Burns Tournament 2004 – Muck Masters Remix Questions by Mark Coen Reference com lists 500 occurrences, it’s only happened 11 times in the last 30 years and just twice in the last 25 years. One of those was in 1980, when Brian Kingman did it for the Oakland A’s 54.86 Kb. 1
Cottage bowl packet 8 Written by Duncan Chalmers, Elizabeth Robson Gordon, Izzy Izumi, Max Johnstone, Stuart Macdonald, Nick Penner, Connor Pierotti, Shelby Robert, Olivia Seto, Joe Su, Gennesse Walker-Scace 88.66 Kb. 1
Tossups He played Mr. Pierce in the 1973 tv movie Orlando Breakers. That character played by this man also marries Christine Armstrong and decides to leave Minnesota State, but brings along staff like Luther Van Dam, played by Jerry Van Dyke. Ftp 79.14 Kb. 1
Tossups – south georgia moon pietm classic 2006 Today, the authority of this amendment is usually delegated by most states(*) to city and county governments. Ftp, name this amendment to the us constitution that became law on December 5, 1933 and ultimately ended Prohibition? 43.43 Kb. 1
Round 4 toronto hybrid mirror: orlando (2016) Questions revised from the Toronto Hybrid set, with editing and writing by Travis Vitello, with support from Virginia Ruiz, Ian McKenzie, Jihye Shin, Billy Beyer, McKinnie Sizemore, Kevin Comer, Peter Torres, Zach Foster, Alex Shaw, Taylor 89.71 Kb. 1
1999 Michigan mlk memorial Questions by Michigan State University a & B International Exposition, and was a major shipbuilding center during World War II. The city's symbol includes a phoenix, which exemplifies its ability to rebuild after disaster. For ten points, name this city 47.95 Kb. 1