Building of Liberty Court, North Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff received on 6th January 2017

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FOI Response Document


Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 about Building of Liberty Court, North Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff received on 6th January 2017.

We have considered your request and enclose the following information:


Q - Planning information relating to the building of Liberty Court North Road Whitchurch Cardiff

- I would like information on any 106 agreement or similar entered into between the builder/ company or agents between departments of Cardiff City Council

A - In the absence of a site plan we have considered the site we believe to be known as Liberty Court. One planning permission appears to be relevant to the construction of this development. The reference number is 01/02061/N. By following the link below the decision notice and Section 106 Agreement can be seen and/or downloaded/printed from the Council’s online Public Access facility.

Please enter the application number in the format above, so that the system can process it.


This electronic version of the file does not include any plans. There is an existing procedure in place to view the original paper file, should there be a need to see the plans and other paper documents not scanned to the online facility. To do this please telephone Planning Reception on 02922 330800, quoting the above reference number. There is usually a short period of notice to allow for retrieval of the file from the off-site archive. The file can then be viewed free of charge here at County Hall, Atlantic Wharf and any copies required can be produced for a small copying fee.

Q - I would also request how much money was given under the 106 or similar agreement to Cardiff City Council.

A - A total of £138,556.41 was paid by the developer to the Council for use as set out in the Section 106 Agreement (see above link for access to a copy of this), including uplift of RPI and interest of £8,156.41. A letter was issued by the Planning Department on the 9th January 2004 confirming full discharge of the financial obligations.

Q - How the money was spent and did developer and Cardiff Council complete the 106 or similar agreement

A - According to the records to which we have access all monies were claimed for spending by the service areas, however we do not have copies of all the requests for spending or further details on the projects involved as the records are relatively old. We can confirm that authorisation to spend would only be granted for projects in line with those specified in the Section 106 Agreement.

Q - I would also like to request all conditions or restrictions that was imposed as part of the building of Liberty Court by Cardiff City Council., and if these conditions are still relevant and active.

A - The conditions attached to the planning permission (see above link for access to a copy of this) should have been complied with when the site was developed. We can confirm from the records to which we have access that conditions were discharged as follows:

Condition 3 discharged 18/11/02
Condition 4 discharged 25/04/03
Condition 7 discharged 08/07/03
Condition 8 discharged 25/04/03
Condition 9 discharged 22/08/03

We can see no enforcement action having been taken with regards to this site, and therefore conclude, in addition to the above discharges, that the site has been developed in accordance with the conditions on the planning permission. There is an existing procedure to formally check this, by contacting – please note that carrying out this check may attract a staff time fee.

Q- I would like all Cardiff Council Highways department report on the impact to the highways to the surrounding residential area. How did Highways intend to deal with such problems in the area.

A - Our Highways Directorate can confirm that implementation of the agreement has resulted in improvements to the cycling and bus infrastructure and has provided additional modal choice for the community.

There are no highways historic reports available on the residential area, however the Council is in the process of reviewing parking in the this locality.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

The Operational Manager, Improvement and Information, City of Cardiff Council, Room 401, County Hall, CARDIFF, CF10 - 4UW. Telephone: 029 2087 2087 Email:

You can find out more about the Regulations from the Information Commissioner at:

Information Commissioner's Office (Wales), 2nd Floor, Churchill House, Churchill Way, Cardiff, CF10 2HH., Telephone: 029 2067 8400, Fax: 029 2044 8045, Email:

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