Ipplepen parish council minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre

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Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre

On Tuesday 3rd December, 2013

In attendance:

Coun.Popham (In the Chair) Coun.Smith

Coun.Farrowe Coun.Mrs.Northwood

Coun.Mrs.Wilson Coun.Carnell



Mrs.F.Olding Parish Clerk

Coun.Dewhirst District Councillor

125) APOLOGIES – Coun.Mrs.Calland, Coun.Vallance

126) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – No declarations of interest


a) Coun.Dewhirst advised that the improvement works to Footpath 2 had now been completed.


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 5th November, 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


MATTERS ARISING - information from the Clerk

8a) Tennis Club Lease - On-going

171) Bowling Club Trustees – On-going

127) Paternoster Lane Wall Repairs – Coun.Dewhirst confirmed that Enforcement will be undertaken early in the New Year.

117a) Approval of Precept – TDC have confirmed that we will be getting £3430 Council Tax Support Grant for the year 2014/15.

47d) Website Manager – On-going

82d) Village Hall/Deed of EasementAction: Clerk to chase up Village Hall Committee to ascertain if they have received consent from the Charities Commission yet to enable the Deed of Easement to be prepared.

85c) Replacement Cargo Net – An email had been received advising that SMP will attend site and carry out repairs on the damaged areas of the net.

98b) Review of Public Toilets -

RESOLUTION: It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Coun.Farrow and agreed unanimously, that a letter be sent to Teignbridge District Council advising that we would like to negotiate terms for taking over ownership of the public toilets in Clampitt Road, Ipplepen. Action: The Chairman to draft a letter.

129a) The Clerk advised that an email had been received from a Parishioner concerning the reinstatement of the grass area following works by Western Power along East Street. Coun.Carnell has been in touch with Western Power and they have confirmed that the main Contractor is returning to clean up and re-seed the area of grass verge. In the meantime, Coun.Smith has also informed DCC and they are going to do an inspection of the site. The Clerk has informed the parishioner what is happening.


Attached to Minutes Appendix 1


Attached to Minutes Appendix 1



a) Items from Devon County Council: -

Community News Roundup November 13

Emergency Management Newsletter December 2013

Travelling in Winter Leaflet 2013/2014

b) Items from Teignbridge District Council: -

November Monthly Update

c) Items from DALC/CCD/DPFA/DACB:

November Newsletter Part 2

CCD is supporting the national Energy Best Deal campaign and is offering opportunities to help our community reduce its fuel use and energy use costs. They want to help those who are most in need of help, but it is really a project for everyone. Their advisors would like to talk to our community. Action; The Clerk to approach the Community Coffee Morning to ascertain whether they would like a visit.

Other items received:

d) Report on incidents in Ipplepen during month of November from PCSO Lisa Clubb – There were a couple of parking problems causing obstruction, which were duly dealt with and a broken down vehicle in the live lane on A381. There were no complaints in relation to Anti-Social Behaviour. There were two minor incidents regarding dogs which are being investigated and a common assault in Bowden Road, which is also being investigated. Finally, a water butt from stables in Dainton has been stolen, the owner has been offered Crime Prevention Advice.

e) We have had confirmation from DCC that our project for the Toilet Block has been awarded a total of £2,000 from Coun.Dewhirst’s locality community budget. The Clerk confirmed that the money had been received and thanks were given to Coun.Dewhirst.

f) Local History Group – A letter had been received requesting permission to have the war memorial professionally cleaned in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the First World War. RESOLUTION: It was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously to allow the History Group to carry out the clean. Action: The Clerk to notify the History Group and to point out that the names should be either photographed or listed before the clean takes place as last time the memorial was cleaned, one of the names got left off.

g) A request had been made from Ipplepen School PTA for a donation towards a stall at their Christmas Fayre. It was agreed to follow the Parish Council’s principle of not giving donations to local organisations. However, if the school had a specific project we would obviously consider their request.

h) NHS South Devon & Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group – Newton Abbot are having a series of public meetings about community services. Among the topics for discussion are GP services, community nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social care services such as night sitters, home carers and personal care, community hospitals and services for carers. Dates: The Avenue Methodist Church, Newton Abbot on 10th December 6-8pm and Abbotskerswell Village Hall on 11th December 6-8pm.

i) November & December Monthly bulletin on the A380 South Devon Link Road.


Millennium Centre

A meeting was held on Tuesday 12th November 6.15pm, the minutes had been circulated to all Councillors and were taken as read. The monthly rent review was held and it was agreed this should be increased by £10.00 from the 1st January, 2014. The next meeting is due to be held on Tuesday 14th January, 2014 6.15pm.

Transport Plan

The Transport Forum was held on Tuesday 26th November with Mr.Peter Brunt, Neighbourhood Highways Manager (for Devon South West) in attendance. Various issues were discussed including traffic speed, a virtual footpath through the village etc. The full notes had been distributed to all Councillors and were taken as read. Coun.Popham will continue to work on the draft Transport Plan and a further Forum will take place in February 2014

Anne Marie Morris MP

The Chairman and Clerk attended a meeting held on the 14th November. This meeting covered:

  • Super-Fast Broadband – details have been put in the December edition of the Ipplepen Parish magazine.

  • Flooding – Part of the problem is due to lack of funding to support parish lengthsmen who keep the gullies etc. clear.

  • Public Toilets – Shaldon have taken on theirs and TDC first carried out maintenance and provided a guarantee on the work.

  • Planning – MP’s are considering an amendment to the existing system to allow individuals or communities the right of appeal when a plan is passed.


The Chairman attended the meeting held on the 28th November which covered a Speaker from Healthwatch Devon and a Speaker from South Devon & Torbay Clinical Commissioning Group. It has been agreed that the Group will have their first AGM in March, it will be open to everyone and they are aiming to elect a board of 12, supported by as many as they can get on board, all unpaid volunteers. The date of the next meeting will be Thursday 30th January, 2014

134) DATES FOR 2014 MEETINGS – The Clerk

The Clerk confirmed that the date for next year’s Parish Assembly has been booked for Thursday 17th April, 2014. It was agreed that all other monthly meetings will be held in the same format as 2013.

135) AMENITIES - Coun. Carnell

Minutes were not taken for the meeting which took place on the 13th November comments as per the agenda were as follows:

a) Tennis Club Tree – This has been attended to.

b) Toll House Tree Clearance – The trees have now been removed. Coun.Smith is in touch with DCC concerning the next stage of this project.

c) Grange Close Seat – Dave Cartwright has attended to the grass around this seat.

d) Christmas Tree – The tree is in position and looks amazing.

e) Coun.Mrs.Northwood requested Amenities if we could let the Church have a bag of gritter salt, this was agreed.

e) The next Amenities meeting will be held on the 9th December 2013.

136) FINANCE & PERSONNEL – Coun.Smith

Balance No.1 Account £ 30,542.68


Mill.Centre Rent – Dec. £ 50.00

Interest – Dec £

Balance £ 30,592.68

Invoices Received for Approval:

TDC – Building Regs for Toilet Block £ 530.00 (already paid)

BT – Internet & Tel. £ 33.51 d/d

D.Cartwright – Salary Nov.. £ 378.10

Mrs.H.F.Olding – Salary Nov. £ 838.68

Inland Revenue – PAYE Month 8 £ 307.63

South West Grounds Maint. £ 101.88

Clerk’s Expenses for 3 months £ 50.00

Office Hire for 3 months £ 150.00

Staples – Emergency Box items £ 33.94

Royal British Legion – Poppy Wreath £ 10.00

Ipplepen Magazine – Subs £ 300.00

SLCC – Subs £ 147.00

Viking – Black Toner £ 67.19

Amazon - Items for Emergency Box £ 47.90

Amazon – Item for Emergency Box £ 10.00

Norton – Virus Checker renewal £ 64.99 d/d

British Gas – Elec. at field £ 48.44 d/d

Total £ 3,119.26

Balance: £27,473.42
Reserve Account
Balance £33,907.72

Overall Balance 03.12.13 £61,381.14

Items for Discussion:

a) New Clerk’s Manual £32.50 + £3.00. It was agreed to purchase this.

137) PLANNING – Coun.Tompkins
a) The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th November, 2013 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

b) Various Grants of Conditional Planning Permission were read out.

c) The following applications for planning permission were discussed:
Application 13/03240/FUL – Demolition of existing porch, works to front boundary wall, provision of new porch and first floor extension to rear to include side dormer window at June Cottage, Dornafield Road.

Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have no objection to this planning application (unanimous decision)
Application 13/03425/FUL – Agricultural building in existing yard at Bulleigh Elms Farm, Ipplepen

Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have no objection to this planning application (unanimous decision)
Application 13/03448/FUL – Demolition of existing garage and erection of replacement garage with car port at Merryrose, Bridge Street.

Comment: Ipplepen Parish Council have no objection to this planning application (unanimous decision)
138) HIGHWAYS & RIGHTS OF WAY – Coun.Smith
a) The Minutes of the meeting held on 21st November, 2013 were approved and taken as read.

b) Two road closure notices had been received and will be posted on the Parish Council Notice Board, one Orley Road 8-9th Jan. and the second Ipplepen Road, Marldon on the 9th Jan.

c) P3 Workshop – Coun.Smith confirmed that he attended a recent workshop.

d) Bus Shelter at Wellington Inn – Coun.Carnell advised that a design is underway.

e) Fermoys Footpath – Three tenders had been received as follows:
Tender ‘A’ Option 1 £8,880.00 or Option 2 £11,562

Tender ‘B’ Option 1 £23,040 or Option 2 £16,920

Tender ‘C’ £26,000
RESOLUTION: It was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously to accept Tender ‘A’, option 2 (with terram underlay) £11,562 nett of VAT and request how long they are prepared to hold their price for and to advise them that we are still waiting for confirmation of land ownership and whether DCC wish to move the 40mph sign.

f) The next Highways meeting is due to take place on the 16th January 2014.

139) PARISH PLAN 2013-2018 – On going
140) ITEMS LEFT ON THE TABLE – Available from the Clerk
141) OPEN FORUM – No further comments from the public, other than the Christmas Tree looks beautiful.
Amenities Meeting 09th December 7pm at Mill.Centre

Plans Meeting 18th December 7pm at Mill.Centre

Full Parish Council 07th January 7.15pm at Mill.Centre

MCMC 14th January 6.15pm at Mill.Centre

Highways 16th January 7pm at Mill.Centre
Meeting Closed 9.15pm

District & County Councillor’s Parish Council Report 4th December 2013
Good evening.
To help cut costs Teignbridge has been discussing sharing ICT services with other local authorities for some time. Initially a partnership with Plymouth City Council, East Devon District Council and Exeter City Council was considered, with the North, East and West Clinical Commissioning Group joining in June this year; this group is known as the Delt Partnership. Scrutiny however showed projected savings were far lower than expected. An alternative partnership involving only district-level councils has also been considered; this includes TDC, Exeter and East Devon.
ICT underpins every service the Council offers and in the meantime expenditure on upgrading the existing system will continue because the systems in place at Teignbridge at the moment will become unusable next spring – as I am sure you are aware Windows XP will cease to be supported and government at all levels will only communicate on secure systems. This has been on the cards for some time and yet nothing was done until February this year – now we are to rush into a new partnership with not enough preparation and I suspect no real savings.
This year’s delayed voter registration canvass is now underway. You will recall the government had asked all councils to delay the canvass to aid the introduction of Individual Electoral Registration. 16,491 reminders have been posted out to non-responding properties, this is 28% of the total number of properties that received a form in October. The automated services have once again proved popular with over 41% of households confirming their details this way; a 2% increase on last year. The foot canvassers will be going out early in the New Year to visit any remaining non-responding households. It is particularly important that we produce an accurate register on 17 February as not only will it form the basis of the register used for next May’s European elections, it will also be the register used to confirm elector details on the new system of individual electoral registration from 10th June 2014.
The 40-strong team of managers and volunteers who helped Teignbridge win the “Devon Games to Inspire” trophy for the first time in a decade has been crowned Teignbridge's Sports Personality of the Year 2013. Their efforts were recognised at the Awards which were held at the Langstone Cliff Hotel in Dawlish Warren on Friday 29th November.
Teignbridge achieved five gold medals in the gymnastics, bowls, skateboarding, quick stick hockey and cricket. Silver medals were awarded for boccia (a Paralympic target ball sport where athletes throw, kick or use a ramp to propel a ball onto the court with the aim of getting closest to a 'jack' ball), tennis, Year 9&10 triathlon, High 5 and Year 9&10 table tennis. Bronze medals were given to teams competing in boys’ badminton, Year 5&6 table tennis, netball, BMX and Year 7&8 triathlon.
To County matters.
Devon is in the top three performing counties in the country when it comes to recycling its waste. With a recycling rate of 55%, it remains slightly behind Oxfordshire and Leicestershire in the recycling league tables. Residents in West Devon have the best recycling rate in the county at 57%, followed closely by Teignbridge (56%) and South Hams (54%).
Although rates are high, there is still work to be done to reach Devon’s recycling target of 65% by 2025. Residents in Devon produce 350,000 tonnes of rubbish every year and around 45% of that goes to landfill. This costs £11 Million every year in landfill tax alone which could be spent on other services.
Next year communities across Devon will commemorate the contribution and sacrifice that families a century ago gave during World War One.
More than 11,000 Devon men and women died in the Great War. Communities will be coming together to discover stories about their shared past. Devon County Council has teamed up with a range of organisations – including the Royal British Legion, City Councils, Torbay Council, 43 Wessex Brigade, the Royal Navy, Exeter University, Devon Museums Group, and local history societies – to co-ordinate community projects across Devon that commemorate the centenary.
This is called Devon Remembers, and its focus will initially be on the restoration of public war memorials with £150k being made available. There were an estimated 2,000 memorials created in Devon at the end of the Great War, in local communities, as well as by schools, clubs, churches and even businesses. Organisations responsible for the maintenance of public war memorials can apply for grants of between £750 to £3,000, on condition that they contribute at least 25% of the total cost of the restoration project. The grant will be administered by the Community Council for Devon on behalf of Devon County Council.
Devon County Council has launched a campaign to encourage more prospective adopters because there are 33 children in the County waiting to be adopted. Devon Adoption service has children ranging in ages from six months to eight years, including sibling groups, waiting for a loving, safe, permanent home.
The service has cut the length of time it takes to approve adoption applications and made the process simpler to encourage more adoptive parents to come forward. Devon Adoption is keen to hear from prospective adopters. There is a new website and dedicated telephone line to help people who want to find out more about adopting, or about becoming an adopter.
Devon Adoption has extended opening times for people to drop in and find out more about the process. Devon Adoption social workers will be on hand to assist and provide advice. The number to call for information is 0345 155 1076 and the local office is at Follaton House.
The cancellation of the Atlantic Array is "likely" to be just the first of many offshore wind farms shelved as Government policies wage a war of "attrition" on investors, industry experts have warned. The cancellation of the giant project highlights the danger of relying on overseas energy suppliers to make key investments about future power generation. This project would have provided clean carbon free energy to most of the homes in the South West and 200 well paid full time jobs. And finally the 12th November marked one year on from the start of the SDLR – two more years to go . . .

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