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Plan: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase all necessary support to the Air Force Medical Service which includes the International Health Specialists in topically design

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The United States Federal Government should substantially increase all necessary support to the Air Force Medical Service which includes the International Health Specialists in topically designated areas.

Terrorism –

A. The US is losing the war on terror due to outdated methods that fuel more insurgency

Hoffman 7 [bruce, Sr Fellow @ US Mil. Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center, Prof @ Gtown’s School of Foreign Service, Washington Post, 3/18/2007]

our conventional military commanders… recruits to continue their fights against us.

B. Terror in Africa is uniquely probable – the US’s shortsightedness in the WoT has overlooked the underlying programs that fuel African terror cells

Lyman 4 (Princeton N, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies at CFR, and J. Stephen Morrison, Director of CSIS Africa Program; Jan/Feb 04, “The Terrorist Threat in Africa,” Foreign Affairs, 00157120, Vol. 83, Issue 1, lexis)

the Bush administration has designated the greater… security interests are to be advanced.

C. The US Air Force in Africa is crucial to winning the Global War on Terror – it provides unmatched mobility, deterrence, and worldwide reach

Hobbins 7 (Gen. William T,, Commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe, “U.S. Air Forces in Europe in the 21st Century,”

Remarks given at the Air Force Defense Strategy Seminar, Washington, D.C., July 24, 2007,

U.S. Air Forces in Europe, and our NATO partners… assets in the USAFE theatre of operations.

D. Expanding the Air Force’s role in Africa builds sustainable partnerships that stabilizes regions, cutting off terrorist resources and preventing terror

Hobbins 7 (Gen. William T,, Commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe, “U.S. Air Forces in Europe in the 21st Century,”

Remarks given at the Air Force Defense Strategy Seminar, Washington, D.C., July 24, 2007,

Africa continues to grow in strategic and economic importance… We've already taken the first steps.

E. Terrorists in Sub-Saharan Africa will use nuclear weapons against the US – nations already have the all means necessary

Dempsey 6 (Thomas, , Director of African Studies @ U.S. Army War College and strategic intelligence analyst for Africa at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and Chief of Africa Branch for the Defense Intelligence Agency, “Counterterrorism in African Failed States,” April,

The threat that terrorist hubs based in failed states pose… will be a complex and difficult task.

F. A nuclear terrorist attack causes world war three and extinction

Sid-Ahmed 4 [Mohamed, Managing Editor for Al-Ahali, Extinction!]

A nuclear attack by terrorists will be… we will all be losers.

Hegemony –

A. The US Air Force International Health Specialist program is key to US effective leadership, hegemony, and coordination through medical partnerships – only way to ensure global stability

Ward et al 2 (Jane, Colonel Kerrie G. Lindberg, Major Daniel McNulty, Major Mona Ternus; former director and manager of the International Health Specialist Program, administrator of the Surgeon General’s Tactical Action Team, individual mobilization augmentee;

Now that the Cold War has ended… missions in their assigned region of expertise.

B. The Air Force Medical Service addresses changing military readiness challenges, increasing relations, and prevent war by promoting democracy and economic growth – prevents WMD acquisition and responds to disasters

Carleton 1 (Paul K, Lieutenant General, USAF, MC, the Surgeon General, US Air Force, “Air Force: Service A Privilege, Pleasure,” January 2001,

As the Cold War military scenarios fade… key to mission success

C. The US Air Force alone can provide fast and targeted response to disease threats and natural disasters in Africa – builds up relations and US credibility while strengthening African public health infrastructure

DiPaolo et al 7 (Lt Col Marc C. Air Force reservist at the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office, and Col Lee dePalo (USAFA; MS, Webster University; MSS [Master of Strategic Studies], Air War College) director, Air Force Executive Review Secretariat, and Col Michael T. “Ghandi” Healy (USAFA; ME, North Carolina State University; MS, National War College) is chief of the Special Operations Support Team, and Lt Col Glenn “Hooter” Hecht (BS, University of Pittsburgh; MS, University of Phoenix) deputy director for personnel recovery policy, Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Lt Col Mike “Trump” Trumpfheller Master of Military Operational Art and Science, Air Command and Staff College; MAAS [Master of Airpower Art and Science], School of Advanced Air and Space Studies), “A Rescue Force for the World,” Air and Space Power Journal, September 1,

the Air Force need to recognize those types… for human rights and civilian control of the military.

D. Deploying the Air Force in Africa for power projection is uniquely critical to all US hegemony – Africa is being overlooked in the SQ, preemptive engagement with African air power is key to sustain heg – basing is key

Hall 3 (Brian K, Colonel, USAF, “Air Expeditionary Access The African Connection,” Air and Space Power Journal, 4 September,

Is the strategic access the United States… we need rapid global-mobility beddown.

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