they can.  

Thus the plan: The United States federal government should send Federal Bureau of Investigation agents to South Africa with the purpose of increasing public health assistance.

Contention Two: Welcome to South Africa… 

Trafficking is out of hand in South Africa—nine people are trafficked everyday

Xinhua 2005 (News Service, “Human Trafficking Extensive in South Africa: A Report,” People’s Daily News Online, May 24, 2005) 

Each day, nine…prohibit human trafficking.  

Therefore it is critical that that US assist South Africa in fighting human trafficking

Hilton 2007 (Luke, Faculty of Humanities located in the Centre for African Studies, University of Connecticut, “Contemporary Slavery: Sex Trafficking in South Africa,” Postamble Report, 2007) 

Victims of sex…to a court. 

We continue with a horrifying experience from a girl named Susannah—she is only one of the millions of victims that are raped and beaten, and left to die

Tiefenbrun 2002 (Susan, Associate Professor of Law at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, “The Saga of Susannah: A US Remedy for Sex Trafficking in Women: The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000” Utah Law Review, 2002) 

This is a…horrifying living hell. 

And all of your impact calculus is irrelevant—trafficking is a fate worse than dying

Thoms 2005 (Karen, Lieutenant Colonel of the US Army and Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the United States Military Academy at West Point, “Human Trafficking A Foreseeable Consequence,” 2005) 

But there are…are never rescued. 

And in the midst of such obvious human rights’ abuses, we must eradicate the last vestige of every instance of this new form of modern day slavery

Pahad 2007 (Dr. Essop, Minister in the Presidency at the Global Initiate to Counter Human Trafficking, International Forum, Cape Town, South Africa, March 10, 2007)

Trafficking in persons…all of you.  

And focus on improbable impacts only works to prolong the suffering in the status quo

Charlesworth 2002 (Hillary, Director at the Center for International Public Law and PF Law at the Australian National University, “International Law: A Discipline of Crisis,” 2002) 

A concern with…within the state. 

Contention Three: Action is Mandatory… 

Firstly, trafficking requires cooperation between countries such as the US and South Africa

Hilton 2007 (Luke, Faculty of Humanities located in the Centre for African Studies, University of Connecticut, “Contemporary Slavery: Sex Trafficking in South Africa,” Postamble Report, 2007) 

Trafficking in persons…to be done. 

And there are three reasons as to why FBI is critical to solvency

Hilton 2007 (Luke, Faculty of Humanities located in the Centre for African Studies, University of Connecticut, “Contemporary Slavery: Sex Trafficking in South Africa,” Postamble Report, 2007) 

When providing for…says protected witness 

And South Africa is waiting for the US to respond to its cry for help

McCarthy 2002 (Leonard, Directorate of Special Operations, Ministry of Justice in South Africa, “Tackling Cross Border Crime,”

Ladies and gentlemen…defeating this scourge.  

And none of your Disads are unique—the FBI is currently helping South African Police Forces

Gadebe 2007 (Themba, Staff Writer for the South African News, “FBI Trains South African Police Ahead of 2010,” August 30, 2007) 

Johannesburg law enforcers…that release them. 

And the FBI and South Africa have empirically been successful and they only want the US for cooperation

New York Times 1998 (Donald G McNeil Jr., “After the Attack: in South Africa FBI Invited,” The New York Times, 1998) 

The Government today…with the Americans.''

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