Greater Atlanta Chapter Community of Practice (CoP) Manual Table of Contents

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Greater Atlanta Chapter Community of Practice (CoP) Manual


Table of Contents

Introduction 3

ATD Atlanta CoP Resources 5

Program Development Strategy Tool 9

CoP Operating Checklist 11

This checklist is designed to contain all the tasks required to successfully run a CoP. Before using, edit this checklist to create one targeting your specific CoP needs. Identify WHO is responsible, the Target Date for completion, and WHEN the task was completed. 11

How to Promote Your Event 16

Communications Guidelines 16

CoP Meeting Evaluation Form 16

CoP Meeting Locations 17

Financial Guidelines 18

1.Complete the Expense Reimbursement Form (available on the Chapter website in the Leadership Toolkit under the CoP Resources section). 18

2.E-mail the completed form along with your scanned receipts to Director CoPs for review and approval. 18

Sponsorship Guidelines 18


ATD Atlanta Communities of Practice (CoPs) represent one of the many ways the chapter provides opportunities for professional and personal growth, to network, to learn new trends and industry directions, and to take useful information back to your organization.

This document is provided and available to all CoP members and is designed to provide information and guidelines to facilitate the running of a CoP. CoP leaders are encouraged to read the document and take from it information/forms/checklists that will help them be successful.
If you find any outdated information or have other input for this document, please do not hesitate to provide it to the Director, CoPs.
The Greater Atlanta Chapter of ATD (ATD Atlanta), established in 1955, is one of the five largest chapters with over 750 members. We are a regional association of workplace performance professionals providing our members with a forum for the exchange of professional development opportunities and resources as we strive to improve workplace learning and performance.
Our CoPs provide a wonderful opportunity to become personally involved in your Atlanta Chapter. CoP chairs continuously seek assistance in topic and speaker selection, meeting planning, attendee registration and other key support activities.
Become involved and see the magic happen!
Communities of Practice (CoPs) are designed with you in mind. They are the “heartbeat of the chapter.” 
Career Development CoP

A community of learning professionals interested in advancing their own careers and helping others develop their skills and expertise.

Human Capital CoP

A community for learning professionals looking to develop talent, foster innovation, and improve performance. ATD has always been about developing and measuring human capital and this community exemplifies how talent in the workplace makes all the difference. If you are involved in the hiring, onboarding, change management, culture and diversity, and people development initiatives in your workplace, this CoP helps provide you with a forum in which to support your Organizational Development needs.

Independents, Networking & Collaborating CoP

Through networking and collaborating, CoP members share practical information designed to address the challenges and the opportunities of being an independent. Whether you own your own business or you operate as an independent training and development consultant, this CoP provides its members with business-related knowledge, tools, and solutions that cultivate and promote growth for independents and business owners.

Learning and Development CoP

A community for training professionals who design, deliver, measure, and develop learning opportunities. This CoP provides a forum in which training professionals can meet to discuss challenges, share resources and information, and hear from experts on various topics.

Learning Technologies CoP

This CoP is a community of forward-thinking training professionals that use technology and learning to develop the future workforce. From e-learning and simulations to social and mobile learning, this CoP delivers top-notch content to keep learning professional abreast of the latest innovations. The ATD Learning Technologies Community of Practice gives learning and technology professionals who frequently interface with the training function a chance to access the content, research, trends, tools, and network that keep them ahead of the curve when it comes to the very latest in learning.

Sales Enablement CoP

If you are interested in making more sales, converting more prospects into clients and having more prospects in your sales funnel, we are here to help.

Geographic Interest Groups (GIGs) currently dormant.

GIGs are designed to extend ATD Atlanta programs to geographic areas outside of metro Atlanta. While its members have complete ATD Atlanta member privileges, GIGs allow members to meet other workplace learning and performance professionals in a particular geographic area and experience quality professional development programming close to home.

West Georgia GIG/Columbus-Chattahoochee Valley
A training and development networking group based in Columbus, Georgia.
Middle Georgia GIG/Macon
A training and development networking group based in Macon, Georgia.
Northeast Atlanta GIG/Athens
A training and development networking group based in Lawrenceville/Duluth, Georgia.
Southeast Georgia GIG/Savannah
A training and development networking group based in Savannah, Georgia.

ATD Atlanta CoP Resources

CoP leaders have a number of resources available to ensure the CoPs execute their responsibilities with the necessary support to thrive. It is the responsibility of CoP leaders to know what those resources are and to reach out if they need guidance or other assistance.

Please see the Leadership Toolkit (or click here) under Resources on the chapter website.
Here is a list of available resources (not exhaustive):

  • ATD Atlanta Code of Ethics

  • ATD Atlanta Constitution

  • ATD Atlanta Financial Guidelines

  • Networking Guidelines

  • Roles & Responsibilities of Executive Board Members

  • Major Chair Positions

  • CoP Resources

    • Planning a Meeting

    • ATD CoPs Manual

    • ATD 2016 Rotator PPT

    • Expense Reimbursement Form

    • CoP Sponsorship Information Package

    • CoP Meeting Evaluation Form

    • Speaker Recognition Program

    • Speaker Recognition Letter

    • Communication Plan

  • How current ATD Atlanta Board Members can support you:

    • Director of CoPs – for advice/guidance

    • CoP Liaison/Quality Chair – for advice/guidance

    • VP of Member Services – for member database

    • VP of Communications – for getting your CoP message out

    • VP of Marketing – for additional assistance to market the CoP

    • VP of Professional Development – for meeting presentation ideas

As you will find out, there are numerous resources to ensure your CoP’s success. If there are other resources that will help you or your CoP team, please be sure to reach out and ask…and let us know so that we can share the wealth.ATD Atlanta CoP Leadership 2016

Director of CoPs (Acting) – Doug Samuels,



Career Development CoP

Independents, Networking

& Collaborating CoP

Learning and Development CoP

Learning Technologies CoP

Sales Enablement CoP

Workforce Development/Human Capital CoP

Middle Georgia GIG/Macon

Northeast Georgia GIG/Athens

Southeast Georgia GIG/Savannah

West GA GIG/Columbus

CoP Team Roles/Responsibilities


  • Chairs the leadership team meetings

  • Sets CoP strategy and develops team tactics with input from team

  • Attends external networking functions to continually find team volunteers

  • Leads the CoP event

  • Coordinates topics determination and securing CoP event speakers

  • Secures event location

  • Does opening remarks for meetings

    • Introduce yourself and thank everyone for coming

    • Tell everyone about ATD Atlanta being the largest and most active chapter in the country

    • Speak to the fact that this is only possible due to volunteers - ask everyone to consider volunteering

    • If applicable, thank attendees that supported Chapter initiatives

    • Remind everyone to take the survey at the end of the session

    • Recognize CoP team members and any Chapter officers who may be in attendance

    • Recognize meeting sponsor if applicable

    • Introduce your speaker - either memorize key points from their bio or read it

  • Does closing remarks for the meeting

    • Thank the speaker for their time and remind everyone that they are also volunteering their valuable time

    • Present speaker with the President’s Thank You Letter (print this out prior to meeting)

    • Remind everyone of your CoP’s next meeting, the next Chapter meeting, and the next CoP meeting (see the Chapter calendar to get this information)

    • Thank everyone for coming

  • Represents the CoP at ATD chapter and national functions


  • Attends the CoP leadership team meetings

  • Acts as Chairperson in his or her absence

  • Takes an active role in determining topics and securing speakers with Chairperson

  • Recruits leadership team members


  • Advocates for the CoP team

  • Provides coaching/mentoring for CoP leadership team

  • A general resource for the CoP

Communications / Marketing

  • Attends the CoP leadership team meetings and CoP events

  • Utilizing Wild Apricot, creates, updates and emails event invitations to interested members and non-members and monitors registration in Wild Apricot

  • Keeps the speaker/CoP updated on registration numbers

  • Passes out event evaluations, tabulates results, and includes in event write-up (see below)

  • Creates event summary, including speaker bio, any event photos, and evaluation summary data and emails it to the Director, CoPs and CoP Liaison/Quality Chair

  • Promotes event with other organizations

  • Utilize LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc. to market each event as appropriate

  • Secures CoP sponsors (for individual events or for the year)

  • Sets up table for the sponsor at the CoP meeting

  • Coordinates photos of the event


  • Attends the CoP leadership team meetings and CoP events

  • Sets up registration table

  • Greets people before event and ensures they sign in

  • Manages on-site registration (collects money from non-members)

  • Coordinates refreshments for the event. Budget is $6 per person – use attendance percentage to calculate a headcount for food purchase

  • Review feedback on food from event survey and make adjustments as needed

Programming Strategy

  • Determine theme for coming year

  • Brainstorm and determine 5-7 companies/speakers

  • Determine dates of events and reserve them in Wild Apricot by adding them to the calendar

  • Contact all potential speakers/companies, gain commitments and confirm dates for the upcoming year

Program Development Strategy Tool

  1. Develop a CoP Theme (RECORD YOUR THEME BELOW) – the CoP theme should be a sentence that envisions the thread that will run through your program for the year. For instance, All our presentations will be from Fortune 50 companies OR Our presentations will be from companies that ranked in the top 50 of Best Places to Work in America/Atlanta/etc., OR Our presentations will focus on six critical elements of creating a thriving consulting business. A unified theme will help attendees understand what your CoP has to offer and can help with building strong attendance for each session.

  2. Understand the purpose of your CoP. For example:

    1. Sales Enablement (SE) CoP - provides dynamic monthly events that bring individuals together to tackle the challenges of improving sales performance as it relates to today’s highly competitive environment.

    2. Independents, Networking & Collaborating (INC) CoP - share practical information designed to help address the challenges and the opportunities of being an independent and encourage you with real world solutions that will help cultivate and promote your consulting business.

    3. West GA GIG – just like a mini-chapter, provides an opportunity for the chapter to reach other parts of the state

  3. Brainstorm and select 5-7 topics based on your understanding of the CoP Theme. Ask these questions about identified topics: Is it a new topic or an updated version of a previous topic? Have the topics been presented to ATD (national or chapter) before? Does each topic align with the theme that was created? Are the topics strategically scheduled so that they can build on each other as the year progresses or is each one a stand alone? (RECORD YOUR TOPICS BELOW) and identify possible speakers (from industry/your network).




Brainstorming Notes

CoP Operating Checklist

This checklist is designed to contain all the tasks required to successfully run a CoP. Before using, edit this checklist to create one targeting your specific CoP needs. Identify WHO is responsible, the Target Date for completion, and WHEN the task was completed.

CoP Task





CoP Management

Attend other conferences and meetings to meet possible speakers/volunteers

Research list of topics for future meetings

Maintain speaker database

Obtain speaker presentation blurb and bios

Create leadership meeting agenda

Coordinate leadership team chairperson activities

Serve as liaison to ATD Chapter

Develop strategies and goals for CoP growth

Handle public relations

Make meeting announcements

Attend quarterly CoP leadership meetings/teleconferences

Managing the Speaker/Sponsor


Confirm speaker

Secure copy of speaker's presentation

Contact the speaker & confirm arrangements, additional information, etc.

Greet the speaker

Print and present the President’s Letter of Appreciation and announce donation to scholarship fund in speaker’s name

Follow-up with personal thank you letter/email


Identify target sponsors

Send solicitation letter/telephone call

Follow-up with a sponsor package

Solicit sponsor promotional item

Follow-up telephone calls

Secure agreement and invoice the sponsor

Confirm sponsorship funds are sent to treasurer; provide sponsor receipt from treasurer

Coordinate the set-up of sponsor table

Send out thank you letter

Confirm Meeting Location

Confirm room set-up

Confirm sponsor table/chairs

Confirm a/v equipment

Confirm internet access

Confirm table configuration

Ensure food table is available



Create the promotional email

Attend other CoP meetings and coordinate announcement of your CoP meetings

Cross-promote at other professional organizations

Chapter Liaison

Verify meeting notice and ATD Chapter calendar

Collect evaluation forms, tabulate and send results to speaker, CoP chair, and CoP Liaison/Quality Chair

Coordinate event registration on Chapter website

Complete meeting report within 5 business days of the meeting

Meeting Registration

Send out meeting notification to email distribution list

Set-up registration table

Man registration table


Research restaurants and food vendors

Call in food order and verify total cost

Secure food purchase funds

Set up food delivery

Arrange food set-up

Coordinate clean-up

Volunteer Committee

Solicit volunteers at meetings

Confirm volunteers (2 weeks before meeting)

Volunteer reminder the day before the meeting

Make volunteer assignments at the beginning of meeting

Set-up registration table, badges, and the meeting room


File for reimbursement for meeting expenses with the Director, CoPs – copies of receipts are sufficient along with a completed Reimbursement Request Form

Send revenue to Chief Financial Officer for depositing

Coordinate with VP, Member Services on handling membership applications and checks

Executing a Meeting Checklist

(Not all items apply to all meeting planning – softcopy available in Leadership Toolkit)

Date of Event:



  1. Eight to ten weeks before the event

  • Schedule the date of the event

Helpful Hints:

    • Check the date against the ATD meeting calendar for other events

    • If possible, hold your meetings in a month the ATD Chapter meeting does not meet

  • Reserve a meeting location

  • determine arrangement of tables, chairs

  • max number of attendees

  • equipment availability (computer, projector, screen)

    • Confirm that event location is equipped with internet access for on-site event registration

  • Discuss speaker options with team and book a speaker for the event.

  • Ensure communications/marketing has current/updated meeting information

  • Create an engaging title

  • Create a meeting flyer (for cross-promotion and to show to potential sponsors)

  • Search for and secure a sponsor

  • Follow ATD process to place event on the ATD Chapter web site (in Wild Apricot) ensuring event announcement and reminder emails are set properly – coordinate with the VP, Marketing & Communications as necessary

  • Create a LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter event. Email the speaker and your CoP committee to add this to their profile

  1. Two to four weeks before the event

  • Reconfirm with speaker - ask if there are technology needs

  • Get info to promote the sponsor

  • Market the meeting through other sources (websites, etc.)

  • Check how registration is progressing

  1. One week before the event

      • Create agenda

      • Check in with the speaker – reconfirm date, does he/she need directions, where to park, etc.

      • Check room for laptop connectivity

      • Secure projector, if needed

      • Determine food and beverages for event

      • Print out President’s Thank You letter for speaker

      • Prepare what to say to present speaker to attendees

      • Print off Check-In sheet from WA registration list

      • Buy Name Badge Labels and magic marker for meeting

  1. Day before and/or Day of the Meeting

      • Request list of registered attendees for event from CoP communications

      • Make copies of the CoP Meeting Evaluation Form available in the Leadership Toolkit; bring CoP Meeting Evaluation Forms to event

      • Make copies and bring to event Sign-In sheets for attendee registration

      • Set up room for event

      • Bring Name Badge Labels and markers

      • Bring fee receipts for those that are paying at the event (the chapter does not have a form for this; a handwritten receipt from your team is sufficient)

      • Alert security in the building of the event, if needed

      • Buy/bring food, soft drinks and ice for event

      • Bring ice cooler, if needed

      • Buy/bring paper products

      • Save all receipts for reimbursement

      • Open room and set up ½ hour before event registration

      • Ensure PowerPoint Chapter Rotator is showing in event room

      • Bring writing tablet to take any notes

      • Don’t forget to announce and thank the sponsor

      • Print out and present speaker with President’s Thank You letter

      • Make announcement for next CoP meeting, next Chapter meeting and any other necessary announcements

  1. One to five business days after the meeting

      • Review and compile results of the CoP evaluation forms and send to speaker and CoP chair or CoP Liaison/Quality Chair/Director CoPs

      • Follow process for receipt reimbursement

  • Email copies of receipts/completed reimbursement form to Director CoPs to approve reimbursement; coordinate with Director CoPs on cash receipts

      • Write up a summary of the meeting and send to CoP team members, the CoP Liaison/Quality Chair (or Director CoPs if no CoP Liaison/Quality Chair). Here are details on what we would like to collect:

  • Number of registered attendees (Members and non-members)

  • Number of actual attendees (Members and non-members)

  • Receipts for expenses along with reimbursement form

  • Volunteer names (You need to ask at every meeting!)

  • Photos

  • Have your registration people capture the following information for those attendees who show-up at the event but did not register ahead of time.

    • Name

    • E-mail

    • Phone number (optional)

    • Address (optional)

    • At the end of the event, e-mail the information to

    • Ask to have info input for your specific event in Wild Apricot

How to Promote Your Event

Create an “event” on LinkedIn. Indicate that you are attending as are all the members of your committee.

Coordinate posting the event on the ATD Atlanta website at least two months prior to the event.

Post on ATD Greater Atlanta Twitter account.

Post on ATD Greater Atlanta Facebook account.

Share with your personal network. Blog the event on your personal blog and link back to ATD Atlanta.

Communications Guidelines

Here are the guidelines for monthly submissions:

Event Calendar on Chapter Website

  • One volunteer from each CoP team will have the responsibility for coordinating getting events posted on the chapter website by coordinating with the VP, Marketing & Communication.

Facebook event announcement

  • Write a very short promo including the topic and date of the event. You may join the ATD Atlanta Facebook group and post this information. This should be done several weeks before the event.


eNews are transmitted twice a month and will contain information on meetings/events scheduled to occur within the next 30 days.
CoP leaders will be in the review loop of each eNews. Please ensure your CoP meeting information is correct (and check the registration link to ensure it goes to your page on the website). CoP leaders are encouraged to write up Kudos to be posted in eNews.

CoP Meeting Evaluation Form

Please use the CoP Meeting Evaluation Form located in the CoP Resources section of the Leadership Toolkit on the chapter website. You may also use the ATD Survey Monkey account to collect post-meeting evaluations.

Contact the Director, CoPs with any questions.

CoP Meeting Locations

Warren Averett Workplace Cbeyond (400 at I285)

This venue is available at no cost. They have one room that can hold 50-60 people. Usage by CoPs will be first come first serve.  

The address is:

6 Concourse Drive, Suite 700 Atlanta, GA 30328
Contact at Warren Averett Workplace

Lynn Muench

(O) 770.393.6175   (C) 770.235.9324

CED solutions

Venue is available at no cost. Their rooms seat groups of 10 to 32. Each room is equipped with an overhead, white board and computers. They also have a full kitchen and eating area that connects to a covered deck.

The address is:

1642 Powers Ferry Road, Bldg 12

Suite 300

Marietta, GA 30067

Contact at CED Solutions:

Steve Aikala | Senior Account Manager

P: 770.937.0140 x1101 |E: | W:

American InterContinental University (AIU)

Venue is available at no cost. They have an amazing variety of rooms available that can accommodate any kind of event our CoPs or Professional Development groups would want. Rooms seat from 10 to 200 with all kinds of configurations available. 

The address is:

6600 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, 500 Embassy Row

Atlanta GA 30328.
Contact at AIU: Yetra Bellamy, 404-965-8020, Because of the wide variety of options, Yetra recommends calling her and having a discussion on what your needs are so that she can find the perfect space for your meeting. 

Financial Guidelines

The goal of CoPs is to have high-quality events that cause no financial burden to the chapter. We hope that the fees charged to non-members and membership fees charged to members who join the chapter as a result of attending a CoP event will offset any expenses incurred by these events.

Budget guidelines

  • Food – $6 per person

  • Name tags/badges/etc. – $5 per event

  • Facility rental – Contact Director, CoPs prior to committing

  • Speaker gifts – $2 per speaker to cover coast of printing letter and envelope per speaker recognition program.

Expense reimbursement process

1.Complete the Expense Reimbursement Form (available on the Chapter website in the Leadership Toolkit under the CoP Resources section).

2.E-mail the completed form along with your scanned receipts to Director CoPs for review and approval.

Sponsorship Guidelines

Determining Who Might Sponsor
Answering these questions may help provide direction:

  1. What audience will likely attend your program (e.g., corporate trainers, training and development professionals in transition, salespeople, etc.)?

Note: The better you determine this, the better chance you’ll have of finding a sponsor and marketing your events.

  1. Who would want to market their product/service to this audience?

Attendee Type

Possible Sponsors…vendors who provide:

Corporate Trainers

Training materials, training content, training programs, and professional development

Instructional Designers

Online tools, software

Professionals in transition

Resume services, job boards, career counselors, networking specialists


Web site developers, training software, marketing and pr professionals


CRM vendors, sales tools vendors, sales training vendors

Approaching sponsors

Send the following email to appropriate companies; attach the CoP Sponsorship Information Package (located in the CoP Resources area of the Leadership Toolkit on the chapter website) – delete the italicized words in the email below and insert the appropriate information:

Dear (insert name without parens and italicized):
The (put name of CoP here without parens and not italicized) is a specialized functional group of the Association for Talent Development (ATD) Greater Atlanta. The group is designed to target those individuals that have a passion around the subject matter indicated by the name of the CoP. Next month, we have an exciting topic that’s drawing a lot of interest: (insert program description/presenter name here without parens and not italicized).
I am approaching companies that offer similar products/services that may wish to sponsor this meeting. Sponsorship is a cost effective way to put your company in front of qualified buyers.
Some benefits of sponsoring a CoP:

  • Your logo on the CoP events page in our online Chapter Events Calendar

  • Your Logo on the CoP webpage

  • Use of ATD logo on your page as an official sponsor

  • A table for marketing materials at the CoP event

  • Opportunity to speak up to 2 minutes to the audience about you company

  • 3 CoP event registrations

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