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Highland Park GO – Affirmative – Generics/ARV’s

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Highland Park GO – Affirmative – Generics/ARV’s

Plan Text: The United States federal government should, through the executive branch, increase the number of generic antiretroviral drugs sent to PEPFAR countries designated by the resolution through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief by purchasing the most cost effective drugs available that meaet the World Health Organization’s prequalification standards. 
Contention 1: AIDS 
Status quo pharma programs subordinate human lives to profits- resulting in millions of deaths 
Foreman 2003 – Director of the AIDS Programme of the Panos Institute in London – 2003 (Martin, Perspectives in Health Magazine: The Magazine of Pan American Health Organization, Volume 8 Number 1, “Don’t let TRIPS trip up access to essential drugs,” 
The pharmaceutical industry knows that high prices restrict sales and volume…and other patented drugs still do not have access to them. 
Pepfar has created its own ARV delivery system – we do not use the hospitals indicted by the neg evidence 
US Embassy 2005 (September 29, “US announces Consortium to Expedite Delivery of HIV/AIDS Drugs/Supplies” 
On September 28, US Global AIDS coordinator Randall Tobias…including bilateral programs in more than 100 countries around the world. 
And, adopting WHO prequalification standards would allow Pepdar to increase the number of people receiving life saving ARVS’s by ten fold while avoiding risks from brand name drugs and obstacles created by the FDA 
Ismail 2006 ( Asif, “Pepfar Policy Hinders Treatment in Generic Terms, “Center for Public Integrity,, Production Editor for Center for Public Integrity, 12/13 
But like Rep. Waxman, some pepfar critics think the initiative’s cautious… Baker said, creates another set of bureaucratic hurdles. 
The impact of ignoring any facet of HIV/AIDS in Africa is akin to being complicit with mass-murder- HIV/AIDS will kill more people in Africa then all wars combined and devastate the entire continent. 
Brown 2006 (Lester, Former international Agricultural Analyst for US Department of Agriculture and President of Worldwatch Institute, Earth Policy Institute, Plan B 2.0 – Rescuing A Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble, Chapter Six, 
Although diseases such as malaria and cholera exact…or we will succeed against neither 
Africa already has the infrastructure in place to distribute ARVs and regulate compliance with drug regimes – their standards are the same as those in the West, and have been empirically proven to save lives and prevent the spread of disease. 
Chien 2003(University of California at Berkely School of Law, “Cheap Drugs at What Price to Innocation: Does the Compulsory Licensing of Pharmacueticals Hurt Innovation?” Berkeley Technology Law Journal, Summer 2003) Lexis. 
While high drug prices comprise only one aspect of… a more pressing and realistic objective. 
Poverty, infrastructure or resistance alternate causalities and arguments about protecting pharma R&D are just industry lies designed to protect profits. ARVs have been effective even in the poorest areas. 
Crooks 2005 – Jamie, Boaly Hall School of Law, J.D. Candidate 2006. 23 Berkeley J. Int’l L. 524 p.L/N 
Surely poverty and under-resourced public health infrastructure… of the world’s poorest HIV/AIDS patients. 
Failure of the US to adopt WHO qualifications undermines the credibility of all other AIDS assistance programs, creating a ripple effect of resource inefficiency and mistrust towards all international efforts. The plan is key to international harmonization that will save lives. 
Lynch 2005 ( Sharonann, HIV/AIDS treatment Literatcy Coordinator for MSF’s Lesotho mission, Medicine Procurement of ARV’s and Other Essential Medicines in the US Global AIDS Program, PepfarWatch November http: www. 
A unilateral system risks undermining the WHO… drugs approved only by the FDA 
And, ARVs are key to prevention – people get tested an begin engaging in safer practices when they have hope they will be able to access life-saving drugs. 
Crooks 2005 – Jamie, Boaly Hall School of Law, J.D. Candidate 2006. 23 Berkeley J. Int’l L. 524 p.L/N 
A daily cocktail of anti-retroviral medication… in turn assists prevention measures. 
Contention 2: Free Trade 
US Led trade agreements massively restrict the distribution of ARVs 
Westerhaus and Castro 2006 – Micheal, MD, medical resident at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Arachu, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor os Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Project Manager for Mexico and Guatemala at Partners in Health, “How do Intellectual Property Law and International Trade Agreements Affect Acces to Antiretroviral Therapy?” PLoS Med 3(8) http// 
However, recent US trade policy threatens…now referred to as “TRIPS-plus” measures. 
The US uses its trade leverage, such as the threat of sanctions, to coerce nations into refusing to accept generic ARV’s. 
Crooks 2005 – Jamie, Boaly Hall School of Law, J.D. Candidate 2006. 23 Berkeley J. Int’l L. 524 p.L/N 
US HIV/AIDS policy tends to prioritize…even where no patent law had existed before. 
And Globalization is inevitable – the only question is how it is carried out – policies that consider the needs of the poor are vital 
Schneider 2000 (Mark, 
These are some of the areas…gap will widen even further 

Refusal to liberalize ARV’s for Sub-Saharan Africa has devastated US trade credibility 

Ernesto Zedillo 2003 “Disorderly conduct: The world’s second pillar is shaky” May 30 International Herald Tribune 
In the past two years… example of international cooperation 
Free trade prevents war through economic growth, increased communication and the promotion of cosmopolitan ethics 
McDonald 2004 (Patrick J) 
Free trade, and not just trade…. War during a crisis. 
WWI followed an era of only open trade – universal free trade precludes the risk of war – European economic community proves 
Alan Oxley 2004 
Historians regularly debate how much…. An open global economy. 
Wars of the 20th century were a revolt against liberal ideals, not free trade 
Richard Ebeling 2002 
None of the wars… life subservient to the ends of war. 
Free trade solves terrorism by alleviating poverty and spurring democrativ reforms. 
O’Driscoll and Fitzgerald 2003 (Gerald and Sara) 
The latest “National security Strategy…And it would be far less costly. 
Terrorist attack would cause WWIII and extinction 
Mohamed Sid-Ahmed ’04 – “Extinction.” 
A nuclear attack… we will all be losers 
Free Trade Sustains economic growth and prosperity 
Kenneth Juster 2001 
One of the simple and clear points…innovation and quality enhancement. 
Free trade encourages growth in less developed countries 
Daniel Griswold 2000 
LDCs have the most to…. More sensible economic policies. 
Poverty is equivalent to an ongoing nuclear war against the poor; it is the root cause of all other violence 
Gilligan 96 (James, Professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School, Director of the Center for the Study of Violence, and a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the National Campaign Against Youth Violence, “Violence: Our Deadly Epidemic and its Causes”, p. 191-196) 
The deadliest form of violence is poverty… (from homicide and suicide to war and genocide). 
Failure to resolve trade issues with the WTO will exacerbate growing tensions between the US and China. 
MacInnis 2007 (laura) 
Still, he said it was… in bilateral trade alliances 
Trade tensions between the US and China will quickly manifest into armer conflict due to economic depression and domestic politics 
Henry Liu 2005, 
US Geoolitical hostility… a war with China 
And a US-China war is the most likely scenario for conflict – it willeasily escalate into a nuclear holocaust 
We control the internal link to international tensions – free trade directly causes improvement in global environmental standards solving climate shift 
Daniel Griswold 2000 
Free trade prevents degradation and pollution and causes states to shift to protecting the environment – this is key to biodiversity 
Futurecasts 2002 
The greatest environmental… instances may help

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