CA&es dean’s Office Mrak Hall Building Evacuation Plan And Emergency Telephone Tree

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CA&ES Dean’s Office - Mrak Hall Building Evacuation Plan

And Emergency Telephone Tree

Note to reader – This is a section lifted from the CA&ES Dean’s Office Emergency Action Plan (EAP) that applies to emergency building evacuation. Please read this section to learn about evacuation procedures.

Contact Information

This EAP has been prepared for the UC Davis CA&ES Dean’s Office. The plan complies with the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 3220.

CA&ES Dean’s Office – Administrative Units

(Office Name)

150 Mrak Hall (first floor), 38 Mrak Hall (basement), & Environmental Horticulture Bldg.

(Office Location)





Nora Orozco

(530) 752-3603

(Chief Administrative Officer)



Brenda Nakamoto


(Department Assembly Area Manager)



Joyce Boulanger

(530) 754-7197

(Department Safety Coordinator)



Emergency Protocols-Alert and Notification

Reporting Emergencies:

In the event of an emergency, UC Davis employees should contact UC Davis Dispatch by dialing 9-1-1 from a land line or a cell phone.

You should call 9-1-1:

  • In the event of a medical emergency

You should immediately alert the UC Davis Fire Department of any extinguisher usage.
To report all fire incidents, even if the fire is extinguished

  • To report criminal or suspicious behavior

  • If you are in doubt about the seriousness of a situation, such as any possible situation that you believe may be serious and that may result in injury, death, loss of property, apprehension of a suspected criminal or prevention of a crime that is about to occur.

Provide the following information to UC Davis Dispatch upon calling

  • Who you are

  • Whether you are in a safe location

  • What the nature of the emergency is

  • Where it is located

  • When it happened

  • How it happened

Alert and Notification of Employees:

If an emergency calls for an evacuation or employees to take action, there needs to be a system in place to notify them. Emergency alert and notification of employees should be multi-layered, as systems can fail. A variety of methods are available, though not all systems apply to every building on the UC Davis campus, including:

Examples of notification methods include: fire alarm system, PA system, phone tree, bullhorn, even just flashing the lights can be a way to let people know there is an emergency happening.
Audible alarm

  • Visual alarms/signals

  • Verbal notification

  • UC Davis WarnMe

  • Via other electronic media

The methods of alert and notification of employees in this department are:
Primary Methods (during business hours): audible alarm, visual alarm/signal, and verbal notification

Additional notifications (outside of business hours): phone tree, and email to our “ALL” list serve

Emergency Protocols-Evacuation

Evacuation Procedures & Routes

Many incidents (e.g. building fire, police response) could require an evacuation of all or part of the campus. All employees must evacuate the building when notified to do so. Please refer to Policy & Procedure 390-10 for more information on Campus Emergency Policy.

Prior to Exiting

After being notified to evacuate, stop all work activities and evacuate immediately. Close, but do not lock, the doors (locked doors can hamper rescue operations). Remember that you may not be allowed back into the building for an extended time.

Evacuation Routes/Exiting the Building

During an emergency evacuation, use the nearest door or stairway if available. Each employee needs to be aware of at least two exit routes in their main building in the event one is compromised.

All campus buildings over one story high must have building evacuation signs posted on every floor. The signs must be posted at all stairway and elevator landings and immediately inside all public entrances to the buildings. More information on this is available in the FireNet Emergency Evacuation Signs.
Persons involved with developing the EAP need to address how to evacuate colleagues with special needs that are unable to evacuate on their own. More information and guidance on this topic can be found in the FireNet Guidelines to Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Employees/Clients with Disabilities.

Assembly Area Guidelines have been developed to help DSCs choose the safest location to assemble.
Assembly Area

After exiting the building, all employees, students, volunteers, and visitors should follow the evacuation route to the pre-arranged assembly area.

The Department Chair should assign an Assembly Area Manager to each evacuation location. List all buildings in which department members are assigned space and the corresponding assembly areas and manager.

150 Mrak Hall (1st floor) Southeast Corner of Chemistry Annex Bldg. Brenda Nakamoto

38 Mrak Hall (basement) South Side of Chemistry Annex Bldg. Tom Pomroy

Environmental Horticulture Solano Field (the grassy area northeast of E-Hort) Mark Foncannon

All employees should stay within your respective group at the Assembly Area. No one should leave the area until notified by the First Responders, Assembly Area Manager, or Responder Liaison.

Evacuation Procedure

After hearing the alarm to evacuate, stop all work activities. If time permits, gather valuables (e.g., car keys or jacket) and exit the building.

Evacuation Routesfollow the diagrams which show escape routes and outside assembly areas.

  1. EVACUATE – leave building, following exit arrows

  2. SWEEP VISUALLY – ensure people located within your exit route are leaving

  3. REPORT FOR ROLL CALL – each staff member should report to their Unit’s Emergency Representative at the assembly areas near the Chemistry Annex building (see figure below which shows the outside assembly areas)

  4. WAIT – wait for further instructions from the Dean’s Office Emergency Coordinator, Brenda Nakamoto

Evacuating to the Assembly Area(s)

Emergency evacuation routes for the CA&ES Dean’s Office are posted in 150 Mrak Hall, the first floor lobby of Mrak Hall, and in the basement of Mrak Hall. These same routes are noted in the figures below.

  • Staff should note beforehand the locations of their offices and follow the exit routes on their floor accordingly.

  • During an evacuation of the building, staff will perform a visual sweep of those spaces they are vacating, quickly checking conference rooms, break rooms, and behind closed doors to ensure that no people stay behind.

  • Staff of 150 Mrak Hall (first floor) will assemble at the southeast corner of the Chemistry Annex Building. Staff of 38 Mrak Hall (basement) will assemble at the south side of the Chemistry Annex Building. All Mrak Hall staff should report to their Unit’s Emergency Representative for roll call, who will then report the outcome of their roll call to the CA&ES Dean’s Office Mrak Hall Emergency Coordinator, Brenda Nakamoto. Tom Pomroy has been designated to ensure that all of the staff in the basement of Mrak Hall have evacuated.

  • Brenda Nakamoto will report the overall Dean’s Office headcount to Bonnie Russell, the Emergency Building Coordinator for all of Mrak Hall.

  • Staff at Environmental Horticulture (CA&ES Dean’s Office Development and Events Units) will assemble northeast of the Environmental Horticulture Building on Solano Field. Please refer to locations shown in the maps below

Telephone-Tree: Method to Disperse Vital Emergency Information Outside of Normal Business Hours

The UC Davis Police Department has a policy of maintaining an emergency call list for each UC Davis Department in the case of an emergency outside of normal business hours. The CA&ES Dean’s Office has provided the Police Department with the names and contact information for the following 3 individuals, deemed to be on the Police Department’s “first call” emergency list:

  1. Tom Kaiser

  2. Nora Orozco

  3. Joyce Boulanger

The Telephone-Tree policy is outlined below:

  • The UC Davis Police Department will contact one of the three people listed above on our “first call” emergency list.

  • Once contacted, that individual will then alert the Primary Telephone-Tree Representative for each Dean’s Office Unit.

  • The Primary Telephone-Tree Representative for each Unit will then relay all relevant emergency information to each of their Unit’s employees.

Staff Phone Numbers - Recordkeeping

The CA&ES Dean’s Office Department Safety Coordinator, Joyce Boulanger, is responsible for maintaining the list of names and after-work-hours telephone contact numbers for all Dean’s Office employees. In most instances, two people from each Unit are assigned the roles of Primary and Secondary Telephone-Tree Representatives. All Primary and Secondary Telephone-Tree Representatives will be given their Unit’s list of after-work-hours telephone contact numbers.



Mrak Hall – CA&ES Roll Call Unit Representatives:

2014 Roll Call Leaders ~ for Mrak Hall Units

Full Name

Unit Name


Shannon Tanguay

Analyst Alley


Rob Scharf

Analyst Alley





Nora Orozco

Business Office & Executive Assistants


Min Wang

Business Office & Executive Assistants





Christine Schmidt

College Advancement Team, Communications


Ann Filmer

College Advancement Team, Communications


John Stumbos

College Advancement Team, Communications





Julie Fritz-Rubert

College Personnel Team


Kim DeLaughder

College Personnel Team





Tom Pomroy

Computing Resources Unit


Uwe Rossbach

Computing Resources Unit





Lori Fulton

Executive Unit





Joe Lee

Undergraduate Academic Programs


Alina Bara

Undergraduate Academic Programs





CA&ES Dean’s Office and Centers/Institutes Telephone Tree

Full Name

Unit Name


Shannon Tanguay

Analyst Alley


Tom Kaiser

Analyst Alley





Nora Orozco

Business Office & Executive Assistants


Min Wang

Business Office & Executive Assistants





Christine Schmidt

College Advancement Team, Communications


Ann Filmer

College Advancement Team, Communications





Julie Fritz-Rubert

College Personnel Team


Kim DeLaughder

College Personnel Team





Tom Pomroy

Computing Resources Unit


Uwe Rossbach

Computing Resources Unit





Lori Fulton

Executive Unit





Lili Bynes

Undergraduate Academic Programs


Tracy Grissom

Undergraduate Academic Programs





Dirk Holstege

Analytical Lab - 224 Hoagland Hall


Traci Francis

Analytical Lab - 224 Hoagland Hall





Tom Tomich

ASI - 143 Robbins Hall / Annex


Bev Ransom

ASI - 143 Robbins Hall / Annex





Dave Fujino

CA Center for Urban Horticulture - 1108 E-Hort


Anne Schellman

CA Center for Urban Horticulture - 1108 E-Hort





Paul Lutes

Ctr for Aquatic Biology & Aquaculture - 103 ABES


Erik Hallen

Ctr for Aquatic Biology & Aquaculture - 103 ABES





Bonnie Fernandez

Center for Produce Safety - 1477 Drew Ave.





Valerie Chiappone

Center for Regional Change - 2019 Wickson


Jonathan London

Center for Regional Change - 2019 Wickson





Christine Schmidt

College Advancement Team, Dev & Events - 140 E-Hort


Mark Foncannon

College Advancement Team, Dev & Events - 140 E-Hort





Kris Godfrey

Contained Research Facility - 555 Hopkins Road


Bryce Falk

Contained Research Facility - 555 Hopkins Road





Jim Hill

Int'l Programs / Visitors Office - 1103 E-Hort


Chelo Abrenilla

Int'l Programs / Visitors Office - 1103 E-Hort





Selina Wang

Olive Center Lab - 104 Food Science & Tech Bldg.


Shirley (Xueqi) Li

Olive Center Lab - 110 Food Science & Tech Bldg.





David Tricoli

Plant Transformation Facility - 190 Robbins Hall


Kim Carney

Plant Transformation Facility - 190 Robbins Hall





Clare Hasler-Lewis

Robert Mondavi Institute - RMI Sensory Bldg.


Dan Flynn

Robert Mondavi Institute - RMI Sensory Bldg.





David Ginsburg

UC CalFresh - 1105 Meyer Hall





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