dosar = {v} 1. to divide into doses; 2. to proportion (the constituents of a compound); 3. to dose (= to give out in doses)
dose = {n} dose {Hence:} dosar-dosage
dossier [F] = {n} dossier
dotal ad; dotal
dotar = {v} 1. to dower (= to give a dowry to); 2. to endow
dotation = {n} endowment, dotation
dote = {n} dowry {Hence:} dotal; dotar-dotation
dova = {n} stave (of a cask)
dox- = {n} [occcurring in compounds] dox-, -dox- (1. opinion; as in "heterodox"; 2. glory; as in "doxology") {Hence:} paradoxe &; doxologia etc.; heterodoxe etc.; orthodoxe etc.
doxo-logia (-ía) = {n} doxology
dozena = {n} dozen
drachma = {n} 1. drachma; 2. [Weights] dram
dracon = {n} 1. dragon (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Zool.] lizard of the genus Draco; 3. [Bot.]) Dracon {npr} [Gr. Hist.] Draco {Hence:} draconian
draconian = {adj} Draconian; lege(s) draconian Draconian law(s)
draga = {n} [Technol.] dredge (1. dredger; 2. dragnet) {Hence:} dragar-dragaminas etc.
draga-minas (-mí-) = {n} mine sweeper
dragar = {v} [Technol.] to dredge
drama [-ma/-mat-] = {n} drama {Hence:} dramatic; dramatizar; dramaturgo etc.; melodrama etc.
dramat- see drama
dramatic = {adj} dramatic
dramatizar = {v} to dramatize
dramaturgia (-ía) = {n} dramaturgy
dramat-urgo = {n} dramatist, playwright {Hence:} dramaturgia
drappar = {v} to drape, hang with a drapery
drapperia (-ía) = {n} drapery (1. business of selling cloth; 2. clothing or hangings arranged in graceful folds)
drappero = {n} draper (= dealer in cloth)
drappo = {n} cloth (= fabric, material) {Hence:} drappero; drapperia; drappar
drastic = {adj} drastic
dreadnought [A] = {n} dreadnought
droga = {n} drug {Hence:} drogeria; drogista; drogar
drogar = {v} to drug (= to administer a drug or drugs to)
drogeria (-ía) = {n} drugstore
drogista = {n} druggist
dromedario = {n} dromedary
-dromo = {n} [occurring in compounds] -drome (1. running; 2. racecourse) {Hence:} aerodromo etc.; autodromo etc.; hippodromo etc.; velodromo etc.; palindromo etc.
druida (drú-) = {n} druid {Hence:} druidessa; druidismo; druidic
druidessa = {n} druidess
druidic (-íd-) = {adj} druidic, druidical
druidismo = {n} druidism
dual = {adj} dual
dualismo = {n} dualism
dualista = {n} dualist
dualistic = {adj} dualistic
dualitate = {n} duality
dubita (dú-) = {n} doubt; esser in dubita to be in doubt; sin dubita without doubt, doubtless; foris de dubita beyond doubt; poner (un cosa) in dubita to cast doubt on (something)
dubitabile = {adj} doubtful, questionable
dubitar = {v} to doubt, be in doubt; dubitar de (un cosa) to doubt (something) {Hence:} dubita-dubitose; dubitabile-indubitabile; dubitation; dubitative; dubitator; indubitate
dubitation = {n} doubt (1. as in "in doubt", "without doubt"; 2. [Rhet.] dubitatio)
dubitative = {adj} dubitative
dubitator = {n} doubter
dubitose = {adj} dubious, doubtful (1. in doubt; 2. causing doubt)
ducal = {adj} ducal
ducato = {n} I. dukedom (1. duchy; 2. title or rank of a duke); II. ducat {Hence:} ducaton
ducaton = {n} ducatoon
duce = {n} duke {Hence:} ducato &; duchessa; ducal; archiduce etc.
ducer [duc-/duct-] = {v} to conduct (1. to lead, guide; 2. to direct, manage) {Hence:} ductile &; ducto &; abducer &; adducer &; conducer &; deducer &; inducer &; introducer &; producer &; reducer &; seducer &; traducer &
duch- see duce
ducha (-sh-) = {n} 1. douche (= jet of water for therapeutic purposes); 2. shower, shower bath {Hence:} duchar
duchar (-sh-) u 1. to douche (= to give a douche); 2. to give a shower, a shower bath
duchessa = {n} duchess
duct- see ducer
ductile = {adj} ductile {Hence:} ductilitate
ductilitate = {n} ductility
ducto = {n} [Anat.] duct {Hence:} aqueducto etc.; oviducto etc.; viaducto etc.
duellar = {v} to duel
duellista = {n} duelist
duello = {n} duel {Hence:} duellista; duellar
duettista = {n} duettist
duetto = {n} duet
dulce = {adj} sweet (1. "sweet to the taste"; 2. pleasant, soft, gentle, etc.); aqua dulce fresh water; (metallo) dulce soft, malleable (metal) {Hence:} dulcor-edulcorar-edulcoration; adulciar-adulciamento; dulcificar-dulcification
dulci- see dulce
dulcificar = {v} to dulcify
dulcification = {n} dulcification
dulcor = {n} sweetness (1. "sweetness to the taste"; 2. quality of being pleasant, soft, mild, gentle, etc.)
dulo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dul- (= slave) {Hence:} hierodulo etc. ...
dum = {conj} 1. while, as long as; 2. until; 3. provided that, if only {Hence:} [interdum] etc.
duma [R] = {n} duma
dumdum [A] = {n} dumdum (bullet)
dumping [A] = {n} [Com.] dumping
-dun [Icel.] = {n} [occurring in compounds] -down {Hence:} eiderdun etc.
duna = {n} dune, down
Dunkerque [F] = {npr} Dunkirk
Dunkirken (dún-) = {npr} Dunkirk
[dunque] = {conj} therefore
duo = {adj} two; dividar in duo to divide in two; {also:} to halve; le duo the two; tote (le) duo both {Hence:} dual-dualismo, dualista-dualistic, dualitate; duo (2)-duetto-duettista; duodece etc.; deceduo etc.; duple etc.; duplice etc.; duumviro etc.
duo = {n} duet
duode- see duodece
duo-dece (-ó-) = {adj} twelve {Hence:} duodecime duodecimal; duodeno-duodenal, duodenitis
duodecim- see duodece
duodecimal = {adj} duodecimal
duodecime (-dé-) = {adj} twelfth
duodenal = {adj} duodenal
duodenitis (-ítis) = {n} duodenitis
duodeno = {n} [Anat.] duodenum
dupar = {v} to dupe
dupator = {n} duper
dupe = {n} dupe {Hence:} dupar-dupator
duplamento = {n} (action of) doubling
duplar = {v} to double (1. to make double; 2. [Naut.] to sail round)
du-ple = {adj} double, twofold; partita duple [Bookkeeping] double entry; duple {v} (the letter) w {Hence:} dupletto; duplar-duplamento, disduplar-disduplamento, reduplar-reduplamento; semiduple etc.
dupletto = {n} doublet (1. identical piece; {also:} [Philol., Jewelry, etc.]; 2. combination of two)
duplicar = {v} to double, make double
duplication = {n} duplication
duplicative = {adj} duplicative
duplicato = {n} duplicate
duplicator = {n} duplicator
duplicatura = {n} duplicature; {also:} [Anat.]
du-plice (dú-) = {adj} double, twofold {Hence:} duplicitate; duplicar-duplication, duplicative, duplicator, duplicatura, duplicato, reduplicar-reduplication, reduplicative
duplicitate = {n} 1. doubleness, duplexity; 2. duplicity, double-dealing
dur = {adj} hard (= not soft); {also:} harsh {Hence:} duressa; durar &
durabile = {adj} durable, lasting
durabilitate = {n} durability
durante = {prep} during; durante que while, whilst
durar = {v} to last, endure {Hence:} durante; durabile-durabilitate; duration; indurar &; perdurar &
duration = {n} duration (1. continuance in time; 2. period of time during which a thing lasts)
duressa = {n} hardness; {also:} harshness, duress
duumviral = {adj} duumviral
duumvirato = {n} duumvirate
duum-viro (-úm-) = {n} [Rom. Antiq.] duumvir {Hence:} duumvirato; duumviral
dyn- see dynam-
dyna = {n} [Phys.] dyne
dynam- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} dynamismo; dynamista; dynamite &; dynamic-aerodynamic etc.; isodynamic etc.; dynamica-electrodynamica etc; adyname &; dynamometro etc.; dynamoelectric etc.; heterodyne etc.
dynamic = {adj} dynamic, dynamical
dynamica = {n} [Phys.] dynamics
dynamismo = {n} [Philos.] dynamism
dynamista = {n} dynamist
dynamitar = {v} to dynamite
dynamite = {n} dynamite {Hence:} dynamitero; dynamitic; dynamitar
dynamitero = {n} dynamiter
dynamitic = {adj} dynamite, dynamitic
dynamo (dí-) = {n} [Elec.] dynamo {Hence:} turbodynamo etc.
dynamo-electric = {adj} dynamoelectric; machina dynamoelectric dynamoclectric machine, dynamo
dynamo-metro (-mó-) = {n} dynamometer
dynasta = {n} dynast {Hence:} dynastia; dynastic
dynastia (-ía) = {n} dynasty
dynastic = {adj} dynastic
dys- = {prefixo} [used chiefly to form technical terms] dys- (1. bad, badly; 2. difficult, with difficulty; 3. disordered) {Hence:} dysenteria etc.; dyspepsia etc.; dyspeptic etc.
dysenteria (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] dysentery {Hence:} dysenteric
dysenteric = {adj} dysenteric
dyspepsia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] dyspepsia
dyspeptic = {adj} dyspeptic
dysphasia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] dysphasia
e = {conj} and; e ... e as well ... as, both ... and
e- see esser
eau de Cologne [F] = {n} eau de Cologne
ebenizar = {v} to ebonize
ebenista = {n} cabinetmaker, ebonist
ebenisteria (-ía) = {n} cabinetmaking
ebeno (é-) = {n} ebony {Hence:} ebenista-ebenisteria; ebenizar
ebore = {n} ivory {Hence:} eboree
eboree = {adj} ivory
ebrie = {adj} drunk, drunken {Hence:} ebrietate; inebriar
ebrietate = {n} drunkenness, ebriety
ebulliente = {adj} ebullient
ebullientia = {n} ebullience
ebullir = {v} to boil, bubble out
ebullition = {n} ebullition, boiling; puncto de ebullition boiling point
ecce = {adv} lo!, see!, behold! ecce homo [L] ecce homo (= behold the man)
eccentric = {adj} eccentric (1. not concentric; 2. odd, whimsical, unconventional); (districto) eccentric outlying (district) {Hence:} eccentricitate
eccentricitate = {n} eccentricity (1. [Mech.]; 2. eccentric condition or behavior, oddity)
ecclesia = {n} church; Ecclesia Anglican Church of England, Anglican Church {Hence:} ecclesiasta-ecclesiastic-ecclesiastico; ecclesiologia etc.
ecclesiasta = {n} ecclesiastic; Ecclesiasta Ecclesiast (= author of Ecclesiastes)
Ecclesiastes (-ás-) = {npr} [Bib.] Ecclesiastes
ecclesiastic = {adj} ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical
ecclesiastico = {n} ecclesiastic
ecclesio-logia (-ía) = {n} ecclesiology
-ech- [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} entelechia etc. ...
echelon (-sh-) = {n} [Mil.] echelon {Hence:} echelonar
echelonar (-sh-) = {v} to echelon
echino = {n} I. echinus (1. sea urchin; 2. [Arch.]); II. [Zool.] Echinus {Hence:} echinoides; echinococco etc.; echinoderme etc.
echino-cocco = {n} [Zool.] echinococcus
echino-derme = {adj} echinoderm, echinodermic {Hence:} echinodermo
echinodermo = {n} echinoderm
echinoides = {n} [Zool.] Echinoidae
echo = {n} echo; facer echo (a) to echo, echo back {Hence:} echoic; echoar; echolalia etc.; echometro etc.; echometria etc.
echoar = {v} to echo
echoic (-óic) = {adj} echoic
echo-lalia (-ía) = {n} [Psychopathol.] echolalia
echo-metria (-ía) = {n} echometry {Hence:} echometric
echometric = {adj} echometric
echo-metro (-kó) = {n} echometer
eclect- see eclectic
eclectic = {adj} eclectic {Hence:} eclectismo; eclectico; eclecticismo
eclecticismo = {n} eclecticism
eclectico = {n} eclectic
eclectismo = {n} eclecticism
eclipsar = {v} to eclipse; eclipsar se to disappear, vanish, make oneself scarce
eclipse = {n} eclipse {Hence:} eclipsar
ecliptic = {adj} ecliptic, ecliptical {Hence:} ecliptica
ecliptica = {n} [Astron.] ecliptic
ecloga (éc-) = {n} eclogue
eco- = {n} [occurring in compounds] eco- (= house, household, habitat) {Hence:} ecologo etc.; economo etc.
ecologia (-ía) = {n} ecology
ecologic = {adj} ecologic, ecological
ecologista = {n} ecologist
eco-logo (-có-) = {n} ecologist {Hence:} ecologia-ecologista, ecologic, synecologia
economato = {n} stewardship
economia (-ía) = {n} economy (1. management of the expenditures of a social group; 2. careful management, thrift); economias economies, savings; economia politic political economy, economics; economia de tempore saving of time
economic = {adj} 1. economic; 2. economical
economizar = {v} to economize
economista = {n} economist (= student of political economy)
eco-nomo (-có-) = {n} steward, housekeeper {Hence:} economato; economia-economic; economista; economizar
-ecr- see sacre
ecstase (éc-) = {n} ecstasy {Hence:} ecstasiar
ecstasiar = {v} to enrapture, entrance; ecstasiar se to go into ecstasies
ecstatic = {adj} ecstatic
ecto- = {adv} [occurring in compounds] ecto- (= outside, external) {Hence:} ectoderma etc.; ectoplasma etc.
ecto-derma = {n} [Zool.] ectoderm
-ectomia (-ía) = {n} [occurring in compounds] [Surg.] - ectomy (= excision, removal) {Hence:} appendicectomia etc.; tonsillectomia etc.
ecto-plasma = {n} [Spiritualism] ectoplasm {Hence:} ectoplasmic
ectoplasmic = {adj} ectoplasmic
Ecuador [H] = {npr} Ecuador
ecumenic = {adj} ecumcnical; concilio ecumenic ecumenical council
eczema [-ma/-mat-] = {n} eczema {Hence:} eczematose
eczemat- see eczema
eczematose = {adj} eczematous
edace = {adj} voracious, edacious
edacitate = {n} voracity, edacity
edema [-ma/-mat-] = {n} [Pathol.] edema {Hence:} edematose
edemat- see edema
edematose = {adj} edematous, edematose
Eden (é-) = {npr} Eden
eder (1) = {v} to eat {Hence:} edibile-edibilitate, inedibile-inedibilitate; edace-edacitate
eder (2) = {v} 1. to edit; 2. to publish {Hence:} edition; editor-editorial; editar; inedite
edi- = {n} [occurring in derivativcs and compounds] edi- (= building, house) {Hence:} edificio etc.; edificar etc. ...
edibile = {adj} edible, eatable
edibilitate = {n} edibility
edic- [-dic-/-dict-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} edicto
edict- see edic-
edicto = {n} edict
edificante 1. ppr of edificar; 2. {adj} edifying
edi-ficar = {v} 1. to build (= to erect a building); 2. to edify {Hence:} edificante; edification; edificative; edificator; reedificar-reedification
edification = {n} 1. erection, building (= action of building); 2. edification
edificative = {adj} edifying
edificator = {n} builder (1. one who builds; 2. one who oversees building operations)
edi-ficio = {n} edifice; building, structure
Edipo (é-) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Oedipus; complexo de Edipo [Psychoanalysis] Oedipus complex
editar = {v} 1. to edit; 2. to publish
edition = {n} 1. (action of) publishing; 2. edition; edition principe first or original edition
editio princeps [L] editio princeps, first edition
editor = {n} 1. editor (= one who edits); 2. publisher
editorial = {adj} editorial editorial {n} editorial
-edr- see -hedra
Eduardo = {nprm} Edward
educabile = {adj} educable
educar = {v} to educate; (ben, mal) educate (well-, ill-)bred {Hence:} educabile; education-educational, coeducation; educative; educator
education = {n} 1. education; 2. [Husbandry] rearing, raising; education physic physical education or training; (systema) de education educational (system)
educational = {adj} educational
educative = {adj} educative (= instructive, educational)
educator = {n} educator, pedagogue
edulcorar = {v} to edulcorate (1. to sweeten (medicine, etc.); 2. [Chem.])
edulcoration = {n} edulcoration (1. (action of) sweetening; 2. [Chem.])
efendi [Tu.] = {n} effendi
effabile = {adj} utterable {Hence:} ineffabile-ineffabilitate
effect- see effic-
effective = {adj} effective (1. efficacious, efficient; 2. actual, de facto, as in "effective capital")
effectivo = {n} [Mil.] effective (= the effective part of an army)
effecto = {n} effect; in effecto in fact, indeed; effectos 1. effects, belongings; 2. [Banking] holdings (as stocks, bonds, shares, etc.)
effectuar = {v} to effect, bring about
effectuation = {n} effectuation
effeminar = {v} to effeminate {Hence:} effemination; effeminate
effeminate = {adj} effeminate
effemination = {n} effemination
effervescente 1. ppr of effervescer; 2. {adj} effervescent
effervescentia = {n} effervescence
effervescer = {v} to effervesce {Hence:} effervescente-effervescentia
effic- [-fic-/-fect-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} efficace-efficacia, inefficace-inefficacia; efficiente-efficientia, inefficiente-inefficientia, coefficiente; effective-effectivo; effecto-effectuar-effectuation
efficace = {adj} effective, efficacious; efficient
efficacia = {n} efficacy, effectiveness
efficiente = {adj} -; causa efficiente efficient or moving cause
efficientia = {n} efficiency (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Mech.])
effigiamento = {n} (act of) portraying, portrayal
effigiar = {v} to portray
effigie = {n} effigy; in effigie in effigy, under the form of a representation {Hence:} effigiar-effigiamento
efflorescentia = {n} [Chem.; Pathol.] efflorescence
efflorescer = {v} [Chem.] to effloresce {Hence:} efflorescentia
effluente 1. ppr of effluer; 2. {adj} effluent
effluer = {v} to flow forth {Hence:} effluente
effluvio = {n} effluvium; {also:} [Phys.]
effortiar = {v} -; effortiar se to make an effort or efforts {Hence:} effortio
effortio = {n} 1. effort; 2. [Med.] strain; facer un effortio to make an effort; facer tote su effortios to make every effort
effract- see effring-
effraction = {n} breaking in, housebreaking; {also:} burglary
effractor = {n} burglar, housebreaker
effring- [-fring-/-fract-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} effraction; effractor
effunder [-fund-/-fus-] = {v} to pour out, pour forth, shed, effuse {Hence:} effusion
effus- see effunder
effusion = {n} effusion; effusion de sanguine bloodshed; con effusion effusively
egee (-gée) = {adj} Aegean; Mar Egee Aegean sea
Egeo (1) (-géo) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Aegeus {Hence:} egee-Egeo (2)
Egeo (2) (-géo) = {npr} Aegean, Aegean Sea
-eget- = {n} [occurring in compounds] (= leader) {Hence:} cynegetic etc. ...
egide (égide) = {n} aegis (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. shield, protection); sub le egide de under the aegis of
eglefino = {n} [Ichthyol.] haddock
[ego] = {pron pers} I (= io) {Hence:} ego (2)-egoismo, egoista-egoistic, egotismo, egotista, egolatria etc., egocentric etc.
ego = {n} [Philos., Psychol., etc.] ego
ego-centric = {adj} egocentric, self-centered
egoismo (-ízmo) = {n} egotism, egoism
egoista (-ísta) = {n} egotist, egoist; attrib. egotistic, egoistic
egoistic (-ístic) = {adj} egoistical
ego-latria (-ía) = {n} self-worship
egotismo = {n} egotism (= excessive preoccupation with the ego)
egotista = {n} egotist (= one excessively preoccupied with the ego); attrib. egotistic(al)
egred- [-gred-/-gress-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} egresso
egregie = {adj} egregious
egress- see egred-
egresso = {n} egress, exit
egyptian = {adj} 1. Egyptian; 2. gypsy
egyptiano = {n} I. Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. Egyptian language); II. gypsy (= member of a gypsy tribe); III. Romany (= Gypsy, the gypsy tongue)
egyptie = {adj} 1. Egyptian; 2. gypsy
egyptio = {n} I. Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. language of Egypt); II. gypsy (= member of a gypsy tribe); III. Romany (= Gypsy, the gypsy tongue)
Egypto = {npr} Egypt {Hence:} egyptie-egyptio; egyptian-egyptiano; egyptologo etc.
egyptologia (-ía) = {n} Egyptology
egypto-logo (-tó-) = {n} Egyptologist, Egyptologue {Hence:} egyptologia
eider (éi-) = {n} [Zool.] eider {Hence:} eiderdun etc.
eider-dun = {n} eiderdown (1. small soft feathers from the breast of the eider duck; 2. eiderdown quilt)
eido- = {n} [occurring in compounds] eido- (= image, figure) {Hence:} kaleidophonio etc. ...
Eire [Ir.] = {npr} Eire {Hence:} Irlanda etc.
ejacular = {v} to ejaculate, eject {Hence:} ejaculation; ejaculator; ejaculatori
ejaculation = {n} ejaculation (= act of ejecting or ejaculating)
ejaculator = {adj} [Physiol.] ejaculatory
ejaculatori = {adj} [Physiol.] ejaculatory
eject- see ejic-
ejection = {n} [Physiol.] dejection (= discharge of excrement)
ejector = {n} [Technol.] ejector (of steam, cartridges, etc.)
ejic- [-jic-/-ject-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} ejection; ejector
[el] = {pron} 1. he; 2. (after prep) him (= il)
elaborar = {v} to elaborate {Hence:} elaboration
elaboration = {n} elaboration
elastic = {adj} elastic {Hence:} elasticitate; elastico
elasticitate = {n} elasticity elastico {n} elastic, elastic band, etc.
elect- see eliger
electe = {adj} [Theo].] elect
election = {n} election (1. choice; 2. "election by vote"); vaso de election [Theol.] chosen vessel
elective = {adj} elective (1. as in "elective office"; 2. having a power of choice); affinitate elective [Chem.] elective affinity
electivitate = {n} electiveness
electo = {n} (one of the) elect
elector = {n} elector, voter
electoral = {adj} electoral
electorato = {n} I. electorate (1. rank of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire; 2. territory under the rule of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire); II. franchise (= right to vote)
electr- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] electr-, electro- {Hence:} electron &; electric &; electrificar-electrification; electrizar-electrization; electrochimia etc.; electrolyse etc.; electrolytic etc.; electrocutar etc.; electrodo etc.
electric = {adj} electric, electrical {Hence:} electricista; electricitate; dynamoelectric etc.
electricista = {n} electrician
electricitate = {n} electricity
electrificar = {v} to electrify (to equip for the use of electricity)
electrification = {n} electrification (= process of equipping for the use of electricity)
electrizar = {v} to electrify (= to charge with electricity)
electrization = {n} electrification (= charging with electricity)
electro-chimia (-ía) = {n} electrochemistry {Hence:} electrochimista; eIectrochimic
electrochimic = {adj} electrochemical
electrochimista = {n} electrochemist
electro-cutar = {v} to electrocute
electro-cution = {n} electrocution
electr-odo (-léc-) = {n} electrode
electro-dynamica = {n} electrodynamics
electrolysar = {v} to electrolyze
electrolysation = {n} electrolyzation
electro-lyse (-ólise) = {n} electrolysis {Hence:} electrolysar-electrolysation
electro-lytic = {adj} electrolytic
electro-lyto (-ó-) = {n} electrolyte {Hence:} electrolytic
electro-magnete = {n} electromagnet {Hence:} electromagnetismo; electromagnetic
electromagnetic = {adj} electromagnetic
electromagnetismo = {n} electromagnetism
electrometria (-ía) = {n} electrometry
electrometric = {adj} electrometric
electro-metro (-ó-) = {n} electrometer {Hence:} electrometria; electrometric
electro-motor = {n} electromotor (= machine that produces an electric current)
electron = {n} [Phys.] electron; electron de alte velocitate [Atomic Phys.] highspeed electron {Hence:} electronic; electronica; cyclotron etc.; magnetron, etc.
electronic = {adj} electronic
electronica = {n} electronics
electroscopia (-ía) = {n} electroscopy
electroscopic = {adj} electroscopic
electro-scopio = {n} electroscope {Hence:} electroscopia; electroscopic
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