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Engaging in neoconservative threat discourse over China results in self-fulfilling prophecy and war

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Engaging in neoconservative threat discourse over China results in self-fulfilling prophecy and war

Pan 06

(Chengxin , School of International and Political Studies Faculty of Arts Deakin University, Australia “A Window of Opportunity”? Neoconservatives’ Grand Strategy and Implications for U.S.-China Relations Paper prepared for the 47th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Diego, USA, 22-25 March 2006 online at the ISA website)  


Development/Crisis Reps: 

The affirmative’s representation of an Africa in need of moral and humanitarian assistance from the West is the basis for imperial intervention. While self-flattery of these attitudes may appear productive, they are merely a mask to legitimize military intervention and artificially separate it from our colonial past. 
Frank Furedi, professor at the University of Kent, 1994, The New Ideology of Imperialism, p. 110-113 
The widespread acceptance…reluctant western power. 

Various link cards—Escobar poverty links, Western medicine, etc. 

We must engage alternative discourses to developmental concepts such as “assistance”—unmasking development opens spaces for other modes of knowledge. 

Escobar 94 “Encountering Development” 

Imagining the end…a social reality

Representations are paramount to policy-making in sub-Subaran Africa—the intention of policy-makers shapes implementation 
Emery Roe, director of the Center for Sustainable Resource Development at the University of California, Berkeley, 1999, Except Africa: Remaking Development, Rethinking Power, p. 104-105 

The expatriate role…development intention. 

Other Frequent Cards: 

The affirmative’s attempt to empower individuals with autonomy reasserts Western domination. 
Uma Kothari, lecturer in Social Development @ U Manchester, 2001, “Participation: The New Tyranny?”, 142-143 
Participatory approaches…inducement of conformity. 
The rhetoric of empowering Africa obscures the unequal power relations of assistance. 
David Chandler, Profess or IR, 2007, “Rethihnknig Ethical Foreign Policy, p. 178-180) 

The framing of assistance posits Africa as inferior and in need of Western intervention. 

Escobar 94 “Encountering Development”, 6 

To see development…in Western discourse 

Western health assistance imposes the Western technological developmental model upon Africa. 

Amy Laura Hall, Duke, 7/1/06, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, “Whose Progress?  The Language of Global Health” 

The configuration…biotechnological world order. 

Viewing Africa through the lens of crisis ensures the failure of policy

Emery Roe, director of the Center for Sustainable Resource Development at the University of California, Berkeley, 1999, Except Africa: Remaking Development, Rethinking Power, 7-8 

What is really…much that matters 

Assistance towards the so-called “poor” treats them as objects of control 

Escobar 94 “Encountering Development”, 23 

The treatment of…the social 

Western medicine is part of a larger civilizing mission used to control local populations 

Nicholas King, Oxford, 12/02, Social Studies of Science, “Security, Disease, Commerce: Ideologies of Postcolonial Global Health”, 779=780 

This idealization…and belief systems. 

Western imperialism is an insidious and dangerous form of politics that results in a clash of cultures and a worldwide battlefield. 

Frank Furedi, professor at the University of Kent, 1994, The New Ideology of Imperialism, p. 119 

However, the attempt…into a battlefield. 

Representations of failed economies are used to destroy autonomy 

Frank Furedi, professor at the University of Kent, 1994, The New Ideology of Imperialism, p. 6-7 

One obvious line…enjoy this right.

Highland Park GO – Affirmative – Nietzsche/Carnivals of Atrocity

Contention One: Inherency 
Initially note the massive lack of AZT, also know as Zidovudine, being sent to Sub-Saharan Africa. An increase by the United States is crucial to being able to make up for the shortage. 
Red Orbit 11/9/05(“Worldwide Shortage of Glaxo's AIDS Drug, AZT, Alarms Patients, Advocates, Says AHF”, PRNewswire, 
"We are greatly alarmed about this shortage of GSK's life-saving AIDS drug, AZT… Africa and other resource-poor countries worldwide. 
AZT is a major cause of anemia which can make it hard to live a normal life, if not life threatening 
Anemia Institute for research and education, 2002 (“Why Am I So Tired All the Time?” 
Antiretroviral medications often cause fatigue or tiredness. But if you are always tired,… energy and make it hard to live a normal life.  
Zidovudine is linked to increase mutation at Codon 215 
Rubio et al. ‘97 
Rubio, A.; Leal, M.*; Pineda, J. A.*; Caruz, A.; Luque, F.; Rey, C.; Sanchez-Quijano, A.*; Lissen, E.* Viral Hepatitis and AIDS Groups, Department of Biochemistry, Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Avda Manuel Siurot s/n, Seville 41013, Spain (Rubio) (Caruz) (Luque) (Rey) *Viral Hepatitis and AIDS Groups, Department of Medicine, Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Avda Manuel Siurot s/n, Seville 41013, Spain, March 11, 2007 (“Increase in the frequency of mutation at codon 215 associated with zidovudine resistance in HIV-1-infected antiviral-naive patients from 1989 to 1996,”;jsessionid=G6CNSncKsh5dw3bGX6bhVdk18JLpqhRwG1rnNt14FlT22qLwQkLh!-2030958118!181195628!8091!-1)  
After a period of time under treatment with zidovudine (ZDV), resultant strains of HIV… antiretroviral-naive patients in our area. 

Thus, we present the following plan:

The United States federal government should, through the legislative branch, increase the amount of AZT being sent to sub-Saharan Africa. 
We’ll clarify plan intent. 
Contention Two: Carnivals of Atrocity 
The silence has gone on too long – political theorists and philosophers alike have skirted the issue of cruelty and the role it plays in our existence. Our affirmative is a new exposition of cruelty and violence to refocus our minds on the utility of cruelty. 
Miller, 90 – Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science at Brown University – 1990(James, “Carnivals of Atrocity Foucault, Nietzsche, Cruelty”, Political Theory, Vol. 18, No.3, August, 470-491, JSTOR) 
What, for example, are we to make of Foucault's apparent… The first challenge is to sketch an interpretation that renders explicit what Foucault has left largely implicit. 
Our act of intentional murder is a necessary and enjoyable part of the affirmation of our existence. Cruelty is something we’ll desire whatever we do, it is a question of whether or not we wish to express that desire or internalize it. Doing the latter causes us to constantly desire to be cruel and eventually we declare war on ourselves. 
Miller, 90 – Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science at Brown University – 1990(James, “Carnivals of Atrocity Foucault, Nietzsche, Cruelty”, Political Theory, Vol. 18, No.3, August, 470-491, JSTOR) 
Now, Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals expresses the same disquieting… triumph of asceticism in Christianity.' 

Pain and Suffering are inherent conditions of life. Not arguments against our affirmation of it. Appeals to end suffering only lead to internalization of this suffering.

Deleuze, 83 – French Philosopher – 1983(Gilles, “Nietzsche and Philosophy”, Page 129-130) 
In order to understand the nature of this invention we must asses… who invents and will the internal meaning of pain? 
This internalization of cruelty creates hatred for our current existence. This hatred of suffering dwarfs humanity to the point where our very destruction becomes desirable 
Nietzsche, 86 – German Philosopher – 1886(Friedrich, “Beyond Good and Evil”, Page 342) 
225. Whether it be hedonism, pessimism, utilitarianism… all the elevations of humanity hitherto? 
To affirm chance and the tragic in life is to learn to see the best in the worst of what is. This is liberation of the free intellect from the joyless concept of life in the status quo. 
Deleuze. 83 – French Philosopher – 1983(Gilles, “Nietzsche and Philosophy”, Page 17-18) 
Dionysus affirms all that appears, “even the most bitter suffering… tragedies” (VP IV 50). Tragedy — frank, dynamic, gaiety. 
Contention Three: Role of Cruelty 
Our interpretation is that all arguments should be evaluated on the same level. 
Their framework forces the judge to hate themselves, rendering a “judgement” by some appeal to transcendental value. Instead, you should evaluate the round and our arguments as symptoms of our position on life and choose the most affirmative. 
[daniel w., “deleuze and the question of desire: toward an immanent theory of ethics”, parrhesia, number 2, 66-78] 
Now according to Deleuze, this immanent… passive and active affections, in Spinoza). 
Their framework arguments misunderstand the nature of evaluation. people do not act as scales, neutrally comparing alternate actions. the inumerable amount of drives shape and change our position. even at the moment of the decisive “fold”, we can never know all of the motives that cause our decision as a moment of singularity. 
SMITH 2K7__ 
[daniel w., “deleuze and the question of desire: toward an immanent theory of ethics”, parrhesia, number 2, 66-78] 
Now with these Nietzschean reflections in hand, I want to turn to my…. judgment with the force of decision.”17 

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