Arnold. H. McLeod Expectations

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Arnold. H. McLeod Expectations

Arnold H. McLeod School provides a positive learning environment with a focus on academic success for all students.

Our school, in consultation with the Parent School Support Committee has developed a School Improvement Plan (SIP). The SIP has established literacy goals and numeracy goals that are related to the New Brunswick Education Provincial targets. These targets can be viewed at the following link:

The identified goals reflect our school mission statement: All for Learning, and our Vision statement: Learning for All.

The school goals are achieved through a focus on learning, team collaboration, and a focus on data.

As a school community our goals are based on the following values:

  • We expect students to respect and follow school rules.

  • We expect students to respect themselves, others and the environment.

  • We expect students be responsible learners.

  • We expect students to be responsible for their choices and their actions.

  • We expect students to contribute to a positive learning environment.

  • We expect students to be on time and attend.

  • We expect that all stake holders, parents, students and staff will work together to ensure student learning.

Arnold H. McLeod Elementary School

Bell Schedule

2016 – 2017

7:55 - 8:15 am

Buses start to arrive and students remain at the front of school

Breakfast Club begins in Cafeteria

8:15 – 8:30 am

Students are on playground

8:30 am **

Students enter the school and instruction begins

10:15 am – 10:30 am


12:00 pm – 12:20 pm

Grades K-2 – Eating lunch

Grades 3 - 5 - Outside

12:20 – 12:45 pm

Grades K-2 – Outside

Grades 3-5 – Eating lunch

1:45 pm

Dismissal for K – 2

2:45 pm

Dismissal for Grades 3 -5

8:30 – The bell rings and students enter the building.

After 8:30 – students are considered late, the parent must bring the child into the office to sign them in. Children that are late, once signed in, will walk down to their class on their own. Parents are expected to wait by the office if they wish to watch their child go to class.

DISMISSAL PROCEDURES – Grades K - 2 at 1:45 pm
Parents picking up students are to meet them at the back door on the 1-2 playground.
DISMISSAL PROCEDURES – Grades 3, 4 and 5 at 2:45 pm
Parents picking up students are expected to wait outside at the front of the school.

Students are dismissed by the main doors.

Also, we ask that if you are arriving to pick your child up during class time, to please stop by the office. We will get your child for you while you are signing them out of class and they will meet you in the office or at the front door.

Duties of Students and Parents As Outlined In the Education Act
Roles of Parents
13 (1) In support of the learning success of his or her child and the learning environment at the school, a parent is expected to:

  1. encourage his or her child to attend to assigned homework

  2. communicate reasonably with school personnel employed at the school his or her child attends as required in the best interests of the child

  3. cause his or her child to attend school as required by this Act

  4. ensure the basic needs of his or her child are met

  5. have due care for the conduct of his or her child at school and while on the way to and from school

13 (2) The parent of a pupil has a right to a reasonable consultation with the pupil’s teacher or the principal of the school the pupil attends with respect to the education of the pupil.

13 (3) It is the responsibility of the parent of a pupil and of school personnel to conduct themselves in a respectful manner and to follow established procedures when involved in communications concerning the pupil.

Duties of Students
14 (1) It is the duty of the pupil to:

  1. participate in learning opportunities to his or her potential

  2. accept increasing responsibility for his or her learning as he or she progresses through his or her schooling

  3. attend to assigned homework

  4. attend school regularly and punctually

  5. contribute to a safe and positive learning environment

  6. be responsible for his or her conduct at school and while on the way to and from school

  7. respect the rights of others

  8. comply with all school policies

14 (2) It is the right of a pupil to be informed of his or her educational progress on a regular basis.


To provide a safe learning environment for students and staff, Arnold H. McLeod School is a SCENT FREE SCHOOL and a PEANUT FREE SCHOOL.
Students and staff in our school have severe allergies to peanuts and peanut bi-products. Any minimal contact with these products and its derivatives may cause anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction) and unconsciousness. In such a case, the allergy may even cause the student’s death.
We are required to apply practices that reduce the possibility of exposing the students to these substances that can provoke a severe allergic reaction. Our personnel has been informed of the situation and notified of appropriate measures in case a student suffers an anaphylactic shock.
We ask for your co-operation in order to reduce the risk for those students and staff who are allergic to peanuts and nut products. We ask that you insist that your child(ren) wash their hands before leaving for school, because the slightest residue of allergen may trigger an unfortunate incident to a severely allergic classmate. This is a situation that requires the attention of all. We are requesting your help by asking that you not send any products containing nuts to school.
We appreciate your understanding in helping us create a more secure environment for all students.
In addition we have several students and staff who are allergic to scented products such as perfumes. Please refrain from wearing these products in our building or providing your child with such products for the safety of all concerned.

  • Please sign the blue form that was sent home with this handbook to indicate that you have read and understood the expectations for this policy.

Nutritional Policy:
Arnold H. McLeod School is expected to ensure food in the school and at year-end celebrations must meet guidelines set forth in policy 711-Healthier Foods and Nutrition. Parents must adhere to this policy; therefore, if your child brings food to share with classmates that does not meet these guidelines, it will be returned home unopened and uneaten. Some approved items include: fresh fruit or veggie trays, bagel or English muffin trays with low fat cheese, yogurt or pure juice boxes.

Lost and Found:
The identification of personal belongings is most important. Please print your child’s name on all scribblers, footwear and gym shoes, books and all personal belongings that could be claimed by someone else. There are two Lost and Found bins located in both hallways of the school.
Environment and Recycling:
Our School is an “Earth School”, we encourage students to reduce, reuse and recycle. Students not using the cafeteria are asked to come with an environmentally friendly lunch. This would consist of a kit containing reusable containers for juices/milk, sandwiches and dessert. The school conducts a recycling program for aluminum cans, plastic and glass bottles, drinking boxes and printer cartridges.
Bus Travel:
Unless otherwise notified, your child will be sent home on his/her designated bus. Anglophone East School District will not approve alternate drop off sites for special events or occasions. Therefore, all children must go on his/her appointed bus and be picked up or dropped off at his/her specified location. Any special request for an alternate location drop off will be denied unless an “Alternate Conveyance Bus Form” has been completed and approved by the Transportation Department.

  • Please read Appendix A (page 11): School Bus Conduct and Safety Instructions and sign the blue form that was sent home with this handbook to indicate that you have read and understood the expectations for this policy.

Pick Up During the Day:
If you need to pick your child up early, please come to the office to sign them out and if possible, inform your child’s teacher via the agenda book.
Safe Arrival:
We have a safe arrival policy. If your child does not arrive at school, a telephone call will be made to see if the student is safely at home. If your child is to be absent please call the school before classes start. A message can be left on the voicemail by calling 856-3475.

Late Arrival for Students:
After 8:30 am, students are late so please bring your child into the school to sign them in at the office.

Kiss and Drop:
The school driveway and parking lot have safety markings to make walking as safe as possible. Cars must go in one direction only. Please obey signs to ensure the safety of our students. Parents who are driving their children to and from school are requested to enter the driveway on the top end of Storey Road East. You must stop momentarily to let your child out, then continue up the U turn back onto Storey Road East. Bus Zone and Handicapped Parking are located in front of the school. All other vehicles please follow the Kiss and Drop rules.

  • Please have your child ready prior to arriving and stopping the Drop off Zone.

  • Do not park in the Drop off Zone and enter the building.

  • Please do not exit your car.

  • Have your child exit the vehicle on the passenger side.

  • Check your blind spot prior to pulling out into the exit area.

Appendix B (page 12) provides an illustration of the Kiss and Drop Zone.

  • Please sign the blue form that was sent home with this handbook to indicate that you have read and understood the expectations for this policy.

Students who ride their bicycles to school must walk bikes upon entering and leaving the schoolyard. All bicycles must be secured to the bicycle stand located at the front of the building. Bike riding to school is not recommended for younger children. Remember children must wear helmets.
For safety reasons, roller blades, skateboards and scooters are not permitted at school.
Storms and School Closures:
In the event of a storm, listen to the local radio stations to find out if schools are closed. You can also call the Anglophone East School District information line at 856-SNOW (856-7669) or go to the district website. The school must have an emergency phone number and address where your child can go if the school is closed unexpectedly during the day.

  • Please be sure to fill in the form “Unexpected School Closure Contingency Plan” that was sent home with this handbook so that the school is aware of your wishes.

Access to the Building:
Students are to enter and exit through designated doors. The front door is to be used by bus students and late arrivals. As a security measure all exit doors are now locked from the inside. If you are coming in at a different time to pick up your child you must enter through the main entrance.
When picking up students at dismissal times, please wait outside in the designated area for your child. If picking up your child during instructional hours, please report to the office and sign your child out.
Students Who Walk to School:
Parents are encouraged to discuss the importance of using crosswalks and to walk defensively to and from school. Please note supervision of students will start at 7:55am. Please do not drop your child off prior to that time.
If a child is sick or injured parents will be notified. Please make sure that the school has all current home, work, cell and emergency phone numbers.
Field Trips:
If a trip is planned, an information sheet is sent home regarding the trip and a permission slip is to be signed by the parents and returned to the school. Permission is required prior to your child attending the field trip.
Physical Education:
Elementary students are not required to have any special clothes for gym, but they may want to wear something comfortable to exercise in on gym day. Please send a clean pair of sneakers to be left in the school at the beginning of the year to be worn throughout the year. Be sure to check with your child from time to time that the sneakers fit and that they are able to get in and out of them without assistance.
Calling Teachers/Concerns:
Should you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, please call the school to arrange a time during non-instructional hours to set up a meeting.

Homework procedures, expectations and guidelines will be outlined by the classroom teachers through newsletters and at the Meet the Staff Night in September.
Playground supervision begins at 7:55 am each morning to monitor the unloading of school buses and to meet and greet students. For safety reasons, please do not drop your child off prior to 7:55 am. During recess, lunch and school dismissal, staff will be on duty to supervise students.
Report Cards:
Report cards are issued three times a year, December, March and June. Parent/Teacher conferences are held in November and in March. Notices will be sent home to inform you of dates and times.
Procedures for students who require medication have been established by District Policy. These procedures will be implemented when:

  • Requested by the parents

  • Authorized by a physician

If you child requires medication while at school, please make the administration aware of your child’s specific needs in order to ensure that the proper medical forms are completed. Please refer to the Department of Education’s Policy 704 Health Support Services at for more information.

Library/Computer Lab:
Children attend the library/computer lab once every two weeks. They are allowed to take out a book at this time only if they have returned their previous one. Should a book be lost, the student will be required to reimburse the library for the cost of the book.

Computer expectations have been developed for each grade.

  • Please sign and return the form “Acceptable Computer Use Agreement” in accordance to the Department of Education’s Policy 311that was sent home along with this handbook.

Dismissal Times:
Parents are to remain outside; teachers will bring the walkers to the following exit doors:

  • Kindergarten and Grade 1 – Doors at the back of school by the Grade 1 end

  • Grade 2 – Doors at the back of school by the Grade 2 end

  • Grade 3 - 5 – Front of school

The Anglophone East School District has a student attendance Policy 330 that promotes regular attendance in order to develop positive lifelong learning patterns.
It has been shown that one of the most significant factors for student success in school is regular attendance of classes. It is very difficult to learn new material if not actually present during instruction.

To further emphasize the importance of regular attendance, Anglophone East School District has implemented an attendance policy designed to better inform parents and guardians of the accumulation of absences during the school year.

Below are the steps that will be followed should your child miss an excessive amount of time.

  • Homeroom teacher shall call home after a child has missed 3 days of school.

  • Homeroom teacher shall send home a letter to parents/guardians after a child has missed 5 days of school.

  • Homeroom teacher/Team shall meet with parent/guardian and the student once a child has missed 7 school days. A letter following the meeting will be sent home outlining the plan of action that will take place to improve attendance.

  • Principal sends a letter home indicating that the child has now missed 10 days and that a meeting is essential with the school administration.

  • Principal will contact Social Development (SD) once a child has missed 15 days. A copy of the referral sent to SD will be included in a letter to the parent/guardian. A copy will be sent to the Director of Education who upon receipt of the letter will convene a meeting with the principal to discuss the case.

  • Parents will be required to meet with the Director of Education and the school principal at District Office.

  • Please sign the blue form that was sent home with this handbook to indicate that you have read and understood the expectations for this policy.

If It Hurts, It’s Wrong:

All schools in the Anglophone East School District have implemented a Bullying Prevention Program called “If It Hurts, It’s Wrong”. The purpose of the program is to educate and make students aware of how their behaviour choices can be harmful.

Through a consistent approach we want to:
1) help prevent harmful behaviours

2) help students feel safe at school

3) make student accountable for their choices.
Birthday Celebrations:

Birthdays are an important part of a child’s life. Keeping children’s emotional well being in mind, at AHM we will only send home invitations to a birthday celebration on your child’s behalf if all classmates are invited. Teachers have been asked not to use any school time to have birthday celebrations. Please do not send any birthday favors or treats to share with the class.

Breakfast Program:

The Breakfast Program has been put in place to provide students who, for a variety of reasons, come to school without breakfast. Students get a chance to a breakfast and enjoy a social time with their friends. The menu will typically consist of toast or bagels, cereal, milk or juice and a fresh fruit.

The program will be for all students who register from Kindergarten to Grade 5 and will run from 7:55 am to 8:30 am. It will begin Monday, September 28, 2015.
We are accepting donations of napkins, margarine, cheese whiz, (real) juice boxes, cereal bars and healthy nut free cereals at any time.

  • If you would like your child to attend the breakfast program please fill out the blue registration form that was sent home with the handbook. These forms allow us to ensure we have adequate food purchased and prepared for the students.

Acceptable Computer Use Agreement

I understand that use of the school’s computer equipment, network, e-mail and world wide web services is a privilege, not a right. I agree to respect the following:

a) I will comply with the Department of Education’s Policy 311 – Information and Communication Technologies Use (

b) I will not spread computer viruses intentionally or access or make changes to systems or files that are not mine (i.e. hacking). This is illegal.

c) I will not create, access, store, print or send threatening or obscene messages or any other material that is likely to humiliate or offend.

d) I will not use free/anonymous e-mail accounts (such as Hotmail) using the school’s network or equipment.

e) I will not download games, large files or pictures or use chat rooms without permission.

f) I will not send unsolicited bulk information (SPAM).

g) I will not give out information about myself or other people, such as password, name, address, telephone number, age, sex or photo.

h) I understand that if I do not respect these rules I may lose my computer privileges and/or face other disciplinary actions.
I have read and understand the above.

I accept responsibility for the actions of my child while he/she uses the school’s computer network and equipment. I understand that my child's access to the school’s computer network and equipment may be denied/revoked if he/she fails to comply with this agreement.

I will not hold the school district or the Province of New Brunswick responsible for my child’s access of materials acquired through the school’s network/Internet connection or other use of ICT, given reasonable precautions by school personnel to supervise student ICT use.

Anglophone East School District Transportation Sign Off


NOTE: Permission for any student to ride on a school bus is a PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. The safety and wellbeing of student riders depends on proper behavior and compliance of the following rules and regulations. Any student who violates any of the following rules will be reported to the proper school Administrator and his/her privilege of transportation may be denied. These rules apply to STUDENT ACTIVITY TRIPS as well as regular bus routes to and from school.

  1. The DRIVER has FULL control of the bus and its passengers and has authority to

enforce all the Provincial bus rules and guidelines. Always respect the authority of the driver by obeying promptly and courteously. Students are to refrain from unnecessary conversation with the driver.

  1. BE ON TIME AT YOUR BUS STOP. The BUS WILL NOT WAIT for those who are tardy. DO NOT run after the bus if you are late, always remember the danger zone. Drivers have been instructed NOT TO STOP for anyone running after a bus.

  2. Wait for the bus to come to a COMPLETE stop before trying to board or depart. If you must CROSS THE ROAD, wait for the DRIVER TO SIGNAL you across with his/her hand when he/she has determined all traffic has stopped. ALWAYS cross at least ten (10) feet in front of the bus, whether boarding or departing.

  3. After boarding the bus, sit down and remain seated until the bus reaches your stop.

IF THE DRIVER ASSIGNS SEATS, students will sit in the seats assigned to them.

  1. NO fighting, pushing tripping, kicking, etc. will be tolerated on the bus.

  2. NO student will be allowed to use tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or light matches or lighters on the bus.

  3. NO loud or boisterous speech, swearing or shouting in the bus or out the windows will be allowed. Rude and abusive language will not be tolerated.

  4. DO NOT sit with more than the proper number in one seat.

  5. DO NOT extend any part of your body out the bus windows.

  6. DO NOT throw anything in or out of the bus window.

  7. DO NOT eat or drink on the bus, Safety first, you may choke.

  8. DO NOT bring live animals, reptiles, insects, etc. on the bus.

  9. DO NOT bring fire arms, ammunition, knives, explosives devices, fire crackers or other dangerous materials aboard the bus. Such ITEMS WILL BE CONFISCATED and appropriate discipline will follow.

  11. Keep the aisle clear. Store personal items on your lap or under the seat.

  12. Keep the bus clean. A waste container is provided at the front of the bus for all garbage. Use this container when boarding or departing the bus only.

  13. USE HANDRAILS when boarding or departing the bus.

  14. In the morning, students will be discharged ONLY at their regularly designated school stop. NO student will be allowed to get off at ANY OTHER PLACE.

  15. In the afternoon, students will be discharged ONLY at their homes or regularly designated stops. In the case of an emergency, the principal will follow policy 552.3. The PRINCIPAL will then notify the TRANSPORTATION OFFICE. If such change is on a permanent basis, a parental release form must be on file with the TRANSPORTATION OFFICE. All changes will comply with policy 552.

  1. Students transported to an athletic, academic, or co-curricular activity will return to the point of departure on the bus. Rare exceptions may be made for return with parents - and only parents.

Kiss and Drop Zone and Parking for Parents/Guest to the building.picture of parking lot


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