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Politics Link Turns

Turn – Spending on global health is popular
Knobler, et al. – 2006

(Stacey Knobler – Former Director of the Institute of Medicine’s Forum on Microbial Threats, Abel Mahmoud – President at Merck Vaccines, Stanley Lemon – Dean of the University of Texas School of Medicine and Leslie Pray – Science Writer, The Impact of Globalization on Infectious Disease Emergence and Control: Exploring the Consequences and Opportunities, Workshop Summary - Forum on Microbial Threats, 3-3-2006,

Recent large … way of doing business
Turn – Public support
a) There is tremendous public support for combating AIDS.
Zietz et al. 03- (Dr. Paul Zietz, staff writer and researcher for PEPFAR, Global AIDS Alliance “2003 Annual Report- Section D”,
Polling indicates that … women, and students.
b) Popular acts don’t cost political capital – they boost it
ROBERTS 11 – 9 – 04 Political Science BA, University of New Mexico

[Dane, “Democrats need sharp vision,” Daily Lobo, via University Wire]

"Political capital" might … his political capital.
Turn – Democrats
a) They support the plan
Associated Press, 6-29-2007 (Andrew Taylor, “Senate Democrats want to shift foreign aid funding to war on AIDS”,
WASHINGTON -- Senate Democrats … on Capitol Hill.
b) Concessions to dems – not political capital – is key to the agenda
The last time … difficult two years.’’
Turn – Winners Win – political victories multiply – insiders prove
Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute 9/10/01

(Norman, Roll Call “Congress Inside Out”)

The compromise accomplished … standards for SUVs.

2AC Add-Ons

Middle East
Soft power necessary to prevent Middle East conflicts from going nuclear
Harold Hongju Koh, Professor of International Law, Yale Law School; Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 1998-2001, 2003 55 Stan. L. Rev. 1479
Since then, the … the indispensable player.
This ends the world
While a threat … a thermonuclear scale.
North Korea

Soft power critical to prevent war on the Korean Penninsula
Harold Hongju Koh, Professor of International Law, Yale Law School; Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 1998-2001, 2003 55 Stan. L. Rev. 1479
America's "hard power… and valuable ground.
War on the peninsula will end life on Earth
AFRICA NEWS, December 25, 1999, p. online
Lusaka - If there is … with North Korea.

U.S. credibility is critical to avoid war between India & Pakistan
Defense News, June 28, 2004,
In Asia, as … ground for terrorists.
The impact to India-Pakistan war is extinction
BUSINESS RECORDER, December 17, 2000
Pakistan has sought … dangerous place on earth.

Lakeland RW – Negative


We have been reading this since Michigan
B) Links
1) Public health assistance burns political capital
Carroll 1

[Terry Carroll Colonel in U.S. Army, US Army War College Strategy Research Project, ENGAGEMENT OF MARRIAGE: THE CASE FOR AN EXPANDED MILITARY MEDICAL ROLE IN AFRICA; March 27, 2001,]

Some argue that …regard to Africa .
2) Political capital key to passage

[Energy & Environment Daily, 5/16]

Bush's comments could … president would push" (E&ENews PM, May 9).

C) Impacts
1) LOST ratification critical to naval power projection & military readiness
Clark 10/4

[Vernon Clark Former Chief of Naval Operations U.S. Navy, CQ, 10-4, 7]

While serving as … the world's oceans.
2) Strong power projection and readiness critical to prevent escalation to World War III
Barnes 98

[Wyatt, partner at Roney and Co., Strategic Review, Fall]

Olsen would have … will be welcome

China 1NC

We don’t always read the DA the same way, this is the most common version.
Chinese leaders are insecure and fear outside geopolitical pressure by the U.S., but the political situation is currently stable
Susan L. Shirk … be serious implications.
China uses African ties to preserve its global positioning and prevent encirclement
Carla Hills, former trade negotiator, Council on Foreign Relations, U.S.-CHINA RELATIONS: AN AFFIRMATIVE AGENDA, A RESPONSIBLE COURSE, April 2007,
At the same … growth and security.
The plan upstages China – China currently relies on increases in foreign aid and declining U.S. leadership to secure its interests in Africa. The plan is a direct challenge
GLOBE & MAIL, November 6, 2006, p.
An unprecedented summit … China's oil imports.
Foreign policy losses threaten Chinese politicians
Susan Shirk, served as deputy assistant secretary for China at the U.S. State Department from 19 secretary for China at the U.S. State Department from 1999 to 2000.CHINA: FRAGILE SUPERPOWER, 2007, p. 66
Today's leaders have … for overthrowing them.
Pressure on China creates tensions among the factions, collapsing bipartisanship
Cheng Li ‘5, William R. Kenan Professor of Government and Chair of the Asian Studies Program at Hamilton College (Orbis, Summer 2005, 387-400)
Because bipartisanship is … checks and balances.
Internal political strife will collapse the regime
Lowell Dittmer ’90 The China Quarterly, No. 123. (Sep., 1990), pp. 405-430
Elite strife is … be handled “correctly.”
Regime collapse causes lashout and nuclear war
The Epoch Times ‘5, 8/3/05
Since the Party’s … with their lives.

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