fertilization = {n} fertilization (= act or process of rendering fertile)
fertilitate = {n} fertility
fervente I. ppr of ferver; II. {adj} fervent (1. hot, flowing; 2. showing fervor)
ferventia = {n} fervency
ferver = {v} 1. to boil; to be boiling hot; 2. to be in a state of agitation, heat, fervor, etc. {Hence:} fervide; fervente-ferventia; fervor; effervescer &
fervide = {adj} fervid, fervent
fervor = {n} fervor (1. intense heat; 2. intense emotion); con fervor fervently
festa = {n} festival, feast, fete, etc.; facer festa a un persona to give someone a cordial reception {Hence:} festino &; festive-festvitate; festar; festear
festar = {v} 1. to celebrate, keep (a festival or feast day); 2. to feast, regale oneself; 3. to fete, honor (by festive observances)
festear = {v} to feast (= to entertain lavishly)
festinar = {v} 1. to feast, regale oneself; 2. to fete (= to honor by festive observances)
festino = {n} feast (= entertainment, banquet) {Hence:} festinar
festive = {adj} festive
festivitate = {n} festivity (= gaiety, merriment)
feston = {n} festoon {Hence:} festonar
festonar = {v} to festoon
fetal = {adj} fetal
fetar = {v} to bring forth young
fetation = {n} fetation
fetiche [F] = {n} fetish, fetich {Hence:} fetichismo; fetichista
fetichismo (-sh-) = {n} fetishism
fetichista (-sh-) = {n} fetishist
feti-cida = {n} killer of a fetus
feti-cidio = {n} feticide, (criminal) abortion
feto = {n} fetus {Hence:} fetal; fetar-fetation-superfetation; feticida etc.; feticidio etc.
feudal = {adj} feudal (1. pertaining to a fief; 2. pertaining to the feudal system)
feudalizar = {v} to feudalize
feudalismo = {n} feudalism
feudalista = {n} feudalist
feudalitate = {n} feudality (= quality or state of being feudal)
feudatario = {n} feudatory (= one holding lands by feudal tenure)
feudo = {n} fief, feudal estate {Hence:} feudal-feudalismo, feudalista, feudalitate, feudalizar; feudatario; infeudar-infeudation
Fez = {npr} Fez; fez fez
Fiacre (fiácr) = {nprm} Fiacre; fiacre hack, hackney coach
fiasco = {n} fiasco; facer fiasco to fail, end in failure
fibra = {n} fiber {Hence:} fibrilla-fibrillose; fibrina-fibrinose; fibrose
fibrilla = {n} fibril (1. small fiber; 2. root hair)
fibrillose = {adj} fibrillous
fibrina = {n} fibrin
fibrinose = {adj} fibrinous
fibrose = {adj} fibrous
fibula (fí-) = {n} I. fibula (1. [Antiq.]; 2. [Anat.]); II. clasp, buckle, brooch
-fic- see facer; -ific
-ficar see -ificar
ficato (fí-) = {n} [Anat.] liver
-fice = {n} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} artefice etc.; carnifice etc.; munificente etc.; edificio etc.; veneficio etc.; orificio etc.; edificar etc.
fich- see fico
fichiero = {n} fig tree
fichu [F] = {n} [Clothing] fichu
-ficie see facie
-ficile see facile
fico = {n} fig (= fruit of the fig tree) {Hence:} fichiero; ficoide; beccafico etc.
ficoide = {adj} [Bot.] ficoid
fict- see finger
ficticie = {adj} fictitious
fiction = {n} fiction (as in "truth stranger than fiction"); fiction legal legal fiction
fictive = {adj} fictive, fictitious
-fid- see finder
fidantia = {n} pledge of (good) faith {Hence:} fidantiar-fidantiamento, fidantiato
fidantiamento = {n} betrothal
fidantiar = {v} to betroth, affiance
fidantiato = {n} fiancé
fide = {n} faith (1. trust, confidence; 2. "religious faith"; 3. system of religious beliefs; 4. word (of honor); 5. fidelity, loyalty); acto, articulo de fide act, article, of faith; haber fide in to have faith, believe, in; bon (mal) fide good (bad) faith; fide punic Punic faith, faithlessness; dar fide to give, pledge, one's faith {Hence:} fideismo; fideista; fidel &; perfide &; fideicommitter etc.
fideicomiss- see fideicomitter
fideicommissari = {adj} [Law] fideicommissary
fideicommissario = {n} [Law] fideicommissioner
fideicommisse = {adj} [Law] fideicommissary
fideicommisso = {n} [Law] fideicommissum
fidei-committer [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} to make a fideicommissum {Hence:} fideicommisse-fideicommisso-fideicommissari, fideicommissario
fideismo (-ízmo) = {n} fideism
fideista (-ísta) = {n} fideist
fidel = {adj} faithful {Hence:} fidelitate; infidel-infidelitate
fidelitate = {n} fidelity, faithfulness
fider = {v} to entrust; fider un cosa a un persona to entrust something to someone; fider se a un persona to trust, have faith in, someone {Hence:} fiducia &; confider &; diffider
fiducia = {n} confidence, trust {Hence:} fiducial; fiducirari
fiducial = {n} fiducial (1. founded on faith or trust; 2. [Phys.] as in "fiducial line")
fiduciari = {adj} fiduciary (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. founded on trust or confidence)
figer [fig-/fix-] = {v} to drive in, thrust in {Hence:} fixe &; affiger &; prefiger &; suffig- &; transfiger &; crucifiger etc.
figura = {n} I. figure (1. form, shape; 2. appearance; 3. person, character; 4. [Art, etc.]; 6. [Gram.]; 6. [Dancing, Skating, etc.]; 7. "figure of speech"); II. face, countenance; facer figura to cut or make a figure; le figuras del syllogismo the figures or forms of syllogism {Hence:} figurina; figurar-figurante, figuration, figurative, figurate, configurar &, disfigurar &, prefigurar &, transfigurar &
figurante = {n} [Theat.] 1. figurant; 2. figurante
figurar = {v} to figure (1. to represent in a picture; 2. to be conspicuous); figurar se to figure, imagine; figurar (in un lista, etc.) to appear (on a list, etc.)
figurate I. pp of figurar; II. {adj} 1. figured (= decorated with figures); 2. figurative (language, style, etc.); 3. [Mus.] figurate; censo figurate figurative meaning
figuration = {n} figuration (= representation in figures and shapes)
figurative = {adj} figurative (1. as in "figurative design"; 2. as in "figurative sense")
figurina = {n} figurine
fila = {n} file (= line of persons or things one behind another); fila indie Indian file {Hence:} defilar
filamento = {n} filament {Hence:} filamentose
filamentose = {adj} filamentous
filanda = {n} spinning mill, spinnery {Hence:} filandero; filandera
filandera = {n} spinner, spinning woman
filandero = {n} (male) spinner
filar = {v} to spin (as in "to spin flax")
filaria = {n} [Zool.] filaria
filator = {n} spinner
filatorio = {n} spinning machine
filatura = {n} (art of) spinning
filet [F] = {n} [Cookery] filet, fillet
filettar = {v} to fillet (= to adorn with a fillet)
filetto = {n} fillet (= narrow ribbon) {Hence:} filettar
filia = {n} daughter; filia affin daughter-in-law {Hence:} filiastra; granfilia
filial = {adj} filial filial {n} branch (= branch office)
filiar = {v} to give birth (to), bear (a child, a litter, etc.]; 2. to take on (as a child), adopt
filiastra = {n} stepdaughter
filiastro = {n} stepson, stepchild
filiation = {n} I. bearing, giving birth; II. adoption; III. filiation (1. genealogical relationship, descent; 2. connection)
filical = {adj} fern, of ferns
filice (fí-) = {n} fern {Hence:} filical, filiciforme etc.
filici-forme = {adj} filiciform
filera = {n} wiredrawer (= mechanism for drawing out wire)
fili-forme = {adj} filiform
fili-grana = {n} filigree {Hence:} filigranar
filigranar = {v} to filigree
filio = {n} son; (John Smith) filio (John Smith) junior; filio affin son-in-law {Hence:} filiastro; filiolo-filiola; filial; filiar-filiation; affiliar &; granfilio; filia &
filiola = {n} goddaughter
filiolo = {n} 1. godchild; 2. godson
film [A] = {n} film (1. "camera film"; 2. moving picture) {Hence:} filmar; microfilm etc.
filmar = {v} to film (= to make a moving picture)
filo = {n} 1. thread; yarn; 2. edge (of a knife, razor, etc.); filo (de ferro, de auro, etc.) (iron, gold, etc.) wire; filo (del discurso) thread (of the discourse); filo de Ariadna Ariadne's clew; filo del vita thread of life; filo metallic wire (= thread of metal); filo telegraphic telegraph wire {Hence:} filera; filetto &: filon; filaria; filar-filamento &, filanda &, filator, filatorio, filatura; affilar &; infilar &; filiforme etc.; filigrana etc.
filon = {n} [Geol. and Mining] vein, lode
filtrabile = {adj} filterable
filtrar = {v} to filter
filtration = {n} filtration
filtro = {n} filter {Hence:} filtrar-filtrabile, filtration; infiltrar-infiltration
fimbria = {n} fringe, border; {also:} [Anat., etc.] fimbria {Hence:} fimbriate; fimbriar-fimbriation
fimbriar = {v} to (finish with a) border, fimbriate
fimbriate = {adj} fringed; {also:} [Bot., etc.] fimbriate, fimbriated
fimbriation = {n} bordering, fimbriation; {also:} border, fringe
fin = {n} end (1. termination; 2. aim, purpose); le fin justifica le medios the end justifies the means; a fin de in order to; al fin in the end, at last; in fin 1. in conclusion; 2. in short, to sum up; a fin que in order that {Hence:} final-finalismo, finalista, finalitate; finir-infinitive &, finitor, finite-infinite &, definir &, prefinir; affin &; confin & ; fin a = until; fin que = until (that) fin = {adj} fine (1. superior, excellent, etc.; 2. not coarse); (auro, etc.) fin fine (gold, etc.) {Hence:} finessa; affinar &; extrafin; superfin
Fin- see finno
*fin a = {adv} until
*fin que = {conj} until that ....
final = {adj} final; causa final final cause final {n} [Mus.] finale
finalismo = {n} [Philos.] finalism
finalista = {n} [Philos.] finalist
finalitate = {n} finality
financia = {n} finance; financias finances (= pecuniary resources of a state or an individual) {Hence:} financiero; financiari; financiar
financiar = {v} to finance (= to provide money for)
financiari = {adj} financial
financiero = {n} financier
finder [find-/fiss-] = {v} to cleave, split {Hence:} fissile; fission; fissura; fisse-fissirostros etc., fissipede etc.; bifide etc.; multifide etc.
finessa = {n} 1. fineness; 2. finesse, subtlety
finger [fing-/fict-] = {v} to feign, pretend, make believe, simulate {Hence:} fingimento; fiction; ficticie; fictive; fingitor
fingimento = {n} figment
fingitor = {n} feigner
finir = {v} to finish; {also:} to end
finite 1. pp of finir; 2. {adj} finite
finitor = {n} finisher
Fin-landia = {npr} Finland
finnese = {adj} Finnish finnese {n} Finnish (language)
finno = {n} Finn {Hence:} finnese; Finlandia etc.; finno-ugrian etc.
finno-ugrian = {adj} Finno-Ugrian, Finno-Ugric {Hence:} finno-ugriano
finno-ugriano = {n} Finno-Ugrian
fiord [Nor.] = {n} fiord, fjord
firma = {n} 1. signature; 2. (business) firm
firmamento = {n} firmament
firmar = {v} 1. to make firm or stable; 2. to sign, put one's signature to {Hence:} firma; firmamento; affirmar &; confirmar &
firme = {adj} firm (1. "firm in texture"; 2. firmly attached, etc.); resolution firme firm resolution {Hence:} infirme &; firmar &
fiscal = {adj} fiscal (= pertaining to the public treasury or revenue)
fisco = {n} exchequer, treasury, fisc {Hence:} fiscal; confiscar &
fiss- see finder
fisse = {adj} split, cloven
fissile = {adj} fissile
fission = {n} [Biol., Phys.; etc.] fission
fissi-pede (-ípede) = {adj} cloven-footed, fissiped
fissi-rostros = {npl} [Zool.] Fissirostres
fissura = {n} cleft, fissure
-fit- [-fit-/-fess-] = {v} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} confit- &; profit- &
fix- see figer
fixabile = {adj} fixable
fixar = {v} to fix (1. to make firm, fasten; 2. to settle, set; 3. [special: Chem., Photog.]; fixar le oculos super to fix one's eyes on; fixar le attention super un cosa to fix one's attention on something; fixar le hora to set the time
fixation = {n} fixation (1. act or process of fixing, of making firm; 2. [special: Chem., Photog., Psychoanalysis])
fixative = {adj} fixative
fixativo = {n} fixative
fixator = {n} 1. fixer (= one who fixes); 2. [Photog.] fixing solution
fixe = {adj} fixed; stella fixe fixed star; idea fixe fixed idea; sal fixe [Chem.] fixed salt {Hence:} fixitate; fixar-fixabile, fixcation, fixative-fixativo, fixator; antefixa
fixitate = {n} fixity (as in "fixity of habits")
flabellar = {v} to fan (= to move the air with a fan)
flabellate = {adj} flabellate, flabelliform
flabellation = {n} flabellation
flabelli-forme = {adj} flabelliform
flabello = {n} 1. fan (as in "feather fan"); 2. flabellum; {also:} [R.C.Ch.] {Hence:} flabellate; flabellar-flabellation; flabelliforme etc.
flaccide (flác-) = {adj} flaccid {Hence:} flacciditate
flacciditate = {n} flaccidity
flacon (F) = {n} smelling bottle, perfume bottle, etc.
flagellante = {n} flagellant
flagellar = {v} 1. to whip, scourge, flagellate; 2. flail
flagellate = {adj} [Biol.] flagellated
flagellation = {n} flagellation
flagellator = {n} flagellator
flagellifere = {adj} [Biol.] flagelliferous
flagelli-forme = {adj} [Biol.] flagelliform
flagello = {n} 1. whip, scourge; 2. flail; 3. [Biol ] flagellum; flagello de Deo scourge of God {Hence:} flagellate; flagellifere; flagellar-flagellante, flagellation, flagellator; flagelliforme etc.
flagrante 1. ppr of flagrar; 2. {adj} flagrant (as in "flagrant offense"); in flagrante delicto in the act flagrante delicto [L] [Law] flagrante delicto
flagrantia = {n} flagrance, flagrancy
flagrar = {v} to burn, blaze {Hence:} flagrante-flagrantia; conflagrar &; deflagrar &
flair [F] = {n} flair
flaminge = {adj} Flemish {Hence:} flamingo
flamingo (1) = {n} [Zool.] flamingo
flamingo (2) = {npr} 1. Fleming; 2. Flemish (language)
flamma = {n} flame {Hence:} flammee; flammifero; flammar-flammante; inflammar-inflammabile-inflammabilitate, inflammation, inflammative, inflammatori, inflammate, disinflammar; lanceaflammas etc.
flammante = {adj} 1. flaming, bright; 2. brandnew
flammar = {v} to flame, blaze
flammee = {adj} 1. flaming; 2. flame-colored
flammifero (-í-) = {n} match, lucifer; cassa de flammiferos match box, box of matches
flanar = {v} to stroll, loaf
flancar = {v} to flank (1. [Mil.] to protect the flank of; 2. to be situated at the flank or side of)
flanco = {n} flank; attaccar de flanco to flank, attack on the flank {Hence:} flancar
Flandra = {npr} Flanders
flanella = {n} flannel
flaon = {n} 1. [Cooking] flan; 2. [Print.] flong
flar = {v} to blow (1. as in "a bellows blows"; 2. as in "to blow bubbles") {Hence:} flato &; deflar &; inflar &; sufflar &
flasco = {n} flask (1. "flask for wine, etc."; 2. "powder flask")
flato = {n} flatus (= gas generated in the stomach or bowels) {Hence:} flatuose-flatuositate; flatulente &
flattar = {v} to flatter {Hence:} flatteria; flattator
flattator = {n} flatterer
flatteria (-ía) = {n} flattery
flatu- see flato
flatulente = {adj} flatulent (1. affected with flatus; 2. causing flatus) {Hence:} flatulentia
flatulentia = {n} flatulence, flatulency
flatuose = {n} causing flatulence, flatulent
flatuositate = {n} flatulence, flatulency
flauta = {n} [Mus.] flute; sonar le flauta to play the flute {Hence:} flautista; flautar
flautar = {v} to flute (1. to play on a flute; 2. to play, whistle, or sing with a note like that of a flute)
flautista = {n} flutist
flave = {adj} golden yellow {Hence:} flavipede etc.
flavi-pede (-í-) = {adj} [Zooh] flavipes
flecha (flésha) = {n} 1. arrow; 2. [Geom.] versed sine {Hence:} flechar-flechator
flechar (-shar) = {v} to shoot (someone) with an arrow
flechator (-sha-) = {n} archer
flecter [flect-/flex-] = {v} to bend (= to cause to bend); also: to flex {Hence:} flexibile-flexibilitate, inflexibile-inflexibilitate; flexion &; flexura; flexo-flexuose, flexuositate; circumflecter &; inflecter &; reflecter &; genuflecter etc.
fleur de lis [F] fleur-de-lis
flex- see flecter
flexibile = {adj} flexible
flexibilitate = {n} flexibility
flexion = {n} flection, flexion (1. act of flexing; 2. [Gram.] inflection) {Hence:} flexional
flexional = {adj} [Gram.] flectional, flexional
flexo = {n} flex
flexuose = {adj} flexuous, flexuose
flexuositate = {n} flexuosity, flexuousness
flexura = {n} flexure (= act of flexing; state of being flexed)
-fliger [-flig-/-flict-] = {v} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} affliger &; confliger &; infliger &
flint [A] = {n} flint
flirt [A] = {n} flirt (= act of flirting)
flirtar = {v} to flirt (= to play at courtship) {Hence:} flirtation
flirtation = {n} flirtation
floccate = {adj} covered with snow(flakes)
flocco = {n} 1. flock (= tuft of wool); 2. tassel; 3. flake (= small, light mass); flocco de nive snowflake {Hence:} floccate; floccose
floccose = {adj} 1. floccose; 2. flaky
flor = {n} I. flower (1. blossom; 2. flowering plant; 3. the best part); II. virginity; flor de farina flour; flor de sulfure [Chem.] flowers of sulphur; flor de cupro verdegris; flor de lilio, flor de lis [Her.] fleur-de-lis; a flor de flush with, on a level with; le flor del vita or del etate the prime of life, the flower of one's age or life; in flor in flower {Hence:} floretto; floretta; florista; floron; floral; florar-floration-prefloration; afflorar &; deflorar &; disflorar &; inflorar &; florer &; florescer &; passiflor etc.; albiflor etc.; multiflor etc.; uniflor etc.; mille-flores etc.; flosculo &; flora
Flora = {npr} [Rom. Rel.] Flora; flora [Bot.] flora
floral = {adj} [Bot.] floral
florar = {v} 1. to flower, bloom; 2. to flourish
floration = {n} (act or state of) flowering, blossoming
Florentia = {npr} Florence {Hence:} florentin-florentino
florentin = {adj} Florentine
florentino = {n} Florentine
florer = {v} 1. to flower, bloom; 2. to flourish {Hence:} floride &; florimento
florescer = {v} 1. to flower, bloom; 2. to flourish {Hence:} efflorescer &; inflorescer &
floretta = {n} small flower; {also:} [Bot.] floret
floretto = {n} [Fencing] foil
Florida = {npr} Florida
floride = {adj} flowery (1. abounding in flowers; 2. [Rhet.] florid) {Hence:} floriditate
floriditate = {n} floridity
florimento = {n} 1. (state of) flowering, blooming; 2. (state of) flourishing
florino = {n} florin; {also:} guilder
florista = {n} 1. florist (= one who sells flowers); 2. maker of artificial flowers
floron = {n} fleuron (= flower-shaped ornament)
flos- see flor
flosculo = {n} [Bot.] floscule, floret {Hence:} flosculose; semiflosculo etc.
flosculose = {adj} [Bot.] flosculous
flotta = {n} 1. fleet; 2. navy {Hence:} flottilla
flottabile = {adj} floatable
flottabilitate = {n} floatability
flottante 1. ppr of flottar; 2. {adj} flotant, swimming
flottar = {v} to float (in the water, the air, etc.) {Hence:} flottante; flottabile-flottabilitate; flottation; flottator
flottation = {n} flotation, floatation (= act of floating)
flottator = {n} floater (= one who or that which floates)
flottilia = {n} flotilla
fluct- see fluer
flucto = {n} flow, flood {Hence:} fluctuar-fluctuante; fluctuation
fluctu- see flucto
fluctuante 1. ppr of fluctuar; 2. {adj} fluctuant
fluctuar = {v} 1. to move in, be moved by, waves; 2. to fluctuate
fluctuation = {n} I. undulation (= wavelike motion); II. fluctuation (1. continual change; 2. [Pathol.])
fluente 1. ppr of fluer; 2. {adj} fluent
fluentia = {n} fluency
fluer [flu-/fluct-/flux-] = {v} to flow {Hence:} fluide &; fluente-fluentia; superflue &; effluvio &; fluxion; fluxo; flucto &; affluer &; confluer &; defluer &; effluer &; influer &; refluer &; melliflue etc.; roriflue etc.
fluide (flú-) = {adj} fluid {Hence:} fluiditate; fluidificar-fluidification; semifluide etc.; fluido
fluidificar = {v} to render fluid, fluidify
fluidification = {n} fluidification
fluiditate = {n} fluidity
fluido (flú-) = {n} fluid
fluor (-ór) = {n} [Chem.] fluorine; spat fluor [Mineral.] fluorite {Hence:} fluorina; fluorita; fluoruro; fluoric-silicifluoric etc.; fluorescer &; fluoroscopio etc.
fluoresceina (-ína) [Chem.] fluorescein
fluorescente 1. ppr of fluorescer; 2. {adj} fluorescent
fluorescentia = {n} fluorescence
fluorescer = {v} to fluoresce {Hence:} fluoresceina; fluorescente-fluorescentia
fluoric = {adj} fluoric
fluorina = {n} [Mineral.] calcium fluoride
fluorita = {n} [Mineral.] fluorite
fluoroscopia (-ía) = {n} fluoroscopy
fluoroscopic = {adj} fluoroscopic
fluoro-scopio = {n} fluoroscope {Hence:} fluoroscopia; fluoroscopic
fluoruro = {n} [Chem.] fluoride
-fluv- see fluer
fluvial = {adj} fluvial
fluviatile = {adj} fluvial, fluviatile
fluvio = {n} river {Hence:} fluvial; fluviatile
flux- see fluer
fluxion = {n} [Math., Pathol.] fluxion
fluxo = {n} I. flow (1. flowing; 2. "flow of the tide"); II. [Med.] flux; fluxo de parolas flow of words; fluxo e refluxo flux and reflux, ebb and flow
focage (-aje) = {n} hearth money (= tax laid on hearths)
focal = {adj} focal
focalizar = {v} to focalize, focus (= to bring to a focus)
focar = {n} hearth; focar (domestic) home
foco = {n} I. fire (1. as in "fire and water"; 2. gunfire); II. focus; foco de Sancte Elmo St. Elmo's fire; (village) de cento focos (village) of a hundred homes; foco de artificio fireworks; jocar con le foco to play with fire; arma de foco firearm; bucca de foco piece of ordnance; prender foco to catch, take, fire {Hence:} focage; focar; focal-focalizar, bifocal etc.; guardafoco etc.; coperifoco etc.
foder [fod-/foss-] = {v} to dig, burrow {Hence:} fossile &; fossor; fossori; fossa-fossetta; fossar-fossato
foderar = {v} to line (as in "to line a coat")
foderatura = {n} (act of) lining
fodero (fó-) = {n} lining (as in "the lining of a coat") {Hence:} foderar-foderatura
foliacee = {adj} [Bot.] foliaceous
foliage (-aje) = {n} foliage
foliar = {v} to leaf, leave, shoot out leaves foliar {adj} [Bot.] foliar
foliate = {adj} leafy (= furnished with leaves); {also:} [Bot.] foliate
foliation = {n} foliation (= leafing out of plants)
folio = {n} I. leaf (1. [Bot.]; 2. "leaf of a book, etc."); II. folio (= large sheet of paper folded once); III. foil (1. [Arch.]; 2. as in "tin foil"); folio de herba blade (of grass); in folio in folio; in-folio folio (= book in folio) {Hence:} foliage; foliolo; foliacee-interfoliacee; foliar (1); foliate-perfoliate, trifoliate etc.; foliose; foliar (2)-foliation-exfoliation, prefoliation; disfoliar-disfoliation, disfoliator; interfoliar; caprifolio etc.; cerefolio etc.; trifolio etc.; portafolio etc.; in-folio etc.
foliolo (-í-) = {n} [Bot.] foliole (= leaflet)
foliose = {adj} [Bot.] folious, foliose
folklore [A] = {n} folklore {Hence:} folklorista
folklorista = {n} folklorist
folle = {n} bellows, blower {Hence:} follero; folliculo &
folle = {adj} mad (= mentally deranged) {Hence:} follia; affollar &
follero = {n} bellowmaker or seller of bellows
follia (-ía) = {n} 1. madness (= mental derangement); 2. folly
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