Functional Division Of Regions By Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst lragir am 10/8/2015 Related

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Functional Division Of Regions

By Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst - 10/8/2015


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The German sociologist Max Webber built up his theory on the basis of the principles and consequences of regional ethics though his brother, Alfred Webber, hinted that not everything should be perceived literally, and the ethics of Protestantism is typical of not only Protestants but also non-Christian relations. This circumstance was paid attention to after the start of intensive modernization of Japan and economic and technological success of Southeast Asia, India and Far East.
China is far from the solution of economic and social issues but its technical achievements place it at the same level with highly industrialized nations.
Recently something significant took place: China asked the United States for help and assistance in the fight against terrorism in its northwestern provinces. It is not a sign of China's weakness but a wish to be in the same club with the Americans in case of solution of global issues.
Eight years ago Secretary Hillary Clinton visited Southeast Asia and called to recreate a big political-military regional bloc with the prospect of countering economic and political expansion of China.
The last three presidents of the United States have announced repeatedly that China's containment is a priority of foreign policy.
Indeed, this issue remains but is obviously transforming.
China participated in BRICS and SCO summits, keeping aloof, realizing that being in the same hub with big nations is good but China has other aspirations and problems too.
The Western community always underlines that NATO's creation and development as a global security system is based on Liberal Democratic, i.e. European and North American values. The entire complex of the Western world is called Euro-Atlanticism.
Euro-Atlanticism was created on the basis of the Anglo-Saxon philosophy and ethics of capitalism while the liberal democratic values are based on this philosophy, not vice versa. The liberal democratic values are not always in line with the ethics of capitalism, i.e. the ethics of Protestantism but just protestant ethics is not a synonym of the ethics of capitalism.
China is mostly a Confucian country, it represents the Confucian civilization (according to Toynbee and other historians and philosophers). In addition, Confucianism is the expression of the Asian protestant ethics.
The attitude to work, mercantile issues, everyday issues, war and peace,

labor and trade, interest rates and a lot of concepts of capitalistic relations is meant.

Such countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea are successfully overcoming patriarchy, building modern democracy.
Russian philosopher and sociologist Alexey Salmin pays attention to the circumstance that in an orthodox society atheism promotes the development of capitalism while in the Confucian and pagan world the strengthening of these traditions helps the development of production forces and market relations.
It should be noted that some Islamic confessions are rather successful in economic terms because protestant ethics is typical of them.
Hence, in the result of development of capitalism, establishment of the society's legal status and overcoming of "red" archaism in China it became clear that China and the United States may realize the necessity to create a dual alliance and apply their universal interests to the world community.
There are signs that neither China, nor the United States try to impose their control and universal dictate on separate regions. The example of Central Asia may convince of an agreement on functional division of the regions. It means that China is acquiring the majority of mineral resources in Central Asia but does not aspire to ideological and political clichés.
The United States has never tried to break through this direction of the region but would not leave out the necessity to introduce the liberal-democratic ideology, realizing the reality in Central Asia.
This does not mean that the United State will form the tough schemes but will be framework diversity.
China and the United States have become convinced that Russia's attempts to establish universal control over the region first led to the collapse of the Soviet state, and later transformed the new Russian expansion to a farce, considering the ridiculous attempts at creating marginal structures like the Eurasian Union.
The structural-functional models which China and the United States are going to apply not only in Central Asia include a lot of problems and solutions, including in terms of regional security. Hence, Russia's hopes for a possibility to "hide" behind the fight and confrontation between China are not justified.
There is no need to deal with the creation of artificial "poles" but to understand that geopolitical structural functionality in the world.

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