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And, a cohesive, and collaborative international response is the vital internal link to solvency. No one country or international institution has the ability to solve on it’s own

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And, a cohesive, and collaborative international response is the vital internal link to solvency. No one country or international institution has the ability to solve on it’s own

C.S.I.S.  05   Center for Strategic Int’l Studies – Sandia National Laboratory [“Global Water Futures: Addressing Our Global Water Future,” 9/30/05, White Paper,] 

Finding 7: Sustainable strategies …effective resource planning and implementation

And US expertise in tracking the effectiveness of water projects allows for adaptability to problems that may arise during implementation.

State Department, 07 (Bureau of Oceans and International Affairs and Scientific Affairs, Department of State Publication 11425. Report to Congress; “Senator Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act 2005” June 2007.


A key component of … for success and failure.   

And, Only the US has the watershed data necessary to conduct effective assistance.

CSIS 5 (9-30, Center for Strategic & Internat’l Studies, Global Water Futures, 

Long-term data on … themselves are few and far between.


Ptx Link Turns

(_) Link Turn:

A. Congress loves the plan, promoting clean water is a priority

Wilson Center 05  December 02, 2005, President Signs Water for the Poor Act  Bill Shows US Commitment to Global Access to Water, Sanitation 

This bill is a critical … in favor the Water for the Poor Act. 

B.  Popular acts don’t cost political capital – they boost it

ROBERTS  11 – 9 – 04  Political Science BA, University of New Mexico [Dane, “Democrats need sharp vision,” Daily Lobo, via University Wire] 

"Political capital" might … his political capital.  


(_) Turn:

A. Water assistance is extremely popular in congress and with the American public

Millennium Water Alliance 2005 (History, Strategy and Funding, 

Underpinning these principles …the environment, and security. 

B. Passing Popular policies with the public insures victories in congress – studies prove

SPITZER  93 Prof of Poli Sci, State University of New York [Robert J., President and Congress:  Executive Hegemony at the Crossroads of American Government] 

An important empirical …standing is by no means inevitable. 

Surprisingly, we haven’t debated a political capital bad scenario all year.

Head Royce BZ – Negative – At Large Team

Japan CP – No Cites

Oil DA

1nc Shell


A. High oil prices are driving a transition to renewables now  
1-25-2008 [Rosanne, “US Renewable Energy Market Reports Record Year in 2007,” VOA News,]

Last year was a record year …. them in the marketplace.  

B. Focusing on African health problems creates durable ties that allow for US access to African oil.

Padraig Carmody, 2005 lecturer in Geography at St. Patrick’s College in Dublin City University, Ph. D in Geography, author, “Transforming Globalization and Security: Africa and America Post–9/11”, Africa Today, Project MUSE,  

Africa has traditionally… dimension to globalization. 

C. Africa has the largest amount of untapped oil in the world. It also uniquely causes price drops because it is not subjected to OPEC regulations.

Ghazvinian April 3, 2007 (John, doctorate in history from Oxford,  “Untapped: The Scramble for Africa's Oil Does Africa Measure Up to the Hype?” Slate Magazine. 

Yet another strategic … ever really bothered to check. 

D. Decreased price of oil would kill government transition to alt energy

Alhajji and Longmuir, 07

(Gavin, AF, Energy Economist and Associate Professor at Ohio Northern University, Need For A Balancing Act: Reducing Oil Dependence Without Triggering A Global Crisis," Middle East Economic Survey, VOL. XLIX No 9, Feb 26, 2007)

Oil exporters could …. energy resources, and increase wastage

E. Alternative energy is key to mitigate impact of the peak

Heinberg August 2007 (Richard, [journalist, educator, editor, lecturer, and a Core Faculty member of New College of California] The View from Oil’s Peak 

Moreover, even though …with less petroleum.


F. Peak Oil will cause nuclear extinction

Dr. Malcolm Riddoch, Faculty of Communications and Creative Industries, Edith Cowan University, June 19, 2004, 

There are lots of …. and its companions famine and pestilence.


2nc Links:

1. Risk Premium---

A. African stability drives down the cost of investment risk premium charged by banks

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency 2006 (Hidden Gems: When risks are mitigated, Africa offers EU investors intriguing opportunities. 

Most African countries Industries sector head. 

B. Instability causes no profit

Barnes 1/22/05, Sandra T., “Global Flows: Terror, Oil, and Strategic Philanthropy” African Studies Review, 

Local military forces … undermine their investments (Goldwyn & Morrison 2004:12–15). 

2. Relations---

US aid addresses health and corruption issues and creates ties with government that will drive down the cost of oil

Krilla 2005 [Jeff Regional Program Director for Africa,

International Republican Institute, JULY 28, , CHINA’S INFLUENCE IN AFRICA,]  

Yet as oil exports … increased investment will be profound. 

3. Perception---

Perceived increase in stability increase oil investment

KIRKLAND, 03, President of ChevronTexaco Overseas Petroleum (George L. Kirkland, Energy, Trade and Investment” 16 July 2003, 

[[Many of us know will find its courage.


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