Class/Subject Area: Reading Intervention Grade Level

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Class/Subject Area: Reading Intervention
Grade Level: Grade 8
Lesson: Career Information Systems (C.I.S.)

Glossary of Terms: Vocabulary
Time: 45 minutes
Related Standards/Learning Targets:

Language Arts:

LA.08.RD.ALT.03 Students will demonstrate an understanding of grade-level words.



Literacy Intervention:

LI.MS.N.ALT.03 Students will learn new words to improve reading comprehension.





LI.MS.N.ALT.06 Students can monitor their comprehension.



ASCA National Standard:

Career Development

C:A1 Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and make informed career decisions.

Lesson Objective: Students will learn to utilize two resources, including the “Glossary of Terms” in the Career Information System (CIS), to help define college and career related words and terms for better overall reading comprehension as they explore their college and career options and interests.
Materials Needed: Student notebooks; pens/pencils; paper for instructor; overhead projector/unit; screen; instructor laptop to demonstrate instruction and links; student computers/iPads.

Essential Question/ Can I successful use the “Glossary of Terms” in CIS to Topic Question(s): help define words and terms related to college and career? Can I utilize those definitions to improve my comprehension of college and career related information?

Procedure: Review with students information from the last lesson on exploring CIS. Ask students to reflect on the answers to the question they wrote down, “What area would I like to explore more in CIS?”
Remind the students of the “Glossary of Terms” link within CIS. Remind the students that this is one of the tools/resources they can use to help aid their comprehension of vocabulary or terms related to college and career concepts and information. Let the students know that they may also utilize other resources in addition to the “Glossary of Terms” in CIS, such as Google, or to aid in their further comprehension.
Activity 1

Using the computers or iPads, have each student follow directions to the CIS link. Using the steps indicated have each student log into CIS using the passwords they were given.

Give each student the list of College-related vocabulary and concepts and ask them to begin defining each of the vocabulary words or terminology in their own words using the “Glossary of Terms” and/or other resource tools.
Give the students approximately 20 minutes to define the vocabulary and terms from the list of college related words you just gave them.
Option 1: Have students work independently on each of the terms or words on the vocabulary list.
Option 2: Have student work in groups to define the terms and words on the vocabulary sheet and then present information to the rest of the class.

Activity 2

Repeat the steps in Activity 1 but use the worksheet with the list of Career-Related Vocabulary.

NOTE: Even if students don’t define each and every vocabulary word or term for themselves, they will have acquired the skills necessary to enhance comprehension if and when they encounter vocabulary or concepts that are unfamiliar as they continue to explore CIS and other college and career related concepts and interests.

Assessment Methods: At the beginning of the next class, using the chart “How Well Do I Know These Words” have the students first read the words off of the projector silently. Next, have the instructor read the word aloud with correct pronunciation (using the list “college vocabulary” and “career vocabulary”). After reading each word, have the student write the word in the column that best describes what they know about each word.
Students will tally and assess the distribution of the words identified in each column. This will serve as a post-assessment/evaluation from the information acquired in Lesson 2.

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