Ysgol caergeiliog foundation school

Objective 3: Standards in the Core Subjects – ICT

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Objective 3: Standards in the Core Subjects – ICT

  • Pupils continue to further develop their confidence when undertaking a range of activities across the curriculum.

  • The percentage of pupils achieving Outcome 5 (June 2013) or above at the end of the Foundation Phase is 92%. This is a decrease of 4% compared to last year.

  • The percentage of pupils achieving Outcome 6 (June 2013) is 33 %. This is an increase of 6% compared to last year.

  • The percentage of pupils achieving a Level 4 (June 2013) or above at the end of Key Stage 2 (June 2013) is 97%. This is an increase of 3% compared to last year

  • The percentage of pupils achieving a Level 5 (June 2013) is 40% this is an increase of 10 % compared to last year.

  • I-Pads have been purchased for every class in the school. I-Pads and are used on a daily basis on a cross-curricular level.

  • I-Macs have been purchased for Year 6.

  • I-Pods , I-Pads, Laptops, E=Books, cameras etc continue to raise standards and further develop pupils’ skills in this subject.

  • The school has installed its own Life Channel. Pupils are now further developing their skills in preparing a range of presentations including films.

Objective 4: Welsh Second Language

  • The school has set up its very own Welsh Language Centre. Pupils from Key Stage 2 visit the centre on a daily basis.

  • PPA sessions in Key Stage 2 focus on Welsh as a Second Language with particular attention to Oracy.

  • Pupils are becoming more confident when speaking Welsh during lessons and around the school with other members of staff.

  • Fifty pupils from Key Stage 2 visited the Outdoor Centre in Glan Llyn and were immersed in a three day activity programme taught through the medium of Welsh.

  • Members of staff have visited the Welsh Language Centre in Holyhead to share good practice.

  • The catchment area’s Language Coordinator visited the school to discuss pupil progress and to view the new centre.

  • More displays in Welsh are visible around the school.

  • The percentage of pupils at the end of the Foundation Phase achieving Outcome 4 (June 2013) is 13%. This is a decrease of 20% compared to last year. The percentage of pupils achieving Outcome 5 or above ( June 2013 ) is 88 %. This is an increase of 21% compared to last year. The target was 86 %

  • The percentage of pupils achieving Outcome 6 is 25%. This is an increase of 4% compared to last year.

  • The percentage of pupils achieving a Level 3 or above at the end of Key Stage 2 is 40 %. This is an increase of 14% compared to last year. The target was 40%.

Objective 5 :Wellbeing

  • Pupils from the school’s Wellbeing Committee have been fully engaged in their work of looking after the younger pupils during break-times.

  • Regular Wellbeing Pupil Committee meetings have taken place during the year to identify any potential issues on the school yard.

  • The school has achieved the Green Flag Award. A presentation took place in the school during the Autumn Term.

  • Pupils continue to receive PSE lessons at both key stages.

  • Pupil surveys indicate that pupils are happy and confident and know the correct lines of communication should they wish to express a concern or worry.

  • PC Brian Jones has visited the school to educate the pupils in Years 2, 4 and 6 about the dangers of drugs and internet safety.

  • A Wellbeing Governor has been appointed on the school’s Governing Body.

  • The school is committed to the Healthy Schools’ Scheme and the Appetite for Life Guidelines. The school continues to work towards gaining Phase 3.


Objective 1: Self-Assessment Procedures

  • The School’s Standards Officer has produced a detailed Whole School Evaluation Report that focuses on the three key questions.

  • Two responsible officers from the LA visited the school to examine the report. The officers concluded that the Whole School Evaluation report is robust.

  • The two responsible officers also scrutinized pupils’ books. Their findings concluded that our pupils are covering the required skills across the curriculum.

  • All staff set objectives in line with the school’s Whole School Improvement Targets.

  • Planning shows that teachers and Foundation Phase assistants are assessing the effectiveness of their lessons on a weekly basis in order to aid future planning.

  • Robust performance management systems have enabled effective monitoring of the standards of teaching and learning to take place during the academic year.

  • The percentage of lessons graded as Good or above is 100%. The target set was 100%.


Objective 1 : The Role of the Governors

  • A Wellbeing Governor has been appointed on the Governing Body.

  • The school’s Wellbeing Policy has been reviewed and updated and passed by the Governing Body.

  • All members of the Governing Body are members on the school’s sub-committees.

  • The school’s Curriculum Committee, Standards Committee and Foundation Phase Committee have met every half term.

  • All governors have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the school’s curriculum, the school’s standards and the Foundation Phase.

  • Governors have interviewed candidates for various vacant posts in the school including Foundation Phase Assistants, Teachers and Head of School.

Objective 2: Networks of Professional Practice

  • The school’s Network of Professional Practice policy has been reviewed and updated.

  • Meetings with staff from the local secondary schools as well as the Welsh Language Centre in Holyhead have taken place in order to share good practice and to moderate work.

  • The school continues to sustain links with Rydal Penrhos, Bangor University and local secondary schools.

  • Members of the Leadership Team have been sharing good practice with the schools in the Family.

  • One meeting took place in Brecon to discuss good practice in the teaching of Welsh as a Second Language.

  • Students from Bangor University visited the school to carry out a study with the pupils in Year 6.

  • One member of the Leadership Team attended a Raising Standards course with Anglesey head teachers in order to share good practice.

  • The school continues to have strong links with Friars Secondary School in Bangor and Holyhead High School.


This Report was completed and reviewed in Summer 2012. As part of its self assessment procedures the School enlisted the services of 2 Registered Inspectors from the LEA to carry out an analysis of the School’s current Self Evaluation Report.

This analysis was carried out on 13 March 2013. The 2 officers responsible for the analysis confirmed that the School’s Self Evaluation Report was robust and pupils’ books - across the age range - showed that high standards were maintained in English, Mathematics and Science. However, the officers considered that Mathematics and English should be more apparent in cross-curricular work.

15. STRATEGIC PLAN 2013 -2017:

See Appendix 2.


  • In accordance with WAG Regulations all teaching staff are allowed 10% non-contact time.

  • The School implements a strategy for ensuring that this time is used effectively.

  • The School employs a Qualified Teacher to cover PPA.


  • The next ESTYN Inspection is scheduled for Autumn 2013.

  • The School has always implemented an open school policy and as such performs on an ‘inspection ready’ basis. A fair assessment of our standards and performance is always welcomed and is looked upon as a powerful tool for constant improvement.

  • The areas for action following the last Inspection have been addressed.

  • The School continues to adhere to tried and tested methods of teaching and will not flinch from implementing methods that secure for each child entrusted to our care ‘the best possible start in life’.


  • The Allocation received for the 2012 – 2013 Financial Year was £1,256,212. Once again, this is a substantially reduced Allocation. (See Budget Share, Page 21)

  • The School Budget has performed satisfactorily with an excess of Income over Expenditure.

  • The Allocation for 2013-2014 Financial Year will be £ 1,286,724 including Service Level Agreement. This constitutes a slight increase on the 2012-2013 Allocation.

19. BUDGET SHARE - Budget Share Comparisons:

Anglesey LEA Budget Share per Pupil for LEA Schools compared with Anglesey LEA's Budget Share per Pupil for Caergeiliog Foundation School (for the period 2002 -2013).
Implications for the School:

  • It is significant that the School receives substantially less funding per pupil than Anglesey Schools

  • Current indications suggest further cuts in School Allocations for the coming Financial Year


TEACHERS including Headmaster:
Number of Teachers in mainstream - 15

Number of Teachers covering Maternity - 0

Number of Teachers – SIP - 0

Number employed to cover PPA - 1

Staff on Maternity Leave - 0

Headmaster - 1


Foundation Phase Assistants: - 14

Classroom Assistants - 2

Leader - 1

Assistant Leader - 1

Assistants - 2
Operations Manager - 1

Financial Manager - 1

Headmaster’s Personal Assistant - 1

Administration Manager - 1

School Secretary - 0


The Restructuring of the School’s Management System
Since being incorporated as the first Grant Maintained School in Wales in 1993 the School has consistently developed its own management system and over the years it has become embedded in its culture and is possibly one of its most notable characteristics. This system was achieved by a determination to secure ‘A Service of Care’. This meant the adopting best practice, the effective implementation of the School’s Succession Management Policy and an overwhelming and passionate urge to achieve its mission of ‘Quality and Excellence in Education’.
Twenty years on, the School continues to develop its mission and this month it has completed, what is probably, one of the most significant adjustments since 1993 by announcing an ‘evolved’ management system which will be fully implemented from 1 September 2013.
This new system is as follows:

Mr. Richard Williams, who has held the post of Headmaster for 31 years, will retire from his post at the end of this Term in order to take the position of Principal Business Manager at the School from September 2013 with the aim of further developing curricular, administrative and financial areas.

Miss Karina Jones, who has been a member of the School’s Management System since 1993 as Head of Studies, was appointed Head of School on 18 June 2013 and will take up her new post on 1 September 2013.


Mrs. Margaret Roberts, who has been at the School for 41 years and who has held the post of Registrar and Senior Teacher since 1993, will retire from her post at the end of this Term in order to take up the position of Operations Manager in the School from September 2013 with the aim of further promoting standards in teaching and learning.

Miss Lisa Ellis-Roberts, the School’s Mathematics Co-ordinator, has been appointed School Registrar with responsibilities for Admissions.

From September 2013, Miss Paula Murphy, who has been a member of the Management System since 2004 as SENCO and Standards Officer, will commence duties as Senior Standards Officer and Senior Teacher.


Miss Elizabeth Owens, who has been a member of the Management System since 2004, continues in her post as Standards Officer and Extra Curricular Activities Co-ordinator.


Mrs E Williams has resigned her post as Head of Foundation in order to develop the School’s Welsh Unit.

Mrs Lindsea Roberts has been appointed Head of Foundation.
This new structure aims at:

  • further strengthening an already effective management system

  • allowing the Head of School to focus more pertinently on standards of teaching and learning

  • establishing a system that responds to current recommended good practice

  • ensuring that appropriately experienced staff are in place to deal with the demands of securing the best educational provision, be they demands that relate to teaching methods, assessments, performance management, personnel issues, contracts, budgetary matters etc.

  • promoting the implementation of tried and tested methods of teaching

  • safeguarding our School’s culture which is founded in high ideals and has become our School’s hallmark.

  • facilitating the School’s goal of responding even more effectively to the needs of the community it serves

  • maintaining the School’s commitment to ‘Quality and Excellence in Education’ and ‘ A Service of Care’ and thus ensuring that every child entrusted to our care is given the best possible start in life.


The School’s Senior Management Team was restructured in January 2013. This process resulted in the appointment of 2 new members to the Team. The Team is made up of the following posts:

  • Headteacher

  • Senior Teacher and Senior Standards Officer

  • Registrar

  • Standards Officer and Extra Curricular Co-ordinator

  • Head of Foundation


The School’s Pupil Committees are as follows:

  • Prefect Committee

  • Bird Committee

  • Welsh Committee

  • Student Charity Committee

  • ECO Committee

  • School Council

  • Wellbeing


In accordance with its commitment to ‘A Service of Care’ the School takes every possible step to secure the wellbeing of its pupils and adults.

During the Spring Term 2012, the School further developed its Wellbeing Strategy. Its main features are as follows:

  • A new Wellbeing Policy and Strategy was developed as a result of analysing the School’s current Policy.

  • The School’s Personal, Social and Religious Education Schemes were revised.

  • The School’s Assessment Procedures relating to Wellbeing were revisited and updated.

  • Pupil Committees will have a greater responsibility for wellbeing related issues.

  • Governors will be given specific responsibility for monitoring the wellbeing of pupils and adults.


This Policy has been developed in accordance with Caergeiliog Foundation School’s commitment to ‘Quality and Excellence in Education’ and ‘A Service of Care’ and the need to ensure that children are effectively safeguarded from the potential risk of harm and that the safety and wellbeing of the children are of the highest priority in all aspects of the School’s work.

We believe that child protection is crucial to ensuring that all children have the rights, confidence and environment in which they can make choices, express their views and communicate effectively with other children and adults. In order that a child may develop effectively and thus improve their lives and that of their families and communities they must be safeguarded from abuse, discrimination and harm of any kind, be it physical, sexual, emotional or neglect.

Our mission is to encourage and enable children and young people to promote the holistic health, wellbeing and development of themselves, their families and their communities worldwide. We believe in children’s active participation and in respecting their freedom of expression and
communication, which are advocated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Consequently, the School will take all possible steps to promote its ethos whereby staff, pupils, parents and governors feel able to articulate any concerns comfortably, safe in the knowledge that effective action will be taken as appropriate.


This Academic Year the School continued to develop its policies relating to Equality and its EQUALITY POLICY – DUTIES AND OBJECTIVES 2012 – 2014.

This latter document is intended to show how our School responds to its duties in relation to equality by making all its actions and plans both transparent and readily available to all in a published format. It brings together all previous policies, schemes and action plans around equality including those that we had previously for Race, Gender and Disability. It includes all the protected characteristics covered under the Equality Act 2010 as well as other aspects which have the potential to discriminate against or to devalue any individuals within our community.

We are further committed to the development of cohesive communities both within our school’s physical boundaries and within our local, national and global environments. Our School embraces the aim of working together with others to improve children’s educational and wellbeing outcomes, and notes the rights set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

As a School we also trust that parents, carers and all other agencies will display the same willingness to work with our School to secure the rights and wellbeing of each individual child entrusted to our care.

This Policy is inclusive of our whole school community – pupils/students, staff parents/carers, visitors and partner agencies - who we have engaged with and who have been actively involved in and contributed to its development.

The purpose of this Policy is to set out how our practice and policies have due regard to the need to:


  • foster good relations between groups.

It explains how we aim to listen to and involve pupils, staff, parents and the community in achieving better outcomes for our children and young people.

A Copy of the ACTION PLAN is included in the Appendix.


  • Currently, there are 5 members of staff i.e. 1 Catering Manager, 3 Kitchen Assistants and 1 Dining Hall Assistant.

  • The School’s Catering ‘Food Hygiene’ and ‘Health and Safety’ Contracts are held by Santia. Santia carries out regular inspections of the School’s Kitchen and Catering Service. The School is given a minimum of 6 Inspections. An Audit Report is generated after every visit and an overall mark given for Food Hygiene Standard.

  • An Autumn Audit was carried out in October 2012. The Service was awarded 97%. The Spring Audit was undertaken in February 2013 and the Unit was awarded 99%.

  • The Catering Contract is performing significantly well with the GP averaging 51%.

The following are the Saffron Nutrition Chart Plans for MARCH and APRIL 2013. Green columns indicate that levels are met.



  • The Playgroup was inspected by ESTYN in January 2011. The Playgroup Team led by the Head of Foundation, the pupils and parents are to be heartily congratulated on gaining an outstanding Report.

  • The Playgroup was also inspected by the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales in December 2011. Once again the Unit received an excellent Report.


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