dendron: tree
dendranatomy, dendranthropology, dendriform, dendrite, dendritic, dendrobe, dendrochronology, dendroclastic, dendroclimatology, dendrocoele, dendrodic, dendrodont, dendrogram, dendrograph, dendrography, dendroid, dendrolatry, dendrolite, dendrologist, dendrology, dendrometer, dendron, dendrophil, dendrophilous, dendrostyle, epidendral, oligodendrocyte, philodendrist, philodendron, rhododendron, telodendron, toxicodendron
dexioV: on the right side
dexiocardia, dexiotrope, dexiotropic
derw: flay; dermiV: skin
blastoderm, derma, dermabrasion, dermad, dermal, dermalgia, dermalysis, Dermaptera, dermatalgia, dermatic, dermatin, dermatitis, dermatobranchia, dermatogen, dermatoglyph, dermatoglyphics, dermatograph, dermatoid, dermatol, dermatologist, dermatology, dermatolysis, dermatomycosis, dermatomyostitis, dermatonosis, dermatopathology, dermatopathy, dermatophone, dermatophyte, dermatoplasty, dermatome, dermatopsy, dermatorrhea, dermatoscelerosis, dermatoskeleton, dermatome, dermatotome, dermatosis, dermatozoa, dermic, dermis, dermobranchiate, dermogastric, dermographia, dermohemia, dermoid, dermoidal, dermolysis, dermomuscular, dermonecrotic, dermoneural, dermo-osseus, dermopathy, dermophyte, dermopterous, diphtheria, diphtherial, ecderon, echinoderm, echinodernata, ectoderm, endermatic, endermic, endermical, endermically, enderon, endoderm, enepidermic, entoderm, epidermal, epidermis, epidermolysis, exodermis, heloderm, homodermic, hydroderma, hype (slang), hypodermic, intradermal, keratoderma, leucoderm, leucodermia, leukodermic, lophoderm, malacoderm, megaderm, melanoderm, mesoderm, monodermic, mycoderma, neurodermal, osteoderm, ostracoderm, pachyderm, pachydermatous, periderm, phelloderm, placoderm, pneumoderm, poikiloderma, psilodermatous, pyodermia, sarcoderm, scleroderm, schlerodermatous, scrofuloderma, spermioderm, stenoderm, subdermal, taxidermal, taxidermist, taxidermize, taxidermy, toxicoderma, toxidermic, trachidermic, xanthoderm, xenoderm, xeroderma
despothV: master
despot, despotic, despotical, despotically, despotism, despotist, despotize, despotocracy
deuteroV: second
deutencephalon, deuteragonist, deuteranomalous, deuteranope, deuteranopia, deuterated, deuteric, deuterium, deuteroconid, deuterodrome, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, deuterogenic, deuterograph, deuteromesal, deuteron, Dueteronomic, Deuteronomist, Deuteronomy, deuteropathy, deuteroscopy, deuterostoma, deuterosystematic, deuterotheme, deuterotoky, deuterotoxin, deuterozooid, deutomalar, deutomerite, deutoplasm, deutosclerous, deutotergite, deutovum
decomai: take, receive
synecdoche, syecdochical, synecdochism
dew: bind
asyndeton, deontic, deontological, deontologist, deontology, desma, desmid, desmodont, desmognathous, desmography, desmoid, desmology, desmonosology, desmopathology, desmopathy, desmopelmous, desmostichous, desmotomy, diadem, homodesmic, kinetodesma, plasmodesma, polysyndeton, syndesmosis, syndetic, syndeton
dhleomai: destroy
deleterious, deleteriously, deleteriousness
DhloV: Delos; dhloV: evident (perhaps same word); dhlow: show; adhloV: unclear
Delian, Delos, psychedelic, urodele
dhmoV: people; dhmokratia: democracy; dhmosioV: public
antidemocratic, demagogic, demagogue, demagoguery, demagogy, deme, demegoric, demiurge, demotic, democracy, democrat, democratic, democratically, democratism, democratize, demographer, demographic, demographics, demography, demoid, demophil, demotic, endemial, endemic, endemical, endemically, endemicity, endemism, epidemic, epidemical, epidemically, epidemiography, epidemiologist, epidemiology, homodemic, pandemic, pluto-democracy, social democracy, thgeodemocracy, topodeme, undemocratic, undemocratically
dharion: denarius
di-: twice
diene, diploid etc.
dia: through
diagonal, diagram, dialysis, diameter, diaphanous ETC.
diaboloV: see ballw
diairew: divide
diaita: way of living
diet, dietal, dietary, dieter, dietetic, dietician, dietetic(s)
diakonoV: servant; diakonia: service
archdeacon, archidiaconal, deacon, deaconhood, deaconness, deaconry, deaconship, diaconal, diaconate, doyen, doyenne, subdeacon
didaskw: teach; didaskaloV: teacher
autodidact, autodidactic, Didache, didactic, didactically, didactician, didacticism, didactive, didascalic, didascaly, theodidact
didumoV: twin
didymate, didymis, didymite, epididymis
didwmi: give; dwron: gift; prodothV: traitor; apodidwmi: give back
anecdotal, anecdote, antidotal, antidote, apodosis, Doris, Dorothy, dosage, dose, dosimeter, dosimetry, dosiology, Eudora, Isidore, overdose, Pandora, Pandora’s box, paradosis, Theodore, Thermidor
Doris derives from either didwmi or DwrioV.
diquramboV: dithyramb
dithyramb, dithyrambic, dithyrambically, dithyrambist
dikh: law; dikazw: judge; dikasthV: juror; adikia: wrongdoing; dikaioV: honest
dicast, dicastery, sindaco (It), sindicato (Sp), syndic, syndicalism, syndicate, syndication, syndicator, theodicy
diktuon: net
dictyogen, dictyospore, dictyostele, Dictys
DionusoV: Dionysus
Denis, Denise, Dennis, Dionysiac, Dionysian, Dionysus
DiofantoV: Diaphantus
Diophantine, Diophantus
DioV: Zeus: see ZeuV
diplooV: See aplooV.
diV: twice
dilemma, dimity, dioxide, diphthong, diphtera, dipteral, dissyllable, distich
diskoV: dish, quoit
CD, CD-ROM, dais, desk, deskful, desktop, disc, disciferous, discifloral, disciform, discigerous, discless, discoblastic, discobole, discobolic, discobolus, discocarp, discocephalous, discodactyl, dicogastrula, discoglottid, discographic, discography, discoid, discoidal, discolith, discophile, discophorous, discoplacenta, discopodium, discopodous, discostoamtous, discus, dish, dishcloth, dishful, dishlet, dishtowel, dishy, disk, diskette, disk jockey, floppy disk, gastrodisc, newsdesk, sportsdesk, wave disk
N.B. Disco (dance), discomania, and discomaniac are not derived from diskoV.
difqera: see derw
diya: thirst
dipsas, dipsomania, dipsomaniac, dipsomaniacal, dipsopathy, polydipsia
dicazw: divide (perhaps only dica: into two)
dichastic, dichogamous, dichogamy, dichopterous, dichoptic, dichtomic, dichotomist, dichotomize, dichotomous, dichotomously, dichotomy
dokew: think, suppose; doxa: reputation
cacdoxy, Docetae, docetic, Docetism, Docetist, dogma, dogmatic, dogmatical, dogmatically, dogmaticalness, dogmatician, dogmaticism, dogmatics, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatize, dogmatizer, dogmatology, dogmatopoeic, doxastic, doxographer, doxography, doxological, doxologize, doxology, doxy (opinion), heterodox, herterodoxy, neodoxy, orthodox, orthodoxism, orthodoxly, orthodoxy, paradox, paradoxer, paradoxical, paradoxically, parodoxism, paradoxist, paradoxology, pseudodox, pseudodoxy, unorthodox
dokimoV: acceptable; decomai: accept, take, receive
docimasy, docimology
dokoV: beam
dolicoV: long
dolichocephal, dolichocephalic, dolichocephalism, dolichocephaly, dolichoid, dolichomorphic, dolichopodous, dolichotis, dolichrous
doloV: trick
dole (arch.), dolerin, dolerite, dolerophanite. dolose, sedulity, sedulous. sedulously, sedulousness
L. dolus is from doloV; OLD says sedulus is from dolus.
douloV: slave; douleuw: serve; douleia: slavery
dulia, d(o)ulocracy, dulosis, dulotic, hierodule, hyperdulia, iconoduly
doch: receptacle
drakwn: dragon; derkomai: see, be alive, flash fire from eyes
Draco, dracone, Draconian, Draconic, Draconically, draconiform, Draconism, dracontic, Dracula, dragon, dragonesque, dragoness, dragonet, dragonfly, dragonish, dragonism, dragonize, dragonnade, dragoon, pendragon, snapdragon
drassomai: grasp; dracmh: drachma
decadrachm, didrachm, dodekadrachm, drachm, drachma, dram
dracmh: see drassomai
draw, dramein: do, act; drama: deed
docudrama, drama, dramatic, dramaticism, dramatically, dramatism, dramatics, dramatis personae, dramatist, dramatization, dramatize, dramaturge, dramaturgic, dramaturgist, dramaturgy, drastic, drastically, duodrama, melo, melodrama, melodramatic, melodramatically, melodramatics, meldramist, melodramatize, monodrama, overdramatic, photodrama, psychodrama, psychodramatic, sociodrama, teledrama, theodrama, undramatic
drepanon: sickle
drepanid, drepaniform
dromoV: race
aerodrome, aerodromics, AIDS, anadromous, catadromous, cosmodrome, deuterodrome, diadromous, drome, dromedary, dromic, dromioid, dromograph, dromomania, dromometer, dromond, Dromornis, dromos, dromoscope, dromotropic, dromotropism, enantiodromia, helidrome, hemodrometer, heterodromous, hippodrome, homodromous, lampadedromy, loxodrome, loxodromic, monodromic, motordrome, oceanodromous, ocydrome, orthodromic, palindrome, palindromic, paradromic, petrodrome, picturedrome, pleauredrome, prodroma, prodromal, prodromatic, prodrome, prodromus, seadrome, syndrome, tachydrome, velodrome
drosoV: dew
drosometer, drosophilia, drosophilist, drosophyllum
druV: tree, oak
druid, druidism, dryad, hamadryad
See OED: druid.
dunamai: be able; dunamiV: power; dunatoV: possible, able
adynamic, aerodynamic, aerodynamics, astrodynamics, autodynamic, biodynamics, chryptodynamic, didynamous, didynamy, dynactinometer, dynagraph, dynam(e), dynameter, dynamic, dynamical, dynamically, dynamicism, dymamacist, dynamicity, dynamics, dynamism, dynamitard, dynamite, dynamiter, dynamitic, dynamitism, dynamitist, dynamize, dynamo, dynamo-electric, dynamogen, dynamogeny, dynamograph, dynamometamorphism, dynamometer, dynamometry, dynamopathy, dynamoscope, dynamotor, dynast, dynastic, dynastical, dynastically, dynasticism, dynasty, dynatron, dyne, dynein, dynode, electrodynamics, geodynamics, hematodynamics, hemodynamics, heterodynamic, hydrodynamic, hydrodynamics, isodynamic, monodynamic, monodynamism, myodynamics, neuradynamic, oligodynamic, pharmacodynamic, photodynamic, photodynamics, pneumodynamics, polydynamic, protodynastic, psychodynamic, psychodynamics, teledynamic, telodynamic, theriodynamics, thermodynamic, zoodynamic
duo: two; dwdeka: twelve
dodecadrachm, dodecagon, dodecahedral, dodecahedron, dodecane, Dodecanese, dodecaphonic, dodearch, dodecarchy, dodeastyle, dodecasyllable, dodecasyllabic, dodecuplet, dodecyl, duad, duarchy, dyad, dyadic, dyarchy, Dyuphysite, Dyothelite, dyphone, hendiadys
dus-: ill, bad
dysentery, dyspepsia ETC.
-duw: put (L. induo)
apodyterium, ecdysiast, ecdysis, ependyma, troglydyte, troglydytic
This stem does not appear to be identical to the following word, but duw: put is not listed in LS. Apparently, it compounds to form induo etc. Probably troglydyte is from -duw.
duw: dive
dytiscid, dytiscidiform
Dwdwnh: Dodona
Dodona, Dodonean
DwrioV: Dorian
Dorian, Doric, Dorism, Dorize
For Doris see note under didwmi.
dwron: see didwmi
e: epsilon
ebenoV: ebony (ebur is related)
eboneous, ebon, ebonist, ebonite, ebonize, ebony, eburnate, eburnation, eburnean, eburneous, ivorine, ivory, ivory-black, ivory-tower
(ultimately from Egyptian)
egw: I (L. ego)
AHD and OED derive all ego words from L ego and not from G egw, even those with a Greek root such as egocentric.
edafoV: floor
edaphic, edaphodont, edaphon
edra: seat; ezomai: sit
akathisia, armchair, cathedral, chair, chairborne, chairman, chairmanship, chairperson, chairwoman, chaise, cathedral, decahedral, decahedron, deltohedron, dihedral, dihedron, dihexahedron, dodecahedral, dodecahedron, edriophthalmian, electric chair, enneahedral, ephedra, ephedrine, ex cathedra, haplohedral, -hedron, hemihedral, hemihedron, hendecahedron, heptahedron, hexahedron, hexoctahedron, holohedral, icosohedral, icosahedron, merohedral, musical chairs, octahedral, octahedrite, octohedron, pentahedral, pentahedron, plagihedral, polyhedral, polyhedron, procathedral, rhombohedron, scalenohedron, shay, synedrion, tautohedral, tetrahedral, tetrahedron, trapezohedron, trihedral, trihedron, trisoctahedron
eqnoV: people, nation
ethnarch, ethnarchy, ethnic, ethnical, ethnically, ethnicity, ethnobotany, ethnocentric, ethnocentricity, ethnocentrism, ethnocide, ethnogenesis, ethnogeny, ethnograph, ethnographer, ethnography, ethnohistory, ethnolinguist, ethnological, ethnologist, ethnology, ethnomaniac, ethnomethodology, ethnomusicology, ethnonym, ethnophaulism, ethnopsychology, ethnoscience, ethnosemantics, ethnozoology, paleoethnology, polyethnic, pro-ethnic, synethnic
eqoV: custom
bioethical, bioethics, de-ethicize, ethical, ethically, ethicism, ethicist, ethics, ethogram, ethography, ethological, ethologist, ethology, ethopeia, ethos, polyethism
eidoV: shape; eidwlon: idol See also idein.
collidine, dieidism, eidetic, eidograph, eidolon, geoid, idol, idolater, idolatrize, idolatrous, idolatrously, idolatry, idolify, idolism, idolist, idolization, idolize, idolizer, idoloclast, idolographical, idolomania, idolomancy, idolothyte, idolum, idyl, idyllic, idyllically, polyeidism
eikwn: image
aniconic, icon, iconic, iconicity, iconism, iconoclasm, iconoclast, iconoclastic, iconoduly, iconographer, iconographic, iconography, iconolater, iconolatry, iconology, iconomachy, iconomania, iconomatic, iconometer, iconometry, iconophile, iconophobe, iconoplast, iconoscope, iconostasis, iconotropy, paniconograph, vernicle, Veronica, vidicon
eikosi: twenty
icosohedral, icosohedron
EilwV: Helos (town near Sparta); ellwV: helot
helot, helotism, helotry
eimi: be; apeimi; be away; eneimi: be in; ousia: property
biont, diplont, gerousia, haplont, heterousian, homoiousian, homoousian, morphon, neontology, ontal, ontic, ontogenesis, ontogenetic, ontogenic, ontogenist, ontogeny, ontography, ontological, ontologism, ontologist, ontologize, ontology, ontonomy, ontosophy, ontotheology, paleontologist, paleontology, parousia, planont, sporont
eimi, ienai: go; apeimi: go away; afeimi: let go; eiseimi: enter
anion, anionic, cation, cationic, counterion, dysprosium, hydriotic, ion, ionic, ionically, ionicity, ionization, ionize, ionogen, ionogenic, ionogram, ionography, ionophone, ionophore, ionosonde, ionosphere, ionospheric, ionospherist, ionotropy, isoionic, nonionic, oxyanion, photoionization, polyion, polyionic, solion, thermion, thermionic
eirhnh: peace
irenarch, Irene, irenic, irenical, ireically, irenicism, irenics
eirwn: dissembler; eirw: speak
ironic, ironical, ironically, ironist, irony
eiV (mia, en): one
enosis, hendecagon, hendecahedron, hendesyllabic, hendiays, henopoeia, henotheism, henotheist, henotheistic, hyphen, hyphenate, hyphenic, kathenotheism
ek- (ec-): out of; ektoV: outside
eccentric, eclectic, ectogenesis, ectomorph, exodus, exoteric, exotic, exoticism etc.
ekaton: hundred
hectare, hecatomb, Hecatoncheires, hecatontarchy, hecatophyllous, hecto-, hectocotyl, hectogram, hectograph, hectoliter, hectometer, hectostere
ekklhsia: assembly, church: see kalew
eklegomai: choose; eklektoV: chosen: see legw
ektikoV: see exw
Ektwr: Hector
Hector, hector, outhector
elaia: olive tree; elaion: olive oil
cryptolin, cryptolite, crystoleum, elaeo-, elaioplast, eleidin, elydoric, lanolin, linoleum, nucoline, oil, oilburner, oilcake, oilcloth, oildom, oiler, oil field, oiliness, oilless, oilman, oilmill, oilnut, oilometer, oilring, oilskin, oil spill, oilstone, oil well, oily, oleaginous, oleaster, oleate, oleic, oleiculture, oleiferous, olein, oleo, oleoduct, oleograph, oleography, oleojector, oleomargarine, oleometer, oleone, oleophilic, oleophobic, oleopneumatic, oleoptene, oleorefractometer, oleoresin, oleoresinous, oleosaccharum, oleothorax, oleum, oleyl, oliva, olivaceous, olivary, olive, olive branch, olive garden, olive oil, olivesheen, olive tree, oliviform, olivine, palm-oil, petroil, petrol, petrolatum, petrol bomb, petrolene, petroleum, petroleum jelly, petroleur, petrolic, petroliferous, petrolin, petrolization, petrolize, pyrrole, tetrazolium, vaseline, watch oil, whale oil
N.B. OED does not trace olive to elaia.
elasmoV;: beaten metal
elasmobranch, elasmosaurus, elasmose, elasmotherion
elaunw: drive
elastance, elastase, elastic, elastically, elastician, elasticin, elasticity, elastivity, elastique, elastomer, elastoplast, elater, elaterid, inelastic, photoelastic, thermoelastic, viscoelasticity
elafoV: stag
elaphine, elaphure, tragelaph
elegcw: cross-examine
elenchus, elenctic
eleew: show mercy; eleoV: mercy, pity
almoner, alms, almshouse, Christe eleison, eleemosynary, kyrie eleison
elegoV: song
elegiac, elegiacal, elegiambus, elegist, elegize, elegy
EleusiV: Eleusis
Eleusinian, Eleusis
eleuqeroV: free
eleutherism, eleeutheromania, eleutheromaniac, eleutheropetalous, eleutherophyllous
elefaV: elephant
chryselephantine, elephant, elephantiasis, elephantic, elephantine, elephantoid, elephantry, white elephant
eleutron: sheath
elytral, elytriform, elytrigerous, elyterin, eletrocele, elytroid, elytron, eletroplasty, elytrous, elytrum
elix: spiral
helical, heliciform, helicitic, helicity, helicline, helicopter, helidrome, helipad, heliport, helispherical, helix, superhelical, superhelix
elkoV: wound
ulcer, ulcerate, ulceration, ulcerous
EllaV: Greece; Ellhn: Greek
de-hellenize, Helladic, Hellas, Hellene, Hellenic, Hellenism, Hellenist, Hellenistic, Hellenization, Hellenize, Hellenophile, Hellespont, panhellenic, panhellenism, philhellene, philhellenic, philhellenism
elleboroV: hellebore
ellwV: helot: see EilwV
elminqoV: worm
helminth, helminthiasis, helminthic, helminthoid, helminthology, platyhelminth
eloV: marsh
emew: vomit
antiemetic, copremesis, emesia, emesis, emetic, emetical, emetically, emetine, emetology
emfushma: swelling: see fusaw
emuV: fresh-water tortoise
emydian, emydin, emydosaurian, emys
en-, em-: in, on
E.g., emphasis, energy, entrophy
enalioV: of the sea
enantioV: opposite
enantioblastic, enantiodroma, enantiomorph, enantiosis, enantiopathic, enantiopathy, enantiotropy
endon: inward; entera: bowels (incomplete list)
anenterous, coelenteron, dysenteric, dysenteriform, dysentery, endite, endo-, endoblast, endocardial, endocrine, endonormative, endosperm, enteralgia, enterectomy, enteric, enteritis, entero-, enterochlorophyll, enterogastrome, enteroid, enteron, enterokinase, enterovirus, ento-, entoblast, gastroenteric, gastroenteritis, gastroenterologist, gastroenterology, mesenteric, mesenteritis, mesentery, neurenteric, parenteral, perienteron
ennea: nine
enneads, enneagon, enneagonal, enneagynous, enneahedral, enneandrous, enneapetalous, enneastyle, enneatic, enneatical
entera: bowels: see endon
ento-: see endron
entomo-: see temnw
ex: six
carbohexene, cyclohexene, dexa-, dihexagonal, dihexahedron, hexachord, hexad, hexadecimal, hexagon, hexagonal, hexagram, hexahedron, hexameral, hexamerous, hexameter, hexane, hexangular, hexarchy, hexapod, hexasyllabic, hexastich, Hexateuch, hexatomic, hexatone, hexavalent, hexiradiate, hexite, hexoctahedron, hexode, hexokinase, hexose, hexuronic, hexyl
exiV: habit: see ecw
exw: without
ectoplasm, exoteric, exotic, exotically, exoticism ETC.
epi-, ep: upon
epidemic, epidermis, epigram, epoch ETC.
EpikouroV: Epicurus
epicure, epicurean, epicureanism, Epicurus, epicurian
epistamai: know
epistemic, epistemological, epistemology
epistolh: letter; see stellw: make ready, send.
epoV: word
epeolatry, epeology, epic, epical, epically, epicist, epopee, epos, epyllion, monepic, orthoepist, orthoepy
epta: seven
hebdomad, hebdomadal, heptacapsular, heptacarbon, heptachord, heptachronous, heptad, heptaglot, heptagon, heptagonal, heptahedron, heptahydrate, heptamerous, heptameter, heptane, heptangular, heptaphony, heptapodic, heptarchy, heptastyle, heptastich, heptasyllabic, Heptateuch, heptathlon, heptatomic, heptatonic, heptavalent, heptode, heptose
ergon: work; euergethV: benefactor; euergesia: good deed; argoV: not working
adrenergic, argon, atomic energy, auturgy, chemurgy, crystallurgy, demiurge, disergia, dramaturge, dramaturgic, dramaturgist, dramaturgy, electrometalurgy, energetic, energetically, energic, energid, energism, energize, energizer, energumen, energy, erg, erastic, ergate, ergative, ergatocracy, ergodic, ergogram, ergograph, ergometer, ergonomic, ergonomical, ergonomically, ergonomics, ergonomist, ergophobe, ergophobia, exergue, George, Georgia, Georgian, georgic, Georgics, hierurgy, hydrometallurgy, leukergy, liturgic, liturgical, liturgics, liturgiologist, liturgism, liturgist, liturgy, lysergic, metallurgical, metallurgist, metallurgy, micergate, micrometallurgy, microsurgery, micrurgy, monenergetic, monergism, monergistic, neurergic, nuclear energy, organ, overenergetic, panurgic, parergal, parergon, polyergic, psychosurgery, psychurgy, pyrometallurgical, pyrometalurgy, radio surgery, re-energize, sidrurgy, stigmergy, surgeon, surgeoncy, surgeon fish, surgery, surgical, surgically, synergetic, synergic, synergism, synergist, synergistic, synergize, synergy, telergy, thaumaturge, thaumaturgic, thaumaturgics, thaumaturgist, thaumaturgy, theurgic, theurgical, theurgist, theurgy, tree surgeon, tree surgery, zymurgy
N.B. All words filed under organon are probably related to ergon.
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