Current Position (since 1991) Research Director, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve also

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Curriculum Vitae: Michele Dionne

Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wells, Maine 04090

(207) 646-1555 x 136;

Current Position

(since 1991) Research Director, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve

also, Affiliate Faculty in Zoology, University of New Hampshire

Adjunct Associate Graduate Faculty, University of Southern Maine;

Adjunct Faculty, School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine


1990 to 1991 Post Doctoral Research Associate in Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

and State University (with J. R. Karr)

1984 to 1990 Doctor of Philosophy in Biology (1991) - Dartmouth College (C. L. Folt Advisor)

1978 to 1981 Master of Science in Zoology (1982) - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

1977 to 1978 Year in Science at Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, and MBL Marine Ecology

1972 to 1976 Bachelor of Arts in Biology (1997) at Bates College, Lewiston, ME

1974 to 1975 Certificat de Francais Moderne at L’Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland

Recent/Relevant Publications and Reports

Eberhardt, A.L., D. M. Burdick, and M. Dionne. The Effects of Road Culverts on Nekton in New England Salt Marshes: Implications for Tidal Restoration. Restoration Ecology (in press).

Moore, G.E. D.M. Burdick, C.R. Peter, A. Leonard_Duarte, and M. Dionne. 2009. Regional assessment of tidal marsh restoration in New England using the restoration performance index. Final Report submitted to NOAA Restoration Center. 237 pp.

Wilson, K.R., J.T. Kelley, A. Croitoru, D. M. Dionne, D. Belknap, and R. Steneck. 2009. Salt pools are secondary and dynamic features of the Webhannet Estuary, Wells, Maine, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 33: 855-870

Fitch, R.A., T. Theodose, and M. Dionne. 2009. The relationship between salt marsh upland development, nitrogen, and plant community composition in a northern New England salt marsh. Wetlands 29:1179-1188.

Crain, C.M., K. Bromberg, and M. Dionne. 2009. Ecological consequences of hydrologic alterations in estuarine marshes. Pp. 149-169 in Human impacts on salt marshes: a global perspective (eds. Silliman, B.R., E.D. Grosholz, and M.D. Bertness). University of California Press, Berkeley.

Haney, R. M. Dionne, J. Puritz, and D. Rand. 2009. The comparative phylogeography of east coast estuarine fishes in formerly glaciated sites: persistence versus recolonization in Cyprinodon variegatus ovinus and Fundulus heteroclitus macrolepidotus. Journal of Heredity 100: 284-296.

Chen, C., M. Dionne, B. Mayes, D. Ward. S. Sturup, and B. Jackson. 2009. Mercury bioavailability and bioaccumulation in estuarine food webs. Environmental Science and Technolgy 43:1804-1810.

MacKenzie, RA, and Dionne, M. 2008. Habitat heterogeneity: the importance of salt marsh pools and high marsh surfaces to fish production in two Gulf of Maine salt marshes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 368:217-230

Wilhelm, H. and M. Dionne. 2008. Salt marsh response to harbor dredging in the Webhannet River estuary, Maine: a tutorial. NOAA/UNH Cooperative Institute for Environmental Technology. 168 pp.

Hayes, P. R. Carr, and M. Dionne. 2008. Mapping and restoration inventory of fringing marsh habitat in the Casco Bay estuary. Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wells, ME. 66 pp + data and maps.

Tyrrell, M., M. Dionne, and J. Edgerly. 2008. Physical factors mediate effects of grazing by a nonindigenous snail species on salt marsh cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, in New England salt marshes. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 65: 746-752.

Wilhelm, H. M. Dionne and D. Minnis. 2007. Pemaquid salt marsh post-restoration monitoring. Final report to Gulf of Maine Council and NOAA Community Restoration Program. 25 pp.

Dionne, M. M. Tyrrell, H. Wilhelm, M. Smith and M. McBride. 2007. Baseline mapping and assessment of tidal marsh plant communities at the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Draft report submitted to NOAA/NOS/OCRM/ERD. 27 pp.

Morgan, P., J. Miller, C. Dalton, and M. Dionne. 2007. A comprehensive wetland program for fringing salt marshes in the York River, Maine. Final report submitted to the USEPA. 83 pp.

Konisky, R.A., D.M. Burdick, M.Dionne, and H.A. Neckles. 2006. A regional assessment of saltmarsh restoration and monitoring in the Gulf of Maine. Restoration Ecology 14:516-525.

Bricker, S., Lipton, D., Mason, A., Dionne, M., Keeley, D., Krahforst, C., Latimer, J., Pennock, J. 2006. Improving methods and indicators for evaluating coastal water eutrophication. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 20. 92 p.

Dalton, C., F. Dillon, S. D. Bricker, and M. Dionne. 2006. Synthesis of SWMP data for ASSETS Eutrophication assessment of the North Atlantic Region NERR Systems. Final report to CICEET. 92 pp.

Dionne, M., C. Dalton, and H. Wilhelm, editors. 2006. Site profile of the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve. Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve. Wells, ME. 323 pp.

Dionne, M., J. Dochtermann, and A. Leonard. 2006. Fish communities and habitats of the York River watershed. Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wells, ME. 63 pp.

Dionne, M., and M. Tyrrell. 2006. Census of marine life Gulf of Maine Area Program Workgroup Summary. Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wells, ME. 5 pp.

Dionne, M. M. Haas, and A. Leonard. 2006. Developing an index of tidal wetland health in the Gulf of Maine using fish as indicators. Submitted to USEPA Office of Ecosystem Protection Small Grantees Program, Boston, MA. 25 pp.

Morgan, P. A., M. Dionne, R. MacKenzie, and L. Curci. 2005. Ecological functions and values of fringing salt marshes susceptible to oil spills in Casco Bay, Maine. Report submitted to the Maine Oil Spill Advisory Committee. 61 pp.

Dionne, M. 2004. Developing and index of tidal wetlands health in the Gulf of Maine using fish as indicators. Project 98144901 Report. Region One USEPA Office of Ecosystem Protection, Boston, MA. 25 pp.

Dionne, M., E. Bonebakker, K. Whiting-Grant. 2003. Maine’s salt marshes: their functions, values, and restoration. Maine Sea Grant, Orono, Maine. 20pp.

Boumans, R.M.J., D.M. Burdick and M. Dionne (2002) Modeling habitat change in salt marshes following tidal restoration. Restoration Ecology 10: 543-555.

Neckles, H. A., M. Dionne, D. M. Burdick, C. T. Roman, R. Buchsbaum, and E. Hutchins. (2002). A monitoring protocol to assess tidal marshes at local and regional scales. Restoration Ecology 10:556-563.

Dionne, M. 2002. An ecological characterization of the Gulf of Maine: Estuarine, intertidal, and nearshore habitats. Briefing document: inshore ecosystem framework – Atlantic Northeast Coastal Monitoring Summit, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. 9 pp.

Dionne, M. (2000) Ecosystem indicator: fish pp. 15-17 in Regional standards to identify and evaluate tidal wetland restoration in the Gulf of Maine, Neckles, H.A. and M. Dionne eds. Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, ME.

Dionne, M. F. Short and D. Burdick (1999) Fish utilization of restored, created and reference salt-marsh habitat in the Gulf of Maine. American Fisheries Society Symposium 22:384-404.

Dionne, M., L. Deegan, P. Fell, and M. Weinstein. (1998) Animal interactions and secondary productivity. Pages 19-23 in Research in New England Marsh-Estuarine Ecosystems: directions and priorities into the next millenium. R.A. Orson, R. S. Warren, W. A. Niering and P. Van Patten, eds. Conn. Sea Grant, Groton, CT. CTSG-98-03. 63 pp.
Student /staff advisees: Since 1993, on committees for 12 Master's students (Antioch, UNH, UMaine , USM), advisor for three; on committee for 7 doctoral students (UMaine, UNH, Brown, Northeastern), co-advisor for two additional (UNH), field site advisor for 4 doctoral students (Brown, UNH, UMichigan), supervisor for 4 post-doctoral fellows. Supervise 5-10 grad and undergrad research interns annually since 1991. Currently supervise 3 staff and 2 contractors in our research program, and serve on committees/advise 4 Ph.D (co-advisor for 2), and 3 M.S. students.

Current/Recent Committees: Piscataqua Region National Estuary Program Technical Advisory Committee, National SeaGrant Healthy Coastal Ecosystems Workgroup (‘08-‘11), Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Advisory Committee (’07-), National Coastal Indicators Workgroup (’06), EPA-GOM-TALU Workgroup (’07), NOAA/Estuarine Reserves Division Restoration Science Work Group (’00-’07), also Strategic Committee and Coastal Response to Climate Change (’07-08); IOOS-NERRACOOS Advisory Committee (’06-08), Maine Coastal Waters Conference Steering Committee (’06); Census of Marine Life Gulf of Maine Coastal Work Group Chair (’05), NOAA/ERD Coastal Training Initiative Work Group; Regional Association for Research in the Gulf of Maine (91-); Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Restoration Advisory Board (91-); Past Service: RARGOM Habitat and Monitoring Committees; Gulf of Maine Council Habitat Restoration Committee; NH Sea Grant Great Bay Watch Tech. Advisory Committee; Mass Bays Monitoring Conference Steering Committee;; Maine Coastal Nutrient Assessment Advisory Group; New England Estuarine Research Society Meeting Committee (hosted 2 NEERS meetings since 1991), and member at large; Global Program of Action Coalition for the Gulf of Maine Workshop Steering Committee and Workshop Co-Chair. Associate Editor Wetlands 2001-2003.

Peer Reviews: Estuaries, Restoration Ecology, Marine and Coastal Fisheries, JBiogeography, Environmental Management, JCR, Oecologia, Maine,/NH,/RI,/MD SeaGrant, CalFed, EPA, Northeast Consortium, NOAA-CSCOR, NSF,

Memberships: Sigma Xi, New England Estuarine Research Society, Regional Assoc. for Research in the Gulf of Maine, Estuarine Research Federation, American Soc. of Limnology and Oceanography, Society of Wetland Scientists, Ecological Soc. of America, Soc. for Conservation Biology, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Teaching, Awards, Presentations and Abstracts - not included in this CV

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