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Japan Alliance da

japanese soft power is low but its institutions are trying to recover its diplomacy.

Posen 2002 (Adam S., June 21, “Japan’s Distraction by Regional Economic Integration”, Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics,
Japanese motivations and goals …States with regards to trade policy).
japanese foreign aid to development projects is necessary to increase its soft power.
Lincoln 2003 (Edward J., senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Japan: Using Power Narrowly”, The Washington Quarterly 27:1, p. 111-127, Winter 2003-4)
Japanese foreign aid peaked at $16 …the longer-term trend of shrinking foreign aid.13
increased japanese power is necessary to strengthen the u.s.-japan relationship into a sustainable and equal affiliation.
Okada 2005 (Katsuya, President of the Democratic Party of Japan, “Toward Realization of Enlightened National Interest”, May 18,
Japan's foreign policy in the past has been …inspiring when envisioning Japan's future.
lastly, a strong u.s.-japan alliance is necessary to prevent proliferation in asia which would lead to miscalculation, preemption, and retaliatory war.
Friedberg 1993/1994 (Aaron L., Associate Prof. of Politics and Internat’l Affairs at Princeton and Director of Research Program in International Security at Princeton’s Center of International Studies, International Security, Vol. 18, No. 3, Winter, p. 5-33, “Ripe for Rivalry: Prospects for Peace in a Multipolar Asia”, available at JSTOR)
If the prospective costs of war appear unduly high and …yet likely misperceptions will become. "69.

Oil investment da

While investment in African oil has increased, it’s still minuscule.

Harsh 05 (Ernest Harsch, managing editor of the UN quarterly magazine Africa Renewal, 1/05, "Investors start to eye Africa: Hurdles to productive foreign investment remain high," Africa Renewal, Vol.18 #4,

Usually, when investors look around for someplace to put their …high enough to reduce poverty.

AIDS and other health problems contribute to a perception of instability in Africa that prevents foreign investment in oil.
Harsh 05 (Ernest Harsch, managing editor of the UN quarterly magazine Africa Renewal, 1/05, "Investors start to eye Africa: Hurdles to productive foreign investment remain high," Africa Renewal, Vol.18 #4,

Foreign investors also cite Africa's broader problems as deterrents. …and combat AIDS and other debilitating health problems.

Increasing foreign aid will help restore confidence and increase investment.
Dr. Carol Lancaster, distinguished professor at Georgetown's School of Foreign Service and has been active in the U.S. government, “Economic development and investment in sub-Saharan Africa”, Law and Policy in International Business. Volume: 30. Issue: 4. Publication Year: 1999

Obviously, the kind of investment is important. It makes a …Saharan Africa in significant amounts.

Fuel cells are coming and will solve peak oil, but peak oil is almost upon us.
Jeremy Rifkin, noted thinker and futurist, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends, 04/28/06,
Rifkin observes that we are fast approaching a ...hydrogen fuel cell power plant at the Munich airport.
Increased oil supply destroys our focus on long-term goals of renewable energy.
Ethan Goffman, CSA (a worldwide information company) writer, “Global Oil Supply and United States Energy Policy”, 2005,
The United States' reaction to oil shortages …fine diplomatic line, for instance in Saudi Arabia.
Unmitigated peak oil causes extinction.
Dr. Malcolm Riddoch, Faculty of Communications and Creative Industries, Edith Cowan University, June 19, 2004,
There are lots of recent 2004 reports speculating …companions famine and pestilence.


We have already overshot the carrying capacity of earth – environmental capacities are being destroyed and population rates are still rising exponentially

Carrying Capacity Network ’04 [Carrying Capacity Network Action Alert, April,]
Readers of the latest version of Limits will find some grim …will greatly exacerbate the aforementioned trends.

Assistance creates an expectation for prosperity which leads to less caution and restraint leading to larger family sizes which is the root cause of overpopulation
Abernethy, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 1993 (
Between the end of World War II and 1970 fertility rates rose virtually …and to the absence of an emigration option.
Turns Case: For every life they save 10 will die in the crunch.
Ehrlich, 74 –Professor of Biology at Stanford University-1974 ( Paul June 16th The New York Times)
Furthermore, there are other pernicious fallacies in the “what we …is now moot, since we have no more surplus food.
The impact is extinction
Ehrlich & Ehrlich 1990 (Paul & Anne, Professors of Population Studies, Stanford University, The Population Explosion, p. 187)
The population explosion contributes …time scale of years rather than weeks.
This argument may sound cruel and unkind, but ethics are unsustainable in the world of overpopulation—no one will abide by the ethical mandates when they need to pillage scares resources to survive.
Herschel Elliott, Professor Emeritus Philosophy at the University of Florida. “A General Statement of the Tragedy of the Commons.” February 1997.
That leads to pragmatic refutation of the belief that moral knowledge …of the commons – the collapse of both environment and society.

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