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Greenhill HS – Negative CHINA OIL DA

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Greenhill HS – Negative


China is winning oil influence through its aid-for-oil strategy

Pan 7 (Esther, Council on Foreign Relations, “China, Africa, and Oil”)
China's booming economy, …from African countries.
Competition over access to oil markets is zero sum

Markman 6 (Jon, editor of the independent investment newsletters Strategic Advantage and Trader's Advantage , “How China is winning the oil race”)

The United States … to us forever.
African resources are key to Chinese economy

Rena, 7 (Dr Ravinder is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Eritrea Institute of Technology, Africa Economic Analysis, “Rich countries and their leverage on Africa”)

Despite its own … oil from Africa.
Chinese economic downturn causes World War III

Plate 3 (Tom, professor of Policy and Communication Studies at UCLA where he founded the Asia Pacific Media Network, “Why not invade China? With allies like the neo-cons, Bush scarcely needs enemies”)

But imagine a … seems to prefer.


The EU is the best leader on public health because of pharmaceutical research, experience, and innovation

Health Insurance Law Weekly, 2004 (l/n)
The World Health Organization … public health challenges.


Foreign aid is violent—it is based on the idea that individuals must sacrifice themselves for the needs of others

Condottiero 07 (Reference Librarian at the Ludwig von Mises Library)
“There is no… Altruism says: Yes.”[7]
The politics of self-sacrifice is the driving force behind totalitarian violence—those who do not willingly sacrifice their lives can be forced at the point of a bayonet

Rand 60 (Ayn, Philosopher,

The socialists had … the altruist morality.
Aid degrades those it claims to help—founding our relationship to africa on paternalism engenders the same racist attitudes responsible for africa’s history of colonialism and poverty

Holdt 03 (Jacob, Creator of American Pictures)

What I saw - … most paternalistic racists.
People are by nature rational and self-interested—the ideology of self-sacrifice is unethical and life-negating

Sternberg 05 (Elaine, Philosophy @ University of Leeds)

While most non … liberty is required.


A. Public health assistance is limited to treatment and testing for diseases

Schlosberg, Fellow-National Health Law Forum, 98

All aliens, regardless …diagnosis and treatment.
B. Impacts:
1. Limits: Not limiting public health to disease makes the term meaningless and explode the topic

AND---The most limiting interpretation is best because it facilitates in-depth research and clash.


A. Topical affirmatives must direct assistance to the region as a whole---the aff can’t specify a single country or countries

“to” means the destination must be sub Saharan Africa---not a country in that region
Oxford English Dictionary, 1989 (online)

B. Impacts:

1. Limits

2. Ground:

Greenhill BL – Affirmative – Kenyan Biosafety



observation one: inherency

kenya biotechnology is inevitable but it’s not adopting effective biosafety laws—the plan is crucial to create comprehensive biosafety guidelines—this will be modeled by the rest of africa


Kameri-Mbote, Prof of Law @ Intl Envrio Law Research Center in Kenya, 2007

Kenya needs public support

and rinderpest vaccine continues.

kenya lacks a comprehensive policy governing the development of biotech


Anyango and Shiundu, 2k (Dept of Botany & Chem @ Univ of Nairobi)

In Kenya, there is no specific policy

problems such as malaria and/or Aids research.

usaid’s biotech strategy is currently insufficient—the us needs to help train african bio-scientists to create sustainable success


Eicher, Prof of Ag Economics @ MSU, 2006

5. Capacity building: Cutting across

by smallholders in Africa in the seventies and eighties (Byerlee and Eicher, 1997).

kenya relies on unsustainable slash and burn agriculture to feed its population—this will collapse biodiversity


Africa News, 99

The prospects of successful economic development

local population of the linkage between conservation and development.

loss of kenyan biodiversity through overuse of land causes worldwide extinction


Miller and Yeager, Africa-Carribean Institute, 94

(Kenya: The Quest for Prosperity) 

The ODA study warns:Everywhere

2,000 metric tons in 1974/75 to 62,000 metric tons in 1989/90.

biotech key to restoring biodiversity—it’s the only way to avoid excessive land use


Braun, Prof of Microbiology @ Univ of Bern, and Ammann, Director of the Botanical Garden @ Bern, 96

Yields of cereals have gone up very considerably in the last forty years.

political will and financial incentives are a prerequisite.

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