Tournament of Champions 2k8 Comprehensive Caselist

prefer our evidence—overwhelming majority of experts conclude that with regulatory action, biotech will have a positive effect on biodiversity

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prefer our evidence—overwhelming majority of experts conclude that with regulatory action, biotech will have a positive effect on biodiversity

Leisinger, Executive Director of Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development, 99

There is a wealth of peer-reviewed serious analyses

acceptance that makes success feasible.

confluence of experts agree that gmos are safe—there has not been a single case of illness or environmental destruction b/c of regulatory action 


Lacy, former Executive Director of the Intl Policy Council on Ag, Food, And Trade, 3

(SAIS Review 23.1 (2003) 181-202—Project Muse)

Concerns over the health

suitable for human consumption enter the market.

observation three: mass starvation

Sub-Saharan Africa faces the most severe food shortages in the world – access to biotechnology is critical to resolve this


Trudell,  J.D. Candidate 2006, 05 (Robert H., Fall, Food Security Emergencies And The Power Of Eminent Domain: A Domestic Legal Tool To Treat A Global Problem, 33 Syracuse J. Int'l L. & Com. 277, Lexis)

The most food-insecure countries of the

and treatment of food insecurity.

land pressure is exacerbating soil erosion in kenya and the rest of africa—causes massive crop decreases


Hanyona, Writer for the Earth Times, 1

Soil erosion is one of the chronic environmental problem

although it is mostly used as an ornamental plant.

this makes global war inevitable—food shortages are the root cause of international violence


Jimmy Carter, Chair of Carter Center, 94

Why has peace been so elusive? A recent report sponsored by Future

report is a reminder that investments in agricultural research today can cultivate peace tomorrow.

impact is extinction


Francis, Ag research @ U Nebraska, 94

Nothing is more basic to

in an area of growing importance for the future.

kenya biotech development spillsover throughout africa


Nidiritu, Director of KARI, 96

Kenya urgently needs a stronger system

protect their environments.

Success in sub-Saharan Africa will be modeled internationally


Glover, 7

In many respects, sub-Saharan Africa represents

African farmers and consumers themselves.  

smooth transition to biotechnology is the only way to avert mass starvation in africa

Chassey, Associate Director of The Biotch Center @ the Univ of Illinois, 3

Sub-Saharan Africa is a

can be eliminated without agricultural biotechnology.

biotechnology prevents soil erosion—reduces tillage and pesticide use


McGloughlin, Prof @ Univ of California Davis, 99

(Journal of Agrobiotech Management & Economics Vol.2 No.3/4 Article. 4)

The argument that adoption

water infiltration and storage.

observation four: monoculture

genetic diversity in agriculture is collapsing—only effective utilization of biotechnology can avert monoculture


Raeburn, award-winning science writer, 95

(The Last Harvest: The Genetic Gamble that Threatens to Destroy American Agriculture)

Never before have so many millions

yields, lowing costs, and devising new products.

causes extintion


Fowler, Ph.D. Center for Intl Enviro & Development Studies, and Mooney, Ph.D. in Sociology, 90

(“Shattering: Food, Politics, and the Loss of Genetic Diversity”)

While many may ponder the consequences

That is the subject of this book.

development of biosafety in kenya is crucial to maximize the use of local germplasm that protects genetic diversity


Wambugu, President of Harvest Biotech Foundation International, 6

The debate on biotechnology and its impact

can prevent suffering and starvation.  

Kenya is key to global biodiversity

Juma, director of African Center for Tech studies, 89

Kenya is one of the few African countries…Any major programs to be initiated

observation four: solvency

an increase in us involvement is vital to counter the change of european influence that prevents biotech developments


Paarlberg, Prof of Poli Sci @ Wellesley, 2003

Most of the increased acreage

biotechnology at the molecular level.

us key—it’s the world leader in biotech


Sheldon, Prof of Ag Enviro & Development Economics, 2k (Ian M., Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management & Economics Vol.3 No.1 Article7)

These stylized facts summarize the process by which

firms compared to their European rivals.

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