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Today, agricultural productivity… threatens global security.    2AC Commonly Read Cards

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Today, agricultural productivity… threatens global security. 
2AC Commonly Read Cards 

Their dis-ad ignores the destitute and vulnerable. It shapes policies from a paternal, top- down approach that dooms them to fail. Bottom-up approaches are critical to reinforcing an effective approach to hunger.

Onora O'Neill, Principal of Newman College @ Cambridge University, 1993, Ending World Hunger, World Hunger and Moral Obligation, 2nd edition, 19%, pg. 105-106, Murrell

The Scope of… and local action. 

Historically—biotech has been the only way to get impoverished countries out of poverty—1970’s Asia proves. 

ADB 1 [“Agricultural Biotechnology, Poverty Reduction, and Food Security”,, Introduction] 

Science and technology… Asia since 1970. 

Poverty is the root cause of population growth 

Rosset and Gershman 95 [“Myths and Root Causes: Hunger, Population, and Development, March, Shea Cunningham and Marilyn Borchadt, Food First]

The world population… foregone income. 

Overpopulation is the single greatest threat to human survival---the Earth is reaching its ecological limit and we must act now 

Smail 4, Ken, Anthropology at Kenyon College, Sept/Oct 2004 ( 

Obviously, a demographic… the early 1980s. 


Plan’s key to build cooperation around continental problems and forge a renewed relationship. 

Haley et al 5, Akukwe and Jammeh—Haley: former United States ambassador to Gambia. Akukwe: member of the board of directors of the Constituency for Africa/former vice chairman of the National Council for International Health, Jammeh: chair-emeritus of the Africa Society, comprised of African professionals working in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund--(George, Chinua, Sidi, “Re-Energizing United States-Africa Relations”, March 21, 2005, 

3. Accelerate macroeconomic … solve continental problems.  


That solves terrorism 

Haley et al 5, Akukwe and Jammeh—Haley: former United States ambassador to Gambia. Akukwe: member of the board of directors of the Constituency for Africa/former vice chairman of the National Council for International Health, Jammeh: chair-emeritus of the Africa Society, comprised of African professionals working in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund--(George, Chinua, Sidi, “Re-Energizing United States-Africa Relations”, March 21, 2005, 

As President George W… United States and Africa. 


Terrorism sparks extinction  

Sid-Ahmed 4, Political Analyst, 2K4 (Mohamed, “Extinction!” Al-Ahram Weekly On-Line, August 26 – September 1, /2004/705/op5.htm) 

We have reached… all be losers. 


Politics Link Turns

Dems love plan and key to the agenda 
IHT 7, 1-3-7 "drug makers face tougher scrutiny" 

Public loves the plan

Prakash 7 [Professor, College of Agriculture Tuskegee University, “Benefits of Biotechnology for Developing Countries,] 

B. That’s Key to agenda

Edwards and Wayne 99. [George C. III, Distinguished Professor of Apolitical Science at Texas A&M University and Stephen J, Professor of Government at Georgetown University.  Presidential Leadership: Politics and Policy Making. Pg.342 ]

Colleyville MN – Affirmative – Global Health Corp

Plan: The United States Congress should implement S.850 of the 109th Congress, specifically to topically designated countries containing cases of the H5N1 virus.

Contention One - Pandemics

Poor health infrastructure and low resistance from HIV and malnutrition in Africa is making a pandemic strain of avian flu inevitable - the US must increase aid to avert a mutation

Feldman 7, Associate Dean in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts, 2007 (Robert. “Avian Influenza: Potential Impact on Sub-Saharan Military Populations with High Rates of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.” Military Magazine. July.

 “To date, H5N1 appears to have… but they are also in our own best interests.”

And, action must be taken NOW – mutations are occurring in Africa and we’re not far from a pandemic strain

Reuters 10/5 2007 (“Bird Flu mutating into human-unfriendly form.”

The H5N1 bird flu virus… they are the ones that are closer to human-like flu," Kawaoka said.”

Measures exist to stop the spread of the avian flu but will be ineffective without more concerted support – building health infrastructure is the only sustainable way to prevent a pandemic or respond if a pandemic should break out

Breiman 7, head of the Global Disease Detection Division and Director of the International Emerging Infections Program at CDC’s offices at the Kenya Medical Research Institute, 2007 (Dr. Laura Breiman. 

For IDSR to effectively function… vaccination strategies (and strategies that use both approaches) would be helpful.”

And, a Global Health Corps is crucial to solve – its superior mobilization and infrastructure capacities are critical for handling a pandemic

United Press International 5 (Laura Gilcrest. UPI Health Business Editor. “Med SWAT teams proposed by Frist.” November 18. 

Globe-trotting "medical SWAT teams" and medicine's roleservices around the world, he said.” 

Establishing a Global Health Corps creates long term sustainability of health systems and prevents health workers from migrating from the country

Davis, 2005 (Paul Davis, Director of Government Relations @ Health Global Access Project,“Strategic US Initiatives for Health Workforce Self Sufficiency in Developing Nations,” Health Gap Global Access Project, 12-1-2005, 

“E. Use volunteers and imported health workers as emergency steps… integrating them into the local health system.” 

Even a mild bird flu pandemic would collapse the global economy

Canadian Press Newswire 5, 8/16/2005 

“A major Canadian brokerage firm has added its voice… over a period of only 18 to 24 months.”

The impact is extinction

Bearden 2K T.E., LTC U.S. Army (Retired), [“The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve It Quickly,”, June 24]

“History bears out that desperate nationsbiosphere, at least for many decades.

The immediate effect of an avian outbreak is a billion deaths

Barnes 5, Research Assistant in Paleopathology, Wichita State, 2005, (Ethne. Diseases and human evolution, p. 427-8) 

“Human history is riddled with accounts… to 90 percent fatalities within days or weeks.” 

Contention Two – Failed States

Current aid to Africa lacks a focus on infrastructure and public diplomacy – this is generating failed states and resentment

Tsang, 6 (Steve, PhD Philosophy University of Oxford, Intelligence and Human Rights in the Are of Global Terrorism, Praeger Security International, Westport Connecticut, London, Pg. 162-163.) 

“Intelligence on biorisk… mind might find a material connection. 

And, establishing a Global Health Corps centered on containing the Avian Flu is perfect to remedy this – it can foster understanding and enhance our capacity to promote democracy

Frist, M.D., 6 (William H. Frist, M.D., Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, “Creating a U.S. Global Health Corps,” published in The American Interest, Winter 2006, vol. 1, no. 2,, was originally a letter to Senate on 12-6-2005, JMP) 

“The United States needs to broaden the way… That's why we should create a Global Health Corps.” 

And, the impact of public diplomacy is particularly acute in Africa – actions like the plan pave the way for the resolution of conflict and extremism

Indianapolis Star, 2007 (Bill Theobald, “Frist targets global health: Former Senate majority leader sees health care as the 'currency of peace'” 6-3-2007, 

“WASHINGTON -- Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist… and hopelessness breeds extremism. 


Preventing these failed states in sub-Saharan Africa is crucial to preventing a major attack on the US homeland

Dempsey, 6 (Thomas, Director of African Studies @ U.S. Army War College and served as a strategic intelligence analyst for Africa at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and as Chief of Africa Branch for the Defense Intelligence Agency, Counterterrorism in African Failed States: Challenges and Potential Solutions, April, 

“Failed states offer attractive venuesto threaten vital American national interests.” 

Such an attack would cause extinction

Sid-Ahmed 4, Political Analyst, 2K4 (Mohamed, “Extinction!” Al-Ahram Weekly On-Line, August 26 – September 1, /2004/705/op5.htm) 

We have reached a point in human historywe will all be losers.” 

Independently, African democracy solves war and instability

Carson, 04 (Johnnie, Senior Vice President at the National Defense University and formerly served as U.S.

Ambassador to Kenya, “Shaping U.S. Policy on Africa: Pillars of a New Strategy,” September, Strategic Forum, 

Africa’s democratic track record… other American interests and concerns.” 

And instability goes nuclear

Deutsch 02 [Dr. Jeffrey, PhD in Economics and Founder of the Rabid Tiger Project (political risk consulting firm), “Rabid Tiger Newsletter”, December 18th,] 

The Rabid Tiger Projectand some people love to go fishing.” 


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