From: Hisham Ahmed, Chair

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TO: Beth Dobkin, Provost
FROM: Hisham Ahmed, Chair

Academic Senate

DATE: December 10, 2015
RE: Senate Action S-15/16-27CA

Permanent Course Proposal

MA-CS 192: Digital Literacy:

Web Programming

At the December 9, 2015 meeting of the Academic Senate, the attached Proposal for permanent approval of MA-CS 192: Digital Literacy ¨C Web Programming was approved on the Consent Agenda. The proposal was unanimously approved by the Undergraduate Educational Policies Committee.
This action was assigned Senate Action #S-15/16-27CA.


cc: President James A. Donahue

Dean Roy Wensley







MAY 15, 2015

1. List School, Department, Course Number and Course Title

School: School of Science

Department: Mathematics/Computer Science

Course #: MAC/CS-192

Course Title: Digital Literacy: Web Programming

As per UEPC guidelines, this course requires an in-depth study of specific computer science concepts and skills at an intermediate level expected of an upper division course, with a rigorous set of curricular themes and pedagogical complexities characteristic of advanced levels of collegiate study.
2. Justification for Course
(a) Objectives for the Course
This course is an integral part of the possible future minor in Digital Studies within the School of Liberal Arts, tentatively scheduled for rollout in the 2016-17 academic year. The idea for a possible future minor in Digital Studies program grew out of the recognition that the contemporary digital age has dramatically altered virtually every aspect of our lives (communication, culture, commerce, education, etc.) with the phrase "disruptive technologies" often used to describe these changes. In response to this, a group of faculty from various disciplines (including Aaron Sachs, Dan Leopard and Ed Tywoniak from Communication, Peter Freund from Art, Dana Herrera from Anthropology, and Charlie Hamaker from Math/Computer Science) began discussions over five years aimed at developing an interdisciplinary program of study that allowed students in the Liberal Arts to explore and analyze these watershed changes as well as providing specific skill-sets necessary for career paths in the contemporary workforce.
As stated, MC/CS-192, and its LD prerequisite MA/CS-002, represent an integral part of the possible future digital studies minor, and designed to provide the technical foundation for the minor’s specific learning goals as follows.
The primary objective of the possible future minor in Digital Studies is the creation of a “digital citizen” equipped with the skills of:

digital media design (video, audio, images, graphics, interactivity),

digital programming (HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript),

project management,

critical thinking and analysis of the digital information age, and

shared inquiry and collaborative learning (technically and culturally);

so as to be able to investigate:

digital concepts within historical, cultural and societal contexts,

the dialogic relationships between digital culture and technology, and

the attributes and effects of “big data” on culture and society and develop analytic skills and strategies for effective data management.

The MA/CS-002 and -192 sequence specifically addresses these issues through the lens of “digital literacy” as a fundamental core attribute that makes possible the design and creation of digital artifacts along with the competencies of communication, analysis and critique of these digital artifacts found in contemporary culture.
(b) Relationship of Course to the School of Science
The possible future Digital Studies minor was designed from the beginning to be an interdisciplinary curriculum (as opposed to merely an aggregate of existing courses with loose curricular coherence) that integrates multiple-disciplinary perspectives in a focused trajectory of inquiry. As such, the objectives and learning goals stated above were constructed to provide the best of a liberal education, including a solid grounding in humanistic, artistic and social scientific inquiry, along with a baseline set of skills in computer programming in order to provide liberal arts majors with an appropriate amount of technical skills most relevant to liberal arts majors attracted to support positions within the high-tech sector ¨C skills such as back-end web-design, media content creation, design and aesthetic considerations, and the creation of multi-media communication channels.
The team that developed the MA/CS-002 and MA/CS-192 courses, including a broad array of technology industry consultants familiar with Saint Mary’s College, came to realize early in the process that these two courses represented the critical hinge-pin for this project in that students who completed the possible future digital studies minor would have to have a higher level of technical competency than other liberal arts majors, while avoiding the course content bing too technically advanced for liberal arts students and becoming more computer science study than an integrated study of digital culture.
3. Student Population
As part of the possible future Digital Studies minor, the MA/CS-002 and -192 courses were specifically targeted towards the profile of what could be deemed a traditional undergraduate liberal arts major. This might be best typified by a student who may never get further than MATH 010 in terms of mathematical study, but has the capacity for that “more nuanced and integrated” technical understanding of the digital age mentioned above. While designed specifically for undergraduate students in SOLA, there has been interest from SEBA as well, and it is assumed that students in SOS might have interest on occasion in one or more offerings within the possible future digital studies program to supplement disciplinary work.
Within the SOLA student demographic, it is assumed that a majority of the students will be drawn from the departments of Anthropology, Art & Art History, and Communication, since these programs have been integral to the development of the project. But many other departments have expressed enthusiastic interest including English, Modern Languages, Politics and the Justice, Community and Leadership program to name but a few.
4. Relationship To Present College Curriculum
This course has no formal relationship to the college core curriculum and does not satisfy the Mathematical Understanding of the Pathways to Knowledge requirement. The course was, however, constructed so that it adhered to the curricular standards of the department of Mathematics and the School of Science.
5. Extraordinary Implementation Costs
There are no extraordinary implementation costs attached to this course.
6. Library Resources

A review of the library resources was conducted by Linda Wobbe and is attached to this document.

7. Course Credit And Grading Options
This course is assigned a 1.0 UD course credit.

8. Prerequisites / Corequisites

Prerequisite: MA/CS-002 (or permission of instructor).

9. Catalogue Description

This course is a continuation of MA/CS-002 that introduces students to the basics of digital literacy through web design as a stepping-stone to computer programming concepts and applications. MA/CS-192 refines & builds upon this knowledge studying JavaScript, jQuery, Web API’s and simple mobile applications while implementing a team-oriented project development approach. Other topics include responsive web design, CSS grid systems and HTML5 Canvas.
10. Course Content
A Syllabus for this course is provided with this proposal.
11. Review Of Experimental Offerings
This course has been offered twice as part of the design phase as funded by the W. M. Keck Foundation grant.
A great deal of lessons were learned through this process including, (1) limits of course expectations, (2) finalization of curricular scope and sequence including selection of requisite skills and software tools, (3) student assessment (4) horizontal integration of the MA/CS sequence into the larger program goals of the possible future digital studies minor, and (5) a greater understanding of the needs and desires of students in skill acquisition, interest areas and career aspirations.

Review of Library Resources and Information Literacy

For MA/CS 192: Digital Literacy, Web Programming

Linda Wobbe, May 2015

I. Required Resources. Subject selector librarian will order the required texts for the Library’s textbook collection. Content source choices referred to in the syllabus will be purchased. They will be placed on course reserve during the course, at the request of the instructor.
II. Reference Sources. Reference sources provide basic explanations and definitions, and

may be helpful to students in these courses. The Library’s Subject Guide for

Computer Science lists the following reference databases Credo Literati & AccessScience, and

the following individual texts:

Computer Desktop Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia of Computer Science. (Credo Literati) 5th ed. Hoboken, N.J., USA : Wiley, c2003.

Encyclopedia of Information Systems. (Ref 004.03 B474) 4 vols. Amsterdam: Academic, 2003.

The Internet Encyclopedia. (Ref 004.6 B474) Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2004 

Encyclopedia of information ethics and security. (Ref 004.03 Q40)  Hershey : Information Science Reference, c2008.

Handbook of information and computer ethics.  (ebrary online)      Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2008

Routledge International Handbook of Participatory Design (Routledge Handbooks Online) Participatory design is about the direct involvement of people in the co-design of the technologies they use.
III. Books. Web design and computer and internet books in general are very difficult to keep up-to-date without constant replacement. The Library’s subscriptions to ebrary’s Academic Complete and EBSCO’s Business Collection ebook database subscriptions helps keep the Library collection somewhat current in these areas. Library holdings include:

By topic: user experience / UX (12); user interface ( 50); UIX / xml (66 ); javascript (129); jquery (43); debugging( 34); browser programming(16); API’s(36); graphic information design (17).

Specific texts include:

Digital experience design. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect, 2008 (ebrary online)

Killer UX design. Collingwood, Vic. : SitePoint, 2012 (EBSCO Business Collection online)

jQuery UI 1.10 : the user Interface library for jQuery. Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2013 (EBSCO Business Collection online)

Beginning XML. Indianapolis, Ind. : John Wiley & Sons, 2012. (ebrary online)

Eloquent JavaScript : a modern introduction to programming. San Francisco, California : No Starch Press, 2015. (ebrary online)

JavaScript programming: pushing the limits. Chichester, England : Wiley, c2013. (ebrary online)

Developing web pages with jQuery. Boston : Cengage Learning, c2013. (ebrary online)

Creating mobile apps with jQuery mobile. Birmingham, U.K. : Packt Publishing, c2013. (ebrary online)

JavaScript testing. Birmingham : Packt, 2010. (ebrary online)

The browser hacker's handbook. Indianapolis, Indiana : Wiley, 2014. (ebrary online)

Google Visualization API essentials. Birmingham, U.K. : Packt Pub., 2013. (ebrary online)

An introduction to information design. London, [England] : Laurence King Publishing, 2014. (ebrary online)

Information design. 4, Graphic design. Tullinge, Sweden : Institute for Infology, 2013 (ebrary online)

IV. Journals. The Library subscribes to over 600 computer science journals and a basic database for article discovery, Computing Reviews. Web-design specific journal titles include:

International journal of information technology and web engineering  (1554-1045)Peer Reviewed

International journal of web & semantic technology

International journal on semantic web and information systems  (1552-6283)Peer Reviewed

Computing Reviews articles on web design appear in these journals from the Library collection:

Computers in human behavior (0747-5632)Peer Reviewed

World wide web (Bussum)  (1386-145X)Peer Reviewed

ACM transactions on programming languages and systems (0164-0925)Peer Reviewed

Journal of functional programming  (0956-7968)Peer Reviewed

International journal of human-computer interaction  (1044-7318)Peer Reviewed

International journal of human-computer studies  (1071-5819)Peer Reviewed
Featured on the Library Computer Science Subject Guide are:

ACM Computing Surveys

Communications of the ACM

Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery


Computing in Science & Engineering

IEEE Spectrum



PC Magazine

World Wide Web
IV. Technical Reports. Students may find the standards, guidelines, and checklists from the World Wide Web consortium (W3C), led by Tim Berners-Lee joined by all the leading computer and internet companies. These include mobile design, accessibility and usability guidance. Links to the W3C site are in the Technical Reports section of the Library’s Computer Science Subject Guide.
V. Self-Teaching. In addition to books that have step-by-step instructions, technical learning using online videos and tutorials is common. The Library has not yet been able to afford one of the computer-learning resources, but has discussed partnering with ITS to provide wider access to ITS currently has a 10-user license at a cost of $3,250; the Library has considered splitting a 30-user license with ITS, at a cost of $4K for each the Library and ITS. Treehouse is another popular online self-teaching resource, which allows unlimited user access for about $4K. A link to CodeAcademy, a free self-teaching site used in this course, is included on the Library’s Computer Science Subject Guide.
VI. Librarian Recommendations.

In collaboration with faculty and/or advisory board:

- required resources to be added to the collection

- handbooks specific to web design and evaluation need to be added to the collection

- possibly seek out ebook collection specific to web design

- lobby for upgraded or alternative

Expected expenditures from existing budget for both MA/CS courses required for the Digital Studies Minor: $5K
Classroom presentations can also be made available by the librarian to guide students to the wealth of resources offered by the Library’s collection.

From: Roy Wensley []

Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 10:12 AM
To: Kathy Porter
Subject: MA-CS 002 and 192

Dear Kathy,

The Chairs and Program Directors of the School of Science discussed the course proposals for MA-CS 002 and MA-CS 192 at our meeting on Friday, October 19, 2015. The unanimous recommendation was to forward the proposals to the UEPC.
Roy Wensley, Dean

School of Science

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