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2016 - 2017

Prince George Secondary School


Course Selection Guide

„h Graduation Requirements

„h Complete course descriptions for Grade 8 - 12

„h Course planning worksheets Grade 8 - 12


Students attending PGSS live in all areas of Prince George. Approximately 1100 students attend classes on a semester system. The students at PGSS are ethnically diverse and very welcoming. There are approximately 120 teaching and support staff at Prince George Secondary School. The facility is superlative; offering Vanier Hall, a recording studio, a fitness room and a cafeteria unique to PGSS.


A large selection of Grade 8 - 12 academic and elective courses.

An Enriched Program including Honours courses, AP English Literature, and AP Calculus.

Apprenticeship and Career Programs in Work Experience, Peer Tutoring, Cafeteria, Cooks Training, Health Sciences, and Trades.

Special Learning Resources Program with an emphasis on integration into appropriate classes and community transitions.

Comprehensive Alternative Programs that offer course credit leading to a Dogwood Certificate.

Pre-employment Program that explores the skills and knowledge needed in the work environment - appropriate work placements leading to an Adult Dogwood.

Support Program at the Grade 8, 9 & 10 levels that addresses individual student needs in the area of Mathematics and English skills, behaviour, attendance and assignment completion.

Aboriginal Student Support Services, employing two Aboriginal Education Workers, one Aboriginal Social Worker, and one Community Skills Coordinator. These workers offer enhanced services such as family connections, tutorial support, community connections, scholarship and transition information, healing circles, feasts, and other activities that address individual student needs.

A variety of specialty courses utilizing facilities including Vanier Hall and a full kitchen/cafeteria.

These facilities enhance our Performing Arts offerings of Band, Drama, Polar Performing Arts and

Dance as well as our Cafeteria and Cooks Training programs.

Up to date computer labs and Learning Commons that enhance our ability to address student learning needs in core classes as well as in Digital Photography, Video Conference and Video Production courses, and Information and Communications Technology courses.

Transition into the Trades course, working with members from the construction industry and focusing on those skills necessary for entering the work force.

Language instruction in French, German and Spanish. An International Exchange program.

A focus on Hockey, Athletics and much more.


Introduction ............................................................................................................. 2

Grade 8 Program .................................................................................................... 4

Grade 9 Program .................................................................................................... 5

Graduation Requirements....................................................................................... 6-7

Grade 10 Program ................................................................................................. 8

Grade 11 Program ................................................................................................. 9

Grade 12 Program ................................................................................................. 10

Course Descriptions.................................................................................................11-39

Enriched Program Opportunities............................................................................ 40-42

Grade 8 Program

Grade 8 is an important transition year for students. You are entering a dynamic atmosphere. The staff at PGSS strives to make your transition year seamless; meeting with students in their elementary schools prior to arrival at PGSS. Some other transition activities include: invitations to the Spirit Hockey Game at the CN Centre, drama productions, parent nights, a tour and BBQ, a grade 7 volleyball camp, and informal visits to your new school. In Grade 8, all students will take foundation studies and then choose from an exciting choice of elective classes.

Foundation Studies (Required)

„h Humanities 8 (English and Social Studies)

„h French 8

„h Mathematics 8 (minimum 3 terms)

„h Physical Education 8

„h Science 8


Would you like to be in Hockey 8? If so, place a check mark next to it here : Hockey 8 _______

PGSS offers a Hockey 8 as a semester course. There are two courses for hockey: Beginner Hockey or High Perform Note: Students may need to be dropped off by a parent/guardian at the Kin Arenas for an 8:15am start time 3x/week for Beginner Hockey 8. Transportation on the PGSS hockey bus will be provided to the school after hockey class. Note: Students are placed in High Performance Hockey 8 ¨C if this could be you then list the team and coach for hockey this year: ________________________________________________________________

Students will be assigned electives in grade 8. Let us know your favourite six choices for electives by ranking the electives from 1 to 6 ( 1 being your favourite choice to 6 being your sixth choice)

______ Foods 8 ______Digital Media 8 _______Metalwork 8

______ Band 8 ______Tech Ed General 8 _______Textiles 8
______Outdoor Ed 8 ______ Woodwork 8 _______ Electronics 8
______ Guitar 8 ______ Soccer 8 _______ Jewelry 8

______ Drafting 8

3) Students are also taking three term math as part of their foundations studies in the grade 8 program.

They will be assigned to two electives for the fourth term as part of the Math/Elective four term schedule in their grade 8 program.


Parent Signature:

Elementary School:

Grade 9 Program


Foundation Studies (Required Courses)

MEN--09--- English Language Arts 9

MMA--09--- Mathematics 9

MPE--09--- Physical Education 9

MSC--09--- Science 9

MSS--09--- Social Studies 9

Elective Courses (Students choose 3)

YLRA-0BHKY BA Hockey 10B

YIPS-0ALEA BA Leadership 10A

MBEG-10--- Business Education 10: General

MDNC-10--- Dance 10

MDRG-10--- Drama 10: General

MFR--09--- French 9

XLDCA09HKY Hockey 9 (need own equipment)

MFDN-10--- Foods & Nutrition 10

MTXT-10--- Textiles 10

MINT--10--- Information Technology 10

MMU--09CBA Music 9 - Concert Band

MTED-10--- Technical Education 10: Drafting & Design

MTEE-10--- Technical Education 10: Electronics MTEG-10--- Technical Education 10: General MTEM-10--- Technical Education 10: Metalwork MTEW-10--- Technical Education 10: Woodwork YHEC-OATAC Textiles Arts & Crafts 10

MVAG-10--- Visual Arts 10: General

Elective Choices Alternate Choices







Parent Signature: _

Graduation Requirements (Grades 10 -12)

Graduation Requirements

Check with your school counsellor early in the year to ensure:

„h You are taking all the courses you need to graduate

„h You are taking all the courses you need for admission to your chosen post-secondary institution or as preparation for your preferred job field

Provincial exams are required to be written in 5 are:

English 10 or English 10 First Peoples

Science 10

Mathematics 10

Social Studies 11

BC First Nations Studies 12

English12 / Communications 12

English 12 First Peoples

Graduation Credit Requirements at a Glance:

80 Credits

You will be working towards the graduation requirement of 80 credits. Of the 80 credits, 48 are required,

28 are electives and 4 credits are for the mandatory Graduation Transition Program, (includes the required Daily Physical Activity ¨C DPA). Successful completion of each course is worth 4 credits.

48 Credits

Required Courses, including

„h English 10 or English 10 First Peoples

„h English 11 or Communications 11 or English 11 First Peoples

„h English 12 or Communications 12 or English 12 First Peoples

„h Social Studies 10

„h Social Studies 11 or BC First Nations Studies 12

„h a Mathematics 10

„h a Mathematics 11

„h Science 10

„h a Science 11

„h a Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12

„h Physical Education 10

„h Planning 10

28 Credits

„h are Elective Courses *(See description of grade 10/11/12 electives)

4 Credits

„h Graduation Transitions (includes the required Daily Physical Activity ¨C DPA)

Minimum of 16 credits at the Grade 12 level for graduation (including English/Communications 12). All courses authorized by the Ministry or School Board are eligible.

Students planning to attend post-secondary are responsible for checking admission requirements at each institution.

Graduation Requirements

Course Selection Worksheet Grade 10, 11 & 12 (All courses are 4 credit courses)

Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Required Courses

English 10 or

English 10 First Peoples**Required Courses

English 11 or Communications 11Required Courses

English 12, Communications 12 or

English 12 First Peoples**Social Studies 10Social Studies 11** or

English First Peoples 11

BC First Nations 12**Graduation Transitions

DPA TrackingA Mathematics 10**Mathematics 11 CourseElective Courses

Grade 12 Elective

At least 12 credits must be at the

Grade 12 levelScience 10**A Science 11 CourseGrade 12 ElectivePhysical Education 10ElectiveGrade 12 ElectivePlanning 10ElectiveGrade 12 ElectiveElective Courses

ElectiveElectiveOther Grade 10-12 Electives

ElectiveElectiveElectiveElectiveDPA TrackingDPA TrackingElective

1. A minimum of 80 credits in grades 10-12.

2. 48 credits from required courses

- 16 credits are at the Grade 12 level (includes English12/Communications 12)

3. 28 credits from elective courses ¨C 4 credits from Fine Art OR Applied Skill, Grades 10-12

4. Graduation Transitions, DPA Tracking (start in Grade 10, complete in Grade 12)

5. **Mandatory provincial exams


Grade 10 is a very important year as it begins the Graduation Program for students. From grade 10 to 12, students will be required to earn 80 credits, 48 of which are required, 28 of which are electives and 4 for Graduation Transitions in Grade 12. Students in grade 10 are to select 6 required courses and 2 electives. These options are outlined below:

Foundation Studies (Required):

MEN--10--- English 10 or

MEFP-10--- English First Peoples 10 Course Selected:

MSC--10--- Science 10

MSS--10--- Social Studies 10

MPLAN10--- Planning 10

MPE--10--- Physical Education 10

Mathematics 10 ¨C One of:

MFMP-10--- Foundations of Math 10 Course Selected:

MAWM-10--- Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 10

Elective Courses:

Please see the course selection guide and course overview sheet for a detailed description of all the elective courses offered to grade 10 students. Grade 10 students are permitted to take grade 11 electives. Once you have selected 2 electives and 2 alternates, please place them in the spaces below.

Elective Choices: Alternate Choices:






Note ¨C If you are repeating a required course, please indicate the course(s) below:



Parent Signature:


Students in Grade 11 are in the middle of their Graduation Program. At this point they should have earned 24 credits in required courses and 8 credits in electives (from their grade 10 year). Students must take the following Grade 11 courses:

Foundation Studies (Required):

MEN--11--- English 11 or Course Selected: _

MCOM-11--- Communications 11

MEFP-11--- English First Peoples 11

MSS--11--- Social Studies 11 or

MFNS-12--- First Nations Studies 12 Course Selected: _

MAWM-11--- Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 11

MFOM-11---Foundations of Mathematics 11Course Selected: _ MPREC11---Pre-Calculus 11

ONE Science 11:

MBI--11--- Biology 11 Course Selected: _

MCH--11--- Chemistry 11

MESC-11--- Earth Science 11

MGEOL12--- Geology 12

MPH--11--- Physics 11

MSCT-11--- Science and Technology 11

MSR¡ª11--- Sustainable Resources 11

Elective Courses:

Please see the course selection guide and course overview sheet for a detailed description of all elective courses. Students in Grade 11 may also take Grade 12 electives.

Elective Choices: Alternate Choices:

1 1

2 2



Note ¨C If you are repeating a required course, please indicate the course(s) below:


2 Parent Signature:


Students in Grade 12 are in the culminating year of their Graduation Program. Students in Grade 12 will be required to complete their Graduation Transitions for 4 credits, as well as their required grade 12 courses. Students must complete English/Communications 12, along with 3 other Grade 12 courses to be eligible for Graduation. They will need 80 total credits, 48 of which are required, 28 of which are electives and 4 for their Grad Transitions. Grade 12 students will select 7 courses, as they are entitled to one spare block.

Foundation Studies (Required):

MEN-12--- English 12 or

MCOM-12--- Communications 12 or Course Selected: _

MEFP-12--- English First Peoples 12

Elective Courses:

Please see the course selection guide and course overview sheet for a detailed description of all elective courses.

Elective Choices: Alternate Choices:

1 1

2 2






Note ¨C If you are repeating a required course, please indicate the course(s) below:



Parent Signature:


Visual Arts

Visual Arts 8

The program represents a core curriculum and may consist of introductory work in drawing, painting, graphics, ceramics, sculpture and fibre art.

Visual Arts 10

This program is for students wishing to continue their general art education or to take Art for the first time and thus build art foundation skills, studying a minimum of four areas in ceramics, drawing, painting, graphics and sculpture or fibre arts. This course offers a variety of projects. There is a strong focus on the elements and a principle of art (the language of art).There is a final project which includes compiling a portfolio of 15 studies (sketch work) done throughout the year.

Art Foundations 11 Pre-requisite: A previous Art course is recommended

Students study a wide range of 2D and 3D art processes selected from drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, fibre arts and print making. Image development and design strategies, elements and principles of art and technical development are explored. Art career research as well as art history and criticism are included. A final project reflects personal exploration of the elements and principles of design as well as art styles and creative strategies in various media.

Art Foundations 12 Pre-requisite: Any Art 11 course

This course will have more advanced expectations and projects within a wide range of media and processes building upon prerequisite coursework. Two final projects include: a) a major final project reflecting personal exploration of the language of art, creative strategies and art history in various media and processes; and b) presentation of a portfolio of completed work.

Studio Arts 11 - Drawing & Painting

¨C a previous Art course is recommended

This course offers a focus on drawing and painting in a wide variety of media (materials) and a variety of processes in class and through art assignments. A final project reflects personal exploration of the elements and principles of design as well as art styles and creative strategies in various media.

Studio Arts 12 - Drawing & Painting Pre-requisite: any Art 11 course

This course will have more advanced expectations and projects in a wide variety of drawing and painting media building upon prerequisite coursework. Two final projects include: a) a major final project reflecting personal exploration of the language of art, creative strategies and art history in various media and processes; and b) presentation of a portfolio of completed work.

Studio Arts 11 ¨C Drawing, Painting & Photo

- a previous Art course is recommended

This course offers a variety of drawing and painting projects. It includes some black and white still photography processes and digital photography assignments thereby adding another art medium. A final project reflects personal exploration of the elements and principles of design as well as art styles and creative strategies in various media.

*Students cannot get credit for BOTH Drawing and Painting 11 & Drawing, Painting & Photography 11.

Studio Arts 12 - Drawing, Painting & Photo Pre-requisite: Any Art 11 course

This course will offer more advanced projects in a variety of drawing and painting media and includes some still photography and digital photography assignments. The course concludes with two final projects: a) a major final project reflecting personal exploration of the language of art, creative strategies and art history in various media and processes; and b) presentation of a portfolio of completed work.

*Students cannot get credit for BOTH Drawing and Painting 12 AND Drawing and Painting-Photography 12.

Studio Arts 11 - Ceramics & Sculpture Studio Arts 12 - Ceramics & Sculpture Pre-requisite: Ceramics & Sculpture 11

Students will work with a variety of ceramics and sculpture media (which

may include clay, found materials, paper maché, plaster and mixed media). A variety of processes will be explored, and may include additive, subtractive, modeling, surface treatments and decorative processes.

Visual Arts ¨C Media Arts 11

- a previous Art course is recommended

Students will examine the impact of 20th - century technology on the creation of visual artworks. Students will apply traditional art-making processes to technology. This course may include graphic design, digital photography, computer graphics and animation programs.

Visual Arts ¨C Media Arts 12 Pre-requisite: Media Arts 11

This course will offer more advanced projects as students examine the impact of 20th - century technology on the creation of visual artworks. Students will explore and apply traditional art-making processes to technology at an advanced level.

Business Technology

Planning 10 (Required Course)

The focus is on requirements for the graduation program: portfolios, education and career transitions, financial planning, and informed decision-making related to health issues. Students develop resume and cover letter writing skills and can earn WHMIS and Student Work Safe Certification.

Business Education 10 - General

A course designed to help students explore the world of business. Students develop computer skills while learning basic business operations such as marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting, economics, data processing, managing information, and business management. A course designed to help students sample and decide what areas of Business and Applied Business to focus on in senior grades and post-secondary studies.

Accounting 11

This course is an introduction to accounting and its role in business. Students learn accounting principles, practices, forms, and procedures useful for work in business or operating their own enterprises. Knowledge and skills gained in accounting will assist students in understanding the importance of accounting in business.

Business Computer Applications 11

Pre-requisite: Good keyboarding skills recommended

In this course, students develop keyboarding proficiency while working with a wide range of software related to

business, such as MS Office for word processing, spreadsheets, database management, Internet studies, and E-communications. Students develop technology skills and analyze legal and ethical issues associated with computer technology. Students can develop an e-portfolio for Grad Portfolio presentation in this course.

BA Journalism & Publishing 12

Journalism and Publishing 12 introduces students to print journalism and publication. Students will learn reporting skills, including interviewing and writing for specific purposes such as feature, sports and opinion pieces. Journalism and Publishing 12 students will prepare for contributing to the school’s newspaper and yearbook. Students will cover digital photography and editing, page layout and graphic design. Students will also be involved in aspects of marketing and advertising.

Journalism and Publishing 12 explores the components and issues of print journalism. Students learn about gathering and writing news, reporting ethically, preparing editorials, writing features, preparing photos, and evaluating magazines and advertising. Journalism and Publishing 12 also gives students an opportunity to choose one aspect of journalism and explore it in more depth. This course will be yearlong with the classes every other day.

Entrepreneurship 12

The world of business is changing and trends indicate there will be more independent, self -managed, freelance, and small business employment. Students learn analytical, research, and decision-making processes to determine the viability of business ventures. Students learn to write a business plan and implement and evaluate a business venture. Students will have the opportunity to run their own business venture.

Journalism 12

Journalism 12 studies the telling of news and human-interest stories with pictures and words. The Main project is completion of the school’s Yearbook. Topics include basic camera techniques, reporting, digital photo manipulation, page layout and design.

Tourism 11

Note: Optional charge for certificate courses and field trips

An introduction to the world’s largest industry ¨C tourism. Students have the opportunity to obtain industry-

recognized certificates such as Super Host Fundamentals, Serving it Right, and Local Tour Guide while developing employability skills such as communication, customer service, and teamwork.

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