Ageing well in nillumbik newsletter

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Edition 2

Hello Ageing Well readers!

Welcome to Ageing Well in Nillumbik, a quarterly newsletter to keep residents up to date with Council, community news, events and information to help you live well, and age even better.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list you can email or phone 9433 3348 and leave your preferred contact address.

Take care,

Andrea Cosentino, Positive Ageing Officer

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

The United Nations General Assembly has designated June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This annual day of awareness represents the one day in the year when the world voices its opposition to the abuse and suffering experienced by older adults.

Part of Nillumbik’s Positive Ageing Strategy Action Plan aims to assist older adults to live safely, securely, and free from elder abuse. Last year we provided elder abuse information and training to relevant Council staff and volunteers, as well as Council’s contracted Home and Community Care RDNS support workers.

This year look out for purple ribbons and information at various Council facilities throughout the Shire. We’ll also be posting on Facebook and Twitter so be sure to like our page and follow our account so you can share the message of raising awareness about elder abuse.

Seniors Rights Victoria provides information, support, advice, and education to help prevent elder abuse and safeguard the rights, dignity, and independence of older adults. If you have concerns for yourself or someone you know visit the Seniors Rights website at or contact their free confidential Helpline on 1300 368 821.

world elder abuse awareness day, june 15

Intergenerational art project

An exciting new art project will see Nillumbik’s older adults working collaboratively with local secondary students to create a large scale mural including text and street poetry. In one of Eltham’s high traffic pedestrian corridors, Council is partnering with Nillumbik Health, Victoria Police, Eltham High and local older adults to create artwork with funding from a successful $25,000 grant from the Department of Justice.

Under the guidance of two local artists, this unique intergenerational multi-media project will provide an educational platform for anti-graffiti and positive health messages, while bringing together generations in the creation of a shared contemporary piece of public artwork.

Design and poetry writing workshops are scheduled to begin in early May, with the piece being installed shortly thereafter. If you would like to be involved in this unique project, please contact Andrea, Positive Ageing Officer on 9433 3348 or to register your interest.

Victorian Senior of the Year Awards

Nominations for the Victorian Senior of the Year Awards are now open! These annual awards acknowledge and celebrate older Victorian volunteers.

There are six award categories this year:

Premier’s Award for Victorian Senior of the Year for an outstanding contribution to their local community and Victoria.

Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria Senior Achiever Awards for significant contributions to local communities in Victoria.

Promotion of Multiculturalism Award for a significant contribution to promoting the benefits of cultural diversity in their local community or in the broader community.

Healthy and Active Living Award for helping to create active and healthy communities through community involvement and as a role model.

Veteran Community Award for an exceptional contribution to the veteran community. The recipient does not need to be a veteran

The NEW Age-Friendly Victoria Award recognises excellence in creating age-friendly communities, promoting active ageing or improving quality of life and inclusion for older people. This award is open to any organisation or business working with an age-friendly approach. Please note there is a separate nomination form for this award.

Nomination forms are available for download from or hard copies by contacting Andrea Cosentino, Positive Ageing Officer on 9433 3348 or

Council news

Nillumbik Community Fund Annual Grants Now Open

Nillumbik Shire Council invites local community groups and organisations to apply for a Nillumbik Community Fund Annual Grant to fund projects that benefit communities within the Shire.

The 2016-2017 annual grants close on Friday 27 May at 5pm.

Grants of up to $5000 are available in the categories of Arts and Culture and Community Projects.

Free ‘Make it Happen’ grant writing workshops and ‘Discuss your grant project’ sessions are available in May, so be sure to book in if you have a great idea.

For full details of the grants program, applications forms, guidelines, and workshop sessions please visit or call 9433 3111.

Community transport

Council works with a wonderful team of volunteers to provide a variety of community transport services helping eligible residents get to:
-social activities
-medical appointments
-visits to loved ones

If you are a Nillumbik resident who lives independently but needs transport assistance, we might be able to help.

Or if you are looking to make a difference in your community, why not help us get residents out and about with our community transport services? We currently need volunteers with the Medical Transport and Saturday Community Bus teams.

If you would like to find out more as either a rider or driver, please contact us on 9433 3723 or c:\temp\nsc_270315_200.jpg

Grandparents Playgroup
Meet other grandparents caring for grandchildren at this weekly playgroup specific to grandparents at Coniston Street Family Centre in Diamond Creek Tuesdays from 10am-12pm during school terms. Contact Lyn on 0419 617 839 or for fees and information.

In-Home Family Mentor Program: Volunteer positions available

Would you like to help new parents who are in need of support with their babies and young children? Council’s Family and Children’s Services is looking for people to provide support and assistance to local families who will benefit from having additional support from a mentor under the In-Home Family Mentor Program. Training, support and supervision are provided.

If you are interested please contact the Family Support and Participation Resource Officers Jodie Leahy or Pia Cerveri on 9433 3165 or email on or

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Home Library Service

Yarra Plenty Regional Library Home Service is a free and convenient way for residents and carers unable to visit the library due to ill health, disability or age-related conditions to borrow library items. Items are selected to meet each person’s individual interests and needs and delivered directly to your home on a monthly basis. Books, audiobooks, CDs, DVDs, and magazines are all available for loan, and available in 14 different community languages, large print, talking books, and subtitled videos. For more information or to register contact the Seniors and Volunteers Coordinator on 9088 3425.


Community news

Friday bikers with the Diamond Creek Men’s Shed

The Diamond Creek Men’s Shed is all about the health and wellbeing of men. One of the ways they promote this concept is to encourage men of all ages to come for a bike ride on Friday mornings. The rides cater for those who haven’t ridden for a while, and all riders go at their own pace. With a stop for coffee, cake, and a chat at the end, what’s not to enjoy! The Shed has loan bikes for those wanting to try out cycling before committing to purchasing a bike, and look forward to welcoming you soon.
For more information contact Leigh on 0400 009 041 or


Older adults and bushfire experiences

The Centre for Design Innovation (CDI) at Swinburne University is currently conducting research to improve the experience of older adults aged 65-85 at the time of bushfire events in Victoria. For more information, or to take part, contact Aeen Ashkani, PhD Candidate on 0451 994 669 or


Boost your career

Are you at a crossroad in your life? Learn how to find and secure your new job by designing the perfect resume, learning interview tips and tricks, and where and how to look for work. Develop a new perspective and create positive change in your life.
Contact tutor Jayne Lovegott on 9718 2717 to set up an appointment at Allwood House in Hurstbridge for a gold coin donation.

Home and Community Care Information

Home and Community Care (HACC) provides assistance for the wellbeing of residents to improve their quality of life to function independently at home and remain socially connected.

To achieve this outcome Council works in partnership with a range of disability and aged care service providers, health agencies, government departments and community members.

In order to access and establish eligibility, referrals to the program can be made by individuals, family members, general practitioners, the Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS), and community service agencies. Please note, the person being referred must be aware of, and agree to the referral.

To make a referral please contact Council’s Intake Officer on 9433 3138 or

Once the referral has been made, a Living at Home Assessment for eligibility and priority of access is conducted by a qualified assessment officer who assesses the needs of the individual and discusses options and opportunities to maximise their independence.

To make a referral or enquire about an assessment contact Council’s Intake Officer on 9433 3138 or

Meals on Wheels Service

Meals on Wheels, along with other Home and Community Care services, aim to assist older adults and those with disabilities to remain living independently for as long as possible.

All our meals are pre-cooked, delivered chilled by wonderful volunteers, and can be reheated in the microwave or oven. Meals are nutritionally balanced and tailored to meet individual dietary and cultural requirements. Meals can be purchased seven days a week and are delivered Monday to Friday mornings. Please note someone must be home to collect the meal.

To find out more about Council’s Meals on Wheels service contact Julianne, Meals on Wheels Coordinator on 9439 6583 or Council’s Intake on 9433 3138.
May calendar

All events are free unless specified.

Wednesday 11 May

Android basics

Learn to customise your device and set up a Google and email account. Learn to search for apps and access help for your Android. You will need to bring your own device.
Where: Diamond Valley Library, Civic Drive, Greensborough
When: 10-11.30am
More information: Diamond Valley Library on 9434 3809
Wednesday 11 & 25 May

Bottom draw box

Create an “after death action plan” to make things easier for your loved ones when you pass away. Into the box go your ideas, plans, and life’s reflections, to sit there quietly until needed.
Where: Allwood House, 901 Main Road, Hurstbridge
When: 1-3pm
More information and to book: Ruth on 9718 2717
Cost: gold coin donation

Saturday 14 May & Sunday 15 May

Mosaic Weekend Workshops
Join professional artists from Butterfly Studio to create your own mosaic masterpiece. Butterfly Studio will supply the tuition, equipment, glue, and grout. All you need to do is bring your own cement paver, pot, or whatever you want to mosaic along with some broken tiles.
Where: Butterfly Studios, Christmas Hills Hall, 787 Ridge Road, Christmas Hills
When: Saturday 14 10am-2pm & Sunday 15 1-4pm
For more
To book:
Cost: $11 per workshop

Thursday 19 May

Theatre up close: Tejas Verdes
A verbatim play, Tejas Verdes (Green Gables) was an infamous Chilean torture and detention centre during the early Pinochet years. Fermin Cabal’s humane and powerful play traces the life of a young woman who vanished one night in Santiago.
Please note the show may contain nudity, coarse language, and adult themes.
Where: The Hut, 31 Cherry Tree Road, Hurstbridge
When: 7:30pm
More information and to book: 0431 963 022 or
Cost: $25 / $22 concession
Saturday 21 May
Interior design for health
Are you renovating or wanting to spruce up your home? Join us to hear about the importance of designing a healthy interior and how easy it is to get the result you want using much healthier alternatives to standard products and finishes.
Where: Eltham Library, Panther Place, Eltham
When: 2-4pm
More information and to book: Council’s Environmental Events Team on 9433 3316

Hurstbridge Astronomy Group

Join these informal astronomy evenings, where you learn how to explore the local skies for stars, nebulas, planets, and whatever else is revealed on the night. Telescopes and cameras will be set up near Fergusons Paddock for better dark sky positioning in this six week course.
Where: Fergusons Paddock, Hurstbridge
When: 7-9pm
More information: Parry 0401 607 206
Cost: gold coin donation

June calendar

All events are free unless specified.

Monday 7 June

Write your own legal will

Have you been considering making a legal will but haven’t started the process? Have you thought about your final wishes but aren’t sure how to start writing them down? If so, you may benefit from this important session.
Where: Living & Learning Diamond Creek, 119 Cowin Street, Diamond Creed
When: 6:30-8pm
More information and to book: Living & Learning Diamond Creek on 9433 3766
Cost: $20 / $15 concession
Saturday 11 June

Wadambuk Makers Market

This monthly market is held under cover at the beautiful St Andrews Community Centre just a short walk from the St Andrews Community Market, and showcases the diversity of our local artisans and crafters of art, photography, cards, textiles, jewellery, toys, and more.
Where: St Andrews Community Centre, 35 Caledonia Street, St Andrews
When: 9am-1pm
More information: St Andrews Community Centre on 9710 1223

Tuesday 17 June

Internet Basics
This session explores the different ways we interact, communicate, and learn via the internet. Explore browsers and discover new and exciting websites.
Where: Eltham Library, Panther Place, Eltham
When: 10.30-11.30am
More information: Eltham Library on 9439 9266

Wednesday 18 June

Community veggie gardening
Whether you are an experienced gardener or absolute beginner, everyone is welcome to join this group by sharing gardening skills, tips, and tricks.
Where: Living & Learning Nillumbik Eltham, 739 Main Road, Eltham
When: 9:30-11am
More information: Living & Learning Nillumbik Eltham on 9433 3744

Friday 24 June

Sound Evening
Invoke the sacred with voice, movement, sound bowls and meditation. Use ritual to connect the four elements and directions to become one with all life, in this evening of inspiration, relaxation, and release. Please bring your own pillow, blanket, and yoga mat.
Where: Allwood House, 901 Main Road, Hurstbridge
When: 6pm
More information and to book: Ruth on 0438 530 034
Cost: $14 / $12 concession

July calendar
All events are free unless specified.

Friday 1 July

Tech help
Have a question about technology? Pre-book for a free session with library staff or experienced volunteers to discuss your specific technology needs. Bring along your own device or use one from the library.
Where: Diamond Valley Library, Civic Drive, Greensborough
When: 10am-11:30am
More information and to book: Diamond Valley Library on 9439 3809
Sunday 3 July

Hurstbridge Farmers Market

Come along to this monthly farmers market to pick up some great produce and mingle with the locals.
Where: Ferguson’s Paddock, Hurstbridge
When: 8:30am-1pm
Entry: $2 donation to CFA

Wednesday 13 July

Genealogy tutoring
Volunteer genealogist Ann Johnson has been building family trees for people for the past 12 years and is available to help with your research.
Where: Diamond Valley Library, Civic Drive, Greensborough
When: 10am-2pm
Bookings essential: Diamond Valley Library on 9439 3809
Sunday 17 July

Eltham Community Craft and Produce Market

Come and enjoy a community atmosphere, tasty food and good music while you take home the perfect gift, source a special artistic piece and pick up your weekly fruit and veg.
Where: Alistair Knox Park, Panther Place, Eltham
When: 8:30am-12:30pm
Monday 18 July

Yack and yarn

Meet with others and work on your knitting, crochet or patchwork project while picking up new skills.
Where: Eltham Library, Panther Place, Eltham
When: 10am-12pm
More information: Eltham Library on 9439 9266

Saturday 23 July

Theatre up close: Two
Jim Cartwright’s Two features fourteen diverse characters played by just two actors. As various members of the local community pull up a stool and let us into their lives, we learn the strength of the human spirit is stronger than anything on offer behind the bar. Please note this show may contain nudity, coarse language, and adult themes.
Where: The Hut, 31 Cherry Tree Road, Hurstbridge
When: 7:30pm
More information and to book: 0431 963 022 or
Cost: $25 / $22 concession

Sunday 24 July

Eltham Farmers Market
This regular market has a range of stalls selling produce ranging from vegies and fruits to condiments and sweets. Stallholders are from Nillumbik, Banyule and surrounding suburbs selling their own produce.
Where: Eltham Town Mall Car Park, 10-18 Arthur Street, Eltham
When: 9am-1pm

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