Department of telecommunications

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20 Ashoka Road, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi-110001
No. P-11012/02/2002-COP Dated 19.11.2004

Subject : Examination for the award of Radio Telephone Operator’s Certificate of

Proficiency in the Aeromobile Service during the year 2005 at Chennai,

Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad.
The Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing), Department of Telecommunications, will hold examinations for the award of Radio Telephone (Restricted) Certificate of Proficiency and Licence to operate in the Aeromobile Service under the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency and Licence to Operate Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954 as under:
Centre of Examination Date of commencement Last date of receipt

of Examination (tentative) of application in the

1. Chennai 21.02.2005 20.01.2005

2. New Delhi 11.04.2005 11.03.2005

3. Mumbai 20.06.2005 20.05.2005

4. Kolkata 22.08.2005 22.07.2005

5. New Delhi 17.10.2005 16.09.2005

6. Hyderabad 19.12.2005 18.11.2005

  1. The above dates of the examinations are tentative and may be changed. Admitted candidates will, however, be intimated by ordinary post, the correct dates and venue of the examination through their admission certificates.

  1. This is a professional examination of International standard as per the Government guidelines prescribed under the International Radio Regulations applicable to the Aeronautical Mobile Service, and is not meant for filling of any vacancies or imparting training. Those who qualify by securing requisite standard of performance are granted the certificate/licence. Holder of such a certificate/licence is eligible to seek employment in companies/organisations engaged in the field of civil aviation.

  1. Application form can be had FREE OF COST from this Ministry or from the following places by sending a self –addressed unstamped, envelope of 28x12 cm size.

i) The Engineer-in-charge, Regional Headquarters (West), International Monitoring Station Campus, Gorai Road, Borivili (W), Mumbai-400091 (Phone: 022- 228672351).

ii) The Engineer-in-charge, Regional Headquarters, (East), International Monitoring Station Campus, Village Gopalpur, P.O. Sarkar Pool, Budz Budz, Trunk Road, Kolkata West Bengal-700143 Phone: 033-24012960).

  1. The Engineer-in-charge, Regional Headquarters (South), International Monitoring Station Campus, Department of Telecommunications, Perungudi, Chennai-600096. ( Phone: 044- 24960979).

iv) The Asstt. Wireless Adviser to the Govt. of India, WPC Wing, COP Section, Department of Telecom, 6th Floor Sanchar Bhavan, 20 Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001. (Phone: 23036951/23036181/23355441).

v) Application Form is also available on Website HYPERLINK "" _www.dotindia.com_ under the sub-head WPC&SACFA then go to “COP EXAMINATIONS”.
Request for application, received without the self-addressed envelope, will not be entertained.

  1. Application form duly completed in all respects be sent to the “Assistant Wireless Adviser to the Government of India” WPC Wing, COP Section, Department of Telecom, 6th Floor, Sanchar Bhawan, 20 Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001, so as to reach not later than the last date mentioned above for respective examination.

  1. The prescribed examination fee of Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty) is to be paid by a crossed Bank Draft from State Bank of India drawn in favour of “P.A.O. (HQ) D.O.T” payable at the S.B.I. Service Branch New Delhi (code no.7687). No other mode of payment whatsoever is acceptable. Banker’s cheque, drawn from SBI in Delhi, with endorsement “PAYABLE AT PAR LOCALLY” is also acceptable.

  1. Applications received in this Ministry after the prescribed last date, and/or incomplete/incorrect or without draft made in the manner prescribed in the preceding para, will be summarily rejected and NO CORRESPONDENCE in this regard will be entertained.

  1. Roll Number and address of the examination centre will be intimated to the admitted candidates by ordinary post.

  1. Result of successful candidates will be intimated by ordinary post. In addition a list of all successful candidates will also be made available at Regional Hqrs./places indicated in para 4 above.

  1. Once an application has been rejected on account of late receipt or being incomplete/incorrect in any respect, no refund/adjustment or carry forward of fees will be entertained. Candidate will not be permitted to change their examination centre after giving option in the application form.

  1. This Ministry DOES NOT RECOGNISE OR APPROVE any institute or flying club for the purpose of training, tuition or coaching etc. The examination may, if necessary, be held at an institute in which case the said institute will be merely the centre/ venue of the examination and this in NO WAY, WHATSOEVER CONFERS ANY PREFERENTIAL TREATENT OF RECOGNITION/ APPROVAL/RECOMMENDATION OF ANY KIND BY THIS MINISTRY TO ANY INSTITUTE OR FLYING CLUB.

  1. Enquiry, if any, may be made from this Ministry in person on any Wednesday between 10 AM and 1 PM from Assistant Wireless Adviser to the Govt. of India or Engineer, WPC Wing, COP Section, Department of Telecom, 6th Floor, Sanchar Bhawan, 20 Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001 on Tel. Nos. 2303 6951/2303 6181/2335 5441.



Asstt. Wireless Adviser to the Govt. of India

Government of India

Ministry of Communications & Information Technology

Department of Telecommunications

WPC Wing, 6th Floor, COP Section

Sanchar Bhawan, 20 Ashoka Road

New Delhi – 110 001

No: P-14049/03/2003-GMDSS Dated: 05.05.2005
The Principals,

LBS/MTI/Anglo Eastern/ FOSMA/ TS Rehman

/ St. Xaviers/ TS Chanakya/MMTI/NMA-Mumbai,


IMC/AMET- Chennai,


MOTA- Pondicherry
I am directed to say that the GMDSS Examinations for award of General Operator’s Certificates scheduled for the second Half of the year 2005 are as shown below:


Examinations to Commence on

Centre for Examinations




















2. Date on which the institutes commence the course is up to the convenience of the respective Institutes.

3. Examination dates are liable to change due to exigencies of service.

4. All other conditions contained in the instructions to the approved Institutes shall remain the same.

Yours faithfully


Engineer (COP)

for Assistant Wireless Adviser

to the Government of India

Ph: 2303 6181/2335 5441 Fax: 2371 6111

Copy to: 1. D.G. Shipping, Jahaz Bhawan, Mumbai

2. Director, Wireless Monitoring, HQ, New Delhi.

3. Engineer-in-Charge & RHQ, Delhi/Mumbai/Chennai/Kolkata

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