Tournament of Champions 2k8 Comprehensive Caselist

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causes extintion


Fowler, Ph.D. Center for Intl Enviro & Development Studies, and Mooney, Ph.D. in Sociology, 90

(“Shattering: Food, Politics, and the Loss of Genetic Diversity”)

While many may ponder the consequences of

development of biosafety in kenya is crucial to maximize the use of local germplasm that protects genetic diversity


Wambugu, President of Harvest Biotech Foundation International, 6  



Juma, 89

(Calestous, The Gene Hunters)

“Kenya is one of the few African countries”

observation four: solvency

an increase in us involvement is vital to counter the change of european influence that prevents biotech developments


Paarlberg, Prof of Poli Sci @ Wellesley, 2003

 us key—it’s the world leader in biotech


Sheldon, Prof of Ag Enviro & Development Economics, 2k (Ian M., Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management & Economics Vol.3 No.1 Article7)


Us capacity building assistance is crucial to build collaborative networks with developing countries that allow the us to fully utilize international genetic varieties---only by directly working with other countries can we diversify us agriculture 

Cummings, Coordinator for Intl Research-AID, 91

(Bioscience, December) 

Advances in US agriculture provide an extraordinary example


no links only turns-biotech proposals will be spun as Bipartisan Economic development and be disassociated from th negitive issues
Plein 91
(Science, Technology & Human Values, Vol. 16, No. 4, 474-490)
The other dimension of economic development is international competition
Bipartisan and public support for biotech
Genertic Engineering & Bi0tech News 7
They are very congnizant of the need to stimulate new technology
Biotech popular in Congress
Plein 92
(Science, Technology & Human Values, Vol. 16, No. 4, 474-490)
She attributed this change to the growing acceptance of biotechnology by citizens and policymakers alike.
Plan popualr with the public
Lawrence 6
( .php?uid=150)
Americans overwhelmingly supprt initiatives aimed at increasing agricultural
And it turns the link public key to poli cap
National Journal’s congressDaily 05
The question of Bush’s approval rating is hardly an academic exercise

2AC Answers

Order – T, Heg, Egypt, Trade Off DA, K

No we meet, just rolled with counter interp, competing interps bad, we are T later in block

Their cards only assume the squo, inevitability claims, case solves = main args against the case, Plan is a shift away from the norm

Reads a lot of cards back to all args
At: Australia – Heg in the sqou and hasn’t happened yet – alt severs all relations

Extended Egypt advantage

DA – NU, not on chopping block, congressional earmarks link turn, conflict has been on brink for ever – case solves cuz water is cause, we solve escalation. Keagan.

K – Policy F/w

No link – don’t do security – its water
No link
Critisicm marginalizes Africa in colonialism
Aff helps them and they asked so not bad
Cant solve water crisis min Africa the alt fails
Fiating Africa bad for debating
Perm – reject every instance except ours
International fiat illigit
C/I – they only get one K

Greenhill RR – Affirmative – Somalia Medical Teams

Plan:  The United States federal government should improve Somali health capacity by training Somali medical professionals and providing support for health care capacity building. 

CI – Aid now 

US has tripled its public health assistance to Africa and will inevitably expand its military presence

X Bates Gill, Chin-hao Hung and J. Stephen Morrison, 01-2007 (“China’s Expanding Role in Afria and Implications for the United States”, Center for International and Strategic Studies,

“engagement in Africa….moving forward with plans to create a new Africa command” 

The US is providing millions of dollars worth of aid to Somalia specifically

X Knight 12-17-07 (

“largest bilateral donor of humanitarian… of AMISOM deployments” 

C2 – Health 

The Somalia health care infrastructure is in shambles – there is chronic shortage of health care workers and inadequate training

X Randolph 2004 (

“there is a chronic lack of qualified health professionals….upgrade the skills of those in Somalia” 

Somalian health crisis will result in over 2 million deaths and jeopardize global efforts to contain disease

X Betelmal, 2006,

“staggering 2.1 million are in urgent…..more than 2 million people” 


Terminal impact is extinction

X South China Morning Post 01-04-96

“in place of natural….imperil the survival of the human race” 

Comprehensive package of technical assistance is crucial to restore public health infrastructure in Somalia and ensure delivery of vital services

X Von Hippel, 2004 (

“60 international organizations are supporting…..assistance to Somalia could be maximized if it was linked more…institutional development” 

Accessibility is not a problem – assistance can effectively reach Somalians

X Hess 2007 (hearing of African Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee)

“Access appears to be improving….back in Somalia” 

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