A-, an-: without abyss, alogical, an

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a-, an-: without

abyss, alogical, anarchy ETC.

abax: reckoning board

abacist, abacus

agaqoV: good

Agatha, agathism, kalokagathia

agapaw: love; agaph: love (n)

agarikon: fungus

agaric, agaricaceous
aggeion: vessel

angioblast, angioblastic, angiocarp, angiocarpous, angiogenesis, angiogram, angiography, angiology, angioma, angioneurosis, angioneurotic, angioplasty, angioscope, angioscopic, angiosperm, angiospore, angiosporous, angiostomous, angiotomy, cholangitis, gametangium, hydrangea, lymphangial, lymphangiography, lymphangitis, microangiopathy, microangioplasty, sporangiferous, sporangiolum, sporangiophore, sporangiospore, sporangium, synangium, telangiectasis

aggeloV: messenger; aggellw: announce; aggelia: message

angel, Angela, angelic, Angelica, angelical, angelot, Angelus, angelolatry, angelology, angelophany, archangel, disangelical, evangel, evangelary, evangelic, evangelical, Evangeline, evangelism, evangelist, evangelization, evangelize, Los Angeles, Protevangelium, televangelist

ageirw: see agora
agioV: holy; agiazw: sanctify

hagiarchy, hagiocracy, hagiographal, hagiographer, hagiographical, hagiographist, hagiography, hagiolater, hagiolatry, hagiolith, hagiology, hagioscope

agkura: anchor; agkuloV: crooked

anchor, anchorage, anchorless, Ancyra, Angora, Ankara, ankylosaur, disanchor, unanchored

agora: meeting place; ageirw: collect

agora, agoraphilia, agoraphobe, agoraphobia, agoraphobic, allegorical, allegorize, allegory, categorical, categorically, category, demegoric, panegyric, panegyrical, pangyrist, panagyrize, paregoric

agra: hunting, seizure

chiragra, podagra

agroV: field (N.B. related to L. ager)

agriotype, agrobacterium, agrobiology, agrochemical, agrology, agronome, agronomics, agronomist, agronomy, agrotechnology, onager, onagraceous

agrwstiV: grass

agrostis, agrostography, agrostology

agcw: squeeze

agw: lead; agwgoV: leading, guide; agwn: contest; diagw: delay

agon, agonistic, agonize, agony, anagogic, andragogy, antagonism, antagonist, antagonistic, antagonize, copragogue, demagogic, demagogue, demagoguery, demagogy, deuteragonist, diagometer, emmenagogic, emmenagogology, emmenagogue, epact, epagogic, epagogue, galactogogue, geostrategical, geostrategy, glucagon, hemagogue, hydragogue, hypnagogic, isagogue, lymphagogue, mystagogue, mystagogy, osmagogue, pantagogue, paragoge, pedagogic, pedagogics, pedagogism, pedagogist, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pedantically, pedanticism, pedantize, pedantocracy, pedantry, plutogogue, plutogoguery, protagon, protagonist, psychagogic, psychagogue, psychagogy, secretagogue, sialagogue, strategem, strategetic, strategic, strategical, strategically, strategist, strategize, strategus, strategy, synagogue, synallagmatic, syncategorem, tritagonist, xenagogue
agwn: contest: see agw
adelfoV: brother; adelfh: sister

adelphous, diadelphic, diadelphous, monadelphous, Philadelphia, Philly
adhn: gland

adenalgia, adenectomy, adenography, adenoid, adenoidal, adenoiditis, adenology, ademoma, adenopherous, adenophyllous, adenotomy, lymphadenitis, lymphadenoma, polyadenous

adw (aeidw): sing; wdh: song; wdeion: odeon

comedian, comedic, comedienne, comedist, comedy, countermelody, disprosody, epode, heptode, hymnody, immelodious, mel, melodeon, melodial, medlodic, melodics, melodist, melodize, melodious, melodiously, melodiousness, melody, monodic, monodist, monody, nickelodeon, ode, odeon, odeum, odic, palinode, palinodic, parodic, parodist, parody, prosodeme, prosodic, prosody, psalmodist, psalmody, rhapsode, rhapsodic, rhapsodical, rhapsodist, rhapsodize, rhapsody, theody, threnode, threnody, tragedian, tagedienne, tragedize, tragedy, tragi-comedy

aei: forever; aiwn: period of existence

aeon, aeonian, eon, eternal, eternally, eternity

aeirw: raise

aorta, aortography, apheresis, apheretic, arsis, arterial, arteriole, artery, astrometeorology, biometeorology, hydrometeorlogist, mesarteritis, meteor, meteoric, meteorically, meteorite, meteoritics, meteorogram, meteorograph, meteorography, meteoroid, meteoroidal, meteorolite, meteorological, meteorologist, meteorology, metoeometer, metoromancy, meteoroscope, micrometeor, micrometeorite, micrometeorology, photometeor, syneresis

azw: dry up

ahr: air; ahmi: breathe (L. aer)

aerenchyma, aero-, aeroballistics, aerobatics, aerobe, aerobic, aerodrome, aerodromics, aerodynamic, aerodynamics, aerodyne, aeroembolism, aerogram, aerograph, aerographic, aerography, aerolithology, aerology, aeromancy, aeromechanic(s), aerometer, aeronaut, aeronautics, aeroneurosis, aeronomy, aerophagia, aerophobe, aerophobia, aerophone, aerophore, aerophyte, aeroplane, aeroplankton, aeroscope, aerosol, aerospace, aerosphere, aerostat, aerostatics, aerotrain, aerotropic, aerotropism, air, airbag, airballon, airborne, airbrush, airbus, aircondition, aircraft, airfoil, airframe, air-guitar, air-hole, airily, airiness, airing, airless, airline, airmail, airplane, airport, airproof, airraid, airship, airsick, airsickness, airstream, airstrip, airtight, airway, airy, anaerobe, anaerobic, anerobe, anerobic, antiaircraft, aria, aura, AWACS, Buenos Aires, malaria, malarial, malariology, malariologist, malarious, midair, NASA, open-air, soar

OED does place aerial etc. under aer and aero- etc. under ahr.

OED traces air back to ahr, but also mentions aer.
Aqhnh: Athena

Athena, atheneum, Athenian, Athens, Panathenia, panathenaic

aqlon: prize; aqloV: contest; aqlew: contend

athlete, athletic, athletically, athleticism, athletics, biathlon, decathlon, heptathlon, nonathlete, pentathlete, pentathlon, tetrathlon, triathlete, triathlon, unathletic, unathletically

AigaioV: Aegeus

Aegean, Aegeus

AiguptoV: Egypt

Copt, Coptic, Egypt, Egyptian, Egyptologist, Egyptology, gipsy, gyp, gypsy

AidhV: unseen

Hadean, Hades

aiqhr: heaven

diethyl, ester, ethane, ethanol, ether, ethereal, ethereality, ethereally, etherification, etheriform, etherize, etheromania, ethyl, ethylene, monethyl, polyester, polyethylene, polythene, triethyl

Aiqioy: Ethiopeian

Ethiopeia, Ethiopeian

ailouroV: cat

ailurophile, ailurophobe, ailurophobia, ailurophobic

aima: blood

anemia, anemic, collemia, copremia, dermohemia, disproteinemia, -emia, galactosemia, glucohemoglobin, glycohemia, hemachate, hemachrome, hemad, hemagglutinate, hemagogue, hemal, hematascope, hematherm, hematic, hematite, hematobic, hematoblast, hematocele, hematochrome, hematocrit, hematocyte, hematodynamics, hematogenesis, hematogenous, hematoid, hematology, hematoma, hematometer, hematopathology, hematophagous, hematophilia, hematophobia, hematophyte, hematopoiesis, hematoscope, hematose, hematosis, hematothermal, hematoxylin, hematozoan, hematuria, hemic, hemin, hemocele, hemocromagen, hemochromatosis, hemocrome, hemocromometer, hemocyanin, hemodialysis, hemodrometer, hemodynamics, hemogastric, hemogenesis, hemogenetic, hemoglobin, hemogram, hemoid, hemoleucocyte, hemolymph, hemolysis, hemometer, hemopathology, hemophilia, hemophiliac, hemophilic, hemaphobia, hemopoiesis, hemoptysis, hemorrhage, hemorrhagic, hemorrhoid, hemorrhoidal, hemoscope, hemospastic, hemostasis, hemostat, hemostatic, hemotoma, hemotrophy, hydrohemia, hyperemia, hyperglycemia, hyphemia, hypoglycemia, hypoxemia, ischemia, ketonemia, leukemia, leukemic, leukemogen, leukemogenic, lymphemia, melaena, melanemia, melanemic, myxedemia, oligemia, oligochromenia, oligocythemia, oxalemia, oxyhemaglobin, pachyemia, piarrhemia, pyemia, septemia, septicemia, spanemia, thalassanemia, toxemia, toxemic, tularemia, tyrosinemia, uremia, uremic, viremia

ainigma: riddle

enigma, enigmatic, enigmatical, enigamtically, enigmatize, enigmatographer, enigmatography, enigmatology

aix: goat

aioloV: quick-moving

Aeolian, aeolian harp, Aeolus, eolienne
airew: grasp

heresiarch, heresimach, heresiographer, heresiography, heresiology, hersey, heretic, heretical, heretically

aisqanomai: perceive; aisqhsiV: perception

acroanesthesia, aesthete, aesthetic, aesthetical, aestheticism, aesthetics, anesthesia, anesthetic, chromesthesia, cryptesthia, dysesthesia, esthete, esthetic, esthetical, esthetically, esthetics, hyperesthesia, hypesthesia, kinesthesia, oxyesthesia, panesthesia, panesthetism, pseudesthesia, psychesthetic, psychroesthesia, radiesthesia, somesthetic, synesthesia, synesthetic, telesthesia, telesthetic, thermanesthesia, thermesthesia

aitia: accusation; aitioV: responsible

aetiological, aetiology, aetion, etiological, etiology

aiwn: see aei
akadhmia: Academy

academe, academia, academic, academical, academically, academician, academy

Akadia: Acadia

Acadia, Acadian, Cajun

akh: spine, thorn; akanqa: thorn

acacia, acanthaceous, acanthine, acanthoid, acanthous, acanthus, acme, acmite, acne, coelacanth, diacanthous, myriacanthous, notacanthous, oligacanthous, polyacanthous

akeomai: heal

akmh: point, edge: see akh

akolouqew: see keleuqoV
akoniton: monkshood (a plant)

akouw: hear; opakouw: answer

acoumeter, acoustic, acoustical, acoustician, acousticon, acoustics, diacoustics, diplacusis, electro-acoustics, hydroacoustics, hyperacusis, micracoustic, optoacoustics, otacoustic, polyacoustic, telacoustic
akroV: top point; akra: headland; akropoliV: acropolis

acroanesthesia, acroatic, acrobat, acrobatic, acrobatics, acrocentric, acrocephaly, acrocyanosis, acrograph, acrography, acrolect, acrolectal, acrolith, acrology, acromegalic, acromegaly, acrometer, acronym, acrophobe, acrophobia, acrophonic, acropolis, acrostic, acroterion, acroterium, acrotism, epacrid, epacris, megalacria, paracrostic

probably related to akh
aktiV: ray

actinic, actinide, actinoid, actinomorphic, actinometer, actinotherapy, dynactinometer, octactinal, polyactinal, tesseract, tetract, triactinal

alabastroV: onyx, alabaster


alaoV: blind

nyctalope, nyctalopia, nyctalopic, nyctalopy

alexw: ward off

Alex, Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexandrian, Alexandrine, Alexis

algoV: pain; algew: suffer

adenalgia, algesia, algolagnia, algophobia, algophobic, analgesic, antalgic, cardialgia, cardialgy, cephalalgia, cephalalgic, cephalalgy, cordialgic, cystalgia, dermalgia, dermatalgia, enteralgia, gastralgia, glossalgia, gonalgia, hemialgia, hepatalgia, hypalgesia, hyperalgia, hypoalgia, ischialgia, kinesalgia, melalgia, metralgia, myalgia, nephralgia, neuralgia, neuralgic, nostalgia, nostalgic, nostalgically, odontalgia, odontalgic, omalgia, orchialgia, osphyalgia, ostalgia, otalgia, ovarialgia, pedialgia, perialgia, phallalgia, pharyngalgia, phrenalgia, pleuralgia, pneumonalgia, podalgia, proctalgia, prosopalgia, prostatalgia, psychalgia, rachialgia, sternalgia, synalgia, tarsalgia

alkuwn: kingfisher

halcyon, halcyon days

alloV: other

allegorical, allegorize, allegory, alleles, allelometric, allelometry, allelomorph, allergenic, allergic, allergy, allogamy, alloles, allometric, allometry, allomorph, allonym, allopathic, allopathy, allopatric, allophone, alloplastic, allotrope, allotrophic, allotropic, allotropy, diallage, hypoallogenic, isallobar, isallotherm, nonallergic, parallactic, parallax, parallel, parallelapiped, parallelism, parallelist, parallelize, parallelogram, parallelopiped, synallagmatic, trophallaxis, unparalleled

aloh: aloe

aloV: threshing floor (not in LS)

halo, haloscope
alV: salt, the sea

halide, halieutic,halimetry, haliogram, haliograph, halite, halobionic, halocarbon, halochromism, halogen, halography, haloid, halology, halomancy, halometer, halomorphic, halophile, halophilic, halophyte, halophylous, haloplankton, halosaurus, haloscope, haloxylin, oligohaline, thermohaline
aluw: be unsteady

hallucinant, hallucinate, hallucination, hallucinative, hallucinatory, hallucinogen, hallucinogenic, hallucinosis
alfa: alpha

alpha, alphabet, alphabetical, alphabetically, alphabetize, alpha decay, alphagram, alphanumeric, alpha particle, amphetamine, realphabetize

alwphV: fox

alopecia, alopecoid

amarulliV: amaryllis


ambix: cup

ambluV: dull

amblodont, amblygon, amblyopia
ameibw: enter, cross, change

am(o)eba, amoebean, am(o)ebic, am(o)ebous, myxam(o)eba, protoam(o)eba

amhn: truly

Ammon: Ammon

amine, Ammon, ammonia, ammoniac, cuprammonia, cuprammonium, protamine
amnoV: lamb

amnion, amniotic, oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios, protoamnion
amugdalh: almond

almond, amygdalate, amygdalic, amygdaliferous, amygdalin, amygdaline, amygdaloid

amulon: starch

amyl, amylaceous, amyl acetate, amylase, amylic, amylogen, amylogenic, amyloid, amylolysis, amylopsin, amylose, amylum

amfi: about, near

amphi-, amphibial, amphibian, amphibious, amphibology, amphibolous, amphichrome, amphictyonic, amphictyony, amphigony, amphipod, amphiprostyle, amphisbaena, amphitheater, amphoteric, omniphibious, pro-amphibia, triphibian, triphibious

amforeuV: pitcher

amphora, amphoric

ana-: up, back

e.g., anabasis, anabolic, anachronism, anachronistic, analyze, analogy, anatomy, anapest, anaphora, anastrophe

anakwloV: see keleuqoV
analogismoV: calculation (See logoV.)
anastasia: see isthmi
anatolh: east


anemoV: wind

anemogram, anemograph, anemographic, anemography, anemology, anemometer, anemometry, anemone, anemophilous, anemosis, anemotropism

aneurunsiV: dilatation: see euruV
anhr, androV: male; andreia: manliness; andreioV: manly

Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexandrian, Alexandrine, andragogy, Andrew, androcentric, androcentrism, androcentrist, androcentristic, androcephalous, androcracy,androgen, androgenic, androgenism, androgenous, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, android, andrologist, andrology, andromorphic, Andy, decandrous, diandrous, ennandrous, gynandromorph, gynandrous, micrander, misandry, monandrous, monandry, oligandrous, pachysandra, philander, philanderer, polyandria, polyandrist, polyandrous, polyandry, proterandrous, protoandric, pseudandry, spanandry, theandric

anhson: anise

anise, aniseed, anisette

anqoV: flower

anthemion, anther, anthesis, anthocarp, anthocarpous, anthocyanin, anthograph, anthography, antholite, anthologize, anthology, anthomania, anthomancy, anthophilous, anthophorous, chloranthous, chrysanthemum, epanthous, exanthematic, gymnathous, hebeanthous, mesembrianthemum, monanthous, oliganthous, perianth, polyanthus, synanthesis, synanthous, trianthous, zoantharian

anqrax: charcoal

anthracite, anthrax, lithanthrax, xylanthrax

anqrwpoV: human; anqrwpinoV: human (adj.)

anthropocentric, anthropogenic, anthropoid, anthropologist, anthropology, anthropometry, anthropomorph, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphism, anthropopathy, anthropophagi, anthropophagous, anthropophagy, anthropoponymy, anthropopsychism, anthropotomy, de-anthropomorphize, eoanthropos, lycanthrope, lycanthropic, lycanthropous, lycanthropy, Meganthropus, misanthrope, misanthropic, misanthropy, monoanthropism, neanthropic, paleanthropic, paleoanthropology, paranthropus, philanthropic, philanthropism, philanthropist, philanthropy, pithecanthrope, pithecanthropos, protoanthropic, psilanthropic, psilanthropism, psilanthropy, sinanthropoid, sinanthropus, synanthropic, telanthropus, theanthropic, theanthropism, Theanthropos, theoanthropomorphic, theophilanthropy, therianthropic, therioanthropomorphic, zoanthropy

AntaioV: Antaeus

antean, Antaeus

anti: instead of, against, opposed to

e.g., antagonist, antagonize, antalgic, Antarctica, anti, antichrist, anticlimax, antidote, antigen, antihistamine, antifreeze, antilock, antipathy

Cf. L ante: anterior, anticipate etc.
antron: cave

axioV: worthy

axiology, axiom, axiomatic, axiomatically
axwn: axle

axon, catscan, hypaxial, monaxial, monaxile, monaxon, monoaxal, orthaxial,

paraxial, polyaxial, protoaxonial, triaxial

apax: occurring once

hapax legemon

aplaston: covered skin


aplooV: single

haplocardiac, haplodont, haplography, haplohedral, haploid, haplology, haplomorphic, haplont, haplotomy

See -plooV.
apo: from

e.g., apocalypse, apocalyptic, Apocrypha(l), apodosis, apodyterium, apogee, apolegetic, apologist, apologize, apology, apoplectic, apoplexy, aposiopesis, apostasy, apostle, apostrophe, apothecary, apothegm, apotheosis

apoduterion: stripping room: see -duw
apokaluptw: reveal: see kalupew: hide
apostoloV: apostle; see stellw: make ready, send
aptw: fasten

apoapsis, apse, apsidal, apsis, hapten, haptic, haptoglobin, haptophore, haptotropism, periapsis, synapse, synapsis, synaptic, synaptogenesis, synaptology, synaptonemal, synaptosome

aracnhV: spider

Arachne, arachnean, arachnid, arachin, arachnoid, arachnologist, arachnology, arachnophagous, arachnophobia

ArgoV: Argos

Argonaut, Argos, Argus, Argus-eyed

arguroV: silver; argurion: cash

Ag, argent, Argentina, argyrol, Hg, hydrargyrum, miargyrite
areth: excellence

arete, Aretha, aretalogy

ArhV: Ares

Antares, areology, areopagite, Areopagus, Ares

arqron: joint

arthritic, arthritis, arthro-, arthropod, arthropoda, arthroscopy, diarthroidal, diarthrosis, dysarthria, enarthrodial, enarthrosis, osteoarthritis, panarthritis, polyarthritis, synarthrosis

ariqmoV: number

antilogarithm, arithmetic, arithmetic, arithmetic mean, arithmetic progression, arithmetical, arithmocracy, arith(mo)mancy, arithmomania, colog, cologarithm, isarithm, log (math), logarithm, logarithmic, logarithmical

aristoV: best

aristarchy, aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocratic, aristoi, aristotype

Arkadia: Arcadia

Arcadia, Arcadian

arktoV: bear

antarctic, Antarctica, Arctic, Arcturus, palearctic

armozw: join

contraharmonical, disharmonic, disharmonious, disharmony, enharmonic, harmonic, harmonica, harmonical, harmonically, harmonics, harmonious, harmoniously, harmonist, harmonistic, harmonization, harmonogram, harmonograph, harmonmeter, harmonize, harmony, harmost, harmotone, inharmonic, inharmonious, inharmoniously, inharmony, orgone, orgonity, orgonomy, panharmonic, philharmonic, telharmonium

arpazw: seize

harpoon, Harpy

arshn: male

arsenic, arsenide

artoV: bread

artocarpad, artophagous

arcw: rule, begin, show the way; arch: beginning; arcwn: ruler; arcaioV: ancient; uparcw: be available

anarch, anarchism, anarchist, anarchy, arch-, -arch, archaic, archiacally, archacism, archangel, archbishop, archdeacon, archdiocese, archduke, archelogy, archeological, archeologist, archeology, archetypal, archetype, archi-, archidiaconal, archiepiscopal, archimage, archipelago, architect, architectonic, architectural, architecture, architrave, archival, archivalia, archive, archives, archivist, archivistic, archizoic, archon, archpriest, aristarchy, -archy, autarchy, autarky, chiliarch, chiliarchy, decadarch, decadarchy, decarch, decarchy, diabolarch, diabolarchy, diarch, diarchal, diarchic, diarchy, dodecarch, dodecarchy, duarchy, dyarchy, ecclesiarch, eclesiarchy, eparch, eparchial, eparchy, ethnarch, ethnarchy, exarch, exarchate, genearch, gynarchy, hagiarchy, hecatontarchy, heptarchy, heresiarch, hexarchy, hierarch, hierarchical, hiearchism, hierarchize, hierarchy, irenarch, mandriarch, matriarch, matriarchal, matriarchy, menarche, meridarch, mesarch, monarch, monarchal, monarchial, monarchical, monarchically, monarchism, monarchist, monarchistic, monarchize, monarchy, myriarch, nomarch, nomarchy, octarch, octarchy, oligarch, oligarchal, oligarchic, oligarchical, oligarchism, oligarchization, oligarchize, oligarchy, pantarchy, paparchical, patriarch, patriarchal, patriarchalism, patriarchalist, patriarchally, patriarchate, patriarchism, patriarchist, patriarchy, pentarch, pentarchy, Plutarch, Plutarchian, polyarchy, postmenarchal, premenarchal, pseudoarchaic, pubarche, squirearch, squirearchy, synarchy, tetrarch, tetrarchy, thearchy, toparchy, triarch, triarchy, trierarch, trierarchy, xerarch

arwma: spice

aroma, aromatic

asqma: short breath; azein: to blow

asthma, asthmatic

Asia: Asia

Asia, Asia Minor, Asian, Asiatic, Eurasia, Eurasian

askew: train

ascetic, ascetical, asceticism

askoV: bag

asco-, ascocarp, ascospore, ascus

asparagoV: asparagus


aspiV: shield, asp

asp, aspidistra

asproV: asper, white (late)

asper (coin), diaper, diaper(e)d, diapery, diapering

asthr: star

aster, asterial, asterisk, asterism, asteroid, Astraea, astral, astrally, astro-, astrobiologist, astrobiology, astrobotany, astrocytoma, astrodome, astrodynamics, astrographic, astrography, astrolabe, astrolatry, astrologer, astrological, astrology, astrometeorology, astrometry, astronaut, astronautical, astronautics, astronavigation, astronavigator, astronomer, astronomical, astronomy, astrophile, astrophobia, astrophotography, astrophysical, astrophysicist, astrophysics, astroturf, catasterism, diaster, disaster, disastrous, disastrously, monaster, radioastronomy, synastry, triaster

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