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Our 5 region division avoids the racism and homogenization of the two region division

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Our 5 region division avoids the racism and homogenization of the two region division

Exploring Africa, No Date (
Nodal regions: … nor will the integrity of our curriculum be compromised.

Colombia FTA Bad

Unique Internal: Columbia FTA not passing now – Bush doesn’t have enough influence with democrats – concessions are key.
Federal News Service, 1/30/8


STAFF: I think we're … cross-section of issues

Link: Health assistance is popular with democrats

Dugger – journalist for The New York Times – 2/2/7 (Celia Dugger, “Bush Gets Aid of Democrats in Fighting Pandemics,”

spending levels
The Colombian FTA destroys the Amazon
CTC (Citizens Trade Campaign) 7

Rolling Back Environmental Protection … protect the upper Amazon Basin.
Extinction results
Takacs 96 - teaches environmental humanities (history, ethics, justice, politics) in the Institute for Earth Systems Science and Policy at California State (David, “The Idea of Biodiversity: Philosophies of Paradise,” 1996, pg. 200-201)

So biodiversity keeps with a bang but a whimper.14

Millard South LH – Affirmative – Informed Consent – At-Large Team

Informed Consent Aff

Contention One: Inherency
Despite the introduction of international guidelines governing human experimentation, they are neither binding nor adequate enough to protect the subject
Kelleher 04 (Finnuala Kelleher, Articles Editor, COLUM. J.L. & SOC. PROBS, “The Pharmaceutical Industry's Responsibility for Protecting Human Subjects of Clinical Trials in Developing Nations”, Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems, Fall 2004, p. L/N.)

Contention Two: Human Exploitation

We must start with the present before looking to the past. Africa is a focal point of vaccine development, but although they are shouldering a disproportionate amount of clinical testing, it is unlikely they will have access once it is developed

Berman 04 (Jennifer, “Using the Doctrine of Informed Consent to Improve HIV Vaccine Access in the Post-TRIPS Era”, Wisconsin International Law Journal, Spring 2004, p. L/N.)

However, during this development process, the lack of formal internation regulations for human subject clinical testing creates a race to the bottom at the expense of African rights and lives

Meier 02 Benjamin Mason, LL.M. (International and Comparative Law), Cornell Law School, “International Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Experimentation: Protecting the Right of Informed Consent”, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 2002, p. L/N.

This abuse is rooted in a derisive history of human experimentation: the “doctors” of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study who watched their patients die in order to study the progression of the disease are no different than the “doctors” who experimented in 15,000 Ugandan AIDS patients in order to develop so-called “prevention measures”

Farmer & Campos 04 (Paul, Nicole Gastineau, “New Malaise: Bioethics and Human Rights in the Global Era”, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Summer 2004, p. L/N.)

The utilitarian and dehumanizing mentality of the Tuskegee and Ugandan AIDS researchers are no different than those of Nazi researchers who inflict unimaginable suffering on human subjects in the name of scientific advancement

Meier 02 Benjamin Mason, LL.M. (International and Comparative Law), Cornell Law School, “International Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Experimentation: Protecting the Right of Informed Consent”, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 2002, p. L/N.

Additionally, the silence of the medical establishment to recognize this abuse for what it is, is nothing short of complicity with the Nazi ideology

Meier 02 Benjamin Mason, LL.M. (International and Comparative Law), Cornell Law School, “International Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Experimentation: Protecting the Right of Informed Consent”, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 2002, p. L/N.

In order to substantially increase public health assistance to the topically designated areas, the United States federal government should amend the Common rule for the protection of human subjects to include the principles and benchmarks of the Fair Benefits Framework to be used in all government funded and sponsored pharmaceutical drug trials conducted in the topically designated areas. We reserve the right to clarify.

Contention Three: Solvency
The Fair Benefits Framework solves the faults of current clinical trials by guaranteeing benefits to the entire community, rather than just those that can afford it, empowering African countries in negotiations through collaborative partnerships and ensuring transparency in the human subject clinical trial process

El Setouhy et. al. 04 (Maged, Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine at Ain Sham’s University, “Moral Standards for Research in Developing Countries: From ‘Reasonable Availability’ to ‘Fair Benefits’”,

And, this uniquely checks back exploitation of human subject populations – Multiple reasons

El Setouhy et al 2004 (Maged, Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine at Ain Sham’s University, “Moral Standards for Research in Developing Countries: From ‘Reasonable Availability’ to ‘Fair Benefits’”, The Hastings Center Report, Vol. 34, No. 3. (May – June., 2004), pp. 17-27)

Additionally, the genealogical analysis of human experimentation in the 1AC acts as the only means to alter the current political system without either erasing our historical transgressions or promising unachievable utopian fulfillment

Dean 99 (Mitchell Dean, Professor, Sociology, Macquarie University, GOVERNMENTALITY: POWER AND RULE IN MODERN SOCIETY, London: Sage, 1999, p. 44.)

Finally, this genealogy is key to understanding the ills of the status quo, thereby giving us the tools to cure them – we must recognize ourselves as historically situated to create sound policies

Brown 98 (Wendy, The Later Foucault: Politics and Philosophy Ed. Jeremy Moss, “Genealogical Politics” Sage, p.38)

Contention 4: Framework

Any negation must present both a policy option and a geneological analysis of that option. This is net beneficial for 4 reasons:

1) Competitive Equity – Ensuring that both sides present similar methods of evaluation checks side bias

2) Ground – The negative has an infinite number of options, we only require that they present their argumentation with a specific form of analysis attatched to it. Counterplans, DAs, Case Args and Ks with a policy alternative are all viable.

3) Topic - Specific Education – Our framework ensures analysis of the topic is not superficial to only status quo problems, but that the underlying and historical causes of faulty public health assistance are evaluated as well. Any other framework only skims the surface of education.

4) Genealogy – Our genealogy evidence provides a unique context from which to evaluate the round and acts as a disadvantage to any competing framework. In order for them to win their framework they must either prove geneaology is bad or that it is unnecessary to understand the positions presented by the negative.

Additionally, we will argue that the Affirmative reserves the right to choose the round’s framework. This is best for three reasons:

1) Fairness – Aff choice preserves the value of the 1AC. Allowing the negative to choose the framework moots our entire first speech act, giving them a 2 to 1 constructive advantage. This is a unique strategy and the time skew that would merit rejection.

2) Predictability – The affirmative is tied to their contention for framework in the 1AC. There is no way to predict the multiple shifts in advocacy and strategy that result form a shift in framework. A lack of predictable limits destroys debate, in that competition is not possible if no one is prepared.

3) Education – Having a set framework from the beginning of the round allows us to focus on the merits of the plan and have more substantive debates. This increases topic knowledge and overall education, which is the purpose of debate as a whole.


2AC Add-ons

Vaccines Key to solve AIDS

Vaccines Key to solve Bird Flu


Landmines Aff


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