“ Always to excel ”

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Always to excel ”


Old Scona Academic (OSA) was established as an academic alternative high school in 1976 by the Board of Trustees of Edmonton Public Schools. The school’s purpose is to provide academically motivated students who have demonstrated success and potential for growth with an opportunity to pursue a program of studies that challenges and enriches their learning experiences. As such, the educational community of Old Scona Academic is committed to:

  • Challenging students in their development of academic excellence and scholarly discipline within the International Baccalaureate Program

  • Enhancing skills in language arts, the humanities, mathematics, the sciences, performing arts and athletics

  • Encouraging student development of the high level cognitive skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation

  • Preparing students for success in post-secondary education

  • Developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes to pursue lifelong learning

  • Promoting the characteristics of active and responsible citizenship

  • Fostering tolerance, understanding and acceptance of people regardless of backgrounds, beliefs or lifestyles

Old Scona strives to reach these commitments by fostering a dedicated and caring atmosphere. Students and staff respect and practice the values of cooperation, sharing, tolerance and achievement to create an environment that provides stimulation and generates a desire for further learning.

“When Old Scona Academic opened in 1908…it became one of the first high schools in Alberta. It was known as Strathcona Collegiate Institute and was described as the most modern up-to-date building of its kind in Alberta….It proved that Strathcona was a city of substance, attainment and a place with a great and proud future…When Edmonton absorbed the Strathcona School District in 1912 one caution was raised—The continuance of the Strathcona Collegiate Institute as such should be assured. In excellence of work, gauged by examination results, it is excelled by no school in the province.” Alberta History. Old Scona was designated a Provincial Historic Resource Site by the province in September 2008.


Old Scona Academic is located in the heart of the vibrant Old Strathcona community. It is readily accessible by Edmonton Transit Services. Our close proximity to the extensive library and research facilities at the University of Alberta allows students easy access to a wealth of information and learning opportunities.


Old Scona Academic’s small size offers students unique, challenging and rewarding opportunities to demonstrate their character attributes and their leadership abilities. Because of our small size, students are able to develop supportive and cooperative inter-personal relationships and never feel lost in the crowd. “Students helping students” is a way of life at Old Scona Academic, and this learning network stays intact into post-secondary life.


Old Scona Academic provides an atmosphere of cooperation, sharing, tolerance and achievement. Students quickly realize that their teachers and fellow students provide stimulation and motivation for learning and that it is their responsibility to reciprocate within the teaching-learning equation. Students are challenged to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary in the pursuit of lifelong learning to appreciate the strength that emerges from within the school’s diversity and to recognize the impact of volunteerism in our community.

Old Scona Academic is often referred to as a university prep school. A high percentage of our graduates receive advance placement at universities across Canada and find that after experiencing the challenging academic environment at Old Scona, their transition to post-secondary studies is seamless. Old Scona graduates attribute their successful post-secondary adjustment to the following: high expectations in high school, the development of a thorough academic foundation, a peer network and the self confidence gained from having learned solid organizational and time management skills.


  • Recognized nation-wide as being one the top academic high schools in Canada.

  • Universities from across Canada actively recruit graduating students.

  • Virtually all graduates earn the full Alexander Rutherford Scholarship.

  • Students are very successful on the IB exams, surpassing the world IB average.

  • Virtually 100% of graduates achieve Acceptable Standard on diploma exams, and 70% – 90% of graduates achieve Standard of Excellence.

  • Nearly 100% of graduating students proceed to post-secondary to continue their education.

  • Students consistently place at the top in both provincial and national academic contests in both academics and athletics.

  • Students have been very successful in city, regional, provincial and national competitions.

  • Students participate in a variety of impressive fine arts performances.

  • Students participate in a wide range of school clubs, sports and volunteer activities.

  • Students provide reading and assistance programs for local elementary schools.

  • OSA is a wireless environment where students are encouraged to bring their own laptops for classroom and research use.

  • Every classroom is equipped with an interactive SMART board and document camera.


Old Scona Academic offers students two programs of study—the Alberta High School Diploma Program and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Students taking the Alberta High School Diploma Program follow the Alberta Education curriculum. Successful completion of this program leads to the Alberta High School Diploma and provides entry to Canadian and American universities.

Students taking the IB Diploma Program follow the Alberta High School Diploma Program with appropriate acceleration and extension to fulfill the curriculum determined by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Successful completion of the IB program leads to the IB Diploma stating the specific IB courses completed. Student will also receive the Alberta High School Diploma.


7:07 – 7:58 *

Period 1

8:00 – 9:09

Period 2

9:13 – 10:22

Period 3

10:26 – 11:35

Period 4



11:55 – 1:04

Period 5

1:08 – 2:17

Period 6

2:21 - 3:30

Period 7

3:33 – 5:13 *

Period 8

* no core subjects offered in this time slot

Current Extra-Curricular Clubs at OSA
In September, students are able to make application and form their own clubs, under the guidance of our Students’ Union. Listed below are the sanctioned clubs that have SU approval for the current school year. It varies from year to year, depending on student interest; which clubs are offered. We encourage our students to participate in club life at OSA.
Speech and Debate Union - The Speech and Debate Union is arguably (pun intended) one of the strongest communities in OSA, even revered as a sport by all its passionate members. It is an open environment for students with or without experience, and for anyone interested in public speaking or debating. Our team attends and performs outstandingly at numerous speech and debate tournaments during the year, such as Model Legislature, Churchill’s Debate and Speech, and regional & provincial competitions.
Brain Care Youth - Brain Care Youth is a club that is devoted to aiding local brain injury survivors through the recuperation process that can often be daunting after losing memory and life skills like walking and talking. We accomplish this through student-led initiatives such as bake sales and bottle drives that raise funds for Edmonton's Brain Care Centre, awareness events with recuperating brain injury guest speakers, and the provision of volunteer opportunities for students to directly interact with patients. Our inspiration stems from the desire to protect the most vital part of the human body: the human mind. 
United Way - United Way OSA's goal is to strengthen the local community by building cooperation and leadership within the club, and spreading it out to others. We aim to help those who are in poverty, focusing on youth and children. Throughout the year, members volunteer at Kids Kottage, hold awareness events to increase participation in the community, and hold numerous fundraisers whose proceeds are donated to United Way of the Alberta Capital Region at the end of the year.
Anime Club - In Anime Club, we explore and learn about Japanese animation and the culture surrounding it! Anyone is welcome, and our foremost purpose it to make everyone smile; we'd love to have you explore with us. We are a new club, but, as they say, ishi no ue ni san nen!~
Smile Club - OSA's Smile Club is a group of bright cheery students with a common goal of bringing a little cheerfulness over to the patients at the local Stollery Children's Hospital. Together, students organize events from craft/game sessions for volunteering, to fundraisers and drives. We go an extra mile to bring the extra smiles 
Right to Play - Right to Play OSA is a part of the Right to Play, a global organization whose mission is to use sport and play to educate and empower children and youth to overcome the effects of poverty, conflict, and disease in underprivileged areas. Through awareness activities and fundraisers like our benefit concerts, athlete ambassadors, Winter Olympics, Play Days with elementary schools, etc., this club aims to give every child the right to play, consequently helping create social change in disadvantaged communities.
Reading Buddies - Reading buddies is a club devoted to help elementary school students in Queen Alexandra School increase their reading ability. Our club encourages Old Scona students to build strong leadership skills and to give back to the public education community. The club runs every Monday and Friday at lunch.
Francophone Club - OSA's Francophone Club is dedicated to improving students' conversational French. Regardless of your experience, everyone is welcome to join in on our meetings where we speak French, watch movies, talk about cultural events and hang out. Occasionally we also meet up outside of school to see French plays and films.
UNICEF - OSA UNICEF club is a child-focused humanitarian group that proudly promotes the fundamental right to life of impoverished children. We advocate and fundraise for healthcare, clean water, education, and security for children in third world countries through our awareness campaign and fundraising events including Dare-to-Wear, World Water Day, and many more. Through these activities, OSA UNICEF club aims to encourage participation of students within the school and outside of the school.
Multicultural Club – OSA’s Multicultural Club helps to celebrate our school’s unique cultural diversity; instead of shying away from and shunning our cultural differences, we choose to embrace them! Throughout the year, we host a Multicultural Talent Showcase, a Multicultural Feast, and several fundraisers. Multicultural Club aims to help raise the cultural awareness of OSA students and bring out our unique differences, so we may make the best of our abilities.
Magazine Club promotes student's creativity. We encourage creative writing and publish it, along with our school’s best artists and photographers. Our computer personnel make sure that all of the pieces look their best. We try to publish two editions a year and have everything from poems and short stories, to comics and art.
Old Scona Fellowship - This is the place for fellow Christians to spend time together at OSA. Join us to learn more about God and worship Him. Non-Christians are welcome to join us—we'd love to share our faith with you!
Learning Beyond Borders is a non-profit organization at OSA. We work to form connections with the students at two schools located in rural Uganda. Through creative projects, we hope to encourage and inspire the students to continue their education past the primary level. Using this connection, we also hope to improve their standard of living through an exchange of resources and knowledge.
Bollywood Dance Club is fun group organized to motivate individuals at OSA to get loose and get moving. We discover the Indian culture through colourful and creative Bollywood songs, collaborating different styles such as Bhangra, Classical, and Hip Hop Fusion into our performances. We promote the learning of leadership, as members of different grades are given the opportunity to teach one another different moves and styles of dance. 
The Little Earth Club at Old Scona works to promote awareness about environmental issues in and around our community. We plan and execute projects and events that encourage students to be “green,” events such as the recycled-clothes fashion show and free hot chocolate day. Not only do we work to raise awareness about these issues, we encourage the students in our school to get involved and make a difference too.
The OSA Hip-Hop Club is open to everyone that is interested and wants to learn how to dance (no experience is required). Our club provides classes and workshops to teach the members different styles of Hip-Hop (breaking, popping, locking, and jazz, etc.). The goal of the club is to inspire people to learn and develop a dance community in OSA by providing classes and through performances, so everyone can have fun as a family of dancers in OSA.
The Old Scona Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) is a club that provides a safe place for students to meet, support each other, talk about issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and to work to end homophobia; building a safe and accepting school for all students. Everyone is welcome!
OSA Heart and Stroke Club is a fundraising, and awareness-raising club. Together, we advocate the importance of a healthy lifestyle to prevent heart diseases and stroke and fundraise for Alberta’s Heart and Stroke Foundation. Through the participation of the club, members can gain profound experiences in interacting with others in the club and helping others.
Old Scona Amnesty International is made up of enthusiastic and active advocates of human rights. Our main goal is to preserve human rights around the world and raise awareness for the victims of injustice. Every year, we engage in international activities such as 30 Hour Famine and Write for Rights, as well as a Bottle Drive as our main fundraiser.
The OSA Chess Club’s goal is to promote the playing and learning of the game of chess. The club will be a place for all people to meet and play friendly games of chess.
Photography Club plans to continue a tradition of promoting photography in the school environment. Theory, subjects, and connection to the school are a focus this year. The club encourages members to photograph a variety of subjects and events, and focuses on teaching all students, regardless of equipment or experience. By collaborating with the Year Book Committee, the club also documents various events at OSA.
Arts and Crafts aims to expose and educate club members in the wonderful art of crafting. They hope to encourage the creative mind with activities like origami, knitting, and 3-D craft building. The crafting process will help build strong mental visualisation and creative thinking, critical skills to have in many different fields. The club also will hold a crafting competition/showcase and fundraising craft sales.
Ultimate Frisbee’s goal is to have fun and play Frisbee while meeting new people and learning new skills. The members learn both basic and complex throws, along with the rules of the sport, to help them succeed in games. The club hopes to give members an appreciation for the sport and compete in various games and tournaments throughout the year.
World Issues hopes to educate students on current issues and events. With this information, members analyze the issues, propose solutions, and even write articles concerning the topics discussed. The club aims to motivate the current generation to be active and involved citizens.
Diabetes Awareness will bring awareness and education to OSA about type 1 diabetes. This includes lifestyles, solutions, research, and up-to-date information going on in the field of type 1 diabetes. They hope to open people’s eyes to the severity of the struggles faced by individuals with type 1 diabetes. The club works with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, holdings bake sales and other fundraisers to raise money and awareness.
Cancer Awareness aims to bring awareness to the OSA about different forms of cancer, cancer prevention, and what is being done in the field of cancer research. Through bake sales, walk-a-thons, and guest speakers, the club hopes to raise funds to donate to various organizations involved in the research for the cure for cancer, and raise awareness.

International Baccalaureate Organization

Organization Mission Statement

The educational philosophy of the organization is found in its mission statement:

The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

IB Curriculum and Programme Information
The IB diploma programme is designed as an academically challenging and balanced programme of education with final examinations that prepares students for success at university and life beyond. The programme is normally taught over two years (grades 11 and 12) and has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities.
The curriculum is divided into six academic areas surrounding the three core requirements.

For additional, in-depth information related to the International Baccalaureate program, refer to www.ibo.org

IBO Diploma Information at Old Scona Academic
Over the course of the two-year programme, students pursing an IB diploma at Old Scona will:

  • Complete an Extended Essay (independent research)

  • Complete two Theory of Knowledge (TOK) courses (critically examining the nature of knowledge and different kinds of knowledge

  • Complete Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) (a self-initiated plan to achieve eight independent assigned objectives through a variety of personally relevant life experiences)

  • Study a minimum six courses; one from each of the six academic areas

  • Three of the six subjects are studied at Higher Level

  • The remaining three subjects are studied at Standard Level

At Old Scona Academic the following subjects are taught at the Higher Level:

  • English

  • Social Studies

  • Physics

  • Biology

At Old Scona Academic, the following subjects are taught at the Standard Level:

  • Mathematics

  • Chemistry

  • French (the only Second Language taught at Old Scona Academic)

It is also possible to take Fine Arts (Music, Drama or Art) or Computer Technology at the Standard Level.

Second Language instruction on-line is available for students who do not wish to take French, however, the cost of the on-line program is at the full expense of the student. All on-line language instruction is ab initio. The language ab initio course is a language acquisition course for students with little or no experience in the language.
The staff at Old Scona Academic believes that language acquisition is best learned in a classroom environment, but we respect that students may want to challenge languages other than French. Students interested in on-line language courses should speak to an IB Coordinator.

CREATIVITY, ACTION, SERVICE [CAS]: Creativity, action, service is fundamental to the diploma experience as it takes seriously the importance of life outside the world of scholarship. This International Baccalaureate goal of educating the whole person and fostering active citizenry comes alive in an immediate way when students reach beyond themselves and their books.
Students are expected to be involved in CAS activities for the equivalent of at least two to three hours per week throughout the school year in grades 11 and 12. Although some of the CAS requirements can be met through extracurricular activities at school, it is preferred that all full diploma candidates become involved with the community at large.
Through this participation students come to realize how they can become assets to their community and contribute to the quality of life we experience. At the beginning of grade 11, students develop personal goals for CAS with their CAS advisor and then provide individualized evidence of personal reflection and goal achievement.

THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE [TOK]: Diploma candidates are encouraged to reflect on all aspects of their work and are expected to have informed discussions about the nature and purposes and the strengths and limitations of particular knowledge systems. Emphasis is placed on the role of language and thought and on the development of students’ critical thinking skills. Students are encouraged to consider how they know what they know and to develop habits of reflection, which they bring to each subject, resulting in a deeper intellectual experience. Theory of Knowledge is truly unique to the International Baccalaureate Program. TOK must be taken in both grade 11 and grade 12.

EXTENDED ESSAY [EE]: Diploma candidates are required to undertake original research and write an extended essay of some 4000 words in one of over sixty (60) subjects available in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Students may deepen their program of study by researching and writing on a topic in one of their courses or add to the breadth of their academic experience by electing to write in a subject not included in their diploma program. These extended essays are assessed according to both general and subject specific criteria with the general criteria being applied to the appropriateness of the research question and the specific criteria applied to the manageability of the topic within the context of the subject.
Students pursuing the full IB diploma must submit two proposals in May of their grade 11 year to be confirmed for an EE advisor in the fall. Students will work with an advisor on the thesis statement for the EE and are expected to research and prepare a first draft in the summer prior to grade 12.

More in-depth information will be provided to students and parents in the spring of their grade 10 year when we host an evening information session.
The following courses are standard grade 10 courses at Old Scona Academic. They are not IB classes per se, but are enhanced by our teachers to better prepare students for the more rigorous IB programming that begins in grade 11 and continues to grade 12.
English Language Arts 10 – 1 5 credits

Social Studies 10 – 1 5 credits

Mathematics 10 C 5 credits

Mathematics 20 – 1 5 credits

Science 10 5 credits

French 10 – 9 Y 5 credits

Career and Life Management 3 credits

Physical Education 10 3 credits

Option Courses 3 or 5 credits
Students may choose to enrol in CALM and/or Physical Education in summer school. Students are not encouraged to register in core subjects in summer school as it may affect their ability to enrol in IB programming in the regular school year.


For a Full IB Diploma
English Language Arts 20 – 1 IB 5 credits

Social Studies 20 – 1 IB 5 credits

Mathematics 30 – 1 IB 5 credits

Biology 20 IB 5 credits

Biology 35 IB 3 credits

Chemistry 20 IB 5 credits

Chemistry 35 IB 3 credits

Physics 20 IB 5 credits

French 20 – 9Y IB 5 credits

Theory of Knowledge 3 credits

Option Courses 3 or 5 credits


For a Full IB Diploma
English Language Arts 30 – 1 IB 5 credits

World Literature 35 IB 3 credits

Social Studies 30 – 1 IB 5 credits

International Politics 35 IB 3 credits

Mathematics 31 5 credits

Biology 30 IB 5 credits

Chemistry 30 IB 5 credits

Physics 30 IB 5 credits

Physics 35 IB 3 credits

French 30 – 9 Y IB 5 credits

Theory of Knowledge 3 credits

Extended Essay 3 credits

Option Courses 3 or 5 credits

Frequently Asked Questions
How is OSA different from other high schools?

Old Scona, which opened in 1908, is designated as a provincial heritage site and an International Baccalaureate School. Old Scona has 360 students. The 120 students who enter Old Scona each year are chosen from set criteria. All Grade 10 students are in a pre-IB program. The atmosphere of the school fosters close ties among students. Alumni consistently comment on the thorough preparation they have received for their post-secondary challenges.

The combined Alberta Education and International Baccalaureate program challenges and prepares students for any post-secondary institution. With 360 students attending the school, it helps to foster a close relationship between the staff and students. It also fosters collaborative work among the students and allows them to develop close friendships.
What are the criteria for selecting students entering Grade 10?

Students are ranked according to the following criteria:

  1. A combined average of 80% in Grade 9 English Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science (weighted 55%). Students with no previous experience in French are expected to enrol in summer school in a French program as a minimum requirement.

  2. a writing of a standardized entrance exam (weighted 35%), and

  3. a character assessment completed by a Grade 9 principal or counsellor (weighted 10%).

Students are admitted on a merit basis, starting from the highest aggregated score and working downward until the capacity of 120 students is attained.

Where do I write the standardized entrance examination?

Grade 9 (or 10 students) must pre-register to write the entrance exam by contacting the school at either 780 433 0627 or oldscona@epsb.ca The exam will be administered at Old Scona.

What if I don’t think I scored well on the entrance exam?

Students should be aware that the results of the entrance exam will not be released and remain confidential. The entrance exam is only one portion of the admission process and is weighted less than your school-awarded grades. Students must complete all three components of the registration process to be considered for admission in September.

Does Old Scona accept everyone who meets the basic criteria automatically?

No. Old Scona can only accept the top-ranked 120 students based on our requirements. Each year we receive more than three times as many applicants as we have room for.

Is it true that high schools mark harder than junior high schools?

In general, Grade 10 students’ marks decline from junior high; no matter what high school students attend. Many students have had minimal experience with written response questions, critical analysis, and essays. It takes time to learn these skills. By Grade 12, students at Old Scona usually have exceptional grades and take second place to no one.

How much homework do Old Scona students have?

It varies from subject to subject. Students can expect a minimum of two hours of homework/study time every night.

Is technology a focus at Old Scona?

Old Scona is dedicated to developing the skills necessary for success tomorrow and technology is one of those skills. Our school is a wireless environment where students are encouraged to bring their own laptop for use in the classroom. All of our classrooms are outfitted with LCD projectors and Smartboards to provide the opportunity for an interactive technological learning environment.

Does Old Scona have discipline problems?

Very few; the staff works very hard to create an atmosphere in which the students can relate well to each other and are engaged in their studies.

Do you offer any special field trips?

Old Scona has offered various special field trips such as: spring break field trip to an international destination, a marine study to Vancouver Island, or a skiing/snowboarding weekend to the mountains. In previous years at spring break, the students have gone to the Galapagos Island, Egypt, Italy, Greece, France, and Spain.

Can Old Scona students participate in Science Fair?

Not only do Old Scona students participate in Science Fair, but they can also present projects in the Sanofi BioGENEius Challenge and take part in the Science Olympics. Old Scona students also participate in many national science exams, including: the Chemical Institute of Canada Chemistry Exam, the Michael Smith Science Challenge, and the National Biology Exam. Depending on student interest, it is also possible to have the opportunity to write the Canadian Association of Physicists Exam, the Da Vinci Exam as well as the Sir Isaac Newton Exam.

Does Old Scona participate in Math contests?

Yes. Old Scona has a vibrant program of math contests, where students regularly participate in the CNML series, CAYLEY, FERMAT, the Alberta High School Math Competition and the Canadian Open Math Challenge.

Do you have any sports teams at Old Scona?

Old Scona has several men’s and women’s athletic teams: soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, golf, cross country running, badminton, curling, swimming and track & field.

Subject-Specific Questions
My child took Science 10 in junior high school. Does he/she have to take it again?

Old Scona’s Science 10 program is an enriched course with many student-performed laboratory investigations. The International Baccalaureate program has a strong emphasis on student laboratory work, which is assessed yearly by external moderation of student portfolios. The students who took Science 10 elsewhere may be missing aspects of Biology and Chemistry that are required for their IB courses. However, they do not have to take the course again.

All students pursuing IB science credits may go on to take the three credit Biology 35 IB, Physics 35 IB and Chemistry 35 IB courses, which have been locally developed to enhance our IB program. Students who have successfully completed Science 10 in junior high school may enrol in Chemistry 20 IB and Chemistry 35 IB.
Will I have to take all three sciences?

After completing Science 10, students can select a combination of Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics. Students seeking post-secondary entrance are encouraged to select two of the science classes; some students will try to schedule all three sciences. In order to earn an IB Full Diploma, students must take Biology and/or Physics as they are part of the four Higher Level subjects offered at Old Scona.

I took Math 10 Common in junior high school. Which Math course do I take in Grade 10?

All grade 10 students will be scheduled in Math 10C and Math 20-1. Students who have completed Math 10C previously will be required to complete an Old Scona Math Assessment in the second week of September. The results of that assessment will provide direction as to whether the student should consider retaking Math 10C at Old Scona. Retaking Math 10C at Old Scona will allow the student the opportunity to refine their skills and receive the enriched curriculum that our school provides. The student transcript will only show the course once and the grade will be the highest grade earned. Should a student choose not to retake the course they would receive a spare during the first semester and then rejoin the course in the second semester for Math 20-1

What essential skills are students expected to bring from their English Language Arts experiences in junior high school?

Students should have basic writing skills—correct sentence structure, paragraphing skills, knowledge about essay structure, and knowledge of grammar, phrases, and clauses. Students should have read and studied the genres (forms) of literature: short stories, novels, poetry and drama and should know various literary terms (e.g.) symbol, irony and theme. A good foundation in these areas will assist as students expand their skills of literary analysis of short stories, novels, poetry, film, drama and essays in English Language Arts 10 – 1.

I have not taken French in junior high school. Can I still apply to Old Scona?

Yes. As a requirement for the IB Diploma all students must take a second language. At Old Scona the second language instruction is French. Successful applicants who have not taken French will be expected to enrol in French 10 (3 year) during the summer session to assist in preparation for the French 10 (9 year). Students may wish to arrange for a French tutor to provide additional support in the program. Students should be aware that not taking French in grade 9 will not adversely affect their application in anyway.

Are there other second language classes I can take at Old Scona?

The only second language that we teach is French, however, students interested in taking another course can enrol in on-line programming in the areas of Spanish* and Mandarin* through an independent agency authorized by IBO. Students should be aware that the program is not administered by the school, but a private company so students are required to pay the fees directly to the provider, currently $1800 US over two years. Students interested in pursuing the second language on-line course should contact the school’s IB Coordinator directly.

*Note: on-line language courses are for beginners only (see page 6).
I have been in French Immersion for the past several years. Do I have to take French 10 – 9Y?

All grade 10 students are registered in FSL 10 – 9Y. Our French teachers will assess and evaluate the students individually in September to determine their appropriate French placement level.

What options do you have in your school?

Old Scona offers Art, Choral, Band Drama, Musical Theatre, Outdoor Education, Personal Psychology, Team Leadership and Financial Management programs as well as a number of computer options and Speech and Debate. These programs provide students with a well-rounded education.

What Fine Arts courses do you offer?

Old Scona offers many options: Art 10/20/30, Instrumental Music 10/20/30, Choral Music 10/20/30, Drama 10/20/30 and Musical Theatre 15/25/35. Students in Grade 11 can take regular Art, Music, Musical Theatre, and Drama courses as well as IB Music and IB Drama.

Can students take music/drama if they are enrolled in a full IB diploma program?

We try to provide scheduling options that allow students to access Fine Arts courses throughout the three years of senior high school. However, we cannot guarantee this from year to year.

Does Old Scona supply musical instruments for band class?

Yes. Old Scona has rental instruments. The nominal EPS rental fee of $100.00 is charged.

Does OSA have performing groups?

Old Scona has a Concert Band, a Jazz Band, and a Choral Choir as well as a Musical Theatre class. All extra curricular groups are made up of students from Grades 10, 11, and 12.

Where is your gymnasium? Do you offer Physical Education?

Old Scona does not have a gym. However, it offers a vibrant and exciting Physical Education program at a number of venues in the Old Strathcona area. These include gyms in nearby schools or churches as well as a variety of community sites (i.e. Tipton Arena, Kinsmen Sport Centre, Garneau tennis courts).

What opportunities are there for Visual Arts students?

Visual arts students produce artwork for fundraising activities and public displays. These courses stimulate students’ artistic and creative endeavours and allow for a change from their daily academic activities. IB Visual Arts is available for interested students.

What types of computer courses are offered at Old Scona?

Computer Science, Computer Applications and Computer Hardware are offered at Old Scona. Computer Science is available as an IB course or a regular option. The course involves problem solving, program design, computer systems analysis, and web page design. Computer Applications involves word and electronic publication, spreadsheet and database design, graphics and animation. Computer Hardware (A+) provides instruction that could lead students to industry certification as a technician. After completing A+ students can enrol in Net+, to learn how to set-up networks and receive industry certification in networking.

When are these courses offered?

Computer courses may be offered in the regular timetable or before regular school hours. This flexibility allows full IB Diploma students to take computer courses as options.

What languages does Old Scona offer in Computer Science?

The computer science courses are instructed in Java. This language is recognized by IB as their official programming language.

What software can students access in Computer Applications?

Old Scona uses Microsoft Office software (Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint), Google Sketch-Up and The Adobe Master Collection.

What is the A+ Program?
The A+ program provides students with a keen interest in computer hardware to receive the instruction that leads to industry certification as a technician. Students will cover material related to installation, configuration, diagnosing, preventive maintenance and basic networking as well as security, safety and environmental issues. Students will receive instruction through a combination of face-to-face classroom instruction augmented with a required independent on-line component.

January 2014

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