Capitalism K
A. Link
1. The plan is a single issue campaign which can't destroy capitalism. The victories won by the aff will be lost in successive years by new governments. Just wait ill Jeb Bush gets elected!!!! We can't address the problems of capitalism because they make them quicker than we can fix them. THe only alternative to piece-meal reforms of capitalism is to get rid of the system itself. Capitalism has uprooted and abstracted our resistance. Our survival is at stake.
Herod 2004 (James, January, "Getting Free")
2. In today's world order, today's United States federal government, any call to action occurs within the terrain and coordinates of dominant capitalist order. The left succumbs to temptations of progressivism and compromise, unable to break out of the existing political framework. The only way to lay the foundation for a true, radical change is to withdraw from the compulsion to act, to "do nothing" - thus opening the space for a different kind of activity.
Zizek 2004 (Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle; p.71-74)
B. Impact
mass genocide
Internationalist Perspective 2000 ("For Anders, the...mass death and genocide.")
The Alternative is to withdraw from the compulsion to act - to refuse participation within the terrain of capitalism in order to hollow it out. In the context of the affirmative this means doing nothing.
Herod 2004 (James, "Getting Free")
Nietzsche K
i'd be happy to post it, but we've only run/gone for it 3 times this year. i'm not really sure why we have the reputation of going for nietzsche a lot. here are the cites if you'd like to post them:
The modern age is characterized by a disavowal of tragedy. The triumph of Socratic reason manifests in our attempt to resolve the chaotic aspects of life and avoid suffering. This requires the construction of an ideal “Real” world toward which our apparent world aspires. Enter the affirmative. In the modern drive toward certainty and security, and in an attempt at renouncing disorder and insecurity, the plan labors to mold and order the world ot make it dupilicate our idealized image of order
Paul Saurette, 1996 I Muststrust all Systematizers and Avoid them Neitzsche, Arendt and the Crisis of the Will to Order in International Reltionas Theory, MIllenium Journal of International Studies, Vol. 25, No. 1, 3-6
According to Nietzsche, the philosophical foundation…philosophical principle of modernity
The affirmative will always be able to locate some external threat to world order.International politics are unpredictable. The insecurities cited by the affirmative are not unique; international terrorism is in our neighborhoods and there might just be poison in our children’s Halloween candy. The uncomfortable yet irresistible truth is that uncertainty and risk art part and parcel of human life. Rather than coming to terms with this, the affirmative encourages us to stay glued to the television screen, stocking up on duct tape and water. At issue here is not just life itself but what makes life valuable. We encourage indifference and carelessness in a world inherently characterized by insecurity in an attempt to reclaim joy from the affirmative’s world of paranoid tiptoeing.
James Der Derian, 1993, The political Subject of Vioelence, 101-105
One mus begin with Nietzsche’s idea of the will to power…risks and benefits
The alternative is to do nothing
Nietzsche, 1879, Human, All Too Human, Maxim #284
The means to real peace. … and from up high.
Head Royce BZ – Affirmative – Water – At Large Team
Observation 1: Inherency
The Water for the Poor Act is receiving large amounts of funding in the status quo, yet the majority of it is being channeled away from sub-Saharan Africa.
WaterAid 2007 (June 26, 2007 “Responses to the U.S. State Department Report to Congress 2007”
WaterAid and other international … (approximately $22 million).13
Thus we present the following plan:
The United States federal government should provide the necessary funding to fully implement the mandates of section 135(8)(c) of the Paul Simon Water for the Poor Act of 2005 to topically designated areas.
We’ll Clarify.
Observation 2: Disease
In addition to directly killing millions through diarrhea, a lack of clean water exacerbates the harms of all other diseases. FINDLEY & VOLK 2k PhD Director, Water Initiatives Chemonics International, Inc & CHAIRMAN, ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL ESTUARY PROGRAMS, MS Environmental Management Texas U. [Meg & Richard, et al. USAID Water Team, "Towards a Water Secure Future: USAID’s Obligations In Water Resources Management For FY 2000,"]
In this chapter, we focus on … drainage and sanitation conditions.
And, failure to implement a sustainable solution now will allow the diseases associated with a lack of clean water will kill 135 million by 2020
Eliasson and Blumenthal 05 (Jan, former Swedish ambassador to the United States, and Susan, clinical professor at the Georgetown and Tufts University schools of medicine. “Dying for A Drink of Clean Water” , Tuesday, September 20, 2005; Page A23
In the United States … for want of clean water.
And, Unclean water is at the root of the ability for HIV/Aids to spread because puts huge pressure on families and communities.
Thirst Relief International, 2006 “Water Supply Statistics and Facts: AIDS/HIV and Clean Drinking Water” Accessed 17 2007
The lack of clean … progress out of their terrible plight.
And, lack of clean water produces enormous suffering, devastates the health capacity of sub-Saharan Africa, and is responsible for over 50% of hospital bed occupancy.
UNDP 2006 (United Nations Development Programme, “Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis,” Human Development Report, UNDP, [Online]
Poor water and sanitation … new cases of blindness each year.
And, clean water is the equivalent to a vaccine for water borne diseases
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