Anaconda-Deer Lodge County Commission Meeting 6: 00 p m. May 6, 2014 Courthouse Courtroom

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Commission Meeting

May 6, 2014

Anaconda-Deer Lodge County

Commission Meeting

6:00 p.m. May 6, 2014

Courthouse Courtroom
Present: Commission Chair Hart, Commission Vice-Chair Vermeire, Commissioner Lux-Burt, Commissioner Mulvey, Commissioner Smith, CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels, County Attorney Krakowka

Commission Chair Hart called the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Commission Chair Hart stated the Commission rules and procedures.
Approval of Minutes for the Commission Meeting of April 15, 2014 and Work Session Meeting of April 22, 2014

Commissioner Vermeire moved to approve the minutes of the Commission Meeting of April 15, 2014 and the Work Session of April 22, 2014; seconded by Commissioner Smith.

Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Claims

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated the claim that was pulled was billed to the Library and it should have been billed to the Literacy Program.

Commissioner Vermeire moved to approve claims 116600 through 116739 in the amount of $384,668.58, excluding claim # 116682 for $745.66; seconded by Commissioner Mulvey.

Motion carried unanimously.

2014 Poppy Day Proclamation

Chairman Hart read the 2014 Poppy Day Proclamation and now May 7th will be recognized as Poppy Day.

Commissioner Lux-Burt stated she is very supportive of this Proclamation.

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated it was an honor to write the Poppy Day Proclamation for the American Legion and every year she receives a poppy. The CEO had a personal donation for the American Legion Unit #21 and hopes that everyone will make a small donation too.

Commissioner Vermeire moved to approve the 2014 Poppy Day Proclamation; seconded by Commissioner Smith

Motion carried unanimously.

Reports of Boards, Officials, Committees, etc.

  • Commissioner Vermeire attended a Head Start Policy Council meeting and an Airport Board meeting (the Airport Board has an agreement and will be close to purchasing the grounds from the Uelands.)

  • Commissioner Smith attended a Greenway Service District meeting

  • Commissioner Lux-Burt attended the interviews for a new MSU Extension agent, a Head Start function, Northwestern Energy’s information session, the Garden Club’s 50’s Fashion and Car Show, and the Leadership Academy graduation at the High School

  • CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels attended Northwestern Energy’s information session, had Fire Fighter negotiations and have already settled the new contract

  • County Attorney Krakowka attended a Library Board meeting, spoke with Ms. Hurley’s 8th grade class, attended the Supreme Court arguments in Butte and a luncheon to support Judge Kruger, the Anaconda Community Intervention meeting, and a Child Protection meeting

DOWL-HKM, INC. Amendment No. 1 to Task Order No. 9

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that Mr. Janney explained this amendment very well at the work session and she recommends the Commission approve it. CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels clarified that the west end of town is blocked off because of the water lines are getting worked on.

Commissioner Lux-Burt moved to approve the DOWL-HKM Inc., Amendment No. 1 to Task Order No. 9; seconded by Commissioner Mulvey

Motion carried unanimously.

Second Addendum to Real Property Conveyance/Transfer Agreement with Atlantic Richfield Company

Commissioner Mulvey moved to approve the second addendum to Real Property Conveyance/Transfer Agreement with Atlantic Richfield Company; seconded by Commissioner Lux-Burt

Motion carried unanimously.
Mutual Agreement to extend ADLC’s Professional Services contract with Judie Tilman Consulting

Commissioner Lux-Burt stated that Ms. Tilman has done an excellent job and has brought in a lot of grant funding to the community. We are also fortunate to have her working on a Head Start grant which is not easy.

Commissioner Smith moved to approve the mutual agreement to extend ADLC’s Professional Services contract with Judie Tilman Consulting; seconded by Commissioner Vermeire

Motion carried unanimously.

Additional work authorization for WWC Engineering

Commissioner Mulvey moved to approve the additional work authorization for WWC Engineering; seconded by Commissioner Smith

Motion carried unanimously.
Award of Bid for the Beaverdam School Roof to Swank Enterprises

Commissioner Lux-Burt wondered if there was ever going to be a purpose for this building.

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated when the funds came forward to assist in building the Beaverdam Park there were discussion on taking the building down. The entire park project has been paid for with the Baucus funds and these funds are part of the project. the Federal Highway told the county the building had to stay and they helped with getting the building mothballed and cleaning out the asbestos. The roof is in bad shape and it will take a lot of money to renovate the entire building for future use.

Amy Lynn Kellogg, 2010 Ogden stated her organization is looking to use the building for education purposes and she would like to know what they would have to do to use the building. Ms. Kellogg would also be interested in looking inside the building.

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that the building would need a total renovation in order to be used. SMA did a structural analysis on the building and they said it would take several hundreds of thousands of dollars to renovate. CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that the Park Director John Leo Sladich would be able to take her into the building, but it is not safe because the building has more problems than just the roof as there are structural damages too. At this time the project is looking to be approved to award the bid to fix the roof, but there is a process until the roof is completely done.

Commissioner Smith moved to award the bid for the Beaverdam School Roof to Swank Enterprises for $115,000; seconded by Commissioner Mulvey

Motion carried unanimously.

Anaconda Deer Lodge County designation of county earmarked alcohol tax money

Commissioner Mulvey moved to approve the Anaconda Deer Lodge County designation of county earmarked alcohol tax money; seconded by Commissioner Smith

Motion carried unanimously.
Appointment of a member to the Airport Board/two vacancies; five-year term; Greg Bahr has requested to be appointed

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that Mr. Bahr has requested to serve on this board.

Commissioner Vermeire stated that there still is one vacancy left to be filled.

Commissioner Lux-Burt moved to appoint Greg Bahr to the Airport Board; seconded by Commissioner Vermeire

Motion carried unanimously.
Special Event Permit – Anaconda Cyclones Fast Pitch Club/Girls Fast Pitch Softball Tournament

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that she will clarify that the insurance from Bill Hill covers the tournament.

Commissioner Lux-Burt moved to approve the special event permit for the Anaconda Cyclones fast pitch club/girls fast pitch softball tournament subject to clarification of insurant that Bill Hill can sign over insurance and with correction of ADLC’s address; seconded by Commissioner Mulvey

Motion carried unanimously.

Amendment #3 to Contract # 14-07-5-31-037-0 Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Infrastructure Development (MIECHV ID)

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated this is grant funding from Linda Best for the Best Beginnings for $42,987.31.

Commissioner Smith moved to approve the Amendment #3 to Contract # 14-07-5-31-037-0; seconded by Commissioner Mulvey

Motion carried unanimously.

Anaconda Deer Lodge County 2014 Historic Lighting District Renovations

Commissioner Lux-Burt stated that this is for an invitation to bid.

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated this is to go out for bid and as discussed at the work session the county has already been approved for an Intercap Loan for $500,000. The CEO, Treasurer, and the Clerk and Recorder have collaborated and the county has available funds to bridge the difference for the other half of the renovation costs. In January they can re-apply for another Intercap loan too.

Commissioner Vermeire moved to approve the invitation to bid for the Anaconda Deer Lodge County 2014 Historic Lighting District Renovations; seconded by Commissioner Lux-Burt

Montana Department of Commerce Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) Contract # MT-TSEP-PL-15-817

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated this goes with the TSEP grant that Mr. Janney put together with the additional work for the PER for $15,000. The grant has already been awarded and approved by the Commission.

Commissioner Lux-Burt moved to approve the Montana Department of Commerce TSEP Contract # MT-TSEP-PL-15-817; seconded by Commissioner Vermeire
Ms. McLean’s 2nd grade Class

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that she was asked by Ms. McLean and the other 2nd grade class would like to visit and have a tour of the courthouse on May 29th at 11 a.m. The CEO talked to Judge Dayton and he might be interested in putting together a mock trial so they can see how things work. Also, they would like to see what each office does in the courthouse.

New Chairs in Courtroom

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that the courtroom has purchased new chairs for the Commissioners and the District Court staff. These were purchased through Pad-N-Pencil and there will be an additional 3-4 chairs still coming.

Fire Hall Visits

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated on Wednesday May 7th and Friday May 9th RJ Tocher, Fire Chief, Doug Clark, Planning Director, Dusty McKenney, Building Inspector, Terry Vermeire, Commissioner, and the CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels will be visiting fire halls in Bozeman, Whitehall, and Helena to see how the halls were built. They have 4 architects that are in the final group and they would like to see the work they have done on different fire halls before they make a decision on which one to go with.

Modesty Creek Trial

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that there will be a trial going on next week.

Civics Plus Meeting

CEO Connie Ternes-Daniels stated that the Civics Plus meeting scheduled for tomorrow was cancelled and the date is TBD.

Displaying Artifacts in the Courthouse

County Attorney Krakowka stated that the new display case in the courthouse is for the Spanish American War guns, which are currently kept in the Library basement. If the courthouse would like to display the guns a resolution is needed that would state we would display them, but the artifacts still belong to the Library. The library has a lot of different types of artifacts and it would be another reason to get people into the courthouse to see them.

Commissioner Lux-Burt stated that she has been to a few Library Board meetings and they had some concerns about the guns and other memorabilia. Mitch Grady, Library Director, does not want the library being turned into a museum. Commissioner Lux-Burt stated she would love to see the memorabilia being displayed in a case for others to see. She thinks the county could put up a plaque that says these items are on loan from the library so it is clear who owns them.

County Attorney Krakowka stated that he can put together a proposed agreement.

Super Slide

Commissioner Hart stated that the super slide by Charlotte Yeoman Park is in need of some repairs and maintenance.

Kathie Miller, Leader, stated there will be a Special Olympics Torch Run Event on March 7th. The parade will start at 11:30, a barbeque at 12:00, and they will bring the torch to Butte at 1 p.m.

Commissioner Hart read the calendar of events with a few changes. The Public Health meeting has been changed to 3:00 p.m., but still on May 15th .The Western Montana Mental Health Board Meeting has been changed to May 28th at 10 a.m.

The meeting adjourned at 6:54p.m.

Dawn Reedy Kevin A. Hart

Clerk of the Commission Commission Chair

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