Check list for the organisation & administration of act rogaining association (actra) events last updated / reviewed 24 September 2007 Contents Page Event Coordinator

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Last updated / reviewed 24 September 2007
Event Coordinator Checklist 3
Course Setter Checklist 5
Metrogaine – special notes 6
Event Administrator Checklist 7
Gear Checklist for Events 8
Setting Event Entry Fees 10
Event Safety Information Doc Template 12
Contact Details 13
Sat Phone Quick Users Guide 15
Sample Letter for Map Copyright Permission 16
Form Letter to Landholders 17

Event Co-ordinator Checklist

Time till Event




10- 12 weeks

Obtain permission from National Park or land owners obtained for Rogaine event and camping if necessary. Use the Form Letter for Landholders in this document. A committee member will need to sign any forms.

Environment ACT forms (for nature parks / ACT forest) can be downloaded from

Take into account time to contact private landholders and bureaucratic processes in public authorities - and that you might have to start from scratch if approval is not granted!

Determine if bus is required (mainly ACT Champs). Check if the bus will be able to get all the way to the Hash House (consider state of road, gate widths). If not possible, consider moving HH or develop plan to get bus travellers to HH. Book bus.

Contact caterers and ensure they have specifications for the job required (menu, HH location etc). Obtain quote from caterers & agree price per competitor.

Obtain quotes for portaloos, select best quote, and book them. These generally need payment in advance.

Obtain Topo View Raster Map DVD (from Adrian) or purchase hardcopy maps through NSW Lands Department or from the Mapshop (Jolimont Centre). Ensure course setters have these.

For Paddy Pallin event, contact Paddy Pallin head office and arrange for delivery of promotional flyers and spot prizes.

Work out costing for event based on expected competitors (usually around 100 – or 150 for the ACT Champs, 200 for the Paddy Pallin event). Check your calculations with Treasurer. See section on Setting Event Fees for further details.

Obtain the Satellite Phones and be familiar with the Sat Phone Quick Users Guide (enclosed in this document). Ensure phones are offered to course setters for use during setting and taken to the event (if outside the metro area).

6 -8 weeks

In association with the Event Administrator, confirm that the event description and entry form have been put on the Website. Contact Web Master if any additional web design is needed.

Ensure the event is being publicised in all relevant areas (NSWRA newsletter, OACT newsletter) – liaise with the ACTRA Publicity Officer

If Navlight is being used, arrange for punches to be prepared – battery voltages checked, punches reinitialised, event reference time set and clocks synchronised. Ensure sufficient tags will be available for the anticipated number of teams. Navlight contact is David Baldwin. Arrange for all key volunteers to receive Navlight training.
Pass control punches to Course Setter to hang with the controls. Keep Briefing / Finish punches with Admin gear.
Check there is ample wristbands (located in gear store in WizID cardboard box). Contact treasurer if more bands need to be purchased.

4 weeks

Obtain copyright permission for map usage from NSW Lands Dep’t. A sample letter is attached to this document.

Determine First Aid Officers available to remain at the HH. If no Officers are available in Bush Events of 12 hour duration or longer, inform the Committee.

Inform local police and hospital that the Event is taking place (especially for 24 hour events)

3-4 weeks

If camping is required, secure an appropriate number of campsites.

2-3 weeks

Contact the helpers and discuss their availability for transporting gear and water and tasks on the day. Ensure that there is an appropriate vehicle (eg 4WD) available to do Safety Patrols during the Event. Confirm these details with Course Setter/s and Admin person.

Check with printers (Bytes'n'Colours or Trendsetting) to ensure that they can print our maps in the week prior to the event.

Read and understand the Event Risk Management Guidelines. Complete the Event Safety Information Document in consultation with the Course Setter/s. Distribute to the ACTRA Committee for review and ensure a final copy is provided to the Event Administrator and all volunteers prior to the day. Ensure a copy is in the red admin folder.

1-2 weeks

Provide specific delivery instructions for portaloos (if applicable). Be aware of locked gates for drop off and collection.

Confirm with caterers specific location and directions to the event.

Confirm details (bus size required, departure times, directions, state of roads etc) with bus company. Ensure there is a Bus Coordinator to check off names and as an emergency point of contact (must have a mobile phone).

1 week

Confirm with Event Administrator that the final instructions / control cards have been posted on the website and posted to any teams that provided a self-addressed envelope.

Organise maps to be printed (Bytes'n'Colours / Trendsetters).

  • Confirm pick-up of maps from printer.

  • Determine who will deliver the maps to event.

  • Arrange for maps, Course Setter Notes and Control Descriptions to be taken by Bus Coordinator in case it is late (to be distributed on the bus).

  • Inform Event Administrator of the arrangements.

Confirm camping numbers with National Parks where applicable.

Confirm with Event Administrator that course setter’s notes, flight plans, control descriptions, spare membership forms, spare control cards and spare indemnity forms have been printed.

E-mail people travelling on the bus and confirm departure details.

1-2 days

  • Confirm final numbers with caterers.

  • Load gear from shed.

  • Check off gear requirements (checklist for shed gear is enclosed in this document).

  • Confirm on-site toilets will be unlocked (usually for Metrogaine only)

  • Purchase toilet paper and other miscellaneous requirements (gas light mantles etc).

  • Ensure you have the Satellite Phones and the batteries are charged.

  • Get maps etc to Bus Coordinator, confirm final names.

Recontact volunteers / helpers. Promote car pooling and ensure they know how to get to the event.

Morning of event

  • Transporting gear - generally a packed station wagon/ute plus the ACTRA trailer will suffice. Arrange to share the transport of the heavy filled water containers.

  • Ensure caterers are ok to put up marquee.

  • Ensure Administrator is ok with registration (especially if using Navlight).

  • Deliver water to course sites (usually in conjunction with Course Setter(s)).

Just before start

  • Speech from Course Setter regarding course (usually based on Course Setter Notes and Event Safety Information Document). If course setter is not at the event you will need to do this. Especially note safety concerns & measures (out of bounds, patrols, Satellite Phone numbers, water drops).

  • Remind all competitors to submit a Flight Plan.

  • Start competitors.

During event

(if not participating)

  • Refill water drops.

  • Safety drives/patrols

  • Check that caterers have everything in-hand.

Directly after event

  • Assist with tallying results.

  • Announce results / presentation of certificate / trophies / prize mugs

  • Thank-you speech to all helpers, competitors etc., call for control collectors

After event

Send copy of map to NSW Lands Dep’t – requirement of permission (if required)

Thankyou letters to landowners (if required).

Gather all receipts, invoices from caterers and car expenses etc from helpers (coordinate with Event Administrator). Provide these to Treasurer.

Ensure all equipment is returned neatly to shed.

Ensure control collectors have a map and know which controls they are collecting. Check off controls and return to shed. The Coordinator may delegate this role but needs to ensure that all controls are collected.

Return all Navlight punches (if applicable) to David Baldwin.

Course Setter Checklist

Time till Event




12 weeks

Make contact with Event Coordinator and confirm location of event. Get Topo View Raster Map DVD or arrange to purchase paper maps.

Plan boundaries of course to allow appropriate size of course for event duration, taking into account map size for printing (eg A3 @ 1:25 000 for events of 12 hours or less, 2 x A3 @ 1:25 000 for 24 hour event). Get feedback on course location and size from experienced rogainers (through Event Coordinator and ACTRA Committee), especially if you are a relatively inexperienced Course Setter.

10-12 weeks

Liaise with Event Coordinator to decide who will secure permissions for land use and camping (if necessary). Use the Form Letter for Landholders in this document. A committee member will need to sign any forms. Environment ACT forms (for nature parks / ACT forest) can be downloaded from

Read and understand the Event Risk Management Guidelines prior to setting the course. Pay special attention to Section 2 – Safety in Course Setting.

Talk to land owners and determine if there are any special sites or areas that need to be marked out-of-bounds (e.g. rare or fragile environments/vegetation, stocked or cropped paddocks, historic sites, houses, dangerous terrain etc).
Establish if there are any sites of aboriginal significance in the event area as this may require more detailed liaison. Be prepared to provide a draft version of proposed control sites and allow time (up to 3 weeks before hanging controls) for consultation with Aboriginal Liaison Officers. The exact locations of sites may not be disclosed by authorities (for example burial grounds) with a general area declared off-limits. Some control sites may need to be relocated or abandoned.

Set the course and place marking/flagging tape at proposed control site. Record control description.
Set with another person if possible and always carry a Satellite phone and/or mobile phone and let someone know where you are.
Note mobile phone coverage throughout the course.

While setting, check map accuracy in vicinity of control sites, moving sites if not adequate. Make note of particularly hazardous areas to mention to participants in your Notes and Final Briefing. Note any major map corrections that could affect the fairness of the course – tracks which do not exist or have become unusable, major tracked that can be easily added as correction, areas of dense vegetation that should be avoided (remote images such as NSW lands website or Google maps can be a useful aid)

Allocate numbers to controls, taking into account distribution of points across event area allowing for variable speed of travel due to topography, rough ground, vegetation, tracks etc

Plan water drop locations taking into account natural water on course and reasonable vehicle access for checking and replenishing during the event. Tape water drop sites and get independently vetted.

Drive and document all routes to be used for safety patrols, taking into account road surfaces and available vehicles for safety patrols.

Drive all approaches that will be described to participants, noting distances, intersections, hazards and locations of directional and competitor safety road signs to be used. Compile event directions and provide to Event Coordinator to be included in the Final Instructions. Ensure reasonable vehicle access to HH site, allowing for reasonable variation of weather conditions prior to event, and taking into account event bus transport (if applicable).

6 weeks

Contact Event Coordinator to arrange for independent Course Vetters to check control location and descriptions. Ideally, Vetters should approach a control from a different direction. If the Vetter agrees with control site, they may hang the control flag. If they disagree, a third visit should be made to resolve.

3 weeks

Liaise with Event Coordinator and complete the Event Safety Information Document. Plan safety arrangements with Course Coordinator (safety patrols, water drops, out of bounds areas, location of intention boards).

Write Course Setter Notes & Control Descriptions ensuring that descriptions meet technical standards and that they contain all relevant information (as listed in the Event Risk Management Guidelines). You may like to note sun/moon rise and setting times/tides etc.

Provide to Administrator or Event Coordinator for photocopying.

Obtain control flags, numbers, punches and Navlight punches (if being used) from the Event Coordinator. Record pin punches on a master control card.
Get a lesson on how to hang a control if you are unsure of the correct method, especially if using Navlight.

1 week

Provide final map to Coordinator for printing.

Monitor weather. If any hazards expected (e.g. extreme heat or cold) advise Event Coordinator. Emphasise risks in Course Setter Notes and Final Briefing.

Morning of event

Hang last minute controls (e.g. near roads). Any such controls should have been vetted, just flags not hung yet.

Put out road safety signs eg ‘Runners/Cyclists on Road’.

Just before start

Conduct Final Event Briefing – emphasising event hazards and safety procedures as outlined in the Event Safety Information Document.

During Event

Assist with safety patrols and refilling water drops (only if required).

Post Event

Liaise with Event Coordinator to organise control collection (only if required).

Additional notes for Setting & Coordinating the Metrogaine
Specific things to consider:

  1. ACTRA has at least 6 lockable metal controls. If using other controls please use old cloth controls in urban bushland. Try and place these controls out of public sight.

  2. Be cautious with question/ answer format. Even with the best intentions, questions can be ambiguous. Multiple choice answers can avoid some of the problems associated with ambiguous questions, writing down long answers and will give people some idea that they are on the right track.

Preferably answers should be 1 letter or 1 digit.

  1. Set controls near safe major road crossings and/or highlight safe road crossing points. Road permits for the event should be obtained.

  2. If adding in fun elements such as mystery controls or bonus points clearly state this in the initial information about the rogaine. Consider rewarding fun elements with prizes rather than points (to avoid issues with those seeking a true competition).

  3. Ensure there is enough room on the control card for people to write the answers to the questions.

  4. Competitors should be asked to bring a permanent pen that will write on contacted control cards.

  5. Some urban sportsgrounds have canteens. Ask about the use of these facilities for caterers.

Event Administrator Checklist

Time till Event




6-8 weeks

Set up Website event info and registration. Go to committee_private: ‘Administer an Event’ (obtain passwords from a committee member). Obtain description of event from course setter, costing, etc from co-ordinator. Contact Web Master if any additional web design is needed.

Monitor entries – noting any issues with payment or membership. Follow up with entrants early to reduce work load in the week before the event.

2-3 weeks

If required, undertake software training for use of laptop during the event. Get this from one of the following people: Adrian Sheppard, David Baldwin, Judy Jenkinson, Geoff Mercer, or Benita Sommerville. If using Navlight, ensure you get specific Navlight training from David Baldwin.

Collect any trophies or prizes for the event (from Equipment Officer). The trophy list on the committee website will let you know who has the trophy from the previous year’s event.

Read and understand the Event Risk Management Guidelines. Ensure that you have a copy of the Event Safety Information Document and that a copy is in the red admin folder.

1 week

Ensure that Final Instructions and Event-Specific Control Card are put up on the website by the Sunday night prior to the event. Check that all details are correct with Course Setter and Event Coordinator.

Arrange with Event Co-ordinator to collect laptop, printer, batteries and red admin folder.

Discuss with Event Co-ordinator and Course Setter(s) how many helpers are required, and ensure that the helpers have been contacted.

Organise for certificates to be printed (if using). Adrian has the template and has printed them before. There are 11 categories in an event. If you have 80 certificates you should be safe.

Photocopy course setter’s notes, flight plans and control descriptions for event. Where possible, photocopy through someone’s work, otherwise find the cheapest printer (Bytes'n'Colours is convenient as they are printing our maps).

Copy spare indemnity, membership forms and control cards.

Obtain hardcopy list of competitors, who’s paid and team lists.

Chase teams that have not paid (both entry & membership fees)

2-3 days

Transfer Website data to laptop and shutdown web event entry form (COB Thursday prior to event is recommended)

If using Navlight, liaise with Event Coordinator and David Baldwin to ensure the laptop is set up correctly and all competitors have been assigned a Navlight tag. Place each team’s tags in an envelope to speed up the registration process. Make sure you know how to add/delete participants using the Navlight system.

Check that all entrants have paid membership fees, and highlight any entrants who have not.

Morning of event

  • Assist Coordinator with transporting gear

  • Erect and organise admin tent.

  • Put up control card line for start.

  • 2-4 people working on registration - dependent on number of entries. Ensure all volunteers know their tasks (registrations, payments, maps, mandatory gear checks, Navlight etc)

  • Ensure that ‘Gear for Sale’ is visibly displayed.

  • If using Navlight, ensure all volunteers know the procedure for securing tags and initialising competitors tags.

During the event

  • Start to write out certificates as per event categories (i.e. no need for a category for which there are no teams entered) (if using)

  • Finalise entries – update laptop with payments made, non-starters, team changes etc.

  • Ensure all volunteers know the procedure for competitors returning to the HH during the event – ie that their control card is kept at the admin tent. Ensure that all volunteers know the Navlight procedures.

Directly after event

  • Organise finish line timers and/or Finish line Navlight punches.

  • Data entry results.

  • Produce provisional results for announcement.

  • Finalise & write certificates (if using)

Next day or two

Organise for event results to be uploaded onto Website.

  • Finalise financial results for event and provide to Treasurer.

  • Inform Treasurer of any refunds to be made.

  • Provide Event Co-ordinator with your expense claim (including any travel expenses based on kms travelled). As you are likely to have more contact with helpers, assist the Event Co-ordinator where possible in getting expense claims from helpers (most helpers will only need to be reimbursed for travel based on kms travelled).

Ensure maps are provided to control collectors (coordinate with Event Co-ord).

Upload any photos to website (contact David Baldwin if you need help).

Update trophy list on committee website (for Paddy Pallin, ACT Champs, Nightgaine events only).

Pass Indemnity forms to Glenn Bridgart for storage. Membership forms are to go to Membership Secretary (Colin Mock).

File one copy of the map, final instructions, course setter notes and control descriptions in the filing cabinet in the ACTRA shed.

Admin Document Checklist Pre-Event

Maps (one per competitor + 10)

Copies of course setter’s notes & control descriptions (1 per competitor)

Copies of spare indemnity, membership forms and control cards.

Copies of flight plans (1 per team)

Team list – noting who still has to pay, who has to fill in membership details etc

Alphabetised list of entrants with their team number

Certificates (if required)

Trophies (ACT Champs, Nightgaine, Paddy Pallin only)

Prizes - Section Winner mugs (plus glasses for ACT Champs)

Gear Checklist for Events

Event Related


Water containers

Admin green tent, poles and pegs

Toilet paper, hand soap and basins

Marquee (new), poles and pegs

Road signs

2 hammers

ACTRA Banner

Marquee (old) (if required)


Safety equipment

Red admin folder

First aid kits (x2)

2 x admin boxes (containing pens/markers, pegs & clothesline, string, tape etc)

Stretcher & Backpack

Printer & paper

Satellite Phones (from Equipment Officer)

Laptop & batteries (from Adrian)

Megaphone (from Adrian)

Gear for Sale

2-3 short admin tables


Trophies / prize mugs

Space Blankets

Control Card Box & Flight Plan Box

ACTRA mugs & glasses

Navlight wristbands (if using) & admin punches (Briefing/Finish punches)

Money box (blue tin box with key) – and a float (if required)

Compasses for hire


Compression bandages

4 fold-up long tables

Gas lights (x3) and/or battery powered lights (if a night event)


Gas rings (if caterers require)

Take own fold-up chairs

Setting Event Entry Fees
Entry fees should be set a month before the event (at the latest). All fees should be double-checked with the Treasurer. Fees will need to be set with a rough estimate of participants in mind. Use the event from the previous year as a guide (the Treasurer will have a record or look at the website). As a rough guide it is usually 100 competitors or 150 for the ACT Champs and 200 for the Paddy Pallin event. Note that the further the distance from Canberra the less competitors (usually).
Post-event, all invoices/costs need to be checked by the Event Co-ordinator prior to payment by the Treasurer.

Volunteer Travel

This includes course setter & vetter travel pre-event, coordinator & volunteer travel on the day of the event and control collection post-event. ACTRA reimburses at $0.30/km.
This is one of the largest unknown costs for an event. If possible, course setters should take an educated guess on how much travel they will need to do to set the event and inform the coordinator prior to event fees being set. Course setters should also inform the Co-ordinator if topographic maps were purchased for course setting.
The Coordinator should work on at least two volunteer cars needed on the day of the event and at least one post-event for control collection. Efforts should be made to carpool if possible.


  • Kennards Hire

  • ACTQ Septic

Coordinators should obtain quotes for Portaloos prior to setting event fees.
Some (Kennards) require prepayment so obtain a cheque from Treasurer or pay and get reimbursed later. For others companies, obtain an invoice and provide to Treasurer for payment.


  • Aranda Scouts

  • Jerangle P&C

  • DEWR Hartley Team

  • Lyneham Primary P&C

Coordinators should negotiate catering fees per competitor prior to setting event fees.
Amount paid will be based on final numbers given to caterers 1-2 days prior to the event + number of volunteers (i.e. not necessarily the number of people who actually turn up on the day!).
Obtain invoice and provide to Treasurer for payment.

Map Printing & photocopying
Royalty Fees

  • Bytes’n’Colours

  • Trendsetting

  • OACT (Royalty Fees)

Coordinators/Admin should obtain quotes for maps prior to setting event fees (unless using Bytes’n’Colours which is usually $1 per competitor).
Please use own sources for photocopying if possible. If this won’t be possible, take an educated guess and add to the total. The Paddy Pallin event requires hard copy fliers to be distributed to Paddy Pallin stores.
If we use Orienteering ACT maps, they usually incur a $1 per competitor royalty fee to be paid to OACT.


  • Trophylink

ACT Champs and Paddy Pallin will incur trophy engraving costs. Add $150 (total) for each of these events. The Nightgaine has a single trophy (add $20).

Miscellaneous Costs

Toilet paper, lollies/fruit for water drops, postage etc. This will depend on the size of the event. Factor in $20 for all events, $100 for the ACT Champs.

Equipment hire (for additional equipment)

Coordinators should obtain quotes prior to setting event fees (mainly for ACT Champs).
They usually require prepayment so obtain a cheque from Treasurer or pay and get reimbursed later. For others companies, obtain an invoice and provide to Treasurer for payment.


  • Murrays

ACTRA always runs a bus to the ACT Champs (at a loss). Determine the extent of the loss ACTRA is prepared to accept by talking with the Treasurer and set the bus fee accordingly. Prepayment is usually required so obtain invoice and provide to Treasurer for payment.

Use of Park / facilities / car parking / camping

  • Namadgi National Park

  • Conservation & Land Management, Environment ACT

  • NSW State Forest

Co-ordinators should obtain quotes prior to setting event fees.

Obtain invoice post-event and provide to Treasurer for payment.

Conservation & Land Management, Environment ACT charges $1.60 per foot competitor and $3.20 per bike competitor for use of ACT Nature Parks.


$0.50 per competitor.

Post Event:

Team Refunds

Coordinator or Administrator to inform Treasurer of team refunds (either full or 50% depending on when the team withdrew). ACTRA does not normally refund membership fees (unless they have mistakenly paid twice!).

Event Safety Information Document Template

Event Name & Date

Event Location

Include a detailed description of how to get to the Hash House and provide its grid reference (from a 1:25,000 map). This will be provided to emergency services if required.

Course Setter name/s and contact phone numbers

Coordinator name/s and contact phone numbers

Satellite Phone Numbers

0147 148 005 and 0147 148 006.

Other Hash House phone numbers

Contact details of landowner/s

Provide address and phone numbers.

Name and contact number of any ACTRA Committee members who will be at the Event or contactable during the event

Qualified First Aid Officers that will be at the Hash House

If there are no First Aid Officers available to remain at the HH in events in the bush of 12hour duration or longer, inform the committee.

Suitable landing location for helicopter near to the Hash House

Include a detailed location description and grid reference number.

Details of nearest Emergency Services

Provide address and phone number

  • Hospital

  • Doctor

  • Ambulance

  • Fire

  • Police

The following information MUST be provided to competitors in the Course Setter Notes and Final Briefing (and Final Instructions where appropriate)

Particular Course Hazards

Note any hazards that are particular to this course – for example cliffs, mine shafts, tides, animals (eg snakes, bulls), weather risks (eg heat, snow) & suggested additional clothing or gear, electric fences, out of bounds areas, dangerous vegetation & terrain.

Safety Roads/Bearings & Safety Access to Course

Provide details of safety roads or bearings that will be noted for competitors. Outline any limitations on access to the course in an emergency situation – (e.g. limited / poor quality roads, locked gates).

Out-of-Bound Areas

Are there any out of bounds areas? Why are they off-limits?

Safety Patrols

Provide details of where, when and how safety patrols will be conducted throughout the event.

Water drops

Outline location/s and refilling strategy.

Contact Details

ACT National Parks

ACT State Forests

  • Namadgi National Park

PO Box 1065

Tuggeranong ACT 2901

  • ACT Forests

PO Box 158

Canberra ACT 2601

Ph: 6207 2900

Fax 6207 2901

Ph: 6207 2486

Fax 6207 2544

Canberra Urban Parks and Places

  • City Rangers Office (for using playing fields)

  • City Rangers Office (for using streets and bike paths etc)

2 Elimatta St, Reid

  • Conservation & Land Management, Environment ACT (Recreation Officer) – for use of nature reserves & state forest

GPO 158

Canberra ACT 2601

Ph: 6207 7132

Ph: 6207 2498 (Trish Derera)

Mobile: 0438 352 677

Fax: 6207 2544



  • Jerangle P&C

  • Hartley (Peta Jacobs)

  • Lyneham Primary P&C

Ph: 6288 2323 (hm) 
Anne Baynes


  • Kennards Hire

  • ACTQ Septic

See White Pages for nearest Kennards to event site (Mitchell, Queanbeyan, Belconnen, Fyshwick or Phillip)
Ph: 6299 2808


  • TopoView Raster 2006 – electronic copies of all NSW topo maps

  • Map World – Jollimont Centre

  • NSW Lands Department (


Ph: 6230 4097

Sydney: 02 9228 6360

Bathurst: 02 6332 8123

Bus Hire

  • Murrays

PO Box 60

Red Hill ACT 2603

Ph: 13 2259

Equipment hire

  • Kennards Hire

  • Barlens Event Hire

67 Gladstone Street


See White Pages for nearest Kennards to event site (Mitchell, Queanbeyan, Belconnen, Fyshwick or Phillip)
Phone: 02 6211 3050
Fax: 02 6211 3061

Copyright Permission for maps

NSW Department of Lands

Bob Henry

P.O. Box 143

Bathurst NSW 2795

Ph: 02 6332 8361

Fax: 02 6332 8296

Printing Maps

  • Bytes’n’Colours

42 Mort St

Braddon ACT 2612

  • Trendsetting

Unit 6/ 116 -118 Wollongong St

Fyshwick ACT 2609

  • Orienteering ACT

PO Box 402

Jamison Centre ACT 2614

Ph: 6257 7266

Ph: 6239 1688

Trophies / winners mugs & glasses


66 Maryborough St

Fyshwick ACT 2609
Winners mugs/glasses – see Equipment Officer

Ph: 6239 3939

Paddy Pallin

Contact through Adrian Sheppard

Radios / Epirps

Useful safety devices for course setters. Radios with Equipment Officer.

Satellite Phone

0147 148 005

0147 148 006

Equipment Officer

ACTRA Gear Shed

Strangeways St, Curtin ACT.

It is opposite the shop parking area, on the west side of Strangeways St.

There is a driveway with a sign “Ron Reynolds Training Centre” that goes down to a green area.

There are four sets of keys held amongst the committee.

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