Course: Advanced Placement U. S. History 2012-2013 Instructor: Ms Sarah Gomez Email address

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Course: Advanced Placement U.S. History 2012-2013 Instructor: Ms Sarah Gomez Email address:

Teacher Introduction: I would like to welcome you and your child, to Advanced Placement United States History! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, my name is Sarah Gomez this is my eighth year teaching for the Chicago Public School system. I am a native Chicagoan and graduate of CPS and I am thrilled to be a part of the SSICP team. I have a bachelor’s degree in social studies education from Florida International University, a Master’s degree as a Reading Specialist from Concordia University and am a National Board Certified Social Science teacher. I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you, as well, and I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year.

Course Description: Welcome to Advanced U.S. History. Advanced U.S. History is a survey course of American History, which provides high school students with a college U.S. History course. The course studies early American colonization by Europeans, the American Revolution, American Civil War and progress through the 20th century. Students will research, analyze, and compare social and political movements throughout American History. Students will be required to take the AP exam administered on Friday May 10, 2013 8A.M.-Noon, students receiving a 3 or above will receive college credit depending on the university students are attending in the fall. Through out each unit of the course students will be looking at 5 overarching questions:

  1. What does it mean to have freedom and how does this definition change over the course of time?

  2. How do citizens use power for change?

  3. How does the role of citizenship evolve throughout American history?

  4. What is equality and how does the definition change over time?

  5. Throughout American history have civil rights movements addressed the failures in American society and were they successful?

What is the AP U.S. History Exam? The AP U.S. History Exam will be administered Friday May 10, 2013 at 8:00 A.M. The exam is a total of 3 hours and 55 minutes. The first part of the exam is the multiple choice section which is 55 minutes long. Section two is 130 minutes long and consists of a document based question (DBQ) and two Free Response essays (FRE). Students will have 45 minutes to complete the DBQ, it is required that you spend 15 minutes analyzing the documents and spend the remaining 30 minutes writing the DBQ. Students will then write 2 Free Response essays, students should spend 35 minutes per essay. Scores will be released to students and South Shore International College Prep the first week of July. Please check with the college or university that you will be attending to see what scores are accepted for college credit, each college/university is slightly different.

Quizzes and Exams: Students will take a chapter quiz every Friday for the duration of the school year, except on the Fridays that unit exams are given there will be a total of 30 chapter quizzes and 5 unit exams for the year.

Essays: Students will be assigned a minimum of one essay every week for the first semester and an additional essay per week during the second semester. All essays will relate to the historical topic of the week from primary and secondary resources, textbook readings and Document Based Questions.

Notebooks: All students will be required to keep two three ring binders in which the students will place all of their work. The student’s binders must be labelled and divided into the following categories:

  1. Bell Ringers

  2. Notes

  3. Graphic Organizers

  4. Document Based Questions

  5. Free Response Essays

*A second three ring binder must be kept for class hand outs

Classroom Expectations:

  • Be in class everyday on time and seated when the bell rings, students that are tardy will sign in when they enter the class and will lose points for the day, students are expected to bring a readmit in order for an absence to be excused

  • Show respect for themselves and others, by not interrupting others and raising hands in class when students would like to share thoughts and opinions with the class.

  • Bring all class materials, books, binders, paper, pens and highlighters everyday

  • No eating during the class period

Homework policy: Students will lose a letter grade for each day that an assignment is turned in late; the only exception is if the student was absent and presents a readmit. Students are expected to complete all in class and homework assignments to the best of their abilities, students should be reading and writing at home for a minimum of a half an hour daily.

Grading Scale and weighted averages:

A=100-90%, B=89-80%, C=79-70%, D=69-60%, F=59-0%
Grading Scale:

20=Formative Assessment, 20%=Participation, 10%=quizzes, 20%=summative assessments, 30%=Projects, essays and presentations

Common Core Standards History/Social Studies:

RH.9-10.1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information.

RH.9-10.2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.

RH.9-10.3. Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.

RH.9-10.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history/social science.

RH.9-10.6. Compare the point of view of two or more authors for how they treat the same or similar topics, including which details they include and emphasize in their respective accounts

RH.9-10.7. Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g., charts, research data) with qualitative analysis in print or digital text.

RH.9-10.8. Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author’s claims



Theme and Supplemental Readings

week of 09/04/12-09/07/12

week of 09/10/12-09/14/12

week of 09/17/12-09/21/12

week of 09/24/12-09/28/12

week of 10/01/12-10/05/12

The Planting of English America

Settling the Northern Colonies

American Life in the Seventeenth Century

Colonial Society and the Eve of Revolution and The Duel for North America
The Road to the Revolution 5 week assessment

First Semester: September 4, 2012- January 25, 2013

Culture, Values, Beliefs and Rituals: Colonization of the Americas: 1609.-1763
The trail of Anne Hutchinson

Bradford, William; Of Plymouth Plantation

Smith, John; History of Virginia

Smith, John; the founding of Jamestown (1607)

Contract of Indentured Service (1635)

Berkeley, William; Response to Bacon’s Rebellion

Maryland Act of Toleration (1649)

Bacon, Nathaniel; Manifesto

Mayflower Compact (1620)

Blue Laws of Connecticut

Winthrop, John; Defence of taking Indian land

Morton, Nathaniel; Roger Williams demands freedom of religion

The Salem Witchcraft hysteria (1690)

Edwards, Jonathan; Sinners in the hands of an angry God

Franklin, Benjamin; Characterizes General Edward Braddock (1755)

A French man Reports Braddock’s Defeat (1755)

Francis Parkman analyses the conflict (1884)

Benjamin Franklin testifies against the Stamp Act (1766)

Philadelphia threatens Tea men (1773) Connecticut decries the Boston Port Act (1774)

Daniel Leonard Deplores Rebellion (1775)

Patrick Henry demands boldness (1775)

New Yorkers Abuse Tories (1775)

Conflicting versions of the outbreak (1775)

Why an old solider fought (1898)

Paine, Thomas; Common Sense

week of 10/08/12-10/12/12
week of 10/15/12-10/19/12

week of 10/22/12-10/26/12
week of 10/29/12-11/02/12

week of 11/05/12-11/09/12

week of 11/12/12-11/16/12

America Secedes from Europe
The Confederation and the Constitution and Launching the new ship of state
The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic
The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism Midterm Exam
The Rise of a Mass Democracy and Forging the National Economy
The Ferment of Reform and Culture and

Freedom and Responsibility: American Revolution and the New American Nation: 1763-1860
Paine, Thomas; the American Crisis

Jefferson, Thomas; the Declaration of Independence

Sections of the Articles of Confederation

Adams, John; the First Continental Congress (1774)

The Virginia Plan

Sections of the United States Constitution

Sections of the Federalists Papers

Hamilton, Alexander; Report on Public Credit

Hamilton and Jefferson on States Rights

Washington, George; Farewell Address (1796)

Pickering, Timothy; Defence of Alien Sedation Acts

Alien Sedation Acts

Jefferson, Thomas; Inaugural Address

Kent, James; Universal Suffrage

Adams, John Quincy; Diary Excerpts about Corrupt Bargain

Crockett, Davy; Advice for politicians

Strong, James; Agrees for protective tariffs

McDuffie, George; Condemns the Tariff

Jackson, Andrew; Blank Veto message

Jackson, Andrew; Denounces Nullification

Jackson, Andrew; Endorses the Indian Removal Act

South Carolina Threatens Secession (1832)

Frelinghuysen, Theodore; Champions Justice (1830)

Mann, Horse; the Case for Public Schools

Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions (1848)

Cox-Jackson, Rebecca; the Shakers

Grimke, Angela; Breaking out of the Woman’s Separate Sphere

Monroe, James; the Monroe Doctrine (1823)

Filisola, Vicente; fall of the Alamo (1836)

Coodey, William Shorey; the Trail of Tears Begins (1838)

week of 11/19/12-11/23/12
week of 11/26/12-11/30/12

week of 12/03/12-12/07/12

week of 12/17/12-01/04/13

Winter Break 12/24/12-01/04/13

The South and the Slavery Controversy
Drifting toward Disunion and the Girding for War

The North and the South: 5 week assessment

Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy week of 12/10/12-12/14/12
The Civil War and The Ordeal of Reconstruction

Adversity, Conflict and Change: The road to the Civil War and Reconstruction 1793-1877
The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850

Coffin, Levi; the Underground Railroad (1850)

Highland Garnet, Henry; an Address to the slaves of the United States of America

Weld, Theodore; Slavery As It Is (1839)

Truth, Sojourner; Ain’t I a Woman

Excerpts from “Voices from Slavery” Slave Narratives

Sumner, Charles; the Crime against Kansas

Lincoln Douglas Debates (1858)

Daingerfield, John E.; John Brown’s Raid (1859)

Trail of John Brown

Chesnut, Mary Boykin; Fort Sumter is attacked (1861)

Lincoln, Abraham; the Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln, Abraham; the Gettysburg Address

Pleasonton, General Alfred; Gettysburg (1865

Porter, Horace; Lee surrenders to Grant (1865)

Rathbone, Major Henry R.; Lincoln is shot (1865)

Johnson, Andrew; Plan of Reconstruction (1865)

Dred Scott v. Sanford: Chief Justice Roger B. Taney for the Supreme Court (1857)

week of 01/07/13-01/11/13

week of 01/14/13-01/18/13

week of 01/21/13-01/25/13
week of 01/28//13-02/01/13

week of 02/04/13-2/08/13

Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age and the rise of Industry
Urbanization and the Agricultural Revolution
The Expansion of the American Empire Semester Exam

WWI 1917-1918

Second Semester: January 28, 2013-June 17, 2013

Utopia and Dystopia: Forging and Industrial Society and the struggle for justice 1869-1918

Strong, George Templeton; New Money and Robber Barons

Wells, Ida B; United States Atrocities (1892)

Washington, Booker T.; Atlanta Exposition Address (1895)

Turner, Henry; the American Negro and His Fatherland

Du Bois, W.E.B.; Talented Tenth and Niagara Address

Harlan, John Marshall; Dissent from Plessy V. Ferguson

Secret Oath of the American Protective Association

Sandburg, Carl; Chicago

Lodge, Henry Cabot; On Literacy Tests for Immigrants

Cleveland, Grover; Vetoes Literacy Tests

Jackson, Helen Hunt; a Century of Dishonor

Bull, Chief White; Custer is killed at Little Bighorn (1876)

The Dawes Act

Hicks, John; the Populists Revolt

Philosophy of the Industrialist Rockefeller, Carnegie, Herbert Spenser

Simonson, Barton; Haymarket Riot (1886)

Elk, Black; Massacre at Wounded Knee (1890)

Beveridge, Albert; In favour of Imperialism

McKinley, William; Defends occupation of the Philippines

Kipling, Rudyard; White Man’s burden

Spahr, Charles; the Imperialist Religion

Crosby Ernest; The real white man’s burden

Steiner, Edward; Ellis Island (1905)

Forbes, Frank; Our duty towards the Pilipino

Roosevelt, Theodore; Square Deal Reforms

Cohan, George M.; Over There

Zimmerman Telegram

Wilson, Woodrow; Fourteen Points (1918)

week of 02/11/13-02/15/13
week of 02/18/13-02/22/13
week of 02/25/13-03/01/13
week of 03/04/13-03/08/13
week of 03/11/13-03/15/13
week of 03/18/13-03/22/13
week of 03/25/13-03/29/13

American Life and politics in the “Roaring Twenties and the

Political boom and bust”
The Great Depression and the New Deal
FDR and the shadow of war 5 week assessment
America in WWII

The Cold War

The Eisenhower Era
The Sixties Midterm Exam

The American Dream: The 1920’s, The Depression, World War II, the Cold War and the Sixties 1919-1968

White, William; Condemns Deportation

La Guardia, Fiorello; Argues against Prohibition

Sanger, Margaret; Campaigns for Birth control

Crowther, Samuel; the Flapper (1926)

Supreme Court declares that men and women are equal (1923)

Morand, Paul; Prohibition (1929

Sanger, Margaret; Raid of a birth control clinic (1929)

Hughes, Langston; I Too

Hurston, Zora Neale; how it feels to be Colored Me

Hoover, Herbert; Defending his record

Hoover, Herbert; on a balanced budget

Hoover, Herbert; Uphold free Enterprise

Roosevelt, Franklin; First Inaugural Address

Roosevelt, Franklin; Urges Welfare Statism

Roosevelt, Franklin; Attacks Business in Government

Long, Huey; Every man a king

Neutrality Act of 1937

Roosevelt, Franklin; War Message against Japan

Inouyte, Senator Daniel K.; Pearl Harbor (1941)

Roosevelt, Franklin; Four Freedom’s Speech

Roosevelt, Franklin; the Quarantine Speech

Edlin, Lieutenant Robert; D-Day (1944)

Atlantic Charter

Truman, Harry; Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb

Tibbets, Colonel Paul W.; dropping the atom bomb (1945)

Eisenhower, Dwight; Atoms for Peace

Humphrey, Hubert; a Plea for Civil Rights

Humphrey, George; the Interstate Highway System

Advertisement for Chicago’s renewal Program

Mad Magazine; the Handy Phrases for Travelling in Russia

Parks, Rosa; describing her arrest

Freidan, Betty; The feminine Mystique

Steinem, Gloria; Defense of the ERA

Schlafly; the Power if the Positive Woman

Brown v. Board of Education Decision

Morin, Relman; First day of school in Little Rock (1957)

Congressmen from the South Protest the Brown Decision

Kennedy, John; the Defense of Civil Rights

Kennedy, John; Inaugural Address (1961)

King, Martin Luther; I have a dream

Malcolm X; A dissenter’s view of Dr. King’s Speech

Malcolm X; Statement in Civil Rights

The National Organization for Women (NOW) Statement of Purpose (1966)

Stockdale, Admiral James; the Vietnam War begins (1964)

Terkel, Studs; Police break up a student protest (1968)

week of 04/01/13-04/12/13 Spring Break 04/01/13-04/05/13
week of 04/15/13-04/19/13
week of 04/22/13-04/26/13

week of 04/29/13-05/03/13
week of 05/06/13-05/06/13

The Stalemated Seventies and The Resurgence of Conservatism

The Resurgence of Conservatism

America confronts the Post-Cold War Era
The American People Face a New Century
Review for AP Exam

The Pursuit of happiness: The Making of Modern America 1968-2008

Carter, Jimmy; Crisis of Confidence

Kifner, John; Kent State (1970)

Haldeman, H.R.; the Watergate cover-up begins (1972)

Klinkhammer, Stephen; The fall of Saigon (1975)

Reagan, Ronald; Speech on Nicaragua

Four Views of the End of the Cold War; Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, François Mitterrand, and George Bush

Reagan, Ronald Inaugural Address (1981)

week of 05/13/13-05/17/13

week of 05/20/13-05/24/13
week of 05/27/13-05/31/13
week of 06/03/13-06/07/13
week of 06/10/13-06/14/13

The Confederation and the Constitution
Federalist vs. Antifederalists

The Constitution

The Constitution

Constitution Exam/ Final Exam

Decisions, Actions and Consequences: The Constitution

Sections of the Articles of Confederation

Adams, John; the First Continental Congress (1774)

The Virginia Plan

Sections of the United States Constitution

Sections of the Federalists Papers

Hamilton, Alexander; Report on Public Credit

Hamilton and Jefferson on States Rights

Ms. Gomez Parent/Guardian Contact Information Form

Student Name ______________________________

Please fill in all of the following information

Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone_________________________(preferred form of contact? ___Yes ___No)
Parent/Guardian Email __________________________(preferred form of contact? ___Yes ___No)
When is the best time to contact you? ________________________________________
Information about You and the Student

  1. Is there anything I should know about you or your student’s expectations of SSICP, or the United States History course?

  1. Please circle all the items listed if the student has access to this technology at home:

Computer internet phone video camera digital camera

  1. What are your concerns about United States History and or your student’s second year of high school?

  1. How often will you access Gradebook Parent and Student Portal? I will try to contact every parent/guardian this year at least once, but the easiest and quickest way to monitor your student’s progress is via the Parent Portal and email to

  1. What do you feel are some strengths of your child? This can include academic strengths or talents (such as music or sports).

  1. Any other information you feel I should know about your child that will assist me as their teacher?

I ____________________________ (print name) parent/guardian of ___________________ have
read and understand the United States History course syllabus and expectations.
_____________________________ (Signature) ____________(Date)

Date and Time

Reason for Call


Actions Resolved

Directory: ourpages -> auto -> 2012
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2012 -> The Ground on Which I stand By August Wilson
2012 -> The Atlantic Monthly February, 1982 Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?
2012 -> Sea floor spreading in the atlantic ocean
2012 -> Ballston spa high school advanced Placement United States History fall semester september 2011

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