Day 1: Role of Art Historian Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 1- 7 Prepare to discuss on Day 2

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Day 1: Role of Art Historian

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 1- 7

Prepare to discuss on Day 2:
1.Why is the age of an object important?
Define these terms:

  • Physical evidence

  • Documentary Evidence

  • Visual Evidence

  • Stylistic Evidence

2.What is style in art?

Define these terms:

  • Period Style

  • Regional Style

  • Personal Style

3. What is the subject of an art work?

Define these terms:

  • Narrative

  • Landscape

  • Genre

  • Portrait

  • Still Life

4. How do art historians identify who created a work of art?

5. What is the formal analysis of art?
Define these terms:

  • Form

  • Composition

  • Material

  • Technique

  • Line

  • Contour line

Day 2: Role of Art Historian

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 8- 13

Prepare to discuss on Day 3:
1. Define these terms from the subject of Color:

  • Additive light

  • Subtractive light

  • Hue

  • Value/tonality

  • Intensity/saturation

  • Primary Colors

  • Secondary Colors

  • Complementary colors

2. Define these terms:

  • Texture

  • Space

  • Mass

  • Volume

  • Perspective

  • Foreshortening

  • Proportion

3. Compare/contrast subtractive and additive techniques of sculpture.

4. Define these sculptural terms:

  • Freestanding sculpture

  • Relief sculpture

    • High Relief

    • Bas Relief

    • Sunken Relief

    • Repousse

5. Define these architectural terms:

  • Plan

  • Section

  • Lateral section

  • Longitudinal section

  • Elevation

Day 3: The Birth of Art (Cave Conjecture) Pre-historical Sculpture

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 15- 20, 25 Sculpture at Ain Ghazal

Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 4:
1. Why were Paleolithic artists more interested in providing complete information about their subjects instead of searching for variety and creativity in their art?

2.Why is representation such a great achievement for early art as compared to recognition?

3.What is the process used for carving a tusk?

4.Why is the term “Venus” a misleading or an accurate nickname for Paleolithic sculptures of the female form shown in the text?

5.Explain the difference between carving and incising?



  • What is the role of the human form in Prehistoric art? How does it differ b/t genders?

  • How important was exaggeration vs. exact representation?

  • Why is the depiction of the human form so rare in prehistoric caves?

  • Define narrative

  • Define ground line

  • Humanity’s need to make a mark.

  • Are there any contemporary parallels that you can make to an ancient cave that has been decked-out with painted representations of animals?

  • List some Ancient innovations (from an artistic point of view) -

  • Concept of community, agricultural revolution (Paleo-, Neo-/Meso-) – impacts of…

  • Morphological arrangement >> Consider the amount of time we are studying. How frequently do you think people visited the caves for purposes of recording the animals, etc.

Day 4: The Birth of Art (Cave Conjecture) Pre-historical Sculpture

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 20- 24, 26-27

Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 5:
1. Explain the significance of the signs and hands in Paleolithic paintings.
2.Why did hunters of the Old Stone Age decided to cover the walls of dark caverns with animal images?
3. What are the differences between Paleolithic and Neolithic paintings?
4. How does a megalithic structure like Stonehenge convey power and authority of the culture that built it?

5. Define these terms:

  • Twisted perspective

  • Optical view

  • Descriptive view

  • Composite view

  • Megaliths

  • Cromlech or henge

  • Trilithons

Day 5: The Birth of Art (Cave Conjecture) Pre-historical Painting and Architecture

Homework: Prepare Discussion Questions and flash cards for grading.

Day Six: Mesopotamia

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 31-39

Prepare to discuss on Day 7:
1. Explain how writing developed in Mesopotamia.

2. What are the unique details of Sumerian Art?

3. What are examples of narrative in Sumerian Art?

4. Describe the composition of the sound box of the lyre.

5. Define these terms:

  • Pictographs

  • Stylus

  • Cuneiform

  • Ziggurat

  • Registers

  • Heraldic composition

Day 7: Ancient Near Eastern Art

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 40-48

Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 8:
1. How did Sargon’s palace show off his power and authority?

2. Summarize the artistic style of the Assyrians.

3. Compare and contrast the roles that imaginary animals played for the Sumerians and the Assyrians.

4. What the similarities between the symbols of power of Hammurabi and Zimri-Lim?

5. Define these terms:

  • Lamassu

  • Conceptual picture

  • Glazed brick

  • Libation

Day 8: Ancient Near Eastern Art

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 48-53

Prepare to discuss on Day 9:
1. What is so wondrous about Babylon, City of Wonders?

2. Why was Alexander the Great not considered so “great” by art historians?

3. How was the Persian “Gate of All Lands” indicative of Persian Art?

4. Compare and contrast Persian and Assyrian art.

5. Define these terms:

  • Apadana

  • Iwan

  • Barrel vault

  • Blind arcades

Day 9: Ancient Near Eastern Art

Homework: Prepare for first exam

  • 10 Slide Ids

  • 20 Multiple Guess

  • Dates

  • Vocabulary

  • 2 Essays

  • Mystery Slide

Day 10: 1st Exam

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 55-61

Prepare to discuss on Day 11:
1. Explain the connections between Paleolithic art and Mesopotamian art and the tomb painting on page 56.

2. Identify Egyptian gods and goddesses with their icons:

Amen Hathor

Osiris Anubis

Horus Thoth

3. Explain the imagery and significance of the Palette of King Namer.

4. What is a mastaba tomb and how is it the model for Imhotep’s tomb?

5. Define these terms:

  • Ben-ben

  • Mummification

  • Canopic jars

  • Amulet

  • Columns

  • Capitals

  • Engaged columns

Day 11: Ancient Egyptian Art Tombs, Temples, and Timelessness

Read Gardner’s pp. 62 - 68

Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 12:
1. What was the evolution of the pyramid shape in Egyptian architecture?

2. Explain the Egyptian canon.

3. What is the Great Sphinx and what does its composite form represent?

4. Explain the imagery of the seated statue of Khafre.

5. Define these terms:

  • Dressed (as in stones)

  • Ashlar masonry

  • Nemes

  • Uraeus

  • Bilaterally symmetrical


Day 12: Ancient Egyptian Art Tombs, Temples, and Timelessness

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 68 – 75

Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 13:
1. What are the differences between the sculpture and architecture of the Middle Kingdom and the Old Kingdom? Why do you think these differences evolved?

2. Define these terms:

  • vestibule

  • fluted column,

  • façade

  • Ushabtis

  • atlantid

  • caryatid

  • chamfered

  • colonnade

  • clerestory

  • bevel

3. Explain the importance of Hatshepsut and the differences in her mortuary temple to the mortuary monuments of earlier pharaohs.

4. Compare and contrast the pyramid complex at Gizeh and the temple complex of Amen-Re at Karnak. What do the differences suggest about the changes in politics and religion from the Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom?
5. Compare and contrast Pylon temples and Hypostyle halls.

Day 13: Ancient Egyptian Art Tombs, Temples, and Timelessness

Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 76 – 83

Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 14:
1. Explain how the concept lower social stature is depicted with informality is exhibited in the Musicians and Dancers from the tomb of Nebamun.

2. Compare and contrast Nebamun’s fowling scene with Ti’s Hippo Hunt (p. 67)

3. Using two of the photo’s on pages 78-79, describe how the art work created during the Amarna period differed from the canon of Egyptian art.

4. What is the historical paradox surrounding Tutankhamen? How do the artifacts found in his tomb present the political power and wealth of the boy king?

5. Explain the details and the narrative of the Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer as shown in the Book of the Dead.

Day 14: Ancient Egyptian Art Tombs, Temples, and Timelessness

Homework: Prepare Notes and Flash cards for grading

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