Council of Trustees adopts new Safe Church policy

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Feb. 13, 2014
Council of Trustees adopts new Safe Church policy

At its January meeting, the Council of Trustees approved a new Safe Church policy for the diocese. It is intended to provide information and resources that will help congregations protect children, youth, adults, clergy, staff, and our organizations and institutions. The new policy incorporates many concepts that already were in practice in the diocese but were not part of the official policy.

Look for updates and additions in the sections on monitoring and supervision of children’s and youth programs, and guidelines for the protection of children and youth, as well as expanded information on sexual harassment and sexual exploitation.

There are brand-new guidelines for computer use, electronic communication and social media, as well as added appendices with sample reference check questions, as well as a sample children and youth permission form.

The 42-page document is available in PDF format on the diocesan website at

If you have questions about the policy, please contact diocesan Youth Missioner Karen

Reminder – parochial reports deadline is about two weeks away

All parishes should have received the parochial report packet mailed in January. It included:

  • parochial report;

  • supplement page;

  • clergy continuing education report form;

  • lay delegate report form; and

  • directory update form.

The diocesan office also requests a copy of each church’s most recent parish directory.

The report itself may be filed online, but the signature page still must be returned in hard-copy form to the diocesan office, along with the other forms that were sent.

Clergy and senior wardens are reminded that the deadline for the report to be filed with the diocesan office is March 1.

The link to file the report online, along with worksheets to help with completing the report, is available at

If you have any questions about the parochial report or accompanying materials, contact diocesan Comptroller Jay Currie at, (785) 235-9255 or (800) 473-3563.
Safeguarding God’s Children workshops are this weekend in Wichita

Two Safeguarding God’s Children workshops are set for Wichita this weekend.

One will take place on Saturday, Feb. 15 from 10 a.m. to noon in the library at St. John’s, 402 North Topeka. The other is set for Sunday, Feb. 16 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at St. Stephen’s, 7404 E. Killarney.

The workshop is required for those in the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas who are in any leadership capacity, are employed by a church or who work regularly with children.

To register for either event, contact Teresa Rogers at
Noted theologian to speak on environmental issues in Lawrence Feb. 16-18

Dr. William P. Brown, professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Ga., will be in Lawrence Feb. 16-18 as Theologian in Residence/Visiting Scholar.

His presentations will be under the theme, “Fifty Shades of Green” and they will relate to his recent book, The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science and the Ecology of Wonder. He will preach and speak at several religious congregations.

His visit is made possible through the cooperation of a variety of local faith communities and the University of Kansas.

A complete schedule and more information is available at
Lenten materials now are available

A variety of devotional materials are available for order for use during Lent, which starts on Ash Wednesday, March 5:

40 Days of Lent: Lent is Not Rocket Science: An Exploration of God, Creation and the Cosmos by W. Nicholas Knisely. Astronomer, physicist and Episcopal Bishop W. Nicholas Knisely explores the intersection of faith and science, creation and the cosmos. Published jointly by Forward Movement and Morehouse.

Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten meditations booklet includes 46 reflections focused on creating economic opportunities and strengthening communities, with a particular focus on empowering women. Printed booklets should be ordered by Feb. 15 for delivery by Ash Wednesday ( PDF booklets and other Lenten resources are posted on Episcopal Relief & Development’s website at, and individuals wishing to receive daily email devotionals can sign up online.

The Society of St. John the Evangelist offers daily videos that can be emailed to users inbox, all with the theme “Love Life.” An accompanying workbook can be downloaded free as a PDF or can be purchased in booklet form from Forward Movement. More information is on the SSJE website,

Lent Madness returns this year, offering a daily look at the lives of saints in what is referred to as a “saintly smack-down.” The bracket-style learning opportunity is based on college basketball’s March Madness. There’s a variety of information provided for each saint, and the winner is awarded the coveted golden halo.
Youth news

>> EYE 2014: July 9-13 at Villanova University in Philadelphia, Penn., for youth in grades 9-12. The Episcopal Youth Event brings together nearly 1,500 people on a college campus to learn, laugh and serve. The theme for EYE ’14 is “Marked for Mission.” Every aspect of EYE is planned by a diverse youth design team and includes nationally known speakers, innovative worship experiences, a plethora of workshops, and a pilgrimage day in Philadelphia to learn about our Episcopal heritage. More information is available at Sign-up now, as each diocese has limited space.

>> Summer youth ministry internship applications now available. Do you know a college student interested in pursuing a vocation in ministry? There are TWO internship opportunities for Episcopal college students this summer.

  • Diocese of Kansas Summer Youth Ministry Internship. Applications are due Feb. 28. Learn more about the program and how to apply at

  • St. Michael and All Angels Summer Christian Formation Internship. Applications are due March 2. Learn more about the program and how to apply at

There will be purposeful time scheduled throughout the summer for interns in both of these programs to get together for Bible and book study. Both interns attend Camp and MissionPalooza as part of their internship.  

Interviews for both positions will be Sunday, March 9, 1-4 pm at St. Michael and All Angels in Mission.

>> New Beginnings is set for March 28-30 at Good Shepherd in Wichita. For students in grades 6-8 of the current school year, with high school youth serving on staff. New Beginnings is a weekend retreat focusing on the two greatest commandments: loving God with all our heart, mind and strength, and loving our neighbors as ourselves. The registration deadline is Monday, March 17, and staff day is Saturday, March 8, 1:30-3:30 p.m., at St. Andrew’s, Emporia. More information and links to the new online registration and payment is at

>> Episcopal Summer MegaCamp registrations now available. Camp is June 1-7 at Camp Wood YMCA. The volunteer Episcopal staff provides solid Christian education featuring worship, music, small group discussions and prayer. Camp Wood features a variety of activities, such as horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, water slide, mud slide, arts and crafts, and sports.

Camp is open to those currently in grades 3-12, and their friends. The cost is $410 for the week, with a registration deadline of May 9. For registration forms and more information see:

>> Staff needed for Episcopal Summer Mega Camp. We are looking for a few specialty staff to help us out this year:

  • Nurse, Physician's Assistant or Doctor: We are looking for two more people to be present during the week of camp to help ensure all students receive the appropriate medications at the right times and to help care for a sick or injured camper. If you know of someone who would be good with youth, contact Youth Missioner Karen Schlabach at  

  • Special Needs Personnel: we are looking for someone with training and experience working with students who have special needs. We want this person to be present during the week of camp as a resource for counselors and staff for how to best serve students with special needs. In the past, we have had campers with Asperger’s, ADHD, autism and Down Syndrome.

Want to help, but can't be there the whole week? We'd be willing to pair two people together to serve half-weeks as a nurse or special needs resource (counselors, we need you there for the whole week). 

We have 12 counselors already signed-up for Camp, but we need 15 more! To sign up to be a counselor, nurse, or special needs resource, fill out the For more information, see the Camp Staff web page:

Upcoming classes offered at the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

The Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, the joint school operated by the Dioceses of Kansas, West Missouri, Nebraska and Western Kansas, offers a variety of classes in the coming months.

If you are interested in attending any of these for personal enrichment, contact the dean, the Very Rev. Andrew Grosso, at or (913) 367-3171.

March 8-9: BIBL 200: New Testament Survey (Dr. Jim Lewis); HIST 100: Church History Survey (The Rev. Dr. George Wiley); THEO 400: Doctrine of Salvation (Dr. Bill Stancil)

April 5-6: BIBL 210: Gospel Traditions (Dr. David May); THEO 100: Church Dogmatics Survey (The Rev. Ben Varnum); THEO 500: Ecclesiology (Dr. Don Compier)

May 10-11: ETHC 100: Christian Ethics Survey (The Rev. Andrew O’Connor); BIBL 220: Pauline Epistles (The Rev. Dr. Richard McCandless); MINI 600: Parish Administration (The Rev. Gar Demo)
Presiding Bishop sets Feb. 16 as a Day of Prayer for South Sudan

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has called all Episcopalians to a Day of Prayer on Feb. 16 on behalf of the people of South Sudan. “The world is increasingly concerned over the rampant violence in South Sudan,” she wrote. “The new nation needs peace, in order that all its people might thrive.”

More information on her call to prayer is available at
Good Friday Offering will help the church in the Middle East

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has written to all congregations asking them to consider assistance for Jerusalem and the Middle East through the annual Good Friday Offering.

She noted that Christians in the Middle East are a growing minority of the population, and they live amid “social and political pressures and the cycles of violence which continue in Syria, Israel/Palestine and Egypt.” But through it all, they exhibit “great hope and expectation that peace and prosperity are possible.”

Since 1922, Episcopalians have supported the ministries of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East through the Good Friday Offering.

Funds are distributed to the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, which includes the Dioceses of Jerusalem, and Cyprus and the Gulf, all members of the Anglican Communion.

Information and resources for the Good Friday Offering are available at

Stewardship conference to explore “Walking the Way”

The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) has announced that its annual conference will take place June 6-7 at Emory University in Atlanta.

With the theme “Walking the Way, conference information notes that,” Following Jesus is a lifelong journey. Stewardship is a path of discipleship.” It asks, “Are you ready to take the next step in stewardship? Are you looking for ways to help your congregation and diocese discover the joyful path of generosity and giving? Join guides and meet companions who will walk along side in following the Way.”

The event includes keynote speakers Sister Joan Chittester, OSB, Bishop Robert Wright of Atlanta and The Rev. Charles La Fond of St. John’s Cathedral in Denver. There also will be a choice of 16 workshops.

Full details plus registration information is on the conference website,
Episcopal Vacation Exchange Network is taking applications for 2014

The Episcopal Vacation Exchange Network is taking applications for 2014. The program facilitates the exchange of homes between Anglican and Episcopal clergy for vacation purposes. They have been undertaking this effort since 1981.

Full information is on the group’s website,
Anniversaries of ordinations

Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next two weeks:

Feb. 14: The Rev. Kelley Lackey, non-parochial (10 years); the Rev. Randy McIntosh, Church of the Incarnation, Salina, Diocese of Western Kansas (5 years)

Feb. 15: The Rev. Gary Kennedy, St. Mary’s, Galena (14 years)

Feb. 19: The Ven. Charles Pearce, Archdeacon and St. Paul’s, Manhattan (14 years)

Feb. 24: The Rev. Wayne Blakely, retired (24 years)
Stay in touch via Facebook and Twitter

You can find news, features and updates from the diocese on social media. We’re on Facebook – EpiscopalDioceseofKansas ( – and Twitter – @EpiscoKs.

Next DioLog

The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, Feb. 27. Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, at, no later than Tuesday, Feb. 25.

Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attribution that material is reprinted from DioLog is appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.

If you do not wish to receive this publication, you may unsubscribe from DioLog by sending an email to

DioLog is a publication of the Office of Communications of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, 835 SW Polk Street, Topeka, KS 66612.
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documents -> 1 July 2015--30 June 2016
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