1780+ American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics*, Records of the, 1783-1962.
“The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics was formed in 1963 by the merger of the Institute of Aerospace Sciences and the American Rocket Society. These records constitute the historical aeronautical archives of the Institute of Aerospace Sciences.”
Biographical information files, alphabetical, 1784-1962 (130 boxes); airplane companies, alphabetical (43 boxes); scrapbooks: Wright Brothers, 1889-1921 (9 boxes) and others (82 v.).


American Colonization Society*, Records of the, 1792-1964, bulk: 1823-1912.
“Correspondence, financial and business papers, reports, and miscellaneous material relating to administrative and financial matters, membership, slavery and status of slaves in the pre-Civil War period, and emigration, colonization, and education in Liberia. Includes William McLain's personal papers, 1831-1850, and letter books, 1856-1875 of the Massachusetts Colonization Society.
Correspondents include Jehudi Ashmun, one of the society's early colonial agents, Stephen Benson, Thomas Buchanan, Elliott Cresson, Thomas R. Hazard, John H. B. Latrobe, J. W. Lugenbeel, Joseph Jenkins Roberts, and Gerrit Smith.”
Series I, letters received: domestic, 1896-1912, from Liberia, Africa, 1893-1917, miscellaneous, 1896-1912; Series II, letters sent: domestic, 1895-1912; Series III, letters: general, 1909-18, alphabetical, 1910-39; Series IV, financial papers: miscellaneous accounts, 1895-1920; Series VI, subject file, alphabetical, 1792-1964.




Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia*, Records of the, 1812-1925, microfilm (38 reels).
Originals held by Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
“Minutes, committee report book, 1875-1913, correspondence, membership lists, material relating to the founding of the Society, and miscellaneous documents.”
Minutes and related documents, 1892-1925 (2 reels); official letters, mainly received, 1812-1924 (alphabetical, 25 reels).


Henry L. Dawes* (1816-1903), Papers of, 1833-1933, bulk: 1848-1887 (11/66).
Henry Laurens Dawes*: Yale, 1839; Massachusetts Bar, 1842; Massachusetts legislature, 1848-52; district attorney, 1853-57; U.S. Congress, 1857-75 and U.S. Senate, 1875-93, Republican, Massachusetts; Chair, 1893-1903, Commission for the Five Civilized Tribes, Indian Territory.
“Correspondence, memoranda, letterbooks, 1848-1887, diaries, speeches, reports, notebooks, biographical material, family papers, . . . scrapbooks, clippings, printed material, photographs, and an incomplete biography of Dawes by his daughter, Anna Laurens Dawes. Includes material relating to . . . Dawes’s connection with Oakes Ames and the Credit Mobilier, the George Chorpenning claim case, the U.S. Weather Bureau, tariff questions, and Gallaudet College for the Deaf in Washington, D.C.
Correspondents include Lyman Abbott, Charles Allen, Oakes Ames, James Gillespie Blaine, Montgomery Blair, Cornelius Newton Bliss, Samuel Bowles, Selwyn Zadock Bowman, Calvin Clifford Chaffee, William Claflin, Schuyler Colfax, Cushman Kellogg Davis, Edward Everett, Cyrus W. Field, James A. Garfield, Edward Everett Hale, Joseph R. Hawley, George Frisbie Hoar, Mark Hopkins, Henry Oscar Houghton, L. Q. C. Lamar, Robert Todd Lincoln, Henry Cabot Lodge, John Davis Long, George Brinton McClellan, S. S. McClure, Nelson Appleton Miles, John Tyler Morgan, T. J. Morgan, Justin S. Morrill, John W. Noble, Orville Hitchcock Platt, William Porter, Theodore Roosevelt, Philip Henry Sheridan, John C. Spooner, Charles Sumner, Ida M. Tarbell, L. G. Thayer, E. R. Tinker, E. B. Washburne, and Herbert Welsh.”
Letters, 1896-1905 (3 boxes); speeches, 1896-1901 (3 boxes); subject files, Native Americans, 1896-1903 (5 boxes).

Julia Ward Howe* (1819-1910), Papers of, 1845-1917 (1/5).
Daughter of Samuel Ward, Jr., a successful New York stockbroker.
Wife of Samuel Gridley Howe (1801-1876), Director, Perkins Institute for the Blind, Boston MA; with Julia: published abolitionist The Commonwealth (Boston); Unitarians, attended Theodore Parker’s church; associates of Transcendentalists.
Julia Ward*: Playwright, poet: “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” Atlantic (February 1862); helped found, 1868, New England Woman Suffrage Association; helped found, 1870, Woman’s Journal, and contributor, 1870-90; editor and contributor, Sex and Education: A Reply to Dr. E.H. Clarke . . . (1874); author: Modern Society (1881); President, 1890, General Federation of Women's Clubs; pacifist, helped found, 1891, American Friends of Russian Freedom and, 1894, activist with United Friends of Armenia; author: Women’s Work in America (1891), and others; memoir: Reminiscences, 1819-1899 (1899).
“Correspondence, speeches, writings, notes, printed material, and other papers pertaining to culture, education, immigration, prison reform, race relations, religion, and women's rights. Correspondence chiefly relates to Howe's role as Director of the Woman's Department, 1884-1885, World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans LA, and to family matters.
Correspondents include the Howe family, William Henry Channing, and Francis Lieber.”


Susan Brownell Anthony* (1820-1906), Papers of, 1846-1934, bulk: 1846-1906 (5/7).
Susan B. Anthony*: School teacher, 1839-45, New Rochelle NY and Headmistress, 1846-49, Rochester NY; formed, 1852, Woman's New York State Temperance Society and, helped organize, 1853, "Whole World's Temperance Convention"; helped petition, 1854, in New York for woman suffrage and improved Married Woman's Property Law; New York agent, 1856, American Anti-Slavery Society; Corresponding Secretary, 1866, Equal Rights Association; publisher, 1868-70, Revolution, edited by Elizabeth Cady Stanton; organized, 1869, woman's suffrage convention, Washington DC; helped found, 1869 and President, 1892-1900, National American Woman Suffrage Association; California suffrage campaign, 1895-96; helped found, 1904, International Woman Suffrage Alliance.

Manuscript Division (5/7):

“Correspondence, diaries, daybook, speeches, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous papers relating primarily to Anthony's writings, lectures, and other efforts on behalf of women's suffrage and women's rights. Includes material pertaining to the National Woman Suffrage Association, after 1890 the National American Woman Suffrage Association.
Individuals represented by either correspondence or diary entries include Rachel Foster Avery, Amelia Jenks Bloomer, Adelaide Johnson, Lucretia Mott, Wendell Phillips, Parker Pillsbury, Anna Howard Shaw, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucy Stone. Also includes material by and relating to Anthony's sister, Mary S. Anthony.”

Finding aid online: Diaries: 1892-1906, but missing 1902, 1905 (13 small volumes); letters, 1846, 1875-1905 (1 v.) and 1896; scrapbooks, 1892-06 (3 boxes); “Woman Suffrage,” 1891-1900 (1 box), 1905-06 (1 box); suffrage clippings, 1890- , and programs, 1905-06.

Rare Books/Special Collections Division:
Collection, 1869-1903: Official reports, National Suffrage Conventions; addresses before Congressional Committees; files of reform journals, e.g., The Woman’s Journal; scrapbooks of clippings; pamphlets.

Clara Barton* (1821-1912), Papers of, 1805-1958, bulk: 1861-1912.
Clara Harlowe Barton*: philanthropist, nurse, educator, and lecturer; founded and President, 1881-1904, American Red Cross; founded, 1905, National First Aid Association of America.
“Correspondence, diaries and journals, reports, addresses, legal and financial papers, organizational records, lectures, writings, scrapbooks, biographical material, printed matter, memorabilia, and other papers relating to Barton's work to provide relief services during the Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War, the work of the American National Red Cross . . . and the National First Aid Association of America.
Subjects include the Office of Correspondence of Friends of the Missing Men of the U.S. Army, speaking tour of Barton and former Andersonville prisoner Dorence Atwater concerning the identification of graves at Andersonville Prison, Barton's civilian relief effort in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross during the Franco-Prussian War, the passage of the Geneva Convention, the International Red Cross Committee, the founding and administration of the American National Red Cross, the protection of Red Cross insignia, Red Cross Park, the congressional investigation into Barton's stewardship, the Red Cross's response to appeals for aid from victims of natural disasters and war, stateside camp service during the Spanish-American War, Harriette L. Reed's role in the National First Aid Association of America, progressive movements, women's rights, woman suffrage, temperance, and other reform issues.
Correspondents include Barton's family members, local chapters of the American Red Cross, Alvey A. Adee, Susan B. Anthony, P. Louis Appia, Dorence Atwater, Harriet N. Austin, E. Florence Barker, Stephen E. Barton, William Eleazar Barton, Henry W. Bellows, Mabel T. Boardman, Samuel W. Briggs, Lucy Hall Brown, Lucien Burleigh, Mary Weeks Burnett, Benjamin F. Butler, Henry Dunant, Edmund Dwight, Frances Dana Gage, Joseph Gardner, Minna Kupfer Golay, Lucy M. Graves, Leonora B. Halsted, John Hitz, Mary Seymour Howell, Julian B. Hubbell, International Committee of the Red Cross, Samuel M. Jarvis, George Kennan, Mrs. John A. Logan, Luise, Grand Duchess of Baden, Antoinette Margot, William McKinley, Gustave Moynier, Ellen Spencer Mussey, Richard Olney, Walter P. Phillips, George H. Pullman, Joseph Sheldon, Adolphus S. Solomons, F.R. Southmayd, Sara J. Spencer, Edwin McMasters Stanton, Elvira Stone, Harriet Taylor Upton, Bernard B. Vassall, Charlotte Fowler Wells, Mary Isabelle (Kensel) Wells, Roscoe Green Wells, Frances Elizabeth Willard, Mary Bannister Willard, and Henry Wilson.”
Diaries, 1896-1909, 1876-1911 (3 boxes); letterbooks, 1898-1909 (2 boxes); scrapbooks, 1898-1912 (1 box); printed matter, photographs, 1859-1904 (1 box); newspaper clippings, 1895-1918, including: Red Cross in China, Turkey, Armenia, Greece, 1895-97, Cuba, 1898 (3 boxes); biographical, 1899-1918 (3 boxes).
Red Cross and general letters, 1895-1907 (41 boxes), including: Cuba, 1898 (24 boxes), Galveston TX flood, 1900 (2 boxes), lectures, 1878-1911 (2 boxes), undated clippings (5 boxes), business papers and notes (2 boxes) plus microfilm, diaries, 1903-04, 1910, in possession of American Red Cross (1 reel).

Blackwell Family Papers, 1759-1960, bulk: 1845-1890.
Elizabeth Blackwell* (1821-1910), Professor of Gynecology, 1875-1907,

London School of Medicine for Women.

Diaries, 1836-1908 (2 boxes); family letters (1 box); general letters, alphabetical (3 boxes); speech, article, book file on Christian medicine, social reform (2 boxes); subject file, social medicine (1 box).
Antoinette Louisa Brown Blackwell* (1825-1921), Ordained, 1853,

Congregational minister; author.

Family and general letters, miscellany (1 box).
Henry Brown Blackwell* (1852-1909), co-editor, 1872-1909, Woman’s Journal;

worker, 1869-1909, American Woman Suffrage Association.

“Correspondence, articles, speeches, reminiscences, autobiographical material, and other papers of Henry Browne Blackwell and Lucy Stone relating to their activities on behalf of women's rights, particularly as organizers of the American Woman Suffrage Association and its successor, the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and the abolition of slavery.”
Family letters, alphabetical (2 boxes); general letters (1 box); miscellany (2 boxes).
Alice Stone Blackwell* (1857-1950), editor, 1909-1917, Woman’s Journal and

1886-1905, Woman’s Column.

“Correspondence, diaries (1872-1937), translations of poetry and correspondence with Armenian, Russian, and Spanish poets, and other papers of Alice Stone Blackwell, . . . reflecting her literary endeavors and her role in the woman's suffrage movement and other social reforms. . . . Correspondence, diaries (1836-1908), speeches, and medical articles and other writings of Elizabeth Blackwell, chiefly relating to her efforts to open the medical profession to women in the United States. Kitty Barry Blackwell's correspondence with Alice Stone Blackwell reflects her life with her mother who had moved to England to practice medicine in 1869. . . .
Correspondents include Sarah MacCormack Algeo, Susan B. Anthony, Henry Ward Beecher, Ekaterina Konstantinovna Breshko-Breshkovskaia (Catherine Breshkovsky), Lady Anne Isabella Milbanke Byron, Carrie Chapman Catt, Ricardo Flores Magón, Antoinette Funk, William Lloyd Garrison, Sarah Moore Grimké, Ida Husted Harper, Julia Ward Howe, Bedros A. Keljik, Gabriela Mistral, Thomas J. Mooney, Lydia Mott, Florence Nightingale, Maud Wood Park, Wendell Phillips, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Bartolemeo Vanzetti.”
Diaries, 1872-1924 (1 box); family letters, alphabetical (17 boxes); subject file (20 boxes), including foreign poetry translations: Armenian, Finnish, French, German, Russian, Spanish (8 boxes); biographical papers (1 box); financial papers (1 box); Catherine Breshkovsky papers (1 box).

J. C. Bancroft Davis* (1822-1907), Papers of, 1849-1902 (3/87).
John Chandler Bancroft Davis*: American correspondent before the Civil War for the London Times and, 1883-1902, at the U.S. Supreme Court; American negotiator with Great Britain before and after the Civil War.
“Bound volumes of correspondence, diaries, journals, reports, printed material, and other papers chiefly relating to Davis's diplomatic career.”
Letters, 1895-1902 (3 v.).

Olivia Bigelow Hall* (1822-1908), Papers of, 1869-1905 (1/1).
Olivia B. Hall*: Daughter of John and Mary Payn Bigelow, Baldwinsville, Saratoga County NY, who married, 1844, Israel Hall (1814-1889); the Halls resided first in Syracuse NY, thereafter in Toledo OH from 1857 and Ann Arbor MI from 1870, but retained commercial property in Toledo; in Ann Arbor, Olivia “organized meetings in her hometown, obtained speakers for rallies there, and corresponded with national leaders” of the women's suffrage movement.
“Correspondence, photographs, and printed matter relating to women's suffrage. Correspondents include Susan B. Anthony, Anna Howard Shaw, Carrie Chapman Catt, and members of the American Equal Rights Association and National Woman Suffrage Association.”


J. L. M. Curry* (1825-1903), Papers of, 1637-1939, bulk: 1866-1903.
Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry*: University of Georgia, 1843; Harvard law, Alabama Bar, 1845; Alabama legislature, 1847, 1853, 1855; U.S. Congress, 1857-61, Democrat, Alabama; Confederate Congress, 1861-64 and Lieutenant Colonel, Confederate Calvary; became Baptist minister and President, 1865-68, Howard College, Alabama; Professor of English and Public Law, 1868-1881, Richmond College, Virginia; appointed, 1885-88, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Spain; administrative agent, 1881-1903, Peabody Fund for Southern Education; agent, 1890-1903, John F. Slater Fund; supervising director, 1901-03, Southern Education Board; appointed, 1902, Ambassador Extraordinary on special mission to Spain, upon the coming of age of the King.
“Diaries, correspondence, printed matter, clippings, memorabilia, notes and memoranda, documents and legal papers, accounts, lectures and sermons, essays, scrapbook, MS. of autobiography, speeches, and articles, and catalog of Curry's library. Includes autographs of all U.S. Presidents from George Washington to Theodore Roosevelt, Confederate statesmen, Spanish noblemen, royalty, and writers, jurists, diplomats, educators, historians, scientists, reformers, artists, statesmen, literary figures, clergymen, and military men of the United States and European countries.
Reports and other papers concern the Peabody Education Fund, the Slater Fund for the education of African Americans, the Southern Education Board, Curry's studies on Civil War history and the civil government of the Confederacy, and diplomatic matters in Spain. The diaries and much of the correspondence relate to Curry's career as an educator, diplomat, and Baptist minister. Correspondents include William Aiken, James B. Angell, Thomas F. Bayard, William A. Courtenay, William M. Evarts, Hamilton Fish, Melville W. Fuller, Moses Coit Gilman, Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel A. Green, Henry R. Jackson, Theodore Lyman, James D. Porter, Eben S. Stearns, Alexander H. H. Stuart, Moses Waddel, Robert C. Winthrop, and others.”
Diaries, 1866-1902, (2 boxes); letters, 1896-1908 (5 boxes).

Joseph R. Hawley* (1826-1905), Papers of, 1638-1906, bulk: 1841-1906.

Joseph Roswell Hawley*: Born North Carolina, son of a Baptist minister who returned to Connecticut, 1837; Hamilton College, Clinton NY, 1847; Connecticut Bar, 1850 and practiced, Hartford; editor, from 1857, Hartford Evening Press and Courant; Captain, 1st and 9th Connecticut Infantry; Brigadier General, 1865-66; Connecticut Governor, 1866; President, 1873-76, U.S. Centennial Commission; U.S. Congress, 1872-75, 1879-81, and U.S. Senate, 1881-1905, Republican, Connecticut.
“Correspondence, diaries, notebooks, drafts of speeches, business papers, and memorabilia relating to Hawley's personal and family life and to his business and political work. Topics in the papers include Hamilton College, the antislavery movement in New York and Connecticut, Connecticut and Republican Party politics, Hawley's Civil War activities, Union Army veterans' groups, Reconstruction, newspaper work, the Centennial, and congressional politics.
Correspondents include James G. Blaine, Schuyler Colfax, Richard Henry Dana, Jr., Franklin B. Dexter, Benjamin Douglas, Richard S. Ely, William C. Endicott, Joshua Reed Giddings, Francis Gillette, Edward Everett Hale, Hinton Rowan Helper, Joshua Leavitt, Henry Cabot Lodge, Dwight Loomis, Horace Mann, Whitelaw Reid, John Sherman, Gerrit Smith, Leland Stanford, Edwin M. Stanton, Charles Sumner, Albion Tourgée, Amos Tuck, Amasa Walker, Charles Dudley Warner, and Gideon Welles. Also includes correspondence of Hawley's wife, Harriet Foote Hawley.”
Letters, 1896-1904 (1 v.); newspaper clippings, receipts, scrapbooks (27 boxes).

John Alexander Logan Family Papers, 1836-1925, bulk: 1860-1917.
John Alexander Logan* (1826-86): Lieutenant, 1846-48, and Colonel to Major General, Volunteers, 1862-65, U.S. Army; Illinois Bar and practiced from 1852; Illinois legislature; U.S. Congress, 1859-62, Democrat, and 1867-71, Republican, Illinois; U.S. Senate, 1871-77 and 1879-86, Republican, Illinois; husband of:
Mary Simmerson Cunningham* (1838-1923), Mrs. John A. Logan*: editor and author, 1886-1923; mother of:
John Alexander Logan* (1894-1905) and Mary Logan* (b. ca. 1860), wife of George E. Tucker*.
“Correspondence, legal and military papers, drafts of speeches, articles, and books, scrapbooks, maps, memorabilia, and printed matter relating chiefly to the military, political, and social history of the Civil War and postwar period. Topics include . . . presidential campaigns of 1880 and 1884, Grand Army of the Republic, Society of the Army of the Tennessee, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago IL, 1893, American Red Cross, Belgian relief work, and women's suffrage.
Correspondents include Clara Barton, William Jennings Bryan, George B. Cortelyou, Grenville M. Dodge, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert Todd Lincoln, John Sherman, and William T. Sherman.
Online finding aid, John Alexander Logan and Family: general letters, 1880-88 (3 boxes); family letters, 1880-1922 (6 boxes); scrapbook, 1871-1915 (1 box); subject file (10 boxes).
Mrs. John A. Logan Papers: general letters, 1895-1925 (14 boxes), including: Hearst Syndicate, 1901-07 (1 box) and Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1912-14 (1 box); book file (9 boxes), including Part Taken By Women in American History (1912) (3 boxes) and autobiography (3 boxes); speeches and articles, 1888-1915 (18 boxes); scrapbooks, 1898-1917 (33 boxes), including Spanish American War (17 v.).
John A. Logan, Jr. Papers, scrapbooks, 1894-1905 (3 boxes); Mary Logan Tucker Papers, scrapbooks, 1867-1917 (8 boxes); George E. Tucker Papers, scrapbooks, 1888-1903 (3 boxes).

Stephen Bleecker Luce* (1827-1917), Papers of, 1799-1938, bulk: 1842-1912 (7/23).
U.S. Naval Academy, 1841; Rear Admiral, 1886; Author: Seamanship: Compiled from Various Authorities, and Illustrated with Numerous Original and Select Designs, for the Use of the United States Naval Academy (3d ed., 1866), Text-book of Seamanship: The Equipping and Handling of Vessels Under Sail or Steam (4th ed., 1898), and others.
“Correspondence, journals, order books, subject files, scrapbooks, notebooks, newspaper clippings, and miscellany documenting Luce's naval career. Topics include his work to establish, 1884, the U.S. Naval War College and the Naval Historical Society, his service with the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron, 1863-165, and his diplomatic role in the arbitration of the Canadian fisheries dispute, 1887.
Correspondents include Nelson W. Aldrich, George E. Belknap, Charles J. Bonaparte, George Dewey, Albert Gleaves, Albert Bushnell Hart, Henry Cabot Lodge, Alfred T. Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt, John Sherman, William S. Sims, and William C. Whitney.”
Letters, 1896-1920 (4 boxes).

Thomas F. Bayard* (1828-1898), Papers of, 1780-1899, bulk: 1860-1898 (27/238).
Thomas Francis Bayard*: U.S. Senate, Delaware, 1869-1885; U.S. Secretary of State, 1885-1889; U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, 1893-1897.
“Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, reports, financial records, legal papers, scrapbooks, printed material, photographs, and other papers primarily relating to Bayard's career . . . and to real estate and financial matters, national politics, the Fitz-John Porter case, Samoan Islands, fisheries and sealing questions, the Venezuelan boundary dispute, Anglo-American and German-American relations, presidential campaigns, the silver question, the Tilden-Hayes election, tariff problems, the Sackville-West incident, the conflict between China and Japan over control of Korea, American annexation of Hawaii, and the isthmian transit and canal issue.
Correspondents include Alvey Augustus Adee, James Burrill Angell, George Baden-Powell, James A. Bayard, August Belmont, Perry Belmont, William Campbell Preston Breckinridge, Henry Lewis Bryan, Matthew C. Butler, John Lee Carroll, Eugene Casserly, Joseph Chamberlain, Grover Cleveland, Samuel Sullivan Cox, Charles Denby, Donald McDonald Dickinson, Henry Du Pont, Charles William Eliot, William Crowninshield Endicott, William Maxwell Evarts, Charles S. Fairchild, Hamilton Fish, Worthington Chauncey Ford, Edward Miner Gallaudet, Augustus H. Garland, John Brown Gordon, Walter Quintin Gresham, Wade Hampton, George Frisbie Hoar, William Henry Hurlbert, Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Daniel Scott Lamont, Robert Todd Lincoln, Daniel Manning, Thomas Courtland Manning, Manton Marble, Robert M. McLane, John Bassett Moore, Justin S. Morrill, Richard Olney, Walter Hines Page, George Foster Peabody, George H. Pendleton, Edward John Phelps, Lord Lyon Playfair, Fitz-John Porter, Sir Lionel S. Sackville-West, Carl Schurz, John Sherman, William T. Sherman, Oscar S. Straus, William F. Vilas, David Ames Wells, Francis Wharton, Henry White, Horace White, William C. Whitney, Owen Wister, and members of the Bayard (Baird) family.”
Letters received, 1896-99 (14 v. plus 2 boxes); letterbooks, 1895-98 (11 v.).

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