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Terrorism in the horn of Africa will serve as a safe haven for international terrorists and spark major regional war

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Terrorism in the horn of Africa will serve as a safe haven for international terrorists and spark major regional war

Peter Brookes, senior fellow, national security affairs and chung ju-yung Fellow for policy studies, asian studies center, “horn hotbed,” armed forces journal, may 2007,

Since the early 1990s, the Horn of Africa — the descriptive name… Islamic extremists and terrorists.

War and instability in Africa goes nuclear

Deutsch 2. Jeffrey, Political Risk consultant and Ph. D in Economics, The Rabid Tiger Newsletter, Vol 2, No 9, Nov 18,

The Rabid Tiger Project believes that a nuclear war is most… people love to go fishing.

Terrorists in Africa can and will get nukes to use against the US

Thomas Dempsey, Director of African Studies @ U.S. Army College and served as a strategic intelligence analyst for Africa at the John F. kennedy Special warfare Center and as Chief of Africa Branch for the Defense Intelligence Agency, “Counterterrorism in African Failed States: Challenges and Potential Solutions”, April 2006,

Raising the Stakes: The Nuclear Dimension of the Terrorist Threat… will be a complex and difficult task.

A nuclear terror attack invites Russian and Chinese aggression and causes massive U.S. retaliation against the muslim world—guarantees the termination of the planet

Corsi 5 [Jerome, PhD - harvard, Atomic Iran, pg176-8]

The combination of horror and outrage that will surge upon the nation… absorb the blow and recover.

1ac solvency


An increase in US support for family planning’s essential to curb overpopulation and lower fertility rates.

Easterbrook, 99 (Greg, senior editor @ new republic, current fellow @ brookings institute, “Reproductivity,” 10/11, p. New Republic)

To sustain the presently favorable trends in … more than contraception.

US must take the lead in family planning or else lose valuable time and expertise—it’s key to program sustainability

Susan A. Cohen, policy development associate at the Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1997 (

For this small price, the U.S. population … and Depo-Provera.

Increasing US family planning is the only way to sustain global involvement

Wendy Turnbull, policy analyst at PAI, January 1996 (

Currently, about three-quarters of the roughly $4 billion spent …. in a more integrated manner.

Only US family planning efforts can develop an international model that’s essential to success

Olympia Snowe, Senator from Maine, 1 (

The real issue before us today is often referred to as the ``… our models in their own efforts.

USAID involvement’s essential to engaging African leaders solving for local adaptation

Donald S. Shepard health policy at Brandeis University, June 3 (Studies in Family Planning 34.2)

The regionalization strategy featured a forced … management and ensured consistent messages.

Increasing family planning access quickly stabilizes population rates

Brown, 3. – President of the Earth Policy Institute (Lester, Chapter 10 Responding to the social challenge. Plan B: Rescuing a planet under stress and a civilization in trouble. 2003.

Slowing world population …children per family.

GBN OZ – Negative


US ratification of LOS is key to establish legal certainty and prevent conflicts with Russia over the Arctic.

Reuters 3/9 (Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent, 3/9/08, "Could Arctic ice melt spawn new kind of cold war?" Reuters, /latestCrisis/idUSN07319018)

Unlike the first Cold War… going to develop without us."

LOS mediation is key to prevent miscalc.

WSJ 07 (Wall Street Journal, 8/22/2007. "U.S. Resistance to Sea Treaty Thaws," Wall Street Journal)

All this has put the U.S. … to assert its claims.

Causes nuclear war.

Kanter 99 (Arnold Kanter et al, Senior Fellow at the Forum for International Policy, 9/13/1999. "A Deal With Russia On Arms Control?" Boston Globe, /abmt/news/e19990914deal.htm)

Second, we want to do … that our children will pay the price.

Lost 1nc

Bush’s capital and support’s critical to LOST passage

NYT, 8-25, 2007,

A solemn international …and the Navy. 

LOST key to US hegemony – customary international law’s insufficient

Baker & Shultz, Former Secretaries of State, September 26, 2007

The Convention … on the Law of the Sea. 

US leadership’s essential to prevent global nuclear exchange

Zalmay Khalilzad, RAND, The Washington Quarterly, Spring 1995

Under the … of power system. 

 Oil DA 1nc

Perceptions of African instability is keeping oil prices high now

ABC Australia, 1/4/08,

The new year has barely … hemisphere. 

A decline in oil prices causes massive capital flight and tanks the Russian economy

IHT 1/7/04

Despite a year of turmoil …, according to one economist. 

Russian economic decline results in extinction

Steven David, Professor of Political Science at The Johns Hopkins University, Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb, 1999

   If internal war does strike Russia, …a Russian civil war.


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