Comhairle nan eilean siar education department a’ Coileanadh Sàr-Mhaitheas Còmhla – Achieving Excellence Together stornoway primary school improvement plan

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A’ Coileanadh Sàr-Mhaitheas Còmhla – Achieving Excellence Together





Draft for LA


Introduction Head Teacher’s introduction

Section 1 School Aims

  • Vision Statement and Aims

Section 2 Audit review of 2014 / 2015

Section 3 Action 2015 / 2016

  • Improvement Projects

  • Maintenance Areas


The annual improvement plan is intended to guide the work of the school in the coming session. In its construction, account has been taken of school audit priorities, the evaluations of Session 2014/15 improvement projects and local priorities identified by the Department of Education and Children’s Services which, in turn, takes account of national priorities .

The purpose of all our improvement work is to support fulfilment of the school’s aims, (overleaf) particularly our focus on pursuing high expectations of attainment and achievement for all pupil learners and the continuous learning and professional development of staff.

We invite and encourage all learners, their parents/carers and our wider partners to become involved and active partners in learning and in supporting the wider life and work of the school, including our development project work.

In times of reduced budgets and challenging financial constraint, we acknowledge with appreciation the valued partnership with our Parent Council and their regular supporters who contribute significantly to provision of educational resources and social events for pupils.

Section 1 - School vision and aims


We subscribe to the Local Authority Vision Statement –

A’ Coileanadh Sàr-Mhaitheas Còmhla – Achieving Excellence Together


Stornoway Primary School aims to be an inclusive learning community which:

  1. promotes teaching and learning for life as citizens in a changing world

  2. creates a school environment conducive to high quality teaching and learning

  3. builds a positive ethos which promotes inclusion and communicates high expectations of attainment, achievement and behaviour for all

  4. encourages responsibility, mutual respect, self-esteem and confidence as well as creativity and motivation to learn

  5. encourages good communication and team work between staff, pupils, parents, other agencies and the community to support development of children's skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes

  6. fosters a culture of professionalism which encourages the continuous learning and professional development of staff

  7. fosters participative leadership and management which provides clear direction

  8. makes effective use of self-evaluation approaches to guide improvement

Section 2 – Audit/review of projects from previous session (2014-15)



Evidence of impact on learners.

Project 1


Continue to support and challenge staff to ensure the delivery of high quality learning and teaching across the curriculum, with main focus on core Numeracy and Literacy and particular emphasis on Writing across the curriculum.

-Data from PiEs and PiMs was shared and analysed. Staff identified classroom steps to be taken to improve performance. Adaptations to teaching practice were made to address issues.

-SSLN data was shared and discussed at staff meeting in Term 1. In CfE working groups staff evaluated current practice and next steps. Data was used by teachers in planning to meet the needs of all learners.

-Literacy ‘good practice’ sheet produced by SMT to ensure consistency in approach across the whole school.

- Writing was monitored in all classrooms. Maths lessons were monitored in all classes/sets. Pupil groups were questioned and assessed. Feedback was given with next steps identified.

-SMT compiled a list of whole school ‘good practice’ and action points. Monitoring of writing feedback ensured that all staff are using writing target sheets which share LOs and SC with children and include self, peer and teacher assessment opportunities.

-Staff issued with a record of writing sheet to keep updated throughout the year.

-Whole school writing analysis sheet compiled in consultation with staff. Questionnaires completed by pupils and parents. Analysis of questionnaires completed by teaching staff and information used to inform changes to staff/whole school practice.

-Literacy and numeracy Coordinators gathered and shared examples of good practice with all staff. Staff have new ideas/resources/websites to use with learners.

- LQAG moderation activities undertaken in literacy and numeracy. Evidence gathered and filed.

-Joint planning for numeracy and literacy evident at all stages of the curriculum.

-Big Book Planning, which takes account of individual learning, has been implemented in all playrooms.

-Following attendance at INSET and as a result of in-house dialogue, Nursery staff identified specific strategies to support learning.

-Muckle reading implemented in most classes. Materials have also been translated into Gaelic by IM for distribution to schools nationally.

-ASL intervention grid updated throughout the year by all teaching staff.

- All teaching staff attending initial Precision Teaching INSET training. Strategies have been implemented in most classrooms and by SfL staff.

-SSLN twilight session ‘Reading Comprehension Pitfall’ sheets for first and second level shared with all staff.

Almost all sampled children (P2-P7) reported feeling that learning tasks / activities were usually at the right level of challenge, that they were well supported in their learning and that they had made good progress over the session. Sample group almost all agreed that they were receiving very good support, from class teachers / support staff, which was sufficient in quantity and helped them to learn. One child expressed a desire for more support.

Staff dialogue about + - = sheets (summarising progress made by learners in relation to their prior attainment and their learning targets) also guided joint planning of learning targets and well judged teaching interventions for learners.

- Termly evaluations of additional support interventions more effectively guided planning and targeted support for learners. This included effective targeting of additional support interventions for prioritised learners.

- ‘Good practice’ sheets developed from collated SMT feedback from monitoring of writing and maths have led to improved consistency in teaching practices and in the quality of learning experiences observed across the whole school.

- Pupils are aware of the high expectations from all staff and almost all pupils demonstrated that they were engaged well and working with motivation as good partners in their own learning, with a focus on improvement and application of skills.

-Pupils becoming familiar with revised correction code when receiving writing feedback. SMT have a clear picture of the strengths and needs of individual staff and children. Better level of consistency across the school in teachers’ feedback to learners.

- Teachers gained insight into learners’ and parents’ views on purpose, quality, attitudes towards, support for and celebration of writing and have acted on feedback. Changes to teacher/whole school practice are expected to have a positive impact on the quality of writing over time.

- Moderation dialogue helped staff review their practice and make adaptations to further support learners. Children had a wider range of ways to show their learning.

- Planned learning experiences are consistent in range across year groups.

-More children are able to discuss and reflect on their progress & achievements, evidenced in dialogue for summative profiling and dialogue to plan learning.

-Children demonstrate improved listening, talking and problem solving skills.

- Improved attainment in reading at P7 and level maintained at P3 in standardised tests in English. Improved attainment at P7 and P3 in standardised tests in Maths.

- Up to date record kept of progress made by learners receiving ASL which feeds into planning and next steps for these learners. Parents kept up-to-date with progress and targets.

- Targeted children receiving regular input, as identified, resulting in improved performance. Regular overlearning has shown small increments of improvements, providing success and achievement for supported learners.

Project 2

Continue to make very effective use of standardised assessment and other data to secure improvements and excellent outcomes for all learners (School and Nursery)

- All staff made familiar with LA test programme. Calendar of testing compiled and shared with staff. Standardised tests programme completed throughout the year (P1 Reasoning & Literacy Baseline, P2 WRAPS, P5 CATs, P3 & P7 PIEs & PIMs).

-One Nursery room devised and trialled a system for recording and sharing evidence of children’s progress in Literacy and Numeracy. Assessments done termly. Cognisance taken of assessment information to plan next steps in each child’s learning.

-SSLN data was shared and analysed. CfE working groups completed audit of current practice and next steps were identified to improve attainment. Staff recorded what steps would be taken to improve performance. Staff received training in SEEMiS (with brief RAM & TAM input)

-ASL intervention grid updated throughout the year by all teaching staff.

-ASL staff work in collaboration with class teachers to ensure CSP, IEP and APs are monitored and updated.

-Monitoring of writing feedback ensured all staff are using writing target sheets, which share LOs and SC with learners and include self, peer and teacher assessment opportunities.

-LQAG moderation activities undertaken and discussed. Evidence gathered and filed.

-Learning dialogue between class teacher and pupils is evident in almost all classes.

-Discussions with Nursery children and keyworker observations are used to guide weekly learning plans.

-All learners set targets for the beginning of each term, assessed at the end of term/when overtaken. Targets shared with parents at learning appointments. Pupil Profiles updated throughout the year.

-The Nursery ‘Home-Link’ format was reviewed and an improved, skills focused format was devised. Revised format implemented.
-Learning wall used to support planning.
Pupil/Parent/other Partners planning carousels completed termly.

-HT/DHT held 1 to 1 meeting with almost all staff in Term 2. Record of meetings on file.

-All teaching staff attending initial Precision Teaching INSET training. Strategies have been implemented in some classrooms and by ASL staff.

- Standardised test data was used, in conjunction with other assessment information, for joint planning between staff colleagues and with learners to meet the needs of all learners. Learners sampled felt that their targets were appropriate and that they understood what to do to meet/overtake targets.

-Assessment evidence recorded illustrates the progression of each nursery learner and indicates what they need to continue to develop. All other playrooms have adopted this practice.

- Planning, learning and teaching tailored with increased focus on areas of Language and Numeracy in which learners were underperforming. Children are transferring skills across learning (e.g Enterprise projects) Test results at P3 show attainment levels being maintained for Language and increasing slightly for Maths over three years. Test results at P7 show a trend of rising attainment levels in Language and Maths over three years.
- Up to date record kept of progress made by learners receiving ASL which feeds into planning and next steps for these learners. Parents kept up-to-date with progress and targets.
- ‘Good Practice’ sheets developed from collated SMT feedback from monitoring of writing and maths have led to improved consistency in teaching practices and quality of learning experiences observed across the whole school.

- Moderation dialogue helped staff review their practice and make adaptations to further support learners.

- Higher quality learning conversations taking place between class teacher and learner.
-Most children are appropriately challenged and supported in their learning.
- Most learners setting more relevant and specific termly targets which are shared with parents.
-Most children can talk more purposefully about what they are learning and achieving. Parents support identified learning and they indicate an additional target.
- Parents have an input into topic planning and work in partnership with the school (trips, ‘sharing the learning’ visits, learning consultation appointments etc)
- Quality assurance activity to check for consistency across the school.
- Targeted children receiving regular input, as identified, resulting in improved performance. Some learners have moved to a higher group. Regular overlearning has shown small increments of improvements.

Project 3

Continue to develop wider leadership capacity of staff. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for all staff to undertake increased range of leadership experiences and roles beyond leadership of learning in the classroom (School and Nursery)

- School and nursery Literacy & Numeracy Co-ordinators led staff in sharing examples of good practice. Resource bank was collated and distributed to teaching staff.

- SIP working groups have taken leadership and ownership of projects by devising, implementing, updating and evaluating action plans.

-Teacher and pupil led assemblies took place throughout the year.

- Leadership training for P6 pupils and its further application in P7 continues. GM6 pupils to complete training.

- LQAG moderation activities undertaken and discussed. Evidence gathered and filed. Some staff represented the school on LA moderation panels for Literacy, Numeracy and Gaelic and shared findings with staff.

- A number of staff were involved in taking the lead at school, LA and national level. DHT led the school during the absence and phased return of the Head Teacher and represented the school at the HT conference.

- Nursery staff have on-going opportunities in playrooms and at meetings to deploy their skills in order to support / develop skills of colleagues.

- Staff took leadership of additional supervised activity clubs throughout the year. Children took leadership of some groups (e.g dance club, infant music club)

- Reflective Practitioner visits taking place within and out with the school continue to support leadership of learning. Observation sheets shared and filed.

-Ancillary staff contribute well to planning and assessment of learning by providing feedback on supported learners.

- Some ancillary staff fulfil the role of First Aiders. As a result of staff suggestion, an improved rota for administering medical treatment for two identified children was drawn up.

- All ancillary staff take responsibility for proactive care and supervision at breaks and promote positive behaviour, emotional wellbeing, social skills, conflict resolution and active play.

-Various pupil task teams operated during the year. (e.g. GM 5-7 organised GM 1-2 Christmas party, P7 task teams worked to fundraise for and organise annual P7mainland trip etc)

-The range of preferred learning styles are being better addressed with a wider variety of active and interactive resources to engage all types of learners.
- Staff have taken responsibility to ensure proposed action has taken place and progress has been monitored.

- Teachers and young learners gained confidence and took pride in preparing and leading assemblies. All were able to transfer and build on skills.

- Training enjoyed and children keen to practise and apply their skills, in and beyond school setting.

- Learners’ work moderated, ensuring standard of assessment is consistent and accurate. Quality of feedback for learners consequently more consistent.

-New resources created for learners. Staff are kept abreast of current good local and national practice.

-Staff have made adaptations to their practice in order to support learning and to increase their ICT skills to meet professional requirements.

-Learners are given opportunities to learn new skills or build upon existing skills. Staff were able to further develop skills and facilitate children’s leadership of clubs. Many children keen to start/lead a club

- Staff observe good practice which can be implemented in their own teaching.

- Ancillary staff skills enhanced and their feedback appreciated. Children well cared for and respected.

- Task team members have learned/practised and applied skills required to plan and run activities/events with great confidence/enjoyment.

Section 3 – Priorities/projects for next session (2015-16)

Project 1

Continue to support and challenge staff to ensure the delivery of high quality learning and teaching across the curriculum, with main focus on core Numeracy and Literacy and particular emphasis on Writing across the curriculum. (School and Nursery- continued)

Business Plan Link

Key Priority 1

HGIOS Key area & relevant QIs

1.1 Improvements in performance

5.2 Teaching for effective learning 5.3 Meeting learning needs

Improvement Targets

- Improve learners’ performances in Numeracy and Literacy (Writing) and their ability to apply skills effectively for a range of purposes across learning.

- Improve skills in learning to write and writing to learn, supported by reading skills

What will be the impact on learners?

- All learners display improved levels of skills in numeracy, reading and writing activities across the curricular areas and improved ability to apply these skills in real contexts. - Improvement strategies have a measurable positive impact on children’s attainment and achievement in Numeracy and Literacy (Writing).

What are we going to do?

- Share and interrogate updated school tracking, test/assessment and monitoring information (including May 2015 PiM and PiE tests at P3 and P7).

- Make use of SSLN national data and professional learning resources for Numeracy and Literacy to support staff development activities and implementation of agreed improvement strategies/ any adaptations to these agreed at Aug 2015 INSET.

- Undertake collaborative work with colleagues and learners, in line with activities of related SIP project (Project 2) to enhance learners’ outcomes, improve their skills and improve the application of these skills in relevant contexts across learning.

- Continue strategies implemented in response to results of 2014/2015 Writing audit.

- Support staff, including the school and nursery Numeracy and Literacy Co-ordinators, in actions for continued implementation of the LA Numeracy + Literacy strategy documents, including participation in CPD / INSET activities.

- Maintain concerted focus on raising attainment in Numeracy and Literacy when jointly planning learning experiences in all playrooms and classrooms and during all CPD and Assessment/Moderation/LQAG activities. (Using assessment and moderation to improve learning and teaching)

- Maintain good pace of learning with tasks well matched to needs and ensuring that both support and challenge are provided for full range of learner abilities.

- Undertake professional reading / research best practice strategies and approaches.

- Discuss research findings; share best practice from within and outwith the school.

- Ensure that good practice innovations from Tapestry Project and the school’s assessment/moderation activities are embedded, consolidated and have a positive impact on learning.

- Continue to implement Precision Teaching strategies implemented from AUG ‘14 INSET training. Participate in related follow-up monitoring and evaluation.

- Provide consistently high quality experiences and approaches in learning and teaching of writing, based on research of best practice, with children applying their improved reading skills as part of strategies to improve the quality of their writing across learning.

- Improve partnership with parents/carers/families to support learners. Move date of first parent ‘Learning Consultation’ opportunity from mid-October to Aug/Sept and change format to class/year group meeting ‘workshops’ that will give parents clear guidance on how to support their child’s learning in key aspects of literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing.


Aug 2015 – May 2016 (Detailed timeline to be agreed by action plan group)

Who will be involved?

Pupils, Teachers, Classroom Assistants, Nursery Key Workers, Parents and other Partners, including Educational Psychologist


Education Scotland website resources ; SSLN Professional Learning Resources for Numeracy, Literacy-Reading/Writing; CfE Experiences and Outcomes ; NAR flowchart; updated school tracking, test/assessment and monitoring information (including May 2015 PiE & PiM tests at P3 and P7); strategies from Writing audit; parents/carers, learners & community partners, e.g. Library, An Lanntair, Island Book Trust, author visits, Historical Society; high quality resources for numeracy, reading and writing ; Precision Teaching strategies, in-house CPD activities and relevant LA INSET; budgetary allocation(s) for any identified learning/teaching resource needs

How will progress be monitored – during and following implementation?


Through school’s Quality Assurance calendar of monitoring activities, including pupil focus groups: (Oct ’15, Jan ’16, Mar ’16, May ’16)


Through school’s Quality Assurance calendar of monitoring activities.

Section 3 – Priorities/projects for next session (contd.)

Project 2

Continue to make very effective use of standardised assessment and other data to secure improvements and excellent outcomes for all learners. (School and Nursery continued)

Business Plan Link

Key Priority 3

HGIOS Key area & relevant QIs

1.1 Improvements in performance

5.4 Assessment for learning

8.4 Managing information

Improvement Targets

- Ensure that summarised, accurate, valid, up-to-date and useful information is used by all staff to identify strengths or lack of progress in order to intervene appropriately.

- Support monitoring, tracking and analysis of the progress of all learners and share the information to promote improved learning.

What will be the impact on learners?

- Timely teaching and additional support interventions are very precisely matched to needs, including interventions designed to address specific issues arising from analysis of test and other assessment data.

- Evaluation of the impact of SMART targets for interventions demonstrates that all learners are making good progress from their prior levels of attainment

What are we going to do?

- Participate in administration and, where relevant, marking of tests.

- Share and interrogate updated school tracking, test/assessment and monitoring information (including May 2015 PiM and PiE tests at P3 and P7). Evaluate and discuss test results and all other available data with colleagues (LA and school) and parents/relevant partners.

- Ensure that processes for Monitoring and Tracking progress and achievement are accessible and manageable.

- Ensure that high quality formative feedback is provided to all learners, to support dialogue with learners to improve their progress, including skills in personal learning planning and target setting and effective use of profiling at all stages.

- Make use of SSLN national data and professional learning resources for Numeracy and Literacy to support staff development activities and inform practice to maximise outcomes for learners. Maintain a focus on development of skills and the practice/application of skills in real/realistic contexts for real purposes.

- Support and challenge colleagues in the planning of actions to address areas of weakness and maintain areas of strength, at class and whole school levels, for individuals and groups.

- Ensure that all available test and assessment data is used to guide learning plans in all classes, sets and additional support/challenge groups. Ensure that jointly planned learning & teaching is improved through use of assessment and moderation and that additional support interventions are very precisely identified and have SMART targets.

- Review and evaluate impact of all improvement actions at agreed points and ensure that improvement / intervention actions are adapted as required to maximise learners’ progress.


Aug 2015 – May 2016 & on-going (Detailed timeline to be agreed by action plan group)

Who will be involved?

Pupils, Teachers, Classroom Assistants, Nursery Key workers, Parents and other partners, e.g. support agencies


Education Scotland and NAR websites; SSLN Professional Learning Resources for Numeracy, Literacy-Reading/Writing; CfE Experiences and Outcomes ; updated school tracking, test/assessment and monitoring information (including May 2015 PiE & PiM tests at P3 and P7); ASL Intervention grids; pupils’ Personal Learning Planning targets and Profiles; information and evaluations from parents, partners and partner agencies, e.g. health, psychological services; budgetary allocation(s) for any identified learning/teaching resource needs

How will progress be monitored – during and following implementation?


Through school’s Quality Assurance calendar of monitoring activities, including pupil focus groups (Aug ’15, Oct ’15, Jan/Feb ’16, Mar ’16, May ’16)


Through school’s Quality Assurance calendar monitoring activities

Section 3 – Priorities/projects for next session (contd.)

Project 3

Continue to develop wider leadership capacity of staff and children. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for staff and children to undertake increased range of leadership experiences and roles including and beyond leadership of learning in the classroom. (School and Nursery continued)

Business Plan Link

Key Priority 2

HGIOS Key area & relevant QIs

9.3 Developing people and partnerships

9.4 Leadership of improvement and change

Improvement Targets

- Further develop the capacity of practitioners and children to lead and sustain change for continuous improvement. (Teaching, ancillary and nursery staff and children)

- Further increase the confidence of all staff and children and empower them to make well-judged innovations that improve the quality of learning and teaching and outcomes for learners.

What will be the impact on learners?

- Leadership capacity and professional confidence of every member of staff is increased and all staff are participating in aspects of distributed leadership. - Additional / new leadership skills and experiences give staff greater ownership of developments and enhance the school’s overall capacity for continuous improvement in outcomes for learners. – Children will experience a very good range of opportunities to lead, achieve and experience success, through annual and termly opportunities planned in collaboration with staff. This will include leadership of learning in all classes and the continuation of leadership training programme at P6/P7. –Children will show increased confidence and more children will take on more task team leadership experiences.

What are we going to do?

- Continue to foster a supportive work environment in which people share a sense of responsibility to ensure success and achievements for learners. Build on existing very good ethos of team working, among staff and with children and other partners.

- Continue to communicate clear message that all staff have a role and responsibility in leading quality improvement.

- Continue to communicate clear message that staff have high expectations of all children’s capacity to develop leadership skills and abilities.

- Identify leadership opportunities relevant to children’s ages and stages of development and facilitate their participation in a range of leadership activities, e.g. any leadership of learning activities, P7 leading planning and fundraising for annual mainland excursion, Playground Friends leading games for younger children.

- Continue to build leadership and wider achievement opportunities for children into year / term planning in all classes and playrooms. Ensure that all P6/P7 children undertake planned leadership training programme.

- Continue school and nursery activities to share good practice in order to improve learning and teaching and outcomes for learners.

- Share Education Scotland guidance and advice illustrating good practice in leadership and improvement through self-evaluation.

- Share LA guidance and advice illustrating good practice. (e.g. revised ‘Craft of the Teacher’ folder to be produced by LA.)

- Identify leadership opportunities relevant to individuals’ professional development needs and facilitate participation in a range of leadership and / or management activities, e.g. taking on Curricular Co-ordinator role / Gaelic Ambassador role / leading a project / mentoring / coaching / leading extra-curricular provision.

- Encourage teaching staff to undertake self evaluation activities for leadership experiences as part of Professional Update recording. - Encourage Ancillary and Nursery staff to identify enhanced ways to deploy their skills to take on leadership roles as part of annual appraisal processes.

- Ensure that the very good culture of using self-evaluation to guide improvements, involving learners and partners, is maintained and developed. (e.g. maintaining Reflective Practitioner approaches, Termly self-evaluations and ‘Sharing the Learning’ displays to enhance professional dialogue and share good practice.)

- Take account of change to the Senior Management Team (Acting PT) for part of session 2015-2016 and facilitate relevant CPD (e.g. leadership/management mentoring) and team building activities.

- Ensure that new staff members in school and nursery settings receive induction and mentoring support to promote high levels of participation and performance.


May 2015 – May 2016 and on-going as maintenance activity (Detailed timeline to be agreed by action plan group)

Who will be involved?

Teaching, ancillary and nursery staff and children


LA and school-based INSET; relevant in-house, local or national CPD opportunities, including shadowing, mentoring and coaching approaches; budgetary allocation(s) for training costs; Education Scotland website resources; young leader training programme materials

How will progress be monitored – during and following implementation?


Through cycle of Professional Update and PRD processes; through professional dialogue at meetings, through Quality Assurance calendar of monitoring activities; through consultation with children


As above, on-going

Project 4

Implementation of the ‘Language Learning 1+ 2 Strategy’

[L1 = English, L2 = Gaelic, L3 = French]

Business Plan Link

Key Priority 1: Deliver high quality learning and teaching in all educational settings.

HGIOS Key area & relevant QIs

2.1 Learners’ experiences

5.1 The curriculum

Improvement Targets

- Develop the skills and abilities of staff for delivery of additional language learning. (Gaelic from P1 & French currently from P5. Children with EAL will learn English as L2 priority, Gaelic as L3 and French as L4)

- Develop learners’ understanding of their own and other target languages and cultures.

- Develop learners’ competence in target languages so that they can understand and communicate in those languages.

What will be the impact on learners?

- Increased staff confidence in modern language learning and teaching

- Children will develop skills and competence in listening, talking, reading and writing, along with knowledge of how language works, for all languages learned. (Focus on Listening, Talking at P1 & P2)

- A positive ethos around cultural awareness & language learning and confidence in the ability to learn a new language

- Increasing ability to see the connections between different languages and how they link with the mother tongue.

What are we going to do?

- All staff to attend Local Authority in-service training / undertake other training to ensure high levels of staff confidence and enthusiasm for language learning.

- Create a ‘buddy system’ based on audit, matching staff with working partners of greater / lesser levels of confidence and competence in target languages.

- Integrate the 1+2 language approach and link it to other areas of the curriculum in order to meet expected outcomes for the end of each year as indicated by Education Scotland.

- Include all school staff (e.g office, canteen etc) in use of L2 (L1 for EAL learners)

- Research planning formats provided by Education Scotland and use to devise whole school plan.

- Identify/create resources to support the delivery of the 1+2 approach.

- Integrate the language(s) and link to other areas of the curriculum.

- Integrate 1+2 approach into the life and work of the school and embed use of the additional language into classroom and whole school routines.

- All staff read ‘Language Learning in Scotland A 1+2 Approach’ by The Scottish Government

- All staff to become familiar with 1+2 Approach to Modern Language Education Scotland website pages and resources and LA working group resources.

- Invite native speakers/parents/senior pupils & staff from secondary school to come and speak to /support our work with staff and /or pupil groups in the target languages.

- Review and evaluate impact of all improvement actions at agreed points and ensure improvement actions are adapted to maximise learners’ progress.


(Detailed timeline to be agreed by action plan group)

Term 1 – Staff in-service, create working group/partners, begin to implement 1+2 approach Action Plan . Devise whole school plan. Set up ‘buddy’ system. All staff to read ‘Language Learning in Scotland A 1+2 Approach.’

Term 2 – Reflect on progress made during term 1 and identify next steps.

Term 3 - Reflect on progress made during term 2 and identify next steps.

Term 4 - Reflect on progress made during term 3 and identify next steps. Evaluate progress against expected outcomes by LA and Education Scotland.

Ongoing – Staff development, development of resources.

Who will be involved?

Pupils, Teachers, Classroom Assistants, Nursery Keyworkers, Parents, Office Staff, Canteen Staff, Other Partners, Visitors


Education Scotland website; 1+2 Approach to Modern Languages; CNES resources; Bilingual Staff; Stòrlann; EDC; Stòras na Gàidhlig; SCILT website

How will progress be monitored – during and following implementation?

During: Through school’s Quality Assurance calendar of monitoring activities, including pupil groups Oct ’15, Jan ’16, Apr ‘16
Thereafter: Through school’s Quality Assurance calendar of monitoring activities.

Section 3 – Priorities/projects for next session (contd.)

Project 5

Improve Teaching and Learning in Technologies

Business Plan Link

Key Priority 1: Deliver high quality learning and teaching in all educational settings.

HGIOS Key area & relevant QIs

2.1 Learners’ experiences

5.1 The curriculum

Improvement Targets

- Create contexts that provide scope for developing technological skills, knowledge, understanding and attributes through creative, practical and work-related activities.

- Equip all learners with the skills, confidence and experiences that they require to embrace their technological abilities for a wide range of real purposes and contexts.

- Enable all learners to be capable of making reasoned choices relating to the environment, to sustainable development and to ethical, economic and cultural issues.

What will be the impact on learners?

- Learners will use their natural inventiveness and desire to create and work in practical ways.

- Learners will be motivated and show progression in developing skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes.

- Learners will broaden their understanding of the role that ICT has in Scotland and in the global community.

- Learners’ attainment and achievement in Technologies will be raised

- Learners will experience a consistently higher quality of learning and teaching in /through Technologies from staff with enhanced skills and confidence.

What are we going to do?


-Audit of current programme, practice, resources and CPD needs

-Using the Technologies learning wall, create a programme of well-designed practical activities in the technologies to develop curiosity and problem solving skills, a capacity to work with others and take initiative.

- Plan and implement opportunities to develop skills in using tools, equipment, software and materials.

- Where necessary, update staff on SmartBoard facilities.

- Plan and implement opportunities for sustainable development education within Curriculum for Excellence.

- All staff to undertake Basic Food Hygiene training/update training.

- Plan and implement a whole school Technologies Focus Week allowing for personalisation and choice.

- Set up a new Eco Committee and follow the action plan (environmental audit, eco code, year group planning) to achieve a bronze award.

- Review and evaluate impact of all improvement actions at agreed points and ensure improvement actions are adapted as required to maximise learners’ progress.


(Detailed timeline to be agreed by action plan group)

Term 1 – Staff in-service, create working group and Eco Committee, create action plans. Review learning wall. Audit of current practice and resources. Complete and review environmental audit.

Term 2 – All staff to have received Basic Food Hygiene training. Reflect on progress made during term 1 and identify areas for further development. Eco school activities integrated into year group planning.

Term 3 - Reflect on progress made during term 2 and identify areas for further development.

Term 4 - Reflect on progress made during term 3 and identify areas for further development. Evaluate progress.

Ongoing – Staff development. Development of resources.

Who will be involved?

Pupils, Teachers, Classroom Assistants, Nursery Keyworkers, Parents, Office Staff, Canteen Staff, Other Partners, Visitors


Education Scotland document: Building Society Young people’s experiences and outcomes in the technologies; CfE Technologies Principles and Practice paper; British Science Week 11-20 March 2016; STEM website; Eco School website and folder; Education Scotland website.

How will progress be monitored – during and following implementation?

During: Through school’s Quality Assurance calendar of monitoring activities, including pupil groups Oct ’15, Jan ’16, Apr ‘16
Thereafter: Through school’s Quality Assurance calendar of monitoring activities.

Section 4 – Maintenance Areas


Continue Ethos building work, including Global Citizenship / International aspects and re-visiting anti-bullying and other special focus themes. (Implement new LA anti-bullying policy when published.)


Continue monitoring and evaluating learning and teaching; progress; attainment and wider achievement and continue providing formative feedback on learning and teaching issues. Make effective use of assessment information.


Ensure whole school action plan for writing is embedded.


Continue involving teachers in evaluating their own practice, maintaining Reflective Practitioner approaches, Termly self-evaluations and ‘Sharing the Learning’ displays/events to enhance professional dialogue and share good practice.


Continue use of AifL strategies. Continue to develop learners’ personal planning & target setting skills, continue profiling at all stages and seek increased parental involvement in supporting learners and learning.


Maintain good pace of learning with tasks well matched to needs and suitable support and challenge provided for full range of learner abilities.


Provide relevant and varied homework tasks linked to current classroom learning activities.


Review learning walls (Science, HWB, Language, Expressive Arts)


Continue to develop planned opportunities for wider achievement and to celebrate success/achievements


Build on / engage in continued health promotion work and active schools initiatives. Focus on improving children’s fitness, agility and exercise habits.


Continue YMI tuition and enhancement work. (Depends on funding)


Continue Enterprise working in and through the curriculum.


Continue in-house CPD activities through collaborative working.


Extend outdoor learning opportunities and contexts.


  • Review and update school policies.

  • Continue to provide an extra-curricular programme, in consultation with pupils, which includes 10 hours of donated time from each member of the teaching staff.

  • Continue to monitor and maintain good practice in areas of Health and Safety, including Fire/Emergency procedures.

Directory: documents
documents -> Concept stage
documents -> Concept stage
documents -> The international correspondence chess federation
documents -> Republic of Côte d'Ivoire Urbanization Review
documents -> Report No: aus11011 Central America
documents -> Technical writer directory
documents -> Report No. 94474-pk fiscal Disaster Risk Assessment Options for Consideration
documents -> Environmental and Social Management Framework for the Costa Rica Telecommunications Sector Modernization Project
documents -> Environment Impact Assessment For Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Beijing Guohuantiandi Environmental Technology Development Center. Ltd. Oct. 2012 Content
documents -> Growth through Innovation An Industrial Strategy for Shanghai By Shahid Yusuf Kaoru Nabeshima April 22nd, 2009

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