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1. Computer-aided design (CAD) software for
engineering simulations.



2. Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) replaces lathes
and other outmoded machinery for practical training.



3. Computer numerical control (CNC), robotics, etc.
training helps me to exercise my creativity.



4. I demonstrate the use of scan tools to diagnose vehicle
fault during practical training.



5. I can identify and train students with all sensors,
actuators and other new digital technologies in vehicles.



6. Training materials and equipment for skills training are
digitally based.



7. I train students with artificial intelligence (AI),
augmented reality (AR), base technology.



8. The technology for educational training reflects the
practices taking place during industrial attachment.






Source: Field Data (2023)
Table 4.8 presents findings on the adoption and perceptions of diverse digital technologies in the educational context, specifically in relation to workshop digital equipment (WET). The findings indicate that there are differing levels of adoption and perceptions among users. The implementation of computer-aided design (CAD) software in engineering simulations (M = 2.33; SD = 1.178) and the substitution of outdated machinery with computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) for

practical training (M = 2.31; SD=1.086) have not been extensively adopted. Educators hold the belief that the utilisation of computer numerical control (CNC), robotics, and comparable training techniques is advantageous in fostering their creativity, as evidenced by a mean score of 3.39 and a standard deviation of 1.358. The aforementioned results are consistent with prior studies that have emphasised the difficulties associated with the integration of digital technologies in engineering education, particularly in emerging nations (Adegbuyi & Uhomoibhi, 2008; Broo et al., 2022). Ali, (2019); Woellert et al., (2011) have identified several significant obstacles to the implementation of digital tools in engineering education, including insufficient institutional backing, insufficient training for educators, and restricted resources. Notwithstanding the obstacles, the favourable outlook towards Computer Numerical Control (CNC), robotics, and other instructional techniques highlights the prospective advantages of integrating transformative technologies in engineering pedagogy, as they have the capacity to augment students' ingenuity and

aptitude for resolving complex problems (Lai et al., 2021)
According to (Çetin & Türkan, 2022) the amalgamation of CAD, CAM, and other digital tools has demonstrated a positive impact on the general learning process and has resulted in heightened student involvement. The utilisation of digital tools in engineering education has been found to improve students' learning outcomes through the promotion of collaborative learning and increased accessibility to educational resources, as supported by the research conducted by (Lai et al., 2021). The provision of focused assistance to educators and institutions is crucial in addressing the obstacles linked to the integration of digital technologies in engineering education, as noted by (S. S. Ali, 2019).
Given the above discoveries and the extant body of scholarship, it is imperative to accord precedence to the assimilation and incorporation of digital technologies within the realm of mechanical engineering education in technical universities situated in Ghana. The aforementioned objective can be realised by ensuring the availability of sufficient resources, facilitating opportunities for professional growth among educators, and providing institutional backing. The promotion of digital tools in engineering education and the mitigation of adoption barriers can serve as a means for Ghanaian technical universities to address the

digital skills gap and enhance student preparedness for the dynamic engineering industry.

In addition, the lecturers who provide instruction exhibit proficiency in utilising scan tools to diagnose malfunctions in automobiles during hands-on training sessions (M = 3.49; SD = 1.138). Additionally, they possess the ability to recognise and educate students on the operation of sensors, actuators, and other contemporary digital technologies found in vehicles (M = 3.12; SD = 1.070). The study indicates that the training materials and equipment utilised for skills training are moderately reliant on digital technology, with a mean score of 2.96 and a standard deviation of 1.216. Additionally, the educators employ artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR) based technologies to a comparable degree, with a mean score of 2.96 and a standard deviation of 1.199. The technology employed for educational training is observed to mirror the procedures implemented during industrial attachment, with a mean score of 3.16 and a standard deviation of 1.102.
The findings suggest that although there is scope for enhancement, there has been a degree of advancement in the assimilation of digital technologies in mechanical engineering instruction within technical universities in Ghana. Prior research has emphasised the significance of integrating digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR), into engineering education as a means of promoting ingenuity, inventiveness, and cooperation among pupils (Learning et al., 2015;Nguyen et al., 2020).
Calabrese Barton et al., (2021) assert that the incorporation of digitally- based training materials and equipment is imperative in equipping students with the necessary skills to operate sophisticated technologies in the industry.
Despite the limited adoption of digital tools, the favourable outcomes observed in domains such as vehicle diagnostics and industrial attachment practises indicate that these technologies are being assimilated into certain facets of engineering education. The aforementioned statement is in accordance with the findings of Almeida et al., (2017), who assert that a systematic and deliberate strategy is necessary for the integration of technology in academic environments.

Exploration of effective strategies for the successful integration of digital technologies in engineering education is imperative to address the digital skills gap. The attainment of this objective can be realised by means of a collaborative effort among educators, researchers, and industry experts to discern optimal methodologies and devise customised measures (Bai et al., 2022). In addition, the provision of sufficient resources, opportunities for professional development, and institutional support will be crucial in cultivating a learning environment that is enhanced by technology and that equips students with the necessary skills to navigate the constantly changing engineering (W. Chen et al., 2021).

Prior studies have emphasised the significance of furnishing sufficient assistance and resources to enable the assimilation of digital technologies in the realm of engineering education (Haleem et al., 2022a). The effective utilisation of technologies can be impeded by various obstacles to adoption, including institutional challenges, limited resources, and inadequate training, as noted by (Haleem et al., 2022b). In order to mitigate the digital skills deficit, it is imperative to confront these obstacles and devise tactics for fostering the integration of digital technologies within the academic milieu.
A suggested approach is to offer opportunities for educators to engage in professional development activities aimed at improving their digital competencies and promoting a deeper comprehension of how to efficiently incorporate technology into their pedagogical approaches (Tiwari, 2022). Fostering collaborations among academic institutions, industry experts, and researchers can facilitate the identification of optimal strategies for technology adoption and the development of customised interventions for diverse educational contexts (Tiwari, 2022). Appiah et al., (2019), suggest that the provision of sufficient institutional support and resources, including funding and infrastructure, can foster a conducive atmosphere for the utilisation of digital technologies in engineering education. The study's findings emphasise the necessity for sustained endeavours to enhance the implementation and utilisation of digital technologies in mechanical engineering instruction within technical universities in Ghana. Through the mitigation of adoption barriers, facilitation of professional development initiatives, and promotion of stakeholder collaboration, it is plausible to enhance students'

readiness for the swiftly changing engineering terrain and bridge the gap in digital competencies.

The mean composite value of 2.97 suggests that the adoption of digital equipment in workshops is moderately satisfactory, but there is still scope for enhancement. The value of 1.168 for the composite standard deviation indicates the extent of variation in the perceptions and experiences of educators concerning various digital technologies. The observed variability implies that diverse factors, including personal experiences, available resources, and institutional support, may exert an influence on the degree of adoption and efficacy of these technologies. To summarise, the findings pertaining to Workshop Digital Equipment (WET) suggest that there exists a moderate level of integration of digital technologies within the educational milieu. Certain domains, such as Computer Numerical Control (CNC), robotics, and automobile diagnostics, have experienced higher levels of acceptance. However, other facets, such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer- Aided Manufacturing (CAM), have yet to catch up. The statistical measures of composite mean and standard deviation underscore the necessity for ongoing provision of assistance, materials, and instruction to improve the implementation and utilisation of digital technologies within the academic environment.
Table 4.9 Results on technical universities and industries partnership (TUIP)

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