Extension of closing date by 18 months until October 30, 2016.
I. Disbursement Profile
ICR Abstract Since 2000, Niger had initiated a PFM reform agenda with the help of major development partners, but success had been limited. In this context, the Minister of Economy and Finance requested the Bank to help strengthen, modernize, and reform his ministry in order to improve its capacity to manage public finances. World Bank support for the government’s PFM priorities was provided by the Reform Management and Technical Assistance (RMTA) Project, which aimed to improve (i) the credibility and reliability of budgets allocated to budget managers; and (ii) the internal controls to hold budget managers accountable.
Given this objective, the overall outcome rating of the project is Moderately Satisfactory, on the basis of the following:
The overall rating for project relevance is Substantial. In particular: (i) the project objectives were substantial and remain relevant to the Bank and Borrower at the time of the ICR; (ii) relevance of design was modest given the overly ambitious nature of the PDO and poor links to results indicators; and (iii) relevance of implementation was substantial due to adaptive changes to activities that occurred.
The overall project efficacy rating is Substantial. Both of the PDO indicators were met and three out of five intermediate indicators were fully met. The project only suffered moderate shortcomings with respect to the first objective (credibility), which were largely offset by the strong performance of the second objective (internal control).
The project efficiency rating is Modest. While no data currently exists to measure the project’s benefits in economic or financial terms, in years to come the new customs administration software is likely to improve inspection and oversight, resulting in greater collections of customs revenues and less leakages.
The overall analysis of the project also takes into account Risks to Sustainability of Results, Bank Performance, and Borrower Performance. Risks are Significant as a result of Political and Governance, Macroeconomic, and Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Sustainability Risk. In terms of Bank performance, Quality and Entry is rated Moderately Unsatisfactory and Quality of Supervision is rated Moderately Unsatisfactory, Overall Bank Performance is rated Moderately Unsatisfactory. Likewise, in terms of Borrower performance, general Government Performance is rated Moderately Unsatisfactory and Implementing Agency Performance is rated Moderately Satisfactory, Overall Borrower Performance is rated Moderately Satisfactory since the project outcome was likewise rated Moderately Satisfactory.
Given both the success and challenges noted during project preparation and implementation of the RMTA project, a number of lessons can be drawn from the project. In particular, these lessons can be utilized by both the Bank and the Government of Niger to inform future operations in the country, PFM sector, as well as FCV environments more largely.