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B. US response to a bioterror attack is definite and will escalate to nuclear war – minimizing death toll is crucial to prevent

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B. US response to a bioterror attack is definite and will escalate to nuclear war – minimizing death toll is crucial to prevent

Conley 3 (Lt Col Harry W. is chief of the Systems Analysis Branch, Directorate of Requirements, Headquarters Air Combat Command (ACC), Langley AFB, Virginia. Air & Space Power Journal - Spring 2003 -- 

The number of American casualties… whatever promises had been made.”

Air Force - Bush Good 2AC

Air force popular in Congress – F22 fight proves

NYT 6 (“Air Force wins Jet Battle in Congress,” October 21,
The F-22 Raptor fighter an engineering marvel

The Air Force lobby and the Iron Triangle like the plan – they outweigh Bush’s PC for the agenda

NYT 6 (“Air Force wins Jet Battle in Congress,” October 21,
“The F-22 lobby is an extraordinary ...sent to conference committee.

Plan popular – Bush likes Air Force funding, he’s already said he won’t veto it

Aviation Week 12/12 (“Hill Authorizing More C-17s,”,%20But%20Seeks%20Airlift%20Answers)
"Almost half of the total amount ...supporters in the Senate

Expanding the Air Force’s reach overseas popular in Congress – empirically proven

NYT 6 (“Air Force wins Jet Battle in Congress,” October 21,
The Air Force is still chipping away...costs of the F-22 program.

Groves BG – Affirmative – Disease Surveillance

The United States federal government should provide all necessary support to Disease Research, Surveillance, Isolation, and Containment Centers, epidemiological early warning systems, and outbreak assistance in east, west, central, and southern Africa.

A. Current disease surveillance is limited and underfunded in Africa – this risks a new global outbreak of avian flu

Chisamera 12/17/07 (Dee,

(WHO) announced on Monday that bird flu… health response is surveillance.

B. Due to insufficient disease surveillance, avian flu in SSA will mutate into a ravaging pandemic – your evidence about no mutations is biased by a lack of detection and reporting, not an absence of infection

Salaam-Blyther 6 [Tiaji, Coordinator Congressional Research Service, U.S. and International Responses to the Global Spread of Avian Flu: Issues for Congress, 1/9,]
Global Disease Surveillance A number of analysts have argued that due to insufficient investment in disease surveillance and health care… or reassortment into a strain that could be transmitted to and between humans.

C. An avian flu pandemic is inevitable – human-to-human bird flu mutations could happen at any time and wipe out hundreds of millions of people, up to 20% of all humankind.

Chandra 4 [Satish, Deputy National Security Advisor of India – Center for Strategic Decision Research, Global Security: A broader Concept for the 21st Century, 5/7,]
If the possibility of the collapse of the thermohaline circulation system is alarming, the possibility of a human-to-human transmittable bird flu pandemic is a nightmare… the death toll could run into hundreds of millions

D. A study in October found a mutation that proves bird flu will become a pandemic – where it resides in the human respiratory tract has changed, supercharging spread – we have to prepare now

Laurance 10/6 (Jeremy, Health Editor, 2007,

The bird flu virus H5N1 has mutated into a form that makes it more infectious to humans, increasing… There were three pandemics in the last century – in 1918, 1957 and 1968 – and more are expected. said.

E. Prefer our impacts – bird flu has a higher probability than any other threat, even a WMD attack

Zakaria 5 [Fareed, editor of Newsweek International, “A threat worse than terror,” p. 46]
A flu pandemic is the most dangerous threat the United States faces today,"… we are badly unprepared for this threat.

F. Sub-Saharan Africa is uniquely crucial to monitor disease outbreaks like avian flu – the CDC’s expertise is necessary in order to bolster the global disease eradication effort

GAO 1 [United States General Accounting Office, “Challenges in Improving Infectious Disease Surveillance Systems,” August]
Weaknesses in developing country systems reduce the ability of public health authorities… CDC’s investigative expertise, including laboratory support, is comparatively rare in the rest of the world.

G. Surveillance is key to detect and prevent disease escalation – gives the US and allies vital intelligence

Jacobson 95 [Louis, associate editor at National Journal, “Disease Detectives,” National Journal, Government Executive, Section: Health, May, Lexis]
The U.S. governments disease-fighting forces have had some notable successes in the past, but they may lack the resources to combat the enemy's increasing strength…. creating a functioning whole would be challenging. But weaknesses abound.

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