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Junaluska Elementary School Media Center

New Books Added February 2008

E Off

Offill, Jenny, 1968-. 17 Things I'm not allowed to do anymore.

1st ed. New York : Schwartz & Wade Books, c2007. A young

girl lists the sixteen things she is not allowed to do

anymore, including not being able to make ice after freezing

a fly in one of the cubes.

F Osb

Osborne, Mary Pope. Afternoon on the Amazon. New York : Random

House, c1995. Eight-year-old Jack, his seven-year-old

sister, Annie, and Peanut the mouse ride in a tree house to

the Amazon rain forests, where they encounter giant ants,

flesh-eating piranhas, hungry crocodiles, and wild jaguars.

F Dad

Dadey, Debbie. Aliens don't wear braces. New York : Scholastic,

1993. The kids from Bailey Elementary believe their art

teacher might be an alien from outer space.

E Ryl

Rylant, Cynthia. Alligator boy. 1st ed. Orlando, Fla. :

Harcourt, c2007. A boy puts on an alligator head and tail

and is transformed into an alligator boy.

333.79 Pet

Petersen, Christine. Alternative energy. New York : Childrens

Press, c2004. Discusses various forms of energy derived

from renewable resources, such as wind power, solar power,

water power, geothermal energy, and biofuels.
E Par

Parish, Herman. Amelia Bedelia's masterpiece. 1st ed. New York

: Greenwillow Books, 2007. Housekeeper Amelia Bedelia

visits an art museum, where her confusion leads to

surprising results.
E Seu

Seuss, Dr. And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street. New

York : Random House, {1989}, c1937. A young boy thinks

about how he will tell his father what he saw on his way

home from school.
F Mcc

McCourt, Frank. Angela and the baby Jesus. New York : Simon &

Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2007. Traces the story

of six-year-old Angela, who worries for the uncovered baby

Jesus on the altar of St. Joseph's Church during the cold

and damp month of December in Limerick.

F Dad

Dadey, Debbie. Angels don't know karate. New York : Scholastic,

c1996. Melody believes that the new karate teacher, who is

also the crossing guard, is a guardian angel on a special

E Fla

Flack, Marjorie, 1897-1958. Angus and the ducks. New York :

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997, c1957. A curious Scottish

terrier decides to investigate the strange noise coming from

the other side of the hedge.
E Fla

Flack, Marjorie. Angus lost. 1st Sunburst ed. (New York) :

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997, c1958. The lovable

Scottish terrier finds himself lost in the middle of the

F Ale

Alexander, Lloyd. The Arkadians. New York : Puffin Books, 1997.

To escape the wrath of the king and his wicked soothsayers,

an honest young man joins with a poet- turned-jackass and a

young girl with mystical powers on a series of epic


E Kel

Keller, Laurie. Arnie the doughnut. 1st ed. New York : Henry

Holt, c2003. Arnie the talking doughnut convinces Mr. Bing

that not all doughnuts are meant to be eaten.

F Tan

Tan, Shaun. The arrival. 1st ed. New York : Arthur A. Levine

Books, 2007, c2006. In this wordless graphic novel, a man

leaves his homeland and sets off for a new country, where he

must build a new life for himself and his family.

E Bro

Brown, Marc Tolon. Arthur goes to camp. Boston : Little, Brown,

c1982. Arthur is not looking forward to Camp Meadowcroak,

and when mysterious things start happening there, he decides

to run away.

E Bro

Brown, Marc Tolon. Arthur, it's only rock 'n' roll. 1st ed.

Boston, Mass. : Little, Brown, c2002. Francine starts a

rock band, hoping it will focus on music rather than money

and fame.
E Bro

Brown, Marc Tolon. Arthur lost and found. 1st pbk. ed. Boston

: Little, Brown, 1998. When Arthur and Buster try to take

the bus to Arthur's swimming lesson, they fall asleep and

end up in a strange part of town.

DiTerlizzi, Tony. Arthur Spiderwick's field guide to the

fantastical world around you. 1st ed. New York : Simon &

Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2005. Introduces how to

prepare for faerie investigations and faerie world basics,

then provides sections on 31 faerie species plus an addendum

by Jared Grace.
E Bro

Brown, Marc Tolon. Arthur's baby. Boston, Mass. : Little,

Brown, c1987. Arthur isn't sure he is happy about the new

baby in the family, but when his sister asks for his help in

handling the baby, Arthur feels much better.
E Bro

Brown, Marc Tolon. Arthur's tooth. Boston, Mass. : Little,

Brown, c1985. Arthur, tired of being the only one in his

class who still has all his baby teeth, waits impatiently

for his loose tooth to fall out.
F Roo

Root, Phyllis. Aunt Nancy and the bothersome visitors. 1st ed.

Cambridge, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2007. Clever Aunt

Nancy manages to foil all those who try to get the better of


468.6 Doe

Doeden, Matt. Autos stock : stock cars. Mankato, Minn. :

Capstone, c2007. Discusses stock cars, their main features,

and racing use.
741.5 Hol

Holm, Jennifer L. Babymouse : queen of the world! New York :

Random House Children's Books, 2005. An imaginative mouse

dreams of being queen of the world, but will settle for an

invitation to the most popular girl's slumber party.
E Bal

Balian, Lorna. Bah! Humbug? New York : Star Bright Books, 2006.

Two children set a trap for Santa Claus but only one of them

manages to see him.

E Seu

Seuss, Dr. Bartholomew and the oobleck. New York : Random

House, c1949. The oobleck ordered by the King comes down

green and sticky from the sky. When everyone becomes "stuck

up" with this new sort of precipitation, Bartholomew Cubbins

suggests the King apologize. And it is that simple phrase,

"I'm sorry," uttered by the King that saves the kingdom.
796.323 Har

Hareas, John. Basketball. Rev. ed. New York : DK Pub., 2005.

Text and detailed photographs present the history,

techniques, and interesting facts of basketball.

E Fle

Fleming, Denise, 1950-. Beetle bop. Orlando, Fla. : Harcourt,

c2007. Illustrations and rhyming text reveal the great

variety of beetles and their swirling, humming, crashing

F Mil

Mills, Claudia. Being Teddy Roosevelt. 1st ed. New York :

Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007. When he is assigned Teddy

Roosevelt as his biography project in school, fourth-grader

Riley finds himself inspired by Roosevelt's tenacity and

perseverance and resolves to find a way to get what he most

wants--a saxophone and music lessons.

910.4 Har

Harward, Barnaby. The best book of pirates. Boston, Mass. :

Kingfisher, 2006. Introduction to pirates and piracy,

including the geographic areas where they were the most

active, women pirates, buried treasure, and famous pirates.

F Rob

Robinson, Barbara, 1927-. The best Christmas pageant ever. Rev.

Harper Trophy ed. New York : HarperTrophy, 2005, c1972.

The six mean Herdman kids lie, steal, smoke cigars (even the

girls) and then become involved in the community Christmas

303.34 Krz

Krzyzewski, Mike. Beyond basketball : Coach K's keywords for

success. 1st ed. New York : Warner Books, c2006. Short

but extraordinarily powerful essays as to how Coach K of

Duke inspires, motivates, andteaches his basketball players

about the game of life, both on and off the court.
F Ste

Stewart, Paul, 1955-. Beyond the Deepwoods. 1st American ed.

Oxford ; New York : David Fickling Books, 2004, c1998.

Thirteen-year-old Twig, having always looked and felt

different from his woodtroll family, learns that he is

adopted and travels out of his Deepwoods home to find the

place where he belongs.
567.9 Bro

Brown, Charlotte Lewis. Beyond the dinosaurs : monsters of the

air and sea. 1st ed. New York : HarperCollinsPublishers,

c2007. Strange and wonderful creatures shared Earth with

the dinosaurs. These and other amazing animals are

introduced to young readers in easy-to-read text and

F Pit

Pitchford, Dean. The big one-oh. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons,

2007. Determined not to be weird all his life like his

neighbor, Charley Maplewood decides to throw himself a tenth

birthday party, complete with a "house of horrors" theme,

but first he will have to make some friends to invite.

E Cap

Capucilli, Alyssa Satin, 1957-. Biscuit's day at the farm. 1st

ed. New York : HarperCollins, c2007. Biscuit the dog meets

hens, pigs, geese, and goats while visiting a farm.

F Ale

Alexander, Lloyd. The black cauldron. [1st ed.]. New York, :

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [1965]. Taran must conquer

Arawn, lord of the land of Death, to protect his kingdom of

741.5 ODo

O'Donnell, Liam, 1970-. Blackbeard's sword : the pirate king of

the Carolinas. Minneapolis, Minn. : Stone Arch Books,

c2007. Lieutenan Maynard and his men of the Royal Navy

decide to capture Blackbeard, but when they enlist the aid

of local fishermen they find they may be headed to a trap.

F Osb

Osborne, Mary Pope. Blizzard of the blue moon. 1st ed. New

York : Random House, c2006. The magic tree house carries

Jack and Annie to New York City in 1938 on a mission to

rescue the last unicorn.

F Dad

Dadey, Debbie. Bogeymen don't play football. New York :

Scholastic, c1997. Howie and his friends are not sure what

to think of their new student teacher, Mr. Bogey, the big

mysterious football player who may be the Bogeyman.

F Ale

Alexander, Lloyd. The book of three. New York : Dell, c1964.

The story of Taran, an assistant pig-keeper who wants to

become a hero.

E Cro

Cronin, Doreen. Bounce. 1st ed. New York : Atheneum Books for

Young Readers, c2007. Rhyming text offers advice on the

best ways for toddlers to bounce.

F Dem

Demi. The boy who painted dragons. 1st ed. New York : Margaret

K. McElderry Books, c2007. Ping, a painter of dragons--of

which he is secretly afraid--is challenged to seek the

truth, find the truth, and dare to be true.
E May

Mayer, Mercer, 1943-. The bravest knight. New York : Dial Books

for Young Readers, 2007. A little boy imagines the

adventures he would have if he lived a thousand years ago

and was the squire of a bold knight who fought dragons and

641.5 Kal

Kalman, Bobbie, 1947-. Breakfast blast. New York : Crabtree

Pub., c2003. Introduces breakfast recipes that cover all

the food groups and promotes healthy choices.
F Osb

Osborne, Mary Pope. Buffalo before breakfast. New York : Random

House, c1999. The magic tree house takes Jack and his

sister Annie to the Great Plains where they learn about the

life of the Lakota Indians.
796.332 Ste

Stewart, Mark, 1960-. The Buffalo Bills. Chicago : Norwood

House Press, c2008. Presents the history, accomplishments

and key personalities of the Buffalo Bills football team.

E Wel

Wells, Rosemary. Bunny party. New York : Puffin Books, 2003,

c2001. Max and his big sister Ruby disagree about which of

their toys to invite to Grandma's birthday party.

E Zol

Zolotow, Charlotte, 1915-. The bunny who found Easter. Boston :

Houghton Mifflin, 1998. A lonely rabbit searches for others

of his kind from summer through winter until spring arrives

and he finds one special bunny.
796.323 You

Young, Jeff C., 1948-. Burning up the court : the Miami Heat.

Berkeley Heights, N.J. : MyReportLinks.com Books, c2008.

Examine the history and highlights of the National

Basketball Association's Miami Heat.
E Seu

Seuss, Dr. The butter battle book. New York : Random House,

c1984. Engaged in a long-running battle, the Yooks and the

Zooks develop more and more sophisticated weaponry as they

attempt to outdo each other.
F Kru

Krulik, Nancy. Can you get an F in lunch? New York :

Scholastic, 2007, c2006. Jenny feels confident about

starting middle school, until she finds that her friend

Addie has other plans that don't include her.
F Wil

Wilson, Jacqueline. Candyfloss. 1st American ed. New York :

Roaring Book Press, 2007, c2006. When her mother plans to

move to Australia with her new husband and baby, Floss must

decide whether her loyalties lie with her mother or her

father, while at the same time, her best friend begins to

make fun of her and reject her.

DiTerlizzi, Tony. Care and feeding of sprites. 1st ed. New

York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2006.

Describes the different sprites of the Spiderwick

F Osb

Osborne, Mary Pope. Carnival at candlelight. New York : Random

House, c2005. Merlin has asked Jack and Annie to help with

another Merlin Mission of going back to Venice, Italy in the

791.43 Jow

Jowett, Simon. Cars : the essential guide. 1st American ed.

New York : DK Pub., 2006. Guide to the Disney animated

movie, Cars.

F Ale

Alexander, Lloyd. The castle of Llyr. [1st ed.]. New York, :

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [1966]. Princess Eilonwy goes

to the Isle of Mona for training as a proper princess, and

there her loyal friends must go to rescue her when something

sinister befalls her.

423 Seu

Seuss, Dr. The cat in the hat beginner book dictionary. New

York : Beginner Books, 2007, c1964. Pictures carry meaning

in this dictionary of over a thousand elementary words.

468.6 Seu

Seuss, Dr. The cat in the hat beginner book dictionary in

Spanish. New York : Beginner Books, c1994. Pictures carry

meaning in this dictionary of over a thousand elementary

E Seu

Seuss, Dr. The cat in the hat comes back! New York : Random

House, c1986. Further mischief of the cat in the hat, who

upsets the household again.
784.6 Seu

Seuss, Dr. The cat in the hat songbook. New York : Random

House, c1967. This classically wacky songbook contains 19

Seuss-songs for the beginning singer.

E Rey

Rey, H. A. (Hans Augusto), 1898-. Cecily G. and the 9 monkeys.

Boston : Houghton Mifflin, {1989} c1969. A lonely giraffe

teams up with the nine playful monkeys.

796.323 Ste

Stewart, Mark, 1960-. The Charlotte Bobcats. Chicago, Ill. :

Norwood House Press, c2008. Presents the history,

accomplishments and key personalities of the Charlotte

Bobcats basketball team.
813 Hal

Hale, Bruce. Chet Gecko's detective handbook (and cookbook) :

tips for private eyes and snack food lovers. Orlando :

Harcourt, 2005.

F Osb

Osborne, Mary Pope. Christmas in Camelot. New York : Random

House, c2001. On Christmas Eve, Jack and Annie's tree house

transports them to King Arthur's castle at Camelot, where

they undertake a quest to the castle of the Otherworld.
F Osb

Osborne, Mary Pope. Civil War on Sunday. New York : Random

House, c2000. Jack and Annie are transported by their magic

tree house to the time of the Civil War where they meet

Clara Barton.

F Ste

Stewart, Paul. Clash of the sky galleons. 1st American ed.

Oxford ; New York : David Fickling Books, 2007, c2006.

Quint leaves his studies at the Knights Academy in

Sanctaphrax to assist his father Wind Jackall in his

obsessive and dangerous quest to track down and bring to

justice the evil Turbot Smeal.

F Ker

Kerr, Philip. The Cobra King of Kathmandu. New York :

Scholastic, 2007. Twelve-year-old djinn twins Philippa and

John and their friend Dybbuk have further adventures as they

travel the world in search of a priceless talisman.
641.5 Bul

Bull, Jane, 1957-. The cooking book. 1st American ed. London ;

New York : DK Pub., 2002. Illustrations and simple text

provide instructions for creating a variety of foods.

641.5 Ray

Ray, Rachael. Cooking rocks! : 30-minute meals for kids. 1st

ed. New York : Lake Isle Press, 2004.
F Fei

Feinstein, John. Cover-up. 1st ed. New York : Alfred A. Knopf,

c2007. Fledgling fourteen-year-old sports reporters Susan

Carol and Stevie investigate suspicious activities at the

Super Bowl after Stevie gets fired from his co-anchor job on

a ground-breaking teen sports show.

F Dad

Dadey, Debbie. Cupid doesn't flip hamburgers. New York :

Scholastic, 1995. The kids of Bailey School find out if the

new cook in the cafeteria is really Cupid.

E Rey

Rey, H. A. (Hans Augusto), 1898-. Curious George. Sandpiper ed.

Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c1993, c1969. The curiosity of a

newly-captured monkey gets him into continuous trouble, but

is saved by his friend, the man in the yellow hat.
E Rey

Rey, Margret. Curious George flies a kite. Boston : Houghton

Mifflin, c1986. After a day of playing with a ball, fishing

at the lake, and losing a baby rabbit, Curious George needs

to be rescued when he tries to fly a kite.
E Rey

Rey, Margret. Curious George goes to the hospital. Boston, :

Houghton Mifflin Co., 1966, 1994. A curious monkey goes to

the hospital after swallowing a piece of jigsaw puzzle.

E Rey

Rey, H. A. (Hans Augusto), 1898-. Curious George learns the

alphabet. Boston, Mass. : Houghton Mifflin, 1963. The man

wih the yellow hat illustrates the alphabet for his curious

monkey friend.
E Rey

Rey, H. A. (Hans Augusto), 1898-. Curious George takes a job.

Boston, Mass. : Houghton Mifflin, c1947. Curious George

takes a window washing job and ends up a movie star.

741.5 Ros

Ross, Stewart. Curse of the crocodile god. 1st American ed.

New York : DK Pub., 2007. In Ancient Egypt, he lives of

thirteen-year-olds Methen and Madja are endangered when they

stumble across a group of grave robbers who are plundering

the pyramids.

F Ste

Stewart, Paul, 1955-. The curse of the gloamglozer. 1st

American ed. Oxford ; New York : David Fickling Books,

2005, c2001. Apprenticed to the Most High Academe of

Sanctaphrax, a floating city of scholars, gossip, and

treachery, fourteen-year-old Quint runs increasingly

dangerous errands, which eventually bring him to a place of

gruesome monsters that threaten his life and those of his

E Seu

Seuss, Dr. Daisy-head Mayzie. New York : Random House, c1994.

Young Mayzie McGrew becomes a worldwide sensation when a

daisy grows out of the top of her head and everyone attempts

to get rid of it.
F Osb

Osborne, Mary Pope. Day of the Dragon King. New York : Random

House, c1998. The magic treehouse takes Jack and Annie back

two thousand years to ancient China where they must find the

original copy of an old legend before the Imperial Library

is burned down by the evil Dragon King.

F Had

Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Dexter the tough. 1st ed. New York

: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2007. A

sympathetic teacher and her writing assignment help

fourth-grader Dexter deal with being the new kid in school

after he punches a kid on the first day.

E Seu

Seuss, Dr. Did I ever tell you how lucky you are? New York, :

Random House, [1973]. Compared to the problems of some of

the creatures the old man describes, the boy is really quite

921 Ein

Berger, Melvin. Did it take creativity to find relativity,

Albert Einstein? New York : Scholastic Nonfiction, 2007.

Twenty questions about Albert Einstein are answered,

including why Einstein didn't get good grades in school, how

Einstein helped end World War II, and what idea made

Einstein famous.
921 Bel

Berger, Melvin. Did you invent the phone alone, Alexander Graham

Bell? New York : Scholastic Nonfiction, 2007. Gives

answers to twenty questions about Alexander Graham Bell,

including what inspired Bell to work with deaf children and

what devices he invented.

E Lin

Lin, Grace. Dim sum for everyone! New York : Dell Dragonfly

Books, 2003, c2001. A child describes the various little

dishes of dim sum that she and her family enjoy on a visit

to a restaurant in Chinatown.
F Osb

Osborne, Mary Pope. Dingoes at dinnertime. New York : Random

House, c2000. The magic tree house whisks Jack and Annie

away to Australia where they must save some animals from a

F Osb

Osborne, Mary Pope. Dinosaurs before dark. New York : Random

House, c1992. Eight-year-old Jack and his younger sister

Annie find a magic tree house, which whisks them back to an

ancient time zone where they see live dinosaurs.
641.5 Ibb

Ibbs, Katharine. DK children's cookbook. 1st American ed. New

York : Dorling Kindersley, c2004. Presents illustrated

explanations of cooking terms, equipment, techniques,

preparation tips, advice on healthy eating, and more than

fifty recipes.

E Rot

Roth, Susan L. Do re mi : if you can read music, thank Guido

d'Arezzo. Boston, Mass. : Houghton Mifflin, 2006. For many

years, Guido d'Arezzo, a young man from Tuscany, has

imagined that his system of lines and spaces can be used as

a written language of music and he is determined to make his

ideas work.
E See

Seeger, Laura Vaccaro. Dog and Bear : two friends, three

stories. 1st ed. New Milford, Conn. : Roaring Brook Press,

2007. Bear in the chair -- Play with me! Play with me! --

Dog changes his name. Three easy-to-read stories reveal the

close friendship between Dog and Bear.

F Wal

Wallace, Bill, 1947-. A dog called Kitty. New York : Pocket

Books, 1992, c1980. Afraid of dogs since he was attacked by

a mad one, Ricky resists taking in a homeless pup that shows

up at the farm.
F Bya

Byars, Betsy Cromer. Dog diaries : secret writings of the WOOF

Society. 1st ed. New York : H. Holt, 2007. At the first

annual meeting of WOOF--Words of Our Friends--assorted dogs

preserve their heritage by sharing tales of canines

throughout history, including Abu, who ruled all of Egypt

except for one pesky cat, and Zippy, who simply must find

the squeaky toy.

811 Cle

Clements, Andrew, 1949-. Dogku. 1st ed. New York : Simon &

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